public static function ClosestEvents() { $Events = Events::getEvents(); $ClosestEvents = []; $CurrentDate = date('Y-m-d'); // Soon foreach ($Events as $Event) { if (isset($Event['next_start'])) { $EventBeginDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($Event['next_start'])); $LimitStartDate = Events::setTimeLimitStart('- 1 week', $CurrentDate); $LimitEndDate = Events::setTimeLimitEnd('+ 1 day', $CurrentDate); if ($LimitStartDate < $EventBeginDate && $EventBeginDate < $LimitEndDate && $CurrentDate < $Event['next_end']) { $ClosestEvents['today'][] = $Event; } } } // This Week foreach ($Events as $Event) { if (isset($Event['next_start'])) { $EventBeginDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+ 1 week', strtotime($Event['next_start']))); $LimitStartDate = Events::setTimeLimitStart('+ 2 day', $CurrentDate); $LimitEndDate = Events::setTimeLimitEnd('+ 3 week', $CurrentDate); if ($LimitStartDate < $EventBeginDate && $EventBeginDate < $LimitEndDate) { $ClosestEvents['soon'][] = $Event; } } } return $ClosestEvents; }
function getEvents() { $arr_submit = array(array('start'), array('end')); $frm_submitted = $arr_submit; if (!$error) { $arr_content = Events::getEvents($frm_submitted); } else { $arr_content = array(); } echo json_encode($arr_content); }
function getEvents() { global $error; $arr_submit = array(array('cal_id', 'string', false, ''), array('start', 'int', true, ''), array('end', 'int', true, ''), array('sd', 'string', false, ''), array('ft', 'string', false, '')); $frm_submitted = validate_var($arr_submit); if (!$error) { if (isset($_SESSION['fast-easy-calender-sd'])) { $frm_submitted['sd'] = ''; $frm_submitted['ft'] = ''; unset($_SESSION['fast-easy-calender-sd']); } else { $_SESSION['fast-easy-calender-sd'] = true; } $arr_content = Events::getEvents($frm_submitted); } else { $arr_content = array(); } echo json_encode($arr_content); }
header('Location: /game/profession'); } $Profession = Professions::GetProfession($_REQUEST['lastcategory']); $Smarty->assign('Profession', $Profession); $Smarty->assign('Navigation', Professions::GetNavigation($Profession['id'])); $Smarty->assign('Page', Page::Info('profession', array('bodycss' => 'profession-page profession-' . $_REQUEST['lastcategory'] . '', 'pagetitle' => $Profession['profession_translation'] . ' - ' . $Smarty->GetConfigVars('Menu_Game') . ' - '))); $Smarty->display('pages/game_profession'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['subcategory'] == 'events') { Manager::LoadExtension('Events', $ClassConstructor); $Smarty->translate('Events'); $EventName = $_REQUEST['lastcategory']; $EventData = Events::getEventData($EventName); if (!$EventData) { header('Location: /game/events'); } else { $Events = Events::getEvents(); $PageEventData = []; foreach ($Events as $Event) { if (isset($Event['description'])) { $EventName = str_replace('\'', '', $Event['description']); if (trim($EventData['name']) == trim($EventName)) { $PageEventData = $Event; } } } $Smarty->assign('DData', $PageEventData); $Smarty->assign('Event', $EventData); $Smarty->assign('Page', Page::Info('game', array('bodycss' => 'page view-page', 'pagetitle' => $EventData['name'] . ' - '))); $Smarty->display('pages/game_event_data'); } }
public function testGetEvents() { TestingAuxLib::loadX2NonWebUser(); TestingAuxLib::suLogin('admin'); Yii::app()->settings->historyPrivacy = null; $lastEventId = 0; $lastTimestamp = 0; $events = Events::getEvents($lastEventId, $lastTimestamp, 4); $this->assertEquals(Yii::app()->db->createCommand("select id from x2_events order by timestamp desc, id desc limit 4")->queryColumn(), array_map(function ($event) { return $event->id; }, $events['events'])); }
public function actionGetEvents($lastEventId, $lastTimestamp, $myProfileId, $profileId) { // validate params if (!ctype_digit($lastEventId) || !ctype_digit($lastTimestamp) || !ctype_digit($myProfileId) || !ctype_digit($profileId)) { throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('app', 'Invalid parameter')); } $myProfile = Profile::model()->findByPk($myProfileId); $profile = Profile::model()->findByPk($profileId); if (!isset($myProfile) || !isset($profile)) { return false; } $result = Events::getEvents($lastEventId, $lastTimestamp, null, $profile, $myProfile->id === $profile->id); $events = $result['events']; $eventData = ""; $newLastEventId = $lastEventId; $newLastTimestamp = $lastTimestamp; foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event instanceof Events) { if ($event->id > $newLastEventId) { $newLastEventId = $event->id; } if ($event->timestamp > $newLastTimestamp) { $newLastTimestamp = $event->timestamp; } $eventData .= $this->renderPartial('application.views.profile._viewEvent', array('data' => $event, 'noDateBreak' => true, 'profileId' => $profileId), true); } } $commentCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $sqlParams = array(':lastEventId' => $lastEventId); $condition = "associationType='Events' AND \n timestamp <=" . time() . " AND id > :lastEventId"; $parameters = array('order' => 'id ASC'); $parameters['condition'] = $condition; $parameters['params'] = $sqlParams; $commentCriteria->scopes = array('findAll' => array($parameters)); $comments = X2Model::model('Events')->findAll($commentCriteria); $commentCounts = array(); $lastCommentId = $lastEventId; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $parentPost = X2Model::model('Events')->findByPk($comment->associationId); if (isset($parentPost) && !isset($commentCounts[$parentPost->id])) { $commentCounts[$parentPost->id] = count($parentPost->children); } $lastCommentId = $comment->id; } echo CJSON::encode(array($newLastEventId, $newLastEventId != $lastEventId ? $eventData : '', $commentCounts, $lastCommentId, $newLastTimestamp)); }
function getEvents() { global $error; $arr_submit = array(array('start', 'int', true, ''), array('end', 'int', true, '')); $frm_submitted = validate_var($arr_submit); if (!$error) { $arr_content = Events::getEvents($frm_submitted); } else { $arr_content = array(); } echo json_encode($arr_content); }
function getEvents($inputs) { include "Events.php"; $event = new Events(); $event->getEvents($inputs[0]); }
define("FILE_OUTPUT", "/index.html"); define("TEN_WORD_USER", "workingwithme"); define("TWITTER_USERNAME", "NeilCrosby"); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); function __autoload($class_name) { require_once 'classes/' . $class_name . '.php'; } $eventsObj = new Events(INPUT_EVENTS); $flickr = getHtmlForStream('flickr', INPUT_RSS_FLICKR, 7); $considered = getHtmlForStream('considered', INPUT_RSS_CONSIDERED, 5); $stream = ''; //getHtmlForStream('consciousness', INPUT_RSS_CONSCIOUSNESS, 20); $others = ''; //getHtmlForStream('otherssaid', INPUT_RSS_OTHERS_SAID, 30); $events = $eventsObj->getEvents(); if (!$flickr || !$considered) { error_log("some data didn't return"); return; } mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $template = getTemplate(); $template = str_replace(array('##flickr##', '##consideredthoughts##', '##streamofconsciousness##', '##otherssaid##', '###events###'), array($flickr, $considered, $stream, $others, $events), $template); saveOutput($template); $server = 80 == $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if (!isset($_GET['no_redirect'])) { header("Location: http://{$server}/"); } exit; function getTemplate() {
/** * Obtain all current notifications/events for the current web user. */ public function actionGet() { if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo CJSON::encode(array('sessionError' => Yii::t('app', 'Your X2Engine session has expired. You may select "cancel" to ignore this message and recover unsaved data from the current page. Otherwise, you will be redirected to the login page.'))); Yii::app()->end(); } if (!isset($_GET['lastNotifId'])) { // if the client doesn't specify the last $_GET['lastNotifId'] = 0; } // message ID received, send everything $notifications = $this->getNotifications($_GET['lastNotifId']); $notifCount = 0; if (count($notifications)) { $notifCount = X2Model::model('Notification')->countByAttributes(array('user' => Yii::app()->user->name), 'createDate < ' . time()); } $chatMessages = array(); $lastEventId = 0; $lastTimestamp = 0; // if the client specifies the last message ID received, if (isset($_GET['lastEventId']) && is_numeric($_GET['lastEventId'])) { // only send newer messages $lastEventId = $_GET['lastEventId']; } if (isset($_GET['lastTimestamp']) && is_numeric($_GET['lastTimestamp'])) { $lastTimestamp = $_GET['lastTimestamp']; } if ($lastEventId == 0) { // get page of newest events $retVal = Events::getFilteredEventsDataProvider(null, true, null, isset($_SESSSION['filters'])); $dataProvider = $retVal['dataProvider']; $events = $dataProvider->getData(); } else { // get new events $limit = null; $result = Events::getEvents($lastEventId, $lastTimestamp, $limit); $events = $result['events']; } $i = count($events) - 1; for ($i; $i > -1; --$i) { if (isset($events[$i])) { $userLink = '<span class="widget-event">' . $events[$i]->user . '</span>'; $chatMessages[] = array((int) $events[$i]->id, (int) $events[$i]->timestamp, $userLink, $events[$i]->getText(array('truncated' => true)), Formatter::formatFeedTimestamp($events[$i]->timestamp)); } } if (!empty($notifications) || !empty($chatMessages)) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo CJSON::encode(array('notifCount' => $notifCount, 'notifData' => $notifications, 'chatData' => $chatMessages)); } }
<?php require "Events.php"; // Look for a valid action if (isset($_GET['method'])) { switch ($_GET['method']) { case "eventList": $events = new Events(); $data = $events->getEvents(); break; case "event": $event_id = (int) $_GET['event_id']; $events = new Events(); $data = $events->getEventById($event_id); break; default: http_response_code(400); $data = array("error" => "bad request"); break; } } else { http_response_code(400); $data = array("error" => "bad request"); } // let's send the data back header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($data);
<?php //require_once 'core/DB.php'; require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'core/EventModel.php'; class Events extends EventModel { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } public function getEvents() { $u = $this->db->select('events', '*'); print $u[0]['text']; } } $obj = new Events(); $obj->getEvents();