Esempio n. 1
 function delete_qun($qid, $cat_id)
     $where_sql = " qid='{$qid}' ";
     DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('qun') . " WHERE {$where_sql}");
     DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('qun_user') . " WHERE {$where_sql}");
     $info = DB::fetch_first("SELECT icon FROM " . DB::table('qun') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}'");
     if (!empty($info['icon'])) {
         unlink($this->qun_avatar($qid, 's'));
         unlink($this->qun_avatar($qid, 'b'));
     DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('qun_announcement') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}'");
     $cat_ary = $this->get_category();
     $top_cat_id = $cat_ary['second'][$cat_id]['parent_id'];
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('qun_category') . "\r\n\t\t\t\t   SET qun_num = if(qun_num>0,qun_num-1,0)\r\n\t\t\t\t   WHERE cat_id IN('{$cat_id}','{$top_cat_id}') ");
     $EventLogic = new EventLogic();
     $eid_arr = array();
     $query = DB::query("SELECT eid FROM " . DB::table('qun_event') . " WHERE qid='{$qid}'");
     while ($val = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $eid_arr[$val['eid']] = $val['eid'];
     foreach ($eid_arr as $key => $eid) {
     $tids = array();
     $query = DB::query("SELECT tid FROM " . DB::table('topic_qun') . " WHERE item_id='{$qid}'");
     while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $tids[] = $value['tid'];
     if (!empty($tids)) {
         DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('topic_qun') . " WHERE item_id='{$qid}'");
         $where_sql = " tid IN(" . jimplode($tids) . ") ";
         DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('topic') . " WHERE {$where_sql} ");
Esempio n. 2
 function editEvent()
     $id = (int) $this->Get['id'];
     $EventLogic = new EventLogic();
     $postman = $EventLogic->get_postman($id);
     if ($postman != MEMBER_ID) {
     $free = 'checked';
     $all = 'checked';
     $info = array();
     $info = jconf::get('profileeventinfo');
     $val = array();
     if ($id) {
         $act = "edit";
         $val = $EventLogic->get_event_info($id);
         $item_id = $val['item_id'];
         $title = $val['title'];
         $moneys = $val['money'];
         $content = $val['content'];
         $address = $val['address'];
         if ($val['image']) {
             $image = $val['image'];
         $edit_fromt = date("Y-m-d", $val['fromt']);
         $edit_fromt_h = date("H", $val['fromt']);
         $edit_fromt_i = date("i", $val['fromt']);
         $edit_tot = date("Y-m-d", $val['tot']);
         $edit_tot_h = date("H", $val['tot']);
         $edit_tot_i = date("i", $val['tot']);
         if ($val['money']) {
             $money = 'checked';
             $free = '';
         } else {
             $money = '';
             $free = 'checked';
         $qualification = unserialize($val['qualification']);
         if (count($qualification)) {
             $qua = "checked";
             $all = "";
             if ($qualification['fans_num']) {
                 $fans = "checked";
                 $fans_num = $qualification['fans_num'];
             if ($qualification['same_city']) {
                 $same_city = "checked";
             if ($qualification['inqun']) {
                 $inqun = " checked ";
         $need_app_info = unserialize($val['need_app_info']);
         if (count($need_app_info)) {
             foreach ($need_app_info as $value) {
                 $info[$value]['checked'] = "checked";
     $rs = $EventLogic->get_event_type(TRUE);
     $event_type = jform()->Select("type", $rs, $val['type_id']);
     $province = $EventLogic->get_province();
     $province_id = $val['province_id'];
     $hid_province = $province_id;
     $province_list = jform()->Select("province", $province, $province_id, "onchange=\"changeProvince();\"");
     $city_id = $val['city_id'];
     $hid_city = $city_id;
     $area_id = $val['area_id'];
     $hid_area = $area_id;
     $fromt = $edit_fromt ? $edit_fromt : my_date_format(TIMESTAMP, 'Y-m-d');
     $edit_fromt_h = $edit_fromt_h ? $edit_fromt_h : false;
     $edit_fromt_i = $edit_fromt_i ? $edit_fromt_i : false;
     $hour_select_from = mk_time_select('hour', $edit_fromt_h, 'hour_select_from');
     $min_select_from = mk_time_select('min', $edit_fromt_i, 'min_select_from');
     $tot = $edit_tot ? $edit_tot : my_date_format(TIMESTAMP + 7 * 24 * 3600, 'Y-m-d');
     $edit_tot_h = $edit_tot_h ? $edit_tot_h : false;
     $edit_tot_i = $edit_tot_i ? $edit_tot_i : false;
     $hour_select_to = mk_time_select('hour', $edit_tot_h, 'hour_select_to');
     $min_select_to = mk_time_select('min', $edit_tot_i, 'min_select_to');
     $member = $this->Member;
     $this->Title = "修改活动";
     include template('event/event_create');
Esempio n. 3
 function need_info()
     $EventLogic = new EventLogic();
     $id = (int) $this->Get['id'];
     $post = $this->Post;
     $profile = jlogic('member_profile')->getProfile();
     $event_info = $EventLogic->get_event_info($id);
     $qua = $event_info['need_app_info'];
     $qua_info = unserialize($qua);
     $qua_arr = array();
     $time = TIMESTAMP;
     if ($qua_info) {
         foreach ($qua_info as $key => $val) {
             if (!$post[$val]) {
                 json_error("请输入" . $profile[$val]['title']);
             if ($profile[$val]['formtype'] == 'select' && $profile[$val]['choices']) {
                 $choices = explode("\r\n", $profile[$val]['choices']);
                 foreach ($choices as $v) {
                     list($v1, $v2) = explode("|", $v);
                     $v2 || ($v2 = $v1);
                     $new_choices[$v1] = $v2;
                 if ($new_choices[$post[$val]]) {
                     $post[$val] = $new_choices[$post[$val]];
             $qua_arr[$profile[$val]['title']] = $post[$val];
     $qua_arr['留言'] = $post['content'];
     $qua = serialize($qua_arr);
     $EventLogic->doApp($id, $qua);
Esempio n. 4
 function view()
     $uid = MEMBER_ID;
     $qid = intval(trim($this->Get['qid']));
     $tag = get_safe_code($this->Get['tag']);
     $view = trim($this->Get['view']);
     $qun_info = $this->QunLogic->get_qun_info($qid);
     if ($qun_info['qun_theme_id']) {
         $this->Config['qun_theme_id'] = $qun_info['qun_theme_id'];
         $this->Config['theme_id'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_bg_image'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_bg_color'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_text_color'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_link_color'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_bg_image_type'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_bg_repeat'] = '';
         $this->Config['theme_bg_fixed'] = '';
     if (empty($qun_info)) {
         $this->Messager("当前" . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . "不存在或者已经被删除了", 'index.php?mod=qun');
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $qun_info['icon'] = $this->QunLogic->qun_avatar($qun_info['qid'], 's');
     } else {
         $qun_info['icon'] = $this->QunLogic->qun_avatar($qun_info['qid'], 'b');
     $active = array();
     $topic_list = array();
     $get_topic_flg = true;
     $this->item_id = $qid;
     $params['code'] = $this->item;
     $cat_ary = $this->QunLogic->get_category();
     $top_cat = array();
     $sub_cat = array();
     if ($cat_ary['second'][$qun_info['cat_id']]) {
         $sub_cat = array('cat_name' => $cat_ary['second'][$qun_info['cat_id']]['cat_name'], 'cat_id' => $qun_info['cat_id']);
         $parent_id = $cat_ary['second'][$qun_info['cat_id']]['parent_id'];
         $top_cat = array('cat_name' => $cat_ary['first'][$parent_id]['cat_name'], 'cat_id' => $parent_id);
     } else {
         $top_cat = array('cat_name' => $cat_ary['first'][$qun_info['cat_id']]['cat_name'], 'cat_id' => $qun_info['cat_id']);
     $founder_info = $this->TopicLogic->GetMember($qun_info['founderuid']);
     $qun_admin_list = $this->QunLogic->get_admin_list($qid);
     $tag_ary = $this->QunLogic->get_qun_tag($qid);
     $recd_event_list = $this->QunLogic->getRecdEventList($qid);
     $recd_vote_list = $this->QunLogic->getRecdVoteList($qid);
     $followme_nums = $this->QunLogic->followme_nums($qid, MEMBER_ID);
     $perm = $this->QunLogic->chk_perm($qid, MEMBER_ID);
     $status = '';
     $allow_list_manage = false;
     if (in_array($perm, array(1, 2, 4)) || MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE == 'admin') {
         $status = 'isgroupuser';
         $allow_list_manage = true;
     $gets = array('mod' => 'qun', 'type' => $this->Get['type'], 'qid' => $qid, 'tag' => $this->Get['tag'], 'code' => $this->Code);
     $page_url = 'index.php?' . url_implode($gets);
     $where = " type!='reply' ";
     if ($this->Get['type']) {
         if ('pic' == $this->Get['type']) {
             $where = " `imageid` > 0 ";
         } else {
             if ('video' == $this->Get['type']) {
                 $where = " `videoid` > 0 ";
             } else {
                 if ('music' == $this->Get['type']) {
                     $where = " `musicid` > 0 ";
                 } else {
                     $this->Get['type'] = '';
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM  " . DB::table('tag') . " WHERE name='" . addslashes($tag) . "'";
         $tag_info = DB::fetch_first($sql);
         $tag_id = $tag_info['id'];
         $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM " . DB::table('topic_tag') . " WHERE tag_id='{$tag_id}' ";
         $query = DB::query($sql);
         $topic_ids = array();
         while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $topic_ids[$row['item_id']] = $row['item_id'];
         if (!empty($topic_ids)) {
             $where .= " AND tid IN(" . jimplode($topic_ids) . ") ";
         $content = "#{$tag}#";
         $view = 'tag';
     } else {
         if ($view == "newreply") {
             $type_where = ' AND ' . $where;
             $per_page_num = $this->ShowConfig['qun']['topic_reply'] ? $this->ShowConfig['qun']['topic_reply'] : 10;
             $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('topic') . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWhere `replys` > 0 AND item='qun' AND item_id='{$qid}' {$type_where}");
             if ($count > 0) {
                 $page_arr = page($count, $per_page_num, $page_url, array('return' => 'array'));
                 $condition = " WHERE  `replys` > 0 AND item='qun' AND item_id='{$qid}' {$type_where} ORDER BY `lastupdate` DESC {$page_arr['limit']}";
                 $topic_list = $this->TopicLogic->Get($condition);
             $get_topic_flg = false;
         } else {
             if ($view == 'recd') {
                 $TopicListLogic = new TopicListLogic();
                 $p = array('where' => " tr.recd <= 2 AND tr.item='qun' AND tr.item_id='{$qid}' ", 'perpage' => $per_page_num, 'filter' => $this->Get['type']);
                 $info = $TopicListLogic->get_recd_list($p);
                 if (!empty($info)) {
                     $count = $info['count'];
                     $topic_list = $info['list'];
                     $page_arr = $info['page'];
                 $get_topic_flg = false;
             } elseif ($view == 'event') {
                 $param = array('qid' => $qid, 'where' => " a.item = 'qun' and a.item_id = '{$qid}' ", 'page' => true, 'perpage' => 10, 'page_url' => 'index.php?mod=qun&view=event&qid=' . $qid);
                 $EventLogic = new EventLogic();
                 $return = $EventLogic->getEventInfo($param);
                 $count = $return['count'] ? $return['count'] : 0;
                 $event = $return['event_list'];
                 $page_arr = $return['page'];
                 $get_topic_flg = false;
             } elseif ($view == 'vote') {
                 $VoteLogic = new VoteLogic();
                 $param = array('where' => " v.item = 'qun' and v.item_id = '{$qid}' ", 'order' => " order by v.dateline ", 'page' => true, 'perpage' => 10, 'page_url' => 'index.php?mod=qun&view=vote&qid=' . $qid);
                 $return = $VoteLogic->find($param);
                 $count = $return['count'] ? $return['count'] : 0;
                 if (!empty($return)) {
                     $vote_list = $return['vote_list'];
                     $page_arr['html'] = $return['page']['html'];
                     $uid_ary = $return['uids'];
                 if (!empty($uid_ary)) {
                     $members = $this->TopicLogic->GetMember($uid_ary);
                 $get_topic_flg = false;
             } elseif ($view == 'image') {
                 $param = array('item' => 'qun', 'itemid' => $qid, 'page' => true, 'per_page_num' => 20, 'page_url' => 'index.php?mod=qun&view=image&qid=' . $qid);
                 $return = jlogic('image')->get($param);
                 $count = $return['count'] ? $return['count'] : 0;
                 $image_list = $return['list'];
                 $page_arr['html'] = $return['page']['html'];
                 $get_topic_flg = false;
             } elseif ($view == 'attach' && $this->Config['qun_attach_enable']) {
                 global $attach_list;
                 $type = $this->Get['type'];
                 $AttachLogic = new AttachLogic();
                 $param = array('item' => 'qun', 'itemid' => $qid, 'page' => true, 'per_page_num' => 20, 'page_url' => 'index.php?mod=qun&view=attach&qid=' . $qid . '&type=' . $type);
                 if ($type) {
                     if ('hot' == $type) {
                         $param['order'] = " order by download DESC ";
                     } else {
                         if ('new' == $type) {
                             $param['order'] = " order by id DESC ";
                 $return = $AttachLogic->get($param);
                 $count = $return['count'] ? $return['count'] : 0;
                 $attach_list = $return['list'];
                 $page_arr['html'] = $return['page']['html'];
                 $get_topic_flg = false;
             } else {
                 $view = 'newtopic';
         $active[$view] = "class='current'";
     if ($get_topic_flg) {
         $options = array('where' => $where, 'page' => true, 'perpage' => $this->ShowConfig['qun']['topic_new'] ? $this->ShowConfig['qun']['topic_new'] : 10, 'page_url' => $page_url);
         $topic_info = app_get_topic_list($this->item, $qid, $options);
         if (!empty($topic_info)) {
             $topic_list = $topic_info['list'];
             $page_arr['html'] = $topic_info['page']['html'];
     $topic_list_count = count($topic_list);
     $parent_list = $this->_get_parent_topic($topic_list);
     $gets = array('item' => $this->item, 'item_id' => $qid);
     $member =& $this->my;
     if (!$this->Config['acceleration_mode'] && $member['medal_id']) {
         $medal_list = $this->TopicLogic->GetMedal($member['medal_id'], $member['uid']);
     $set_qun_closed = 1;
     if (empty($tag)) {
         $new_members = $this->QunLogic->get_new_member_list($qid);
         $this->Title = $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . ' - ' . $qun_info['name'];
         include template('qun/view');
     } else {
         $this->Title = $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . ' - ' . $qun_info['name'] . ' - ' . $tag;
         include template('qun/tag_view');
Esempio n. 5
 function delete()
     $ids = array();
     $up_ids = array();
     $id = (int) $this->Get['id'];
     if ($id) {
         $ids[] = $id;
     if ($this->Post['cronssubmit']) {
         $ids = $this->Post['ids'];
         $up_ids = $this->Post['up_id'];
         $vid = $this->Post['vid'];
     if (!empty($vid)) {
         $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event set recd = 0 where id in ('" . implode("','", $vid) . "')");
         foreach ($vid as $val) {
             if (!in_array($val, $ids) && in_array($val, $up_ids)) {
                 $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update " . TABLE_PREFIX . "event set recd = 1 where id = '{$val}' ");
     $eventLogic = new EventLogic();
     if ($ids) {
         foreach ($ids as $val) {
             $eventLogic->delEvent($val, 1);
Esempio n. 6
 function SearchTopics2($createduid = '', $containers = '', $appose = true, $content = '', $content2 = '', $topicIds = '', $item = '', $item_Ids = '', $forwards = '', $replys = '', $from = '', $type = '', $location = '', $sDateline = '', $eDateline = '', $page = 1, $pageSize, $getReply = false, $includeSelf = true, $getItem = true, $isOpen = false)
     $sql = "SELECT t.*,u.uname,u.face_url,b.bname,tl.longtext, as longid,tl.dateline as ldateline,tl.views,tl.modify_times,tl.last_modify ";
     $sql .= ",(select (count(tt.tid)) from topic tt where tt.item='baobei' and tt.item_id=t.item_id) as baobei_replys ";
     $sql .= "FROM topic t ";
     $sql .= "left join user u on u.uid=t.uid ";
     $sql .= "left join topic_longtext tl on ";
     $sql .= "left join building b on ";
     $order = " order by t.dateline desc";
     $where = " where 1=1";
     $sqlcount = "select count(t.tid) as rs from topic t";
     if ($page > 0) {
         if ($pageSize == "" || $pageSize == 0) {
             $pageSize = $this->Config['building_topic_pagesize'];
         $startrecord = $pageSize * ($page - 1);
         $endrecord = $pageSize * $page;
         $limit = ' limit ' . $startrecord . ',' . $pageSize;
     if ($content != '') {
         $where .= " and t.content like '%{$content}%'";
     if ($content2 != '') {
         $where .= " and t.content like '%{$content2}%'";
     if ($topicIds != '') {
         if (!$getReply) {
             $where .= " and t.tid in({$topicIds})";
         } else {
             $where .= " and t.tid in(select replyids from topic_more where tid in({$topicIds}))";
     if ($item != '') {
         $where .= " and t.item='{$item}'";
     if ($item_Ids != '') {
         $where .= " and t.item_id in({$item_Ids})";
     if ($forwards > 0) {
         $where .= " and t.forwards>{$forwards}";
     if ($replys > 0) {
         $where .= " and t.replys>{$replys}";
     if ($from != '') {
         $where .= " and t.from='{$from}'";
     if ($type != '') {
         if ($type != 'reply') {
             $where .= " and t.type='{$type}' and t.type!='reply'";
         } else {
             $where .= " and t.type='{$type}'";
     } else {
         $where .= " and t.type!='reply'";
     if ($sDateline && $sDateline != '' && $sDateline > 0) {
         $where .= " and t.dateline>={$sDateline}";
     if ($eDateline && $eDateline != '' && $eDateline > 0) {
         $where .= " and t.dateline<={$eDateline}";
     $temp = '';
     if ($containers && is_array($containers) && count($containers) > 0) {
         foreach ($containers as $con) {
             $context = $con['name'];
             $conids = $con['ids'];
             if ($temp == '') {
                 $temp = "(t.container='{$context}' and t.container_id in({$conids}))";
             } else {
                 $temp .= " or (t.container='{$context}' and t.container_id in({$conids}))";
     $uidcon = '';
     if ($createduid != '') {
         $uidcon = "(t.uid in({$createduid}) and t.type!='reply')";
     if ($this->User && $this->User['uid'] > 0) {
         if ($includeSelf) {
             if ($uidcon == '') {
                 $uidcon = "(t.uid=" . $this->User['uid'] . " and t.type!='reply')";
             } else {
                 $uidcon .= " or " . "(t.uid=" . $this->User['uid'] . " and t.type!='reply')";
     if ($uidcon != '' && $temp != '') {
         if (!$appose) {
             $where .= " and ({$uidcon} or(" . $temp . "))";
         } else {
             $where .= " and {$uidcon} and (" . $temp . "))";
     } else {
         if ($uidcon != '' && $temp == '') {
             $where .= " and {$uidcon}";
         } else {
             if ($uidcon == '' && $temp != '') {
                 $where .= " and (" . $temp . ")";
     $time_s = time();
     $sqlcount .= $where;
     $rows = array();
     $total_row = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sqlcount);
     $totalRS = $total_row['rs'];
     if ($totalRS > 0) {
         $sqlr = trim($sql . $where . $order . $limit);
         $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sqlr);
         $rows = $query->GetAll();
         $topics = array();
         if ($rows && is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) {
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $row['o_content'] = $row['content'];
                 if ($isOpen && $isOpen == true) {
                     $row['longtext'] = Json_Filter($row['longtext']);
                     $row['o_content'] = Json_Filter($row['content']);
                     $row['content'] = Json_Filter($row['content']);
                 $imageids = $row['imageid'];
                 if ($imageids && $imageids != '') {
                     $imagedRows = $this->ImageTopic->GetTopicImages($imageids);
                     if ($imagedRows && is_array($imagedRows) && count($imagedRows) > 0) {
                         $row['imageurls'] = $imagedRows;
                     $img_names = '';
                     foreach ($imagedRows as $img) {
                         if ($img_names == '') {
                             $img_names = $img['img_prefix'];
                         } else {
                             $img_names = $img_names . "," . $img['img_prefix'];
                     $row['img_names'] = $img_names;
                 $row['date'] = getTime($row['dateline']);
                 if ($row['lastupdate'] && $row['lastupdate'] > 0) {
                     $row['update'] = date('Y-m-j H:i', $row['lastupdate']);
                 $from = $row['from'];
                 if ($from == 'web') {
                     $row['platform'] = "邻居网页版";
                 } else {
                     if (strtolower($from) == 'android') {
                         $row['platform'] = "Android客户端";
                     } else {
                         if (strtolower($from) == 'iphone') {
                             $row['platform'] = "iPhone客户端";
                         } else {
                             if (strtolower($from) == 'wp') {
                                 $row['platform'] = "WindowsPhone客户端";
                             } else {
                                 $row['platform'] = "未知平台";
                 $from = "<a href=\"index.php\">" . $this->Config['sitetitle'] . "</a>";
                 if ($row['container'] != '') {
                     $c = $row['container'];
                     $c_id = $row['container_id'];
                     $c_name = '';
                     switch ($c) {
                         case "building":
                             $crow = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst("select bname from {$c} where bid={$c_id}");
                             if ($crow) {
                                 $from = "<a href=\"index.php?mod=point&action=profile&bid={$c_id}\" target=\"_blank\">" . $crow['bname'] . "</a>";
                 $itemlink = '';
                 if ($getItem && $getItem == true) {
                     if ($row['item'] != '' && $row['item_id'] != '') {
                         $row['hasitem'] = 1;
                         $item_id = $row['item_id'];
                         switch ($row['item']) {
                             case 'event':
                                 $itemlink = "<a href=\"index.php?mod=event&action=main\">活动</a>";
                                 if (!class_exists('EventEntity')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/Entities/event.entity.php';
                                 if (!class_exists('EventLogic')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/logic/event.logic.php';
                                 $eventLogic = new EventLogic($this->ModObj);
                                 $event_row = $eventLogic->SearchEvents('', $item_id, '', '', '', 0, 0);
                                 $event = $event_row['data'][0];
                                 $row['item_info'] = $event;
                             case 'baobei':
                                 $itemlink = "<a href=\"index.php?mod=baobei&action=main\">宝贝</a>";
                                 if (!class_exists('BaoBeiItem')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/Entities/baobeiitem.php';
                                 if (!class_exists('BaobeiLogic')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/logic/baobei.logic.php';
                                 $baobeiLogic = new BaobeiLogic($this->ModObj);
                                 $baobe_row = $baobeiLogic->SearchBaobeis($item_id, '', 0, 0, '', '', 0, 1, 21);
                                 $baobei = $baobe_row['data'][0];
                                 $row['item_info'] = $baobei;
                             case 'vote':
                                 $itemlink = "<a href=\"index.php?mod=vote&action=main\">投票</a>";
                                 if (!class_exists('VoteEntity')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/Entities/vote.entity.php';
                                 if (!class_exists('VoteEntryEntity')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/Entities/voteentry.entity.php';
                                 if (!class_exists('VoteLogic')) {
                                     include __WEB_ROOT . '/Include/logic/vote.logic.php';
                                 $voteLogic = new VoteLogic($this->ModObj);
                                 $vote_row = $vote = $voteLogic->SearchVote('', $item_id, '', '', '', 0, 0);
                                 $vote = $vote_row['data'][0];
                                 $row['item_info'] = $vote;
                 if ($isOpen && $isOpen == true) {
                     $itemlink = Json_Filter($itemlink);
                     $from = Json_Filter($from);
                 if ($itemlink != '') {
                     $row['f'] = $itemlink . ' - ' . $from;
                 } else {
                     $row['f'] = $from;
                 if ($row['roottid'] > 0) {
                     $result = $this->SearchTopics('', '', '', '', '', '', $row['roottid']);
                     $row['root'] = $result['data'][0];
                 $topics[] = $row;
             $result['data'] = $topics;
     } else {
         $result['data'] = array();
     $time_e = time();
     $result['total'] = $totalRS;
     return $result;