  * Event handler method, which is called on menu creation. Adds some
  * datagathering relevant menu entries.
  * @param Erfurt_Event $event
  * @return bool
 public function onCreateMenu($event)
     $menu = $event->menu;
     $resource = $event->resource;
     $model = $event->model;
     $owApp = OntoWiki::getInstance();
     // We only add entries to the menu, if all params are given and the
     // model is editable.
     if (null === $resource || null === $model || !$model->isEditable() || !$owApp->erfurt->getAc()->isModelAllowed('edit', $owApp->selectedModel)) {
     $owApp = OntoWiki::getInstance();
     $translate = $owApp->translate;
     $wrapperRegistry = Erfurt_Wrapper_Registry::getInstance();
     $activeWrapperList = $wrapperRegistry->listActiveWrapper();
     if ((bool) $this->_privateConfig->sync->enabled) {
         $syncConfigList = $this->_listSyncConfigs();
     } else {
         $syncConfigList = array();
     $uri = (string) $resource;
     $modelUri = (string) $model;
     $menuArray = array();
     // Check all active wrapper extensions, whether URI is handled. Also
     // check, whether a sync config exists.
     foreach ($activeWrapperList as $wrapperName) {
         $hash = $this->_getHash($uri, $wrapperName, $modelUri);
         $r = new Erfurt_Rdf_Resource($uri);
         $wrapperInstance = $wrapperRegistry->getWrapperInstance($wrapperName);
         if ($wrapperInstance->isHandled($r, $modelUri)) {
             $menuArray[$wrapperName] = array('instance' => $wrapperInstance);
             if (isset($syncConfigList[$hash])) {
                 $menuArray[$wrapperName]['sync'] = true;
     // Only add a separator, if at least one active wrapper exists.
     if (count($menuArray) > 0) {
     foreach ($menuArray as $wrapperName => $wrapperArray) {
         $wrapperInstance = $wrapperArray['instance'];
         if (isset($wrapperArray['sync']) && $wrapperArray['sync'] === true) {
             $message = $translate->_('Sync Data with %1$s');
             $menu->appendEntry(sprintf($message, $wrapperInstance->getName()), array('about' => $uri, 'class' => 'sync_data_button wrapper_' . $wrapperName));
         } else {
             $message = $translate->_('Import Data with %1$s');
             $menu->appendEntry(sprintf($message, $wrapperInstance->getName()), array('about' => $uri, 'class' => 'fetch_data_button wrapper_' . $wrapperName));
         // Configure for sync entry.
         if ((bool) $this->_privateConfig->sync->enabled) {
             $configUrl = $owApp->config->urlBase . 'datagathering/config?uri=' . urlencode($uri) . '&wrapper=' . urlencode($wrapperName);
             if ($event->isModel) {
                 $configUrl .= '&m=' . urlencode($uri);
             $message = $translate->_('Configure Sync with %1$s');
             $menu->appendEntry(sprintf($message, $wrapperInstance->getName()), $configUrl);
     return true;
 public static function import($graphUri, $uri, $locator, $all = true, $presets = array(), $exceptedProperties = array(), $wrapperName = 'linkeddata', $fetchMode = 'none', $action = 'add', $versioning = true, $filterCallback = null)
     // Check whether user is allowed to write the model.
     $erfurt = Erfurt_App::getInstance();
     $store = $erfurt->getStore();
     $storeGraph = $store->getModel($graphUri);
     if (!$storeGraph || !$storeGraph->isEditable()) {
         return self::IMPORT_NOT_EDITABLE;
     $r = new Erfurt_Rdf_Resource($uri);
     // Try to instanciate the requested wrapper
     $wrapper = null;
     try {
         $wrapper = Erfurt_Wrapper_Registry::getInstance()->getWrapperInstance($wrapperName);
     } catch (Erfurt_Wrapper_Exception $e) {
     if (null == $wrapper) {
         return self::IMPORT_WRAPPER_NOT_AVAILABLE;
     $wrapperResult = null;
     try {
         $wrapperResult = $wrapper->run($r, $graphUri, $all);
     } catch (Erfurt_Wrapper_Exception $e) {
         return self::IMPORT_WRAPPER_ERR;
     if ($wrapperResult === false) {
     } else {
         if (is_array($wrapperResult)) {
             if (isset($wrapperResult['status_codes'])) {
                 if (in_array(Erfurt_Wrapper::RESULT_HAS_ADD, $wrapperResult['status_codes'])) {
                     $newStatements = $wrapperResult['add'];
                     //default filter
                     $newStatements = self::filterStatements($newStatements, $uri, $all, $presets, $exceptedProperties, $fetchMode);
                     //custom filter
                     if ($filterCallback != null && is_array($filterCallback)) {
                         try {
                             $newStatements = call_user_func($filterCallback, $newStatements);
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             return self::IMPORT_CUSTOMFILTER_EXCEPTION;
                     $stmtBeforeCount = $store->countWhereMatches($graphUri, '{ ?s ?p ?o }', '*');
                     if ($versioning) {
                         // Prepare versioning...
                         $versioning = $erfurt->getVersioning();
                         $actionSpec = array('type' => self::VERSIONING_IMPORT_ACTION_TYPE, 'modeluri' => $graphUri, 'resourceuri' => $uri);
                         // Start action
                     if ($action == 'add') {
                         try {
                             $store->addMultipleStatements($graphUri, $newStatements);
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             if (defined('_EFDEBUG')) {
                                 throw $e;
                             return self::IMPORT_GENERAL_EXCEPTION;
                     } else {
                         if ($action == 'update') {
                             $queryoptions = array('use_ac' => false, 'result_format' => Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT_EXTENDED, 'use_additional_imports' => false);
                             $oldStatements = $store->sparqlQuery('SELECT * FROM <' . $graphUri . '> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }', $queryoptions);
                             //transform resultset to rdf/php statements
                             $modelOld = new Erfurt_Rdf_MemoryModel();
                             $modelNew = new Erfurt_Rdf_MemoryModel($newStatements);
                             $storeGraph->updateWithMutualDifference($modelOld->getStatements(), $modelNew->getStatements());
                     if ($versioning) {
                     $stmtAfterCount = $store->countWhereMatches($graphUri, '{ ?s ?p ?o }', '*');
                     $stmtAddCount = $stmtAfterCount - $stmtBeforeCount;
                     if ($stmtAddCount > 0) {
                         // TODO test ns
                         // If we added some statements, we check for additional namespaces and add them.
                         if (in_array(Erfurt_Wrapper::RESULT_HAS_NS, $wrapperResult['status_codes'])) {
                             $namespaces = $wrapperResult['ns'];
                             $erfurtNamespaces = $erfurt->getNamespaces();
                             foreach ($namespaces as $ns => $prefix) {
                                 try {
                                     $erfurtNamespaces->addNamespacePrefix($graphUri, $prefix, $ns, false);
                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                     // Ignore...
                         return self::IMPORT_OK;
                     } else {
                         if (count($newStatements) > 0) {
                             return self::IMPORT_NO_NEW_DATA;
                         } else {
                             return self::IMPORT_NO_DATA;
                 } else {
                     return self::IMPORT_NO_DATA;
             } else {
                 return self::IMPORT_WRAPPER_ERR;
         } else {
             return self::IMPORT_WRAPPER_ERR;
Esempio n. 3
 public function testGetLocator()
     $uri = new Erfurt_Rdf_Resource('http://example.org/testResource1');
     $this->assertEquals('http://example.org/testLocator', $uri->getLocator());
 public function testIsHandledFalseWithLocator()
     $r = new Erfurt_Rdf_Resource('mailto:me@example.org');
     $this->assertFalse($this->_wrapper->isHandled($r, null));