function receivePayment() { global $CFG; if (empty($_REQUEST['tx'])) { return false; } $auth_info = Link::executeScript($CFG->paypal_submit_url, array('tx' => $_REQUEST['tx'], 'at' => $CFG->paypal_tocken, 'cmd' => '_notify-synch')); $is_approved = stristr($auth_info, 'SUCCESS'); if ($is_approved) { $auth_info = str_ireplace('SUCCESS', '', $auth_info); Messages::add($CFG->paypal_success_message); self::$item_count = mb_substr_count($auth_info, 'item_number'); return self::parseInfo($auth_info); } else { Errors::add($CFG->paypal_failure_message); return false; } }
public static function logIn($user = false, $pass = false, $table = false, $session_name = false) { global $CFG; $user = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($user)); $pass = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($pass)); $table = $table ? $table : 'admin'; $session_name = $session_name ? $session_name : 'user_info'; self::$session_name = $session_name; if (empty($user) && empty($pass) && !$_SESSION[$session_name]['user']) { return false; } if (!empty($user) || !empty($pass)) { if (empty($user)) { Errors::add($CFG->login_empty_user); return false; } if (empty($pass)) { Errors::add($CFG->login_empty_pass); return false; } } if (empty($CFG->dbname)) { Errors::add($CFG->no_database_error); return false; } $user = $user ? trim($user) : $_SESSION[$session_name]['user']; $pass = $pass ? trim($pass) : $_SESSION[$session_name]['pass']; if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { return false; } if (!User::verify($user, $pass, $table)) { Errors::add($CFG->login_invalid); User::logOut(1); return false; } $_SESSION[$session_name] = User::getInfo($user, $table); self::$logged_in = true; self::$info = $_SESSION[$session_name]; return true; }
function get($p_id = 0, $count = false) { global $CFG; if (empty($this->url) && !$this->show_all) { Errors::add($CFG->comments_no_url_error); return false; } if (!($this->record_id > 0) && !$this->show_all) { Errors::add($CFG->comments_no_record_error); return false; } $sql_filter = $this->sql_filter; $sql = "SELECT comments.* FROM {$this->table} "; if ($sql_filter) { $matches = String::getSubstring($sql_filter, '[', ']'); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (strstr($match, ',')) { $join_path = explode(',', $match); if (is_array($join_path)) { foreach ($join_path as $join_field) { $join_field_parts = explode('.', $join_field); $join_table = $join_field_parts[0]; $j_field = $join_field_parts[1]; $join_tables[$join_table][] = $j_field; } $sql_filter = str_ireplace('[' . $match . ']', $join_field, $sql_filter); } } elseif (strstr($match, '.')) { $join_field_parts = explode('.', $match); $join_table = $join_field_parts[0]; $j_field = $join_field_parts[1]; $join_tables[$join_table][] = $j_field; $sql_filter = str_replace('[', '', str_replace(']', '', $sql_filter)); } } } if ($join_tables) { foreach ($join_tables as $r_table => $r_field) { $j_field = $prev_field == 'id' ? $r_field[0] : 'id'; $j_field = $r_table == $prev_table ? $prev_field : $r_field[0]; if ($r_table != $this->table) { $sql .= " LEFT JOIN {$r_table} ON ({$prev_table}.{$prev_field} = {$r_table}.{$j_field}) "; } $prev_table = $r_table; $prev_field = count($r_field) > 1 ? $r_field[1] : $r_field[0]; } } $sql .= " WHERE 1 "; if ($sql_filter) { $sql_filter = String::doFormulaReplacements($sql_filter); $sql .= " AND (" . $sql_filter . ') '; } $sql .= (!$this->show_all ? "AND {$this->table}.url = '{$this->url}' AND {$this->table}.record_id = {$this->record_id}" : "") . " " . (!$count ? "AND {$this->table}.p_id = {$p_id}" : '') . " \n\t\tORDER BY {$this->table}.date DESC "; if ($this->max_comments) { $sql .= " LIMIT 0,{$this->max_comments}"; } $result = db_query_array($sql); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $row) { $this->count++; $id = $row['id']; $comments[$id] = $row; $comments[$id]['children'] = Comments::get($id); } } return $comments; }
$_SESSION['ba_c_currency'] = $_REQUEST['c_currency']; } else { if (empty($_SESSION['ba_c_currency'])) { $_SESSION['ba_c_currency'] = $_SESSION['c_currency']; } } $c_currency = $_SESSION['ba_c_currency']; API::add('BitcoinAddresses', 'get', array(false, $c_currency, false, 30, 1)); API::add('Content', 'getRecord', array('bitcoin-addresses')); $query = API::send(); $bitcoin_addresses = $query['BitcoinAddresses']['get']['results'][0]; $content = $query['Content']['getRecord']['results'][0]; $page_title = Lang::string('bitcoin-addresses'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'add' && $_SESSION["btc_uniq"] == $_REQUEST['uniq']) { if (strtotime($bitcoin_addresses[0]['date']) >= strtotime('-1 day')) { Errors::add(Lang::string('bitcoin-addresses-too-soon')); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { API::add('BitcoinAddresses', 'getNew', array($c_currency)); API::add('BitcoinAddresses', 'get', array(false, $c_currency, false, 30, 1)); $query = API::send(); $bitcoin_addresses = $query['BitcoinAddresses']['get']['results'][0]; Messages::add(Lang::string('bitcoin-addresses-added')); } } $_SESSION["btc_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php
public static function deleteRecursive($table, $id) { global $CFG; if (!$table || !($id > 0)) { return false; } if (!db_delete($table, $id)) { Errors::add($CFG->ajax_delete_error); return false; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$table} WHERE p_id = {$id}"; $result = db_query_array($sql); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $row1) { $id1 = $row1['id']; self::deleteRecursive($table, $id1); } } }
exit; } } } if ($sell && !is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $sell_market_price1 = !empty($_REQUEST['sell_market_price']); $sell_stop = !empty($_REQUEST['sell_stop']); $sell_stop_price1 = $sell_stop ? $sell_stop_price1 : false; $sell_limit = !empty($_REQUEST['sell_limit']); $sell_limit = !$sell_stop && !$sell_market_price1 ? 1 : $sell_limit; $sell_price1 = $sell_market_price1 ? $current_bid : $sell_price1; API::add('Orders', 'executeOrder', array(0, $sell_stop && !$sell_limit ? $sell_stop_price1 : $sell_price1, $sell_amount1, $c_currency1, $currency1, $user_fee_ask, $sell_market_price1, $order_info['id'], false, false, $sell_stop_price1)); $query = API::send(); $operations = $query['Orders']['executeOrder']['results'][0]; if (!empty($operations['error'])) { Errors::add($operations['error']['message']); } else { if ($operations['edit_order'] > 0) { $uniq_time = time(); $_SESSION["editorder_uniq"][$uniq_time] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); if (count($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"]) > 3) { unset($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"][min(array_keys($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"]))]); } Link::redirect('open-orders.php', array('transactions' => $operations['transactions'], 'edit_order' => 1)); exit; } else { $uniq_time = time(); $_SESSION["editorder_uniq"][$uniq_time] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); if (count($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"]) > 3) { unset($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"][min(array_keys($_SESSION["editorder_uniq"]))]); }
$step1 = true; } } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['step']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == 3) { if (!($token1 > 0)) { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-no-token')); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { API::settingsChangeId($authcode1); API::token($token1); API::add('User', 'verifiedGoogle'); $query = API::send(); if ($query['error'] == 'security-incorrect-token') { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-incorrect-token')); } if ($query['error'] == 'request-expired') { Errors::add(Lang::string('settings-request-expired')); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { Messages::add(Lang::string('security-success-message')); $step4 = true; } else { $step3 = true; } } else { $step3 = true; } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['notice']) && $_REQUEST['notice'] == 'email') { $notice = Lang::string('settings-change-notice'); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'security-disabled-message') { Messages::add(Lang::string('security-disabled-message'));
static function sendSMS($authy_id = false) { global $CFG; API::add('User', 'sendSMS', array($authy_id)); $query = API::send(); $response = $query['User']['sendSMS']['results'][0]; if (!$response || !is_array($response)) { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-com-error')); } elseif ($response['success'] == false) { Errors::merge($response['errors']); } else { return true; } }
define('NO_LOGIN_REQUIRE', TRUE); include 'conf/conf.php'; $action = !empty($_REQUEST['ajax']) ? $_REQUEST['ajax'] : exit; switch ($action) { case "addPanier": if (isset($_POST)) { $panier = new Panier(); $panier->addItem($_POST['code-produit'], $_POST['nb-produit']); Utils::json(array('result' => 'success')); } break; case "inscription": $controle = new Errors(); if (empty($_POST['codeClientSignIn'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre code client', 'codeClientSignIn'); } if (empty($_POST['emailSignIn'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre adresse email', 'emailSignIn'); } if (empty($_POST['emailSignIn2'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez confirmez votre adresse email', 'emailSignIn2'); } if ($_POST['emailSignIn'] != $_POST['emailSignIn2']) { $controle->add('Les adresses email ne sont pas identiques', 'emailNotSame'); } if ($controle->isEmpty()) { $codeClientSignIn = $_POST['codeClientSignIn']; $emailSignIn = $_POST['emailSignIn']; $customer = UtilisateursManager::getUtilisateurByCodeClientAndEmail($codeClientSignIn, $emailSignIn); if ($customer) {
/** * Add validation error * * @param string $error_msg * @param string|null $attribute */ public function addError($error_msg, $attribute = 'base') { $this->errors->add($attribute, $error_msg); }
$query = API::send(); Messages::add(Lang::string('bank-accounts-added-message')); $bank_accounts = $query['BankAccounts']['get']['results'][0]; } } if ($remove_id1 > 0) { $found = false; if (!empty($bank_accounts) && is_array($bank_accounts)) { foreach ($bank_accounts as $account) { if ($account['id'] == $remove_id1) { $found = true; } } } if (!$found) { Errors::add(Lang::string('bank-accounts-remove-error')); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { API::add('BankAccounts', 'delete', array($remove_id1)); API::add('BankAccounts', 'get'); $query = API::send(); Messages::add(Lang::string('bank-accounts-removed-message')); $bank_accounts = $query['BankAccounts']['get']['results'][0]; } } $_SESSION["bankaccount_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php
if ($row['month']) { if ($month != date('n') && $month != date('m')) { continue; } } if ($row['year']) { if ($year != date('Y') && $year != date('y')) { continue; } } } if ($method['method'] == 'emailNotify') { if (Email::send($CFG->form_email, $row1[$email_field], $message['title'], $CFG->form_email_from, false, $message['content'], $row1)) { Messages::add($CFG->email_sent_message); } else { Errors::add($CFG->email_send_error); } } elseif ($method['method'] == 'createRecord') { $CFG->save_called = 1; $form = new Form('cron', false, false, false, $control_args['table'], false, 1); $form->get($row1['id']); $form->createRecord($method_args['table'], $method_args['insert_array'], $method_args['trigger_field'], $method_args['trigger_value'], $method_args['day'], $method_args['month'], $method_args['year'], $method_args['send_condition'], $method_args['any_modification'], $method_args['register_changes'], $method_args['on_new_record_only'], $method_args['store_row'], $method_args['if_not_exists'], $method_args['run_in_cron']); unset($form); } elseif ($method['method'] == 'editRecord') { $CFG->save_called = 1; $form = new Form('cron', false, false, false, $control_args['table'], false, 1); $form->get($row1['id']); $form->editRecord($method_args['table'], $method_args['insert_array'], $method_args['trigger_field'], $method_args['trigger_value'], $method_args['day'], $method_args['month'], $method_args['year'], $method_args['send_condition'], $method_args['any_modification'], $method_args['register_changes'], $method_args['on_new_record_only'], $method_args['store_row'], $method_args['edit_record_field_id'], $method_args['run_in_cron']); unset($form); } }
Utils::writeAPhpManager($chemin . '/' . 'managers/', ucfirst($table[$bddName]) . 'Manager', $describes, $table[$bddName]); } break; case '0': exit; break; } } } } // section backoffice if (isset($_POST['submit-backoffice'])) { if (isset($_POST)) { $error = new Errors(); if (empty($_POST['PATH_CLASS'])) { $error->add('Veuilliez sassir le nom de la base de donnés. ', 'DBNAME'); } if (empty($_POST['PATH'])) { $error->add('Veuilliez sassir le chemi des fichers ', 'PATH'); } if ($error->isEmpty()) { $dir = $_POST['PATH_CLASS']; $files = scandir($dir); $menu = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if (count(explode('.php', $file)) > 1) { $name = explode('.php', $file); array_push($menu, $name[0]); $content = file_get_contents($dir . $file); explode($content); // creation controller ;
<?php require 'conf/conf.php'; define('PAGE', 'CONTACT'); require 'conf/conf_page.php'; $sentMail = 'sentmail'; if (!empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $controle = new Errors(); if (empty($_POST['email'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre e-mail', 'email'); } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre nom', 'name'); } if (empty($_POST['message'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre message', 'message'); } if ($controle->isEmpty()) { $sentMessage = new Mail(); $customer = UtilisateursManager::getUtilisateursById($_SESSION['customer']['idClient']); $sentMail = $sentMessage->Contact($customer); if ($sentMail) { $sentMail = 'send'; } } } } echo $twig->render('contact.twig', array('PAGE' => $_PAGE, 'controle' => isset($controle) && !empty($controle) ? $controle : null, 'POST' => isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST) ? $_POST : '', 'send' => $sentMail));
function grid($name, $caption = false, $link_url = false, $link_is_tab = false, $concat_char = false) { global $CFG; $form = Control::getControls($CFG->editor_page_id, 'form', $CFG->editor_is_tab); if (!$form) { Errors::add('No form action created yet.'); return false; } foreach ($form as $id => $control) { if (is_array($control['methods'])) { foreach ($control['methods'] as $method) { $args = unserialize($method['arguments']); if ($method['method'] == 'grid' && $args['name'] == $name) { $grid_id = $id; $grid_method = $method; $grid_control = $control; break 2; } } } } if (!($grid_id > 0)) { Errors::add('No grid input called ' . $name . ' exists. Create it on the form action first.'); return false; } if ($CFG->pm_editor) { $method_name = Form::peLabel($CFG->method_id, 'grid'); } $this->in_grid = true; $this->grid_table = $this->table . '_grid_' . $name; $inputs_array = Control::getSubMethods($method['id'], $control['params']['class']); $HTML .= '<div class="record_grid"><div class="caption">' . $caption . $method_name . '</div><table>'; if ($inputs_array) { $HTML .= '<tr>'; foreach ($inputs_array as $args) { $HTML .= '<th>' . $args['caption'] . '</th>'; } $HTML .= '</tr>'; $values = DB::getGridValues($this->table . '_grid_' . $name, $subtable_fields, $this->record_id); if ($values) { foreach ($values as $row) { $num_empty = 0; $c1 = count($inputs_array); if (is_array($inputs_array)) { foreach ($inputs_array as $k => $v) { if (stristr($k, 'checkBox')) { $c1--; } } } foreach ($row as $key => $row1) { if ($key != 'id' && empty($row1)) { $num_empty++; } } if ($num_empty >= $c1) { continue; } $this->grid_values = $row; $HTML .= '<tr>'; foreach ($inputs_array as $args) { $HTML .= '<td>' . self::field($args['name'], $args['caption'], $args['subtable'], $args['subtable_fields'], $link_url, $concat_char, true, $args['f_id_field'], false, false, false, $link_is_tab) . '</td>'; } $HTML .= '</tr>'; } } } $HTML .= '</table></div>'; $this->in_grid = false; $this->grid_table = false; $this->HTML[] = $HTML; }
$header->jsFile('js/jquery.swfupload.js'); $header->jsFile('ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); $header->jsFile('js/Ops.js'); $header->js('CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[\'span\'] = false;'); $header->display(); $header->getJsGlobals(); } if ($_REQUEST['authy_form']) { $token1 = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_REQUEST['authy_form']['token']); if (!($token1 > 0)) { Errors::add('Invalid token.'); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $response = Google2FA::verify_key(User::$info['authy_id'], $token1); if (!$response) { Errors::add('Invalid token.'); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $_SESSION['token_verified'] = 1; Errors::$errors = false; } } } if (User::isLoggedIn() && !(User::$info['verified_authy'] == 'Y' && !($_SESSION['token_verified'] > 0))) { $CFG->user_id = User::$info['id']; $CFG->group_id = User::$info['f_id']; if (!$CFG->bypass || $CFG->url == 'edit_page' && !$_REQUEST['tab_bypass']) { include_once 'includes/popups.php'; ?> <div id="head"> <?php
<?php include '../lib/common.php'; if (User::isLoggedIn()) { Link::redirect('account.php'); } elseif (!User::$awaiting_token) { Link::redirect('login.php'); } $token1 = !empty($_REQUEST['token']) ? preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_REQUEST['token']) : false; $dont_ask1 = !empty($_REQUEST['dont_ask']); $authcode1 = !empty($_REQUEST['authcode']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['authcode']) : false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['step']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == 1) { if (!($token1 > 0)) { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-no-token')); } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $verify = User::verifyToken($token1, $dont_ask1); if ($verify) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['email_auth'])) { Link::redirect('change-password.php?authcode=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['authcode'])); } else { Link::redirect('account.php'); } exit; } } } API::add('Content', 'getRecord', array('security-token-login')); $query = API::send(); $content = $query['Content']['getRecord']['results'][0]; $page_title = Lang::string('verify-token');
} } elseif ($action == 'method') { if (!db_query("INSERT INTO admin_controls_methods (method,arguments,admin_controls_methods.order,control_id,p_id) SELECT method,arguments,admin_controls_methods.order," . $_REQUEST['control_id'] . ",p_id FROM admin_controls_methods WHERE id = {$old_id}")) { if (!Errors::$errors) { Errors::add($CFG->ajax_insert_error); } } else { $method_id = mysql_insert_id(); $return_values[] = 'method_' . $old_id . '=' . $method_id; if ($method_id > 0) { $submethods = db_query_array("SELECT id FROM admin_controls_methods WHERE p_id = {$method_id} "); if ($submethods) { foreach ($submethods as $submethod) { if (!db_query("INSERT INTO admin_controls_methods (method,arguments,admin_controls_methods.order,control_id,p_id) SELECT method,arguments,admin_controls_methods.order,control_id," . $method_id . " FROM admin_controls_methods WHERE id = {$submethod['id']}")) { if (!Errors::$errors) { Errors::add($CFG->ajax_insert_error); } } else { $return_values[] = 'method_' . $submethod['id'] . '=' . mysql_insert_id(); } } } } } } if (is_array(Errors::$errors)) { Errors::display(); } else { echo '[Return values:' . implode('|', $return_values) . ']'; Messages::add($CFG->ajax_save_message); Messages::display();
public static function send($from, $recipients, $subject, $from_name = false, $text_version = false, $html_version = false, $variables = false) { global $CFG; $reply_to = $from; //$from = ($from_name) ? '"'.$from_name.'" <'.$from.'>' : $from; /* if (is_array($recipients)) { foreach ($recipients as $name => $email) { if (!self::verifyAddress($email)) { $errors[$email] = $CFG->invalid_email_error; unset($recipients[$name]); continue; } if (!is_numeric($name)) $recipients[$name] = "\"{$name}\" <{$email}>"; } if (!empty($recipients)) $to = implode(',',$recipients); } else { if (self::verifyAddress($recipients)) { $to = $recipients; } else { $errors[$recipients] = $recipients; } } */ if (is_array($variables)) { foreach ($variables as $name => $value) { $var_string .= ' ' . ucfirst(str_ireplace('_', ' ', $name)) . ': ' . $value . '<br/>'; } } $html_version = str_ireplace('[variables]', $var_string, $html_version); $text_version = str_ireplace('[variables]', $var_string, $text_version); if (is_array($variables)) { if (!$CFG->backstage_mode) { foreach ($variables as $key => $val) { $html_version = str_ireplace('[' . $key . ']', $val, $html_version); $text_version = str_ireplace('[' . $key . ']', $val, $text_version); $subject = str_ireplace('[' . $key . ']', $val, $subject); } } else { $matches = String::getSubstring($html_version, '[', ']'); if (is_array($matches)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $f_id = $variables['id']; if (strstr($match, ',')) { $value = DB::getForeignValue($match, $f_id); } elseif (array_key_exists($match, $variables)) { $value = $variables[$match]; } elseif (strstr($match, '.')) { $parts = explode('.', $match); $sql = "SELECT {$match[1]} FROM {$match[0]} WHERE f_id = {$f_id}"; $result = db_query_array($sql); if ($result) { $m1 = $match[1]; $value = $result[0][$m1]; } } elseif (stristr($match, 'curdate')) { $operation = str_ireplace('curdate', '', $match); if (empty($operation)) { $value = date($CFG->default_date_format); } else { $value = date($CFG->default_date_format, strtotime($operation)); } } $html_version = str_ireplace('[' . $match . ']', $value, $html_version); $text_version = str_ireplace('[' . $match . ']', $value, $text_version); $subject = str_ireplace('[' . $match . ']', $value, $subject); } } } } $html_version = str_ireplace('[curdate]', date($CFG->default_date_format), $html_version); $text_version = str_ireplace('[curdate]', date($CFG->default_date_format), $text_version); $subject = str_ireplace('[curdate]', date($CFG->default_date_format), $subject); if (!$text_version) { include_once 'html2text.php'; $h2t =& new html2text($html); $h2t->set_base_url($CFG->baseurl); $text_version = $h2t->get_text(); } if (!$html_version) { $html_version = nl2br($text_version); } /* $message = ' ------=_Part_40832071_1556867510.1259294982273 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit '; $message .= $text_version; $message .= ' ------=_Part_40832071_1556867510.1259294982273 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable '; $message .= $html_version; $message .= ' ------=_Part_40832071_1556867510.1259294982273-- '; if ($errors) { Errors::merge($errors); return false; } if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { Messages::add($CFG->email_sent_message); return true; } else { Errors::add($CFG->email_send_error); return false; } */ include_once 'phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->Debugoutput = 'html'; $mail->Host = $CFG->email_smtp_host; $mail->Port = $CFG->email_smtp_port; $mail->SMTPSecure = $CFG->email_smtp_security; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $CFG->email_smtp_username; $mail->Password = $CFG->email_smtp_password; $mail->setFrom($from, $from_name); $mail->addReplyTo($from); if (is_array($recipients)) { foreach ($recipients as $name => $email) { if (!self::verifyAddress($email)) { $errors[$email] = $CFG->invalid_email_error; unset($recipients[$name]); continue; } $mail->addAddress($email, $name); } } else { if (self::verifyAddress($recipients)) { $mail->addAddress($recipients); } else { $errors[$recipients] = $recipients; } } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->msgHTML($html_version); $mail->AltBody = $text_version; if ($mail->send()) { Messages::add($CFG->email_sent_message); return true; } else { Errors::add($mail->ErrorInfo); return false; } }
//API::token($token1); API::settingsChangeId($authcode1); API::add('User', 'changePassword', array($personal->info['pass'])); $query = API::send(); if (!empty($query['error'])) { if ($query['error'] == 'security-com-error') { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-com-error')); } if ($query['error'] == 'authy-errors') { Errors::merge($query['authy_errors']); } if ($query['error'] == 'request-expired') { Errors::add(Lang::string('settings-request-expired')); } if ($query['error'] == 'security-incorrect-token') { Errors::add(Lang::string('security-incorrect-token')); } } if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $_SESSION["cp_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); Link::redirect('account.php?message=settings-personal-message'); } else { $request_2fa = true; } } } else { $personal->info['pass'] = false; } $_SESSION["cp_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $page_title = Lang::string('change-password'); include 'includes/head.php';
} if (!is_array(Errors::$errors)) { $login = User::logIn($user1, $pass1); if ($login && empty($login['error'])) { if (!empty($login['message']) && $login['message'] == 'awaiting-token') { $_SESSION["register_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); Link::redirect('verify-token.php'); } elseif (!empty($login['message']) && $login['message'] == 'logged-in' && $login['no_logins'] == 'Y') { $_SESSION["register_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); Link::redirect('first_login.php'); } elseif (!empty($login['message']) && $login['message'] == 'logged-in') { $_SESSION["register_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); Link::redirect('account.php'); } } elseif (!$login || !empty($login['error'])) { Errors::add(Lang::string('login-invalid-login-error')); } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'registered') { Messages::add(Lang::string('register-success')); } $_SESSION["register_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php echo Lang::string('home-login'); ?> </h1></div>
$query = API::send(); $api_keys = $query['APIKeys']['get']['results'][0]; } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete') { Link::redirect('api-access.php?message=delete'); } } else { $request_2fa = true; } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'edit') { Messages::add(Lang::string('api-edit-message')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'delete') { Messages::add(Lang::string('api-delete-message')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['error']) && $_REQUEST['error'] == 'delete') { Errors::add(Lang::string('api-delete-error')); } $page_title = Lang::string('api-access-setup'); include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php echo $page_title; ?> </h1></div> <div class="pagenation"> <a href="index.php"><?php echo Lang::string('home'); ?> </a> <i>/</i> <a href="account.php"><?php echo Lang::string('account');
$captcha_error = empty($_REQUEST['forgot']['captcha']) || !$securimage->check($_REQUEST['forgot']['captcha']); } else { $captcha = new Form('captcha'); $captcha->reCaptchaCheck(1); if (!empty($captcha->errors) && is_array($captcha->errors)) { $captcha_error = true; Errors::add($captcha->errors['recaptcha']); } } if (!$captcha_error) { API::add('User', 'resetUser', array($email1)); $query = API::send(); Messages::$messages = array(); Messages::add(Lang::string('login-password-sent-message')); } else { Errors::add(Lang::string('login-capcha-error')); } } $_SESSION["forgot_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php echo Lang::string('login-forgot'); ?> </h1></div> <div class="pagenation"> <a href="index.php"><?php echo Lang::string('home'); ?> </a> <i>/</i> <a href="forgot.php"><?php
Messages::add(Lang::string('transactions-orders-new-message')); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['edit_order']) && !$trans_realized1) { Messages::add(Lang::string('transactions-orders-edit-message')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['new_order']) && $trans_realized1 > 0) { Messages::add(str_replace('[transactions]', $trans_realized1, Lang::string('transactions-orders-done-message'))); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['edit_order']) && $trans_realized1 > 0) { Messages::add(str_replace('[transactions]', $trans_realized1, Lang::string('transactions-orders-done-edit-message'))); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'order-doesnt-exist') { Errors::add(Lang::string('orders-order-doesnt-exist')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'not-your-order') { Errors::add(Lang::string('orders-not-yours')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'order-cancelled') { Messages::add(Lang::string('orders-order-cancelled')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'deleteall-error') { Errors::add(Lang::string('orders-order-cancelled-error')); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'deleteall-success') { Messages::add(Lang::string('orders-order-cancelled-all')); } $page_title = Lang::string('open-orders'); $_SESSION["openorders_uniq"] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); if (!$bypass) { include 'includes/head.php'; ?> <div class="page_title"> <div class="container"> <div class="title"><h1><?php echo $page_title; ?> </h1></div> <div class="pagenation"> <a href="<?php
<?php define('NO_LOGIN_REQUIRE', TRUE); require 'conf/conf.php'; if (isset($_GET['action']) && !empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logOut') { $_SESSION = array(); Utils::redirect('connexion'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['customer']['utilisateur']) && !empty($_SESSION['customer']['motDePasse'])) { Utils::redirect('home'); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $controle = new Errors(); if (empty($_POST['codeClient'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre code client', 'codeClient'); } if (empty($_POST['motDePasse'])) { $controle->add('Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe', 'motDePasse'); } if ($controle->isEmpty()) { $utilisateur = $_POST['codeClient']; $motDePasse = $_POST['motDePasse']; $customer = UtilisateursManager::getUtilisateurByCodeClientAndPassword($utilisateur, $motDePasse); if ($customer) { $_SESSION['customer']['idClient'] = $customer->getIdUtilisateur(); $_SESSION['customer']['codeClient'] = $customer->getCodeClient(); $_SESSION['customer']['codeClient'] = $customer->getCodeClient(); $_SESSION['customer']['motDePasse'] = $customer->getMotDePasse(); $_SESSION['customer']['nom'] = $customer->getNom(); $_SESSION['customer']['prenom'] = $customer->getPrenom();