Esempio n. 1
  * @param string $filename
 public function uploadBulk($filename)
     // Open file
     if (!stat($filename)) {
         throw new \Application\Exceptions\UnexpectedException("Error opening file {$filename}");
     $fd = fopen($filename, 'r');
     $sep = \App_Parser_CsvParser::getCsvSeparator($fd);
     // Request
     $sims = array();
     $validator = new SimBulkValidate();
     $validHeaders = $this->getUploadBulkHeaders();
     $filter = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('FilterNotAllowedFields');
     // CSV
     $header = fgetcsv($fd, 0, $sep);
     // Header
     $prows = 0;
     // Packet rows
     $irows = 1;
     // Iteration rows
     $nrows = 1;
     // Total rows
     $ncols = count($header);
     // Total columns
     $validH = false;
     foreach ($header as $h) {
         if (isset($validHeaders[$h])) {
             $validH = true;
     // Check lines readed
     if (!$validH) {
         \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] No valid headers");
         throw new ValidateException("No valid headers", ValidationCodes::FILE_NO_VALID_HEADERS);
     if (in_array('locationManual_latitude', $header) && !in_array('locationManual_longitude', $header) || in_array('locationManual_longitude', $header) && !in_array('locationManual_latitude', $header)) {
         \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] No valid headers: location requires latitude and longitude");
         throw new ValidateException("No valid headers: location requires latitude and longitude", ValidationCodes::FILE_NO_VALID_HEADERS_LOCATION);
     $bulkCount = \App::config('ericssonserviceCallItemCount', self::BULK_UPDATE_DEFAULT);
     // I'm not sure... I don't like it.
     $watcher = $this->getMapper()->createFileWatcher();
     $txId = uniqid("bulk");
     $watcher->entityIds = array($txId);
     $watcher->params->action = "bulkSimUpdate";
     $errors = array();
     $warnings = array();
     $ntxs = 0;
     // Rows
     while (($line = fgetcsv($fd, 0, $sep)) !== false) {
         // Next line has been readed
         // Check columns
         if (count($line) !== $ncols) {
             $errors[] = new Model\ErrorModel(array('line' => $nrows, 'description' => "Incorrect format (number of columns)", 'level' => Model\ErrorModel::ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, 'code' => ValidationCodes::FILE_READING_ERR));
         // Create sim
         $data = array();
         foreach ($header as $key => $name) {
             // \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] $name : $key");
             if (!isset($validHeaders[$name])) {
                 // Ignore invalid columns
                 //                     \App::log()->warn("[UpdateBulk] Ignoring $name column");
             $value = $line[$key];
             if (preg_match('/^=\\"(?P<value>.*)\\"$/', $value, $matches)) {
                 $value = $matches['value'];
             // GLOBALPORTAL-28668
             // if (!empty($value)) {
             // \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] $name : $value");
             if (isset($value) && (!empty($value) || is_numeric($value))) {
                 // \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] TRUE $name : $value");
                 // Remove field?
                 // See SimBaseMapper _mapModelToEricssonModel method,
                 // SimValidate and App_Validate_ReferenceIndex to understand it
                 if ($value === '-' && $name !== 'staticIpApnIndex') {
                     $value = '';
                 // Process field
                 if (strpos($name, 'apn_') !== false) {
                     // In order to remove the current value of a SIM´s field,
                     // the character - must be indicated
                     $index = (int) substr($name, strlen('apn_apn')) - 1;
                     $data['apns'][$index] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($name, 'locationManual_') !== false) {
                         $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value);
                         if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                             $warnings[] = new Model\ErrorModel(array('line' => $nrows, 'column' => $name, 'description' => "Invalid value", 'level' => Model\ErrorModel::ERROR_LEVEL_WARN, 'code' => ValidationCodes::INVALID_VALUE));
                         } else {
                             $subname = substr($name, strlen('locationManual_'));
                             $value = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $value));
                             $data['locationManual'][$subname] = (int) round($value * pow(10, 6));
                     } else {
                         if ($name == 'LTE_status') {
                             if ($value != SimModel::LTE_ACTIVE && $value != SimModel::LTE_INACTIVE) {
                                 $warnings[] = new Model\ErrorModel(array('line' => $nrows, 'column' => $name, 'description' => "Invalid value", 'level' => Model\ErrorModel::ERROR_LEVEL_WARN, 'code' => ValidationCodes::INVALID_VALUE));
                             } else {
                                 $data['lteEnabled'] = $value == SimModel::LTE_ACTIVE ? true : false;
                         } else {
                             $data[$name] = $value;
         // Create and validate sim
         $sim = new SimModel($data);
         $v = $this->validate($sim, false, $validator);
         if ($v === true) {
             // Backup id
             $ids = $sim->getIds();
             $type = key($ids);
             $value = current($ids);
             //Inject organization
             $org = \App::getOrgUserLogged();
             switch ($org->getType()) {
                 case OrgMasterModel::ORG_TYPE:
                 case OrgServiceProviderModel::ORG_TYPE:
                 case OrgCustomerModel::ORG_TYPE:
                 case OrgAggregatorModel::ORG_TYPE:
                 case OrgEndUserModel::ORG_TYPE:
             // Filter by permissions
             $filter->direct('update_field', $sim);
             // Recover id and add sim to request
             $sim->{$type} = $value;
             $sims[] = $sim;
         } else {
             \App::log()->warn("[UpdateBulk] Ignoring invalid sim: " . json_encode($v));
             // Sending first validation error ONLY?
             foreach ($validator->getValidationCodes() as $field => $code) {
                 $errors[] = new Model\ErrorModel(array('line' => $nrows, 'description' => $field, 'level' => Model\ErrorModel::ERROR_LEVEL_WARN, 'code' => $code ?: ValidationCodes::MODEL_SIM));
         // Wait until packet is full
         if ($prows == $bulkCount) {
             // Send to Ericsson
             $this->_uploadBulk($sims, $errors, $irows, $nrows, $watcher);
             // Reset packet list
             $sims = array();
             $prows = 0;
             // Update CSV line position
             $irows = $nrows + 1;
     // Ensure all sims have been sent (last packet)
     if (!empty($sims)) {
         // Send to Ericsson
         $this->_uploadBulk($sims, $errors, $irows, $nrows, $watcher);
         // Reset packet list (memory propouses)
         $sims = array();
     // Check lines readed
     if ($nrows < 2) {
         \App::log()->debug("[UpdateBulk] Ignoring empty file");
         throw new ValidateException("Missing file rows");
     $event = $this->getMapper()->constructEventToTransaction();
     $event->entityId = $txId;
     // Add error code suffix
     if (isset($errors) && is_array($errors)) {
         foreach ($errors as $errMess) {
             require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php';
             $errMess->code = \ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code);
     $eventData = array('simParsed' => $nrows - 1);
     if (!empty($errors) || !empty($warnings)) {
         $eventData['hasFailures'] = true;
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $eventData['message']['failed'] = $errors;
         if (!empty($warnings)) {
             $eventData['message']['warnings'] = $warnings;
     } else {
         $eventData['hasFailures'] = false;
     $event->eventData = $eventData;
     $compressor = new ErrorModelCompressEvent();
     $nerr = count($errors);
     \App::audit("Bulk update ({$nrows} sims in {$ntxs} requests with {$nerr} errors)", null);
     return $watcher->reload();
 public function filesAction()
     if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         throw new AppEx\ForbiddenException("Files action must be a post request.");
     $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $front->registerPlugin(new \Tid_Zend_Controller_Plugin_UploadMax());
     try {
         $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer('App_File_Transfer_Adapter_HttpMultipartMixed', false, array('ignoreNoFile' => true));
     } catch (Zend_File_Transfer_Exception $e) {
         throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage());
     $upload->addValidator('Count', true, array('min' => 1, 'max' => 1))->addValidator('Extension', true, array('xml', 'csv', 'txt'))->addValidator('MimeType', true, array('application/xml', 'text/plain', 'headerCheck' => true));
     if ($upload->isValid()) {
         if ($upload->receive()) {
             try {
                 $fileinfo = current($upload->getFileInfo());
                 $filename = $fileinfo['tmp_name'];
                 // Attempt to parse data from file
                 $parseResult = $this->_stockSrv->getData($filename, $upload->getMimeType());
                 $data = $parseResult['data'];
                 $errors = $parseResult['errors'];
                 if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) {
                     foreach ($errors as $errMess) {
                         require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php';
                         $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code);
                 $method = 'create' . ucfirst($data['_type']);
                 if (!empty($data['_type']) && is_callable(array($this->_stockSrv, $method))) {
                     // Check permissions according to the data type
                     $dumbSim = new Application\Model\SimModel();
                     $this->_helper->allowed($data['_perm'], $dumbSim);
                     try {
                         $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->{$method}($parseResult);
                     } catch (AppEx\GlobalServiceException $ex) {
                         throw $ex;
                     $txId = uniqid('parser');
                     WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId);
                     $event = new EventModel();
                     $event->entityId = $txId;
                     $event->entityType = 'transaction';
                     $event->namespace = 'connectivity';
                     $event->eventData = $errors;
                     $event->created = time();
                     $event->forceFinish = true;
                     //                         WatcherService::getInstance()->setStatus($watcher->id, WatcherModel::STATUS_FINISHED);
                     $errors_ex = $this->_loadErrorsFromWatcher($watcher);
                     if (!empty($errors_ex)) {
                         $errors = Zend_Json::encode($errors_ex);
                         App::log()->warn("Error on file upload in stock:\n" . $errors);
                         throw new AppEx\StockParserException("Some errors uploading file to stock.", array('errorMessages' => $errors_ex));
                 } else {
                     throw new AppEx\UnexpectedException('Unknown data type (' . $data['_type'] . ')');
             } catch (PermissionException $e) {
                 throw $e;
             } catch (StockParserException $e) {
                 throw $e;
             } catch (GlobalServiceException $e) {
                 $txId = uniqid('parser');
                 if (!isset($watcher)) {
                     $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->createFileWatcher();
                     $watcher->entityIds = array($txId);
                     $watcher->params->type = 'sim';
                     $watcher->params->action = 'stockUpload';
                 } else {
                     WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId);
                 $event = new EventModel();
                 $event->entityId = $txId;
                 $event->entityType = 'transaction';
                 $event->namespace = 'connectivity';
                 $event->created = time();
                 $event->modified = time();
                 $event->pushEventData = true;
                 $eventData = array();
                 $errors = $e->getErrorMessages();
                 $eventData['hasFailures'] = true;
                 if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) {
                     require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php';
                     foreach ($errors as $errMess) {
                         if ($errMess instanceof ErrorModel) {
                             $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code);
                     $eventData['message'] = array('failed' => $errors);
                 $event->eventData = $eventData;
                 $event->forceFinish = true;
                 $compressor = new ErrorModelCompressEvent();
                 //                     WatcherService::getInstance()->setStatus($watcher->id, WatcherModel::STATUS_FINISHED);
                 $errors = $this->_loadErrorsFromWatcher($watcher);
                 if (!empty($errors)) {
                     App::log()->warn("Error on file upload in stock:\n" . Zend_Json::encode($errors));
                     throw new AppEx\StockParserException("Some errors uploading file to stock.", array('errorMessages' => $errors));
         } else {
             throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Could not receive file');
     } else {
         throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid file: ' . implode(', ', $upload->getMessages()));
 public function editSimList($data)
     if ($data) {
         $mapper = StockMapper::getInstance();
         $result = $mapper->editSimListEricsson($data);
         foreach ($data['list'] as $item) {
             $sim = new SimModel(array(isset($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : 'icc' => $item['id']));
             \App::audit('SIM editing finished successfully', $sim);
         if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) {
             foreach ($result as $errMess) {
                 require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php';
                 $errMess->code = \ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code);
         $watcher = $mapper->constructWatcherToTransaction();
         $watcher->params->action = 'stockEditList';
         $watcher->params->count = count($data['list']);
         $txId = uniqid('stockeditlist');
         $watcher->entityIds = array($txId);
         $event = $mapper->constructEventToTransaction();
         $event->entityId = $txId;
         $eventData = array('hasFailures' => false, 'message' => array('failed' => $result));
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $eventData['hasFailures'] = true;
         $event->eventData = $eventData;
         return $watcher;
     } else {
         throw new AppEx\ValidateException('Invalid SIM list');
 public function uploadLegacyAction()
     $upload = $this->_helper->uploadFile();
     try {
         // Attempt to parse data from file
         $parseResult = $this->_stockSrv->getDataLegacy($upload->getFileName(), $upload->getMimeType());
         $data = $parseResult['data'];
         $errors = $parseResult['errors'];
         $method = 'create' . ucfirst($data['_type']);
         if (empty($data['_type']) || !is_callable(array($this->_stockSrv, $method))) {
             throw new AppEx\UnexpectedException('Unknown data type (' . $data['_type'] . ')');
         // Check permissions according to the data type
         $dumbSim = new Application\Model\SimModel();
         $this->_helper->allowed($data['_perm'], $dumbSim);
         if (!empty($errors) && is_array($errors)) {
             require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/ErrorController.php';
             foreach ($errors as $errMess) {
                 $errMess->code = ErrorController::finishErrorCode($errMess->code);
         $watcher = $this->_stockSrv->{'create' . ucfirst($data['_type'])}($parseResult);
         $txId = uniqid('bulk');
         WatcherService::getInstance()->pushEntityId($watcher, $txId);
         $this->_sendBulkEvent($txId, $errors);
     } catch (PermissionException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (StockParserException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (GlobalServiceException $e) {
         $watcher = $this->_fakeWatcherOnParseError($e, $watcher, 'legacy', 'stockUploadLegacy', $errors);
     $this->_helper->filterNotAllowedFields('read_field', $watcher);
     // ExtJS requires the response to be { success: true }
     $this->view->success = true;
     $this->view->watcher = $watcher;