public function generatePathsKeyName($id)
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
     $className = $this->_ormClass;
     $ormClass = new $className();
     $ormKey = $ormClass->_primaryKeys[0];
     $whrSelect = $db->select()->from(array('ccc' => $this->_table), 'ccc.ancestor')->where('ccc.depth != 0')->where('ccc.ancestor = ?', (int) $id);
     $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from(array('c' => $this->_table), "c.descendant AS node, GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY n.enumerationId SEPARATOR ' -> ') AS path")->join(array('cc' => $this->_table), 'cc.descendant = c.descendant', array())->join(array('n' => $ormClass->_table), 'n.' . $ormKey . ' = cc.ancestor', array())->where('c.ancestor = ?', (int) $id)->where('c.descendant != c.ancestor')->group('c.descendant');
     $ret = array();
     $rows = $db->fetchAll($sqlSelect);
     if ($rows) {
         $statisticsStoreKeyAsValue = (string) Zend_Registry::get('config')->statisticsStoreKeyAsValue == 'true' ? true : false;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $enumeration = new Enumeration();
             $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $row['node'];
             if ($statisticsStoreKeyAsValue) {
                 $ret[$enumeration->key] = $row['path'];
             } else {
                 $ret[$enumeration->name] = $row['path'];
     return $ret;
  * Default action to dispatch
 public function indexAction()
     $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam("enumerationId");
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId;
     $ormClass = $enumeration->ormClass;
     $ormId = $enumeration->ormId;
     $ormEditMethod = $enumeration->ormEditMethod;
     if (!class_exists($ormClass)) {
         throw new Exception("ORM Class {$ormClass} does not exists");
     $ormObject = new $ormClass();
     if (!$ormObject instanceof ORM) {
         throw new Exception("ORM Class {$ormClass} is not an instance of an ORM");
     if (strlen($ormEditMethod) > 0 && method_exists($ormObject, $ormEditMethod)) {
         $form = $ormObject->{$ormEditMethod}($ormId);
     } else {
         foreach ($ormObject->_primaryKeys as $key) {
             $ormObject->{$key} = $ormId;
         $form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'edit-object'));
         $form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . "generic-edit.raw/process-edit?enumerationId={$enumerationId}");
         $form->loadORM($ormObject, "ormObject");
     $this->_ormObject = $ormObject;
     $this->view->ormObject = $this->_ormObject;
     $this->view->form = $form;
 public function getDisplayedValue()
     $ret = null;
     if ($this->type != self::TYPE_ENUM) {
         return $ret;
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumeration->enumerationId = (int) $this->value;
     return $enumeration->name;
Esempio n. 4
 public function getDiscountTypes()
     $discountTypes = array();
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationClosure = new EnumerationClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $discountTypes[$enum->key] = $enum->name;
     return $discountTypes;
Esempio n. 5
 public static function listReasons()
     $reasons = array();
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $reasons[$enum->key] = $enum->name;
     return $reasons;
 protected function _getEnumerationByName($name)
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enumeration) {
         $ret[$enumeration->key] = $enumeration->name;
     return $ret;
 protected function _getReasons()
     $reasons = array();
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ctr = 0;
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         // since data type of patient_note.reason is tinyint we simply use the counter as id
         $reasons[$ctr++] = $enum->name;
     return $reasons;
 public function editAction()
     $personId = (int) $this->_getParam('personId');
     if (isset($this->_session->messages)) {
         $this->view->messages = $this->_session->messages;
     $this->_form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'provider-detail'));
     $this->_form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . "admin-providers.raw/edit-process");
     $this->_provider = new Provider();
     $this->_provider->person_id = $personId;
     if (!$this->_provider->populate()) {
         if ($personId > 0) {
             //handle case where person exists but no provider record
             $this->view->noProvider = true;
         //do nothing if personId is 0, no person selected yet
     $this->_form->loadORM($this->_provider, 'provider');
     $this->view->form = $this->_form;
     $this->view->person = $this->_provider;
     $stations = Enumeration::getEnumArray(Routing::ENUM_PARENT_NAME);
     $stations = array_merge(array('' => ''), $stations);
     $this->view->stations = $stations;
     $specialties = array('' => '');
     $listSpecialties = Provider::getListSpecialties();
     // temporarily use AM = American Medical Association
     foreach ($listSpecialties['AM'] as $specialty) {
         $specialties[$specialty['code']] = $specialty['description'];
     $this->view->specialties = $specialties;
     $this->view->colors = Room::getColorList();
 public function indexAction()
     $enumAr = Enumeration::getEnumArray("Gender", "key", "name");
Esempio n. 10
 public function setUp()
     $this->_guids = NSDR::generateTestData();
 public function indexAction()
     $enumAr = Enumeration::getEnumArray('Gender', 'key');
Esempio n. 12
 public static function generateMenus($menu = 'default', $attributes = array('name' => '', 'absolutePosition' => 'auto', 'mixedImages' => 'yes'))
     static $_menus = array();
     if (!strlen($menu) > 0) {
         throw new Exception("Menu argument must be a string referencing a valid activity tab");
     $rootTag = '<menu';
     foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {
         $rootTag .= " {$k}=\"{$v}\"";
     $rootTag .= ' />';
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($rootTag);
     $name = 'Menu';
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     self::_generateEnumerationTree($xml, $enumeration->enumerationId);
     return $xml->asXML();
 public function listAction()
     $rows = array();
     $guid = '8e6a2456-1710-46be-a018-2afb0ec2829f';
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $closure = new EnumerationClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $closure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1, true);
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $row = array();
         $row['id'] = $enum->enumerationId;
         $row['data'] = array();
         $row['data'][] = $enum->name;
         $rows[] = $row;
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
     $json->direct(array('rows' => $rows), true);
Esempio n. 14
 public function getDisplayGender()
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumeration->enumerationId = $this->gender;
     return $enumeration->name;
     $gender = "";
     switch ($this->gender) {
         case "1":
             $gender = "M";
         case "2":
             $gender = "F";
         case "3":
             $gender = "O";
     return $gender;
 protected function _edit($groupId = null)
     $groupId = (int) $groupId;
     $claimRule = new ClaimRule();
     $claimRule->event = ClaimRule::EVENT_WARNING;
     $action = 'add';
     if ($groupId > 0) {
         $claimRule->groupId = $groupId;
         $claim = new ClaimRule();
         $claim->title = $claimRule->title;
         $claim->message = $claimRule->message;
         $claim->groupId = $claimRule->groupId;
         $claim->event = $claimRule->event;
         $claimRule = $claim;
         // swap, we only need the hidden fields
         $action = 'edit';
     $this->view->action = $action;
     $form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'claimRule'));
     $form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'claim-rules.raw/process-' . $action);
     $form->loadORM($claimRule, 'claimRule');
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->claimRule = $claimRule;
     $modifiers = array('' => '');
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumeration->populateByUniqueName('Procedure Modifiers');
     $closure = new EnumerationClosure();
     $descendants = $closure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1, true);
     foreach ($descendants as $row) {
         $modifiers[$row->key] = $row->key . ': ' . $row->name;
     $this->view->modifiers = $modifiers;
     $insurancePrograms = array('' => '');
     foreach (InsuranceProgram::getInsurancePrograms() as $key => $value) {
         $insurancePrograms[$key] = $value;
     $this->view->insurancePrograms = $insurancePrograms;
 public function editAction()
     $ormId = (int) $this->_getParam('ormId');
     $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId');
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId;
     $inventory = new ImmunizationInventory();
     $inventory->immunization = $enumeration->name;
     $inventory->expiration = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year'));
     $form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'edit'));
     $form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'immunization-inventory.raw/process-edit');
     $form->loadORM($inventory, 'inventory');
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->enumerationId = $enumerationId;
     $this->view->totalInStock = 0;
     $this->view->totalExpired = 0;
 public function getAppointmentReasons()
     $name = self::ENUM_PARENT_NAME;
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationId = $enumeration->enumerationId;
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $dbSelect = $db->select()->from(array('e' => $enumeration->_table))->join(array('ec' => 'enumerationsClosure'), 'e.enumerationId = ec.descendant')->join(array('at' => $this->_table), 'at.appointmentTemplateId = e.ormId', array('appointmentTemplateName' => 'name', 'breakdown'))->where('ec.ancestor = ?', (int) $enumerationId)->where('ec.ancestor != ec.descendant')->where('ec.depth = 1')->where(' = 1')->order('ec.weight ASC')->order(' ASC');
     $rows = array();
     if ($rowset = $db->fetchAll($dbSelect)) {
         foreach ($rowset as $row) {
             // unserialize breakdown
             if (strlen($row['breakdown']) > 0) {
                 $row['breakdown'] = unserialize($row['breakdown']);
             } else {
                 $row['breakdown'] = array();
             $rows[$row['enumerationId']] = $row;
     return $rows;
 public function editAction()
     $tableName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', '', $this->_getParam("id", ""));
     $prettyName = preg_replace('/([A-Z]{1})/', ' \\1', substr($tableName, 9));
     $this->view->tableName = $tableName;
     $this->view->prettyName = $prettyName;
     $this->view->chBaseMed24Url = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->CHMED->chBaseMed24Url;
     $this->view->chBaseMed24DetailUrl = Zend_Registry::get('config')->healthcloud->CHMED->chBaseMed24DetailUrl;
     $name = Medication::ENUM_ADMIN_SCHED;
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $rowset = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $scheduleOptions = array();
     $adminSchedules = array();
     foreach ($rowset as $row) {
         $scheduleOptions[] = $row->key;
         $adminSchedules[$row->key] = $row->name;
     $this->view->scheduleOptions = $scheduleOptions;
     $this->view->quantityQualifiers = Medication::listQuantityQualifiersMapping();
 public function processEditAction()
     $enumerationId = (int) $this->_getParam('enumerationId');
     $params = $this->_getParam('appointmentTemplate');
     $appointmentTemplateId = (int) $params['appointmentTemplateId'];
     $breakdownNames = $this->_getParam('breakdownName');
     $breakdownLength = $this->_getParam('breakdownLength');
     $breakdownType = $this->_getParam('breakdownType');
     $breakdowns = array();
     if (is_array($breakdownNames) && is_array($breakdownLength) && is_array($breakdownType)) {
         foreach ($breakdownNames as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($breakdownLength[$key]) || !isset($breakdownType[$key])) {
             $data = array();
             $data['n'] = $value;
             $data['l'] = (int) $breakdownLength[$key];
             $data['t'] = $breakdownType[$key];
             $breakdowns[] = $data;
         if (count($breakdowns) > 0) {
             $this->_appointmentTemplate->breakdown = serialize($breakdowns);
     if ($appointmentTemplateId === 0 && $enumerationId !== 0) {
         $enumeration = new Enumeration();
         $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId;
         $enumeration->ormId = $this->_appointmentTemplate->appointmentTemplateId;
     $this->view->message = __("Record saved successfully");
 public function indexAction()
     $memcache = Zend_Registry::get('memcache');
     $defaultQuickList = $memcache->get('defaultQuickList');
     if ($defaultQuickList === false) {
         $defaultQuickList = array();
         $defaultQuickList['type'] = 'mostRecent';
         $defaultQuickList['id'] = 'mostRecent';
         $defaultQuickList['text'] = 'Most Recent';
     } else {
         $defaultQuickList = unserialize($defaultQuickList);
     $this->view->defaultQuickList = $defaultQuickList;
     $this->view->quickList = $this->_getQuickList();
     $providerIterator = new ProviderIterator();
     $this->view->providerIterator = $providerIterator;
     $name = TeamMember::ENUM_PARENT_NAME;
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $this->view->teamList = $enumerationIterator;
 public function _setActivePatient($personId, $visitId)
     if (!$personId > 0) {
     $memcache = Zend_Registry::get('memcache');
     $patient = new Patient();
     $patient->personId = (int) $personId;
     $this->_patient = $patient;
     $this->view->patient = $this->_patient;
     $mostRecentRaw = $memcache->get('mostRecent');
     $currentUserId = (int) Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->personId;
     $personId = $patient->personId;
     $teamId = $patient->teamId;
     if ($mostRecentRaw === false) {
         $mostRecent = array();
     } else {
         $mostRecent = unserialize($mostRecentRaw);
     if (!array_key_exists($currentUserId, $mostRecent)) {
         $mostRecent[$currentUserId] = array();
     if (array_key_exists($personId, $mostRecent[$currentUserId])) {
     $name = $patient->person->last_name . ', ' . $patient->person->first_name . ' ' . substr($patient->person->middle_name, 0, 1) . ' #' . $patient->record_number;
     $mostRecent[$currentUserId][$patient->personId] = array('name' => $name, 'teamId' => $teamId);
     $memcache->set('mostRecent', serialize($mostRecent));
     if (strlen($patient->teamId) > 0) {
         $name = TeamMember::ENUM_PARENT_NAME;
         $enumeration = new Enumeration();
         $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
         $rowset = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
         $patientEnumerationId = 0;
         foreach ($rowset as $row) {
             if ($patient->teamId == $row->key) {
                 $patientEnumerationId = $row->enumerationId;
         if ($patientEnumerationId !== 0) {
             $this->view->team = TeamMember::generateTeamTree($patientEnumerationId);
     // POSTINGS
     $allergies = array();
     $patientAllergy = new PatientAllergy();
     $patientAllergyIterator = $patientAllergy->getIteratorByPatient($personId);
     foreach ($patientAllergyIterator as $allergy) {
         if ($allergy->noKnownAllergies) {
         $allergies[] = $allergy->toArray();
     $this->view->allergies = $allergies;
     $notes = array();
     $patientNote = new PatientNote();
     $patientNoteIterator = $patientNote->getIterator();
     $filters = array();
     $filters['patient_id'] = $personId;
     $filters['active'] = 1;
     $filters['posting'] = 1;
     foreach ($patientNoteIterator as $note) {
         $notes[] = $note->toArray();
     $this->view->notes = $notes;
     $ctr = 0;
     $hsa = new HealthStatusAlert();
     $hsaIterator = $hsa->getIteratorByStatusWithPatientId('active', $personId);
     foreach ($hsaIterator as $row) {
     if ($ctr > 0) {
         $this->view->reminders = $ctr;
     // VISITS
     //$this->_visit = null;
     if (!$visitId > 0) {
     $visit = new Visit();
     $visit->encounter_id = (int) $visitId;
     $this->_visit = $visit;
     $this->view->visit = $this->_visit;
  * @return LogLevel
 public function setId($id)
     Assert::isNull($this->id, 'i am immutable one!');
     return parent::setId($id);
Esempio n. 23
 public function addAction()
     $this->_patientNote = new PatientAllergy();
     $this->_patientNote->patientId = (int) $this->_getParam('personId');
     $this->_patientNote->causativeAgent = $this->_getParam('allergy', '');
     $this->_form = new WebVista_Form(array('name' => 'add'));
     $this->_form->setAction(Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'allergies.raw/process-add');
     $this->_form->loadORM($this->_patientNote, 'allergy');
     $this->view->form = $this->_form;
     $patientNoteIterator = $this->_patientNote->getIteratorByPatient();
     $ctr = 0;
     foreach ($patientNoteIterator as $allergy) {
     $this->view->disableNoKnownAllergies = $ctr > 0 ? true : false;
     $listReactionTypes = array('' => '');
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ctr = 0;
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $listReactionTypes[$enum->key] = $enum->name;
     $this->view->listReactionTypes = $listReactionTypes;
     $listSeverities = array('' => '');
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ctr = 0;
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $listSeverities[$enum->key] = $enum->name;
     $this->view->listSeverities = $listSeverities;
     $listSymptoms = array();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ctr = 0;
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $listSymptoms[$enum->key] = $enum->name;
     $this->view->listSymptoms = $listSymptoms;
     $listObservers = array('' => '');
     $providerIterator = new ProviderIterator();
     foreach ($providerIterator as $provider) {
         $listObservers[$provider->personId] = $provider->displayName;
     $this->view->listObservers = $listObservers;
Esempio n. 24
 public function ajaxGetMenuAction()
     $menus = array();
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Add Column'), 'id' => 'add_column');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Remove This Column'), 'id' => 'remove_column');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Select Date'), 'id' => 'select_date');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Edit This Appointment'), 'id' => 'edit_appointment');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Create Visit'), 'id' => 'create_visit');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Add Payment'), 'id' => 'add_payment');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Cancel Move'), 'id' => 'cancel_move');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Find First'), 'id' => 'find_first');
     $menus[] = array('text' => __('Time Search'), 'id' => 'timeSearch');
     $this->view->menus = $menus;
     $this->view->stations = Enumeration::getEnumArray(Routing::ENUM_PARENT_NAME);
     header('Content-Type: application/xml;');
Esempio n. 25
  * @param string $id one of DBType constants
  * @param boolean $nullable optional whether type is nullable; default is NOT NULL
  * @param int|null $size size of a type, if the type can have size; by default size is not set
  * @param int|null $precision precision of a type, if the type can have precision; by default precision is not set
  * @param int|null $scale scale of a type, if the type can have scale; by default scale is not set
  * @param boolean $generated whether type can be generated by the database; by default is not
 function __construct($id, $nullable = false, $size = null, $precision = null, $scale = null, $generated = false)
     if ($this->canHaveSize()) {
     } else {
         if ($this->canHavePrecision()) {
             if ($this->canHaveScale()) {
     if ($this->canBeGenerated()) {
Esempio n. 26
 public function getDisplayMaritalStatus()
     static $maritalStatuses = null;
     if ($maritalStatuses === null) {
         $maritalStatuses = Enumeration::getEnumArray('Marital Status', 'key');
     $maritalStatus = $this->marital_status;
     if (isset($maritalStatuses[$maritalStatus])) {
         $maritalStatus = $maritalStatuses[$maritalStatus];
     return $maritalStatus;
Esempio n. 27
 public static function getListInsurancePreferences()
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $enumerationsClosure = new EnumerationsClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1);
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $ret[$enum->key] = $enumerationsClosure->getAllDescendants($enum->enumerationId, 1)->toArray('key', 'name');
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 28
 public function setUp()
 private function _populateAndPersist($class, $id, $data, $enumerationId)
     // this method assumes that is being called in this controller only and that $class is valid and exists
     $orm = new $class();
     if ($id > 0) {
         $orm->id = $id;
     if (!$id > 0 && $enumerationId > 0) {
         $enumeration = new Enumeration();
         $enumeration->enumerationId = $enumerationId;
         $enumeration->ormId = $orm->id;
     return $orm;
 public function listAction()
     $rows = array();
     $guid = 'fac51e51-95fd-485e-a8f3-62e1228057ad';
     $enumeration = new Enumeration();
     $closure = new EnumerationClosure();
     $enumerationIterator = $closure->getAllDescendants($enumeration->enumerationId, 1, true);
     foreach ($enumerationIterator as $enum) {
         $row = array();
         $row['id'] = $enum->enumerationId;
         $row['data'] = array();
         $row['data'][] = $enum->name;
         $rows[] = $row;
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
     $json->direct(array('rows' => $rows), true);