public function run() { // echo "sign up model"; $user = $this->propareVO(); // if Email not exists, continue to create if (!UserDAOImpl::findByEmail($user->getEmail())) { $result = UserDAOImpl::doCreate($user); // create user in db if ($result) { // send mail $iEmailService = new EmailService(); $iEmailService->setReceiver($user); $msg = $iEmailService->sendEmail(); // header('location: ../login'); } else { $msg = SQL_EXCEPTION_CREATE_USER; // show error prompt } } else { $msg = SIGN_UP_DUPLICATE_REGISTER; } $controller = new Prompt(); $controller->index($msg); }
function sendInvoiceEmail($hotel, $email, $status) { $mode = 1; //html $ret = true; if ($status == 0) { //JMail::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode=0, $cc=null, $bcc=null, $attachment=null, $replyto=null, $replytoname=null) $ret = EmailService::sendEmail($email->company_email, $email->company_name, $email->company_email, $hotel->email, null, null, $email->subject, $email->content, $mode); } else { $appSettings = JHotelUtil::getApplicationSettings(); $emailAddress = ''; if ($appSettings->send_invoice_to_email) { $emailAddress = $appSettings->invoice_email; } else { $emailAddress = $hotel->email; } //JMail::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode=0, $cc=null, $bcc=null, $attachment=null, $replyto=null, $replytoname=null) $ret = EmailService::sendEmail($email->company_email, $email->company_name, $email->company_email, $emailAddress, null, null, $email->subject, $email->content, $mode); } return $ret; }
/** * Send email using the report account. Report account credentials * must be configured in application.ini or enviroment in order * function. * * @param string $subject Email subject text * @param array $to Array of recipients' email addresses * @param string $textbody Text representation of email body * @param string $htmlbody Html representation of email body * @param string $replyto Recipient's email address which replyto fucntion will point to. * @param array $attachment Attachement array as provided from the EmailService::createAttachment function * @param array $cc Array of recipient email addresses where the email carbon copied * @param array $ext Array of key/value pairs for the email header.Eg Precedence=bulk * @return boolean */ public static function sendReport($subject, $to, $textbody = '', $htmlbody = '', $replyto = false, $attachment = null, $cc = false, $ext = null) { $credentials = self::getReportCredentials(); if ($credentials === FALSE) { EmailService::log('No credentials registered for report email account', 'ERROR'); return false; } if ($attachment !== NULL && !is_array($attachment)) { $attachment = EmailService::createAttachment($attachment); } EmailService::sendEmail($subject, $to, $textbody, $htmlbody, $credentials['username'], $credentials['password'], $replyto, $attachment, $cc, $ext); return true; }
/** * Sends an email to reviewer when a Performance Review is added. * * @param PerformanceReviewService $review * @return null */ public function informReviewer(PerformanceReview $review) { try { $reviewerEmail = $review->getReviewer()->getEmpWorkEmail(); if ($reviewerEmail != '') { $content = file_get_contents(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/apps/orangehrm/modules/performance/templates/email/" . self::EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ADD_REVIEW); $varibles = array('#reviewerName' => $review->getReviewer()->getFirstName(), '#empName' => $review->getEmployee()->getFullName(), '#period' => set_datepicker_date_format($review->getPeriodFrom()) . ' ' . set_datepicker_date_format($review->getPeriodTo()), '#dueDate' => set_datepicker_date_format($review->getDueDate())); $mailBody = strtr($content, $varibles); $mailService = new EmailService(); $mailService->setMessageTo(array($reviewerEmail)); $mailService->setMessageFrom(array("admin@orangehrm")); $mailService->setMessageSubject("You Have Been Assigned a New Performance Review"); $mailService->setMessageBody($mailBody); @$mailService->sendEmail(); } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new PerformanceServiceException($e->getMessage()); } }