This class is intended to extend the $_SESSION magic variable by providing an API hook to plug in other values. Primarily this is intended to provide a way of supplying "logged in user" details without touching the session (which can cause problems when accessed server side). If a value is present in the session then that value is returned, otherwise a plugin hook 'session:get', '$var' is called, where $var is the variable being requested. Setting values will store variables in the session in the normal way. LIMITATIONS: You can not access multidimensional arrays This is EXPERIMENTAL.
Inheritance: implements ArrayAccess
Esempio n. 1
  * Update a specific piece of metadata.
  * @param int    $id         ID of the metadata to update
  * @param string $name       Metadata name
  * @param string $value      Metadata value
  * @param string $value_type Value type
  * @param int    $owner_guid Owner guid
  * @param int    $access_id  Access ID
  * @return bool
 function update($id, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     if (!($md = $this->get($id))) {
         return false;
     if (!$md->canEdit()) {
         return false;
     $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, $this->db->sanitizeString(trim($value_type)));
     $owner_guid = (int) $owner_guid;
     if ($owner_guid == 0) {
         $owner_guid = $this->session->getLoggedInUserGuid();
     $access_id = (int) $access_id;
     // Support boolean types (as integers)
     if (is_bool($value)) {
         $value = (int) $value;
     // If ok then add it
     $query = "UPDATE {$this->table}\n\t\t\tSET name = :name,\n\t\t\t    value = :value,\n\t\t\t\tvalue_type = :value_type,\n\t\t\t\taccess_id = :access_id,\n\t\t\t    owner_guid = :owner_guid\n\t\t\tWHERE id = :id";
     $result = $this->db->updateData($query, false, [':name' => $name, ':value' => $value, ':value_type' => $value_type, ':access_id' => $access_id, ':owner_guid' => $owner_guid, ':id' => $id]);
     if ($result !== false) {
         // @todo this event tells you the metadata has been updated, but does not
         // let you do anything about it. What is needed is a plugin hook before
         // the update that passes old and new values.
         $obj = $this->get($id);
         $this->events->trigger('update', 'metadata', $obj);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 2
  * Pull notification events from queue until stop time is reached
  * @param int $stopTime The Unix time to stop sending notifications
  * @return int The number of notification events handled
  * @access private
 public function processQueue($stopTime)
     $this->subscriptions->methods = $this->methods;
     $count = 0;
     // @todo grab mutex
     $ia = $this->session->setIgnoreAccess(true);
     while (time() < $stopTime) {
         // dequeue notification event
         $event = $this->queue->dequeue();
         if (!$event) {
         // test for usage of the deprecated override hook
         if ($this->existsDeprecatedNotificationOverride($event)) {
         $subscriptions = $this->subscriptions->getSubscriptions($event);
         // return false to stop the default notification sender
         $params = array('event' => $event, 'subscriptions' => $subscriptions);
         if ($this->hooks->trigger('send:before', 'notifications', $params, true)) {
             $this->sendNotifications($event, $subscriptions);
         $this->hooks->trigger('send:after', 'notifications', $params);
     // release mutex
     return $count;
Esempio n. 3
  * Get a key to represent the access ability of the system. This is used to shard the cache array.
  * @return string E.g. "ignored" or "123"
 protected function getAccessKey()
     if ($this->session->getIgnoreAccess()) {
         return "ignored";
     return (string) $this->session->getLoggedInUserGuid();
Esempio n. 4
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $sp = _elgg_services();
     $this->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
     $this->setFactory('db', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         $config = $this->getTestingDatabaseConfig();
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database($config, $sp->logger);
     $this->setFactory('entityTable', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\EntityTable($sp->config, $m->db, $sp->entityCache, $sp->metadataCache, $m->subtypeTable, $sp->events, $sp->session, $sp->translator, $sp->logger);
     $this->setFactory('metadataTable', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\MetadataTable($sp->metadataCache, $m->db, $m->entityTable, $sp->events, $m->session);
     $this->setFactory('annotations', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\Annotations($m->db, $m->session, $sp->events);
     $this->setFactory('relationshipsTable', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\RelationshipsTable($m->db, $m->entityTable, $m->metadataTable, $sp->events);
     $this->setFactory('subtypeTable', function (MockServiceProvider $m) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\SubtypeTable($m->db);
     $this->setFactory('accessCollections', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\AccessCollections($sp->config, $m->db, $m->entityTable, $sp->accessCache, $sp->hooks, $sp->session, $sp->translator);
     $this->setFactory('privateSettings', function (MockServiceProvider $m) use($sp) {
         return new \Elgg\Mocks\Database\PrivateSettingsTable($m->db, $m->entityTable, $sp->pluginSettingsCache);
Esempio n. 5
 public function setUp()
     // we will need simpletype hook to work
     $this->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService();
     $path_key = \Elgg\Application::GET_PATH_KEY;
     $this->request = \Elgg\Http\Request::create("?{$path_key}=action/upload");
     $this->logger = new \Elgg\Logger($this->hooks, $this->config(), new \Elgg\Context());
     $this->entities = _elgg_services()->entityTable;
     $this->user = $this->mocks()->getUser();
     $this->entity = $this->mocks()->getObject(['owner_guid' => $this->user->guid, 'subtype' => 'foo']);
     $dir = (new \Elgg\EntityDirLocator($this->entity->guid))->getPath();
     $this->entity_dir_path = $this->config()->get('dataroot') . $dir;
     if (is_dir($this->entity_dir_path)) {
     $dir = (new \Elgg\EntityDirLocator($this->entity->owner_guid))->getPath();
     $this->owner_dir_path = $this->config()->get('dataroot') . $dir;
     if (is_dir($this->owner_dir_path)) {
     // Needed to test elgg_get_inline_url()
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
Esempio n. 6
 public function setUp()
     // required by \ElggEntity when setting the owner/container
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
     $this->obj = $this->getMockBuilder('\\ElggUpgrade')->setMethods(null)->getMock();
     $this->obj->_callable_egefps = array($this, 'mock_egefps');
Esempio n. 7
  * Sends a notice about deprecated use of a function, view, etc.
  * @param string $msg             Message to log / display.
  * @param string $dep_version     Human-readable *release* version: 1.7, 1.8, ...
  * @param int    $backtrace_level How many levels back to display the backtrace.
  *                                Useful if calling from functions that are called
  *                                from other places (like elgg_view()). Set to -1
  *                                for a full backtrace.
  * @return bool
 function sendNotice($msg, $dep_version, $backtrace_level = 1)
     // if it's a major release behind, visual and logged
     // if it's a 1 minor release behind, visual and logged
     // if it's for current minor release, logged.
     // bugfixes don't matter because we are not deprecating between them
     if (!$dep_version) {
         return false;
     $elgg_version = elgg_get_version(true);
     $elgg_version_arr = explode('.', $elgg_version);
     $elgg_major_version = (int) $elgg_version_arr[0];
     $elgg_minor_version = (int) $elgg_version_arr[1];
     $dep_version_arr = explode('.', (string) $dep_version);
     $dep_major_version = (int) $dep_version_arr[0];
     $dep_minor_version = (int) $dep_version_arr[1];
     $visual = false;
     if ($dep_major_version < $elgg_major_version || $dep_minor_version < $elgg_minor_version) {
         $visual = true;
     $msg = "Deprecated in {$dep_major_version}.{$dep_minor_version}: {$msg}";
     if ($visual && $this->session->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
     // Get a file and line number for the log. Never show this in the UI.
     // Skip over the function that sent this notice and see who called the deprecated
     // function itself.
     $msg .= " Called from ";
     $stack = array();
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     // never show this call.
     $i = count($backtrace);
     foreach ($backtrace as $trace) {
         $stack[] = "[#{$i}] {$trace['file']}:{$trace['line']}";
         if ($backtrace_level > 0) {
             if ($backtrace_level <= 1) {
     $msg .= implode("<br /> -> ", $stack);
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
 function testLegacyCookiesAreReplacedInDbCookieAndSession()
     $this->svc = $this->getSvcWithCookie(str_repeat('a', 32));
     $this->assertSame($this->mockToken, $this->lastCookieSet->value);
     $this->assertSame($this->mockToken, $this->session->get('code'));
Esempio n. 9
  * Check to see if a user has already created an annotation on an object
  * @param int    $entity_guid     Entity guid
  * @param string $annotation_type Type of annotation
  * @param int    $owner_guid      Defaults to logged in user.
  * @return bool
 function exists($entity_guid, $annotation_type, $owner_guid = null)
     if (!$owner_guid && !($owner_guid = $this->session->getLoggedInUserGuid())) {
         return false;
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$this->db->prefix}annotations\n\t\t\t\tWHERE owner_guid = :owner_guid\n\t\t\t\tAND entity_guid = :entity_guid\n\t\t\t\tAND name = :annotation_type";
     $result = $this->db->getDataRow($sql, null, [':owner_guid' => (int) $owner_guid, ':entity_guid' => (int) $entity_guid, ':annotation_type' => $annotation_type]);
     return (bool) $result;
 public function testMigrate()
     $session = new ElggSession(new Elgg_Http_MockSessionStorage());
     $session->set('foo', 5);
     $id = $session->getId();
     $this->assertNotEquals($id, $session->getId());
Esempio n. 11
 public function setUp()
     $this->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService();
     $this->queue = new \Elgg\Queue\MemoryQueue();
     $dbMock = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Elgg\\Database')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $this->sub = new \Elgg\Notifications\SubscriptionsService($dbMock);
     $this->session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     // Event class has dependency on elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $this->session);
Esempio n. 12
 public function setUp()
     $this->viewsDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/test_files/views";
     $this->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService();
     $this->logger = $this->getMock('\\Elgg\\Logger', array(), array(), '', false);
     $this->views = new \Elgg\ViewsService($this->hooks, $this->logger);
     $this->views->autoregisterViews('', "{$this->viewsDir}/default", 'default');
     // supports deprecation wrapper for $vars['user']
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
Esempio n. 13
 protected function setUp()
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
     $this->obj = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\ElggEntity');
     $reflection = new ReflectionClass('\\ElggEntity');
     $method = $reflection->getMethod('initializeAttributes');
     if (method_exists($method, 'setAccessible')) {
         $method->invokeArgs($this->obj, array());
Esempio n. 14
 public function setUp()
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
     $this->handler = _elgg_services()->serveFileHandler;
     $file = new \ElggFile();
     $file->owner_guid = 1;
     $this->file = $file;
Esempio n. 15
 public function testMigrate()
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     $session->set('foo', 5);
     $id = $session->getId();
     $this->assertNotEquals($id, $session->getId());
Esempio n. 16
 public function testPropertiesReturnCorrectClassNames()
     $mgr = $this->getMock('\\Elgg\\AutoloadManager', array(), array(), '', false);
     $sp = new \Elgg\Di\ServiceProvider($mgr);
     $sp->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
     $svcClasses = array('accessCache' => '\\ElggStaticVariableCache', 'accessCollections' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\AccessCollections', 'actions' => '\\Elgg\\ActionsService', 'adminNotices' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\AdminNotices', 'annotations' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\Annotations', 'autoP' => '\\ElggAutoP', 'autoloadManager' => '\\Elgg\\AutoloadManager', 'config' => '\\Elgg\\Config', 'configTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\ConfigTable', 'context' => '\\Elgg\\Context', 'datalist' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\Datalist', 'db' => '\\Elgg\\Database', 'entityTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\EntityTable', 'events' => '\\Elgg\\EventsService', 'externalFiles' => '\\Elgg\\Assets\\ExternalFiles', 'hooks' => '\\Elgg\\PluginHooksService', 'input' => '\\Elgg\\Http\\Input', 'logger' => '\\Elgg\\Logger', 'metadataCache' => '\\Elgg\\Cache\\MetadataCache', 'metadataTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\MetadataTable', 'metastringsTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\MetastringsTable', 'passwords' => '\\Elgg\\PasswordService', 'plugins' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\Plugins', 'request' => '\\Elgg\\Http\\Request', 'relationshipsTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\RelationshipsTable', 'router' => '\\Elgg\\Router', 'session' => '\\ElggSession', 'simpleCache' => '\\Elgg\\Cache\\SimpleCache', 'siteSecret' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\SiteSecret', 'stickyForms' => '\\Elgg\\Forms\\StickyForms', 'subtypeTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\SubtypeTable', 'systemCache' => '\\Elgg\\Cache\\SystemCache', 'translator' => '\\Elgg\\I18n\\Translator', 'usersTable' => '\\Elgg\\Database\\UsersTable', 'views' => '\\Elgg\\ViewsService', 'widgets' => '\\Elgg\\WidgetsService');
     foreach ($svcClasses as $key => $class) {
         $obj1 = $sp->{$key};
         $obj2 = $sp->{$key};
         $this->assertInstanceOf($class, $obj1);
         $this->assertSame($obj1, $obj2);
Esempio n. 17
  * Update a specific piece of metadata.
  * @param int    $id         ID of the metadata to update
  * @param string $name       Metadata name
  * @param string $value      Metadata value
  * @param string $value_type Value type
  * @param int    $owner_guid Owner guid
  * @param int    $access_id  Access ID
  * @return bool
 function update($id, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id)
     $id = (int) $id;
     if (!($md = $this->get($id))) {
         return false;
     if (!$md->canEdit()) {
         return false;
     // If memcached then we invalidate the cache for this entry
     static $metabyname_memcache;
     if (!$metabyname_memcache && is_memcache_available()) {
         $metabyname_memcache = new \ElggMemcache('metabyname_memcache');
     if ($metabyname_memcache) {
         // @todo fix memcache (name_id is not a property of \ElggMetadata)
     $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, $this->db->sanitizeString(trim($value_type)));
     $owner_guid = (int) $owner_guid;
     if ($owner_guid == 0) {
         $owner_guid = $this->session->getLoggedInUserGuid();
     $access_id = (int) $access_id;
     // Support boolean types (as integers)
     if (is_bool($value)) {
         $value = (int) $value;
     $value_id = $this->metastringsTable->getId($value);
     if (!$value_id) {
         return false;
     $name_id = $this->metastringsTable->getId($name);
     if (!$name_id) {
         return false;
     // If ok then add it
     $query = "UPDATE {$this->table}" . " set name_id='{$name_id}', value_id='{$value_id}', value_type='{$value_type}', access_id={$access_id}," . " owner_guid={$owner_guid} where id={$id}";
     $result = $this->db->updateData($query);
     if ($result !== false) {
         $this->cache->save($md->entity_guid, $name, $value);
         // @todo this event tells you the metadata has been updated, but does not
         // let you do anything about it. What is needed is a plugin hook before
         // the update that passes old and new values.
         $obj = $this->get($id);
         $this->events->trigger('update', 'metadata', $obj);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 18
 public function setUp()
     $this->containerGuid = 42;
     // mock \ElggObject that has a container guid
     $object = $this->getMock('\\ElggObject', array('getContainerGUID'), array(), '', false);
     // mock event that holds the mock object
     $this->event = $this->getMock('\\Elgg\\Notifications\\Event', array('getObject'), array(), '', false);
     $this->db = $this->getMock('\\Elgg\\Database', array('getData', 'getTablePrefix', 'sanitizeString'), array(), '', false);
     // Event class has dependency on elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
Esempio n. 19
 public function testCanSetLoggedInUser()
     $user = $this->getMockBuilder(\ElggUser::class)->setMethods(['__get'])->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $user->expects($this->any())->method('__get')->will($this->returnCallback(function ($name) {
         if ($name == 'guid') {
             return 123;
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     $this->assertEquals($user, $session->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->assertEquals(123, $session->getLoggedInUserGuid());
Esempio n. 20
 public function setUp()
     $app = _elgg_testing_application();
     $dataroot = _elgg_testing_config()->getDataPath();
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
     $site_secret_mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Elgg\\Database\\SiteSecret')->getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('siteSecret', $site_secret_mock);
     $this->handler = new ServeFileHandler($app);
     $file_mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\\ElggFile')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $this->file = $file_mock;
Esempio n. 21
  * Get a variable from either the session, or if its not in the session attempt to get it from
  * an api call.
 function offsetGet($key)
     if (!ElggSession::$__localcache) {
         ElggSession::$__localcache = array();
     if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) {
         return $_SESSION[$key];
     if (isset(ElggSession::$__localcache[$key])) {
         return ElggSession::$__localcache[$key];
     $value = null;
     $value = trigger_plugin_hook('session:get', $key, null, $value);
     ElggSession::$__localcache[$key] = $value;
     return ElggSession::$__localcache[$key];
Esempio n. 22
 protected function setUp()
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
     $file = new \ElggFile();
     $file->owner_guid = 1;
     $this->file = $file;
     $dataroot = elgg_get_config('dataroot');
     if (is_dir($dataroot . '1/2/')) {
         // we use this for writing new files
         _elgg_rmdir($dataroot . '1/2/');
 public function setUp()
     $this->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService();
     $this->queue = new \Elgg\Queue\MemoryQueue();
     $dbMock = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Elgg\\Database')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $this->sub = new \Elgg\Notifications\SubscriptionsService($dbMock);
     $this->translator = new \Elgg\I18n\Translator();
     $this->session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     // User mock that supports calling $user->isBanned()
     $user_123 = $this->getMockBuilder('\\ElggEntity')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     // Database mock that returns the user_123
     $this->entities = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Elgg\\Database\\EntityTable')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     // Event class has dependency on elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $this->session);
Esempio n. 24
  * Save the registers to the session
  * The method of displaying these messages differs depending upon plugins and
  * viewtypes.  The core default viewtype retrieves messages in
  * {@link views/default/page/shells/default.php} and displays messages as
  * javascript popups.
  * Messages are stored as strings in the Elgg session as ['msg'][$register] array.
  * @param RegisterSet $set The set of registers
  * @return void
 public function saveRegisters(RegisterSet $set)
     $filter = function ($el) {
         return is_string($el) && $el !== "";
     $data = [];
     foreach ($set as $prop => $values) {
         if (!is_array($values)) {
         $arr = array_filter($values, $filter);
         if ($arr) {
             $data[$prop] = array_values($arr);
     $this->session->set(self::SESSION_KEY, $data);
Esempio n. 25
 public function setUp()
     $this->user = $this->mocks()->getUser();
     $this->owner_guid = $this->user->guid;
     $dir = (new EntityDirLocator($this->owner_guid))->getPath();
     $this->owner_dir_path = elgg_get_config('dataroot') . $dir;
     // we will need simpletype hook to work
     // Events service is trying to connect to the DB
     _elgg_services()->events->unregisterHandler('all', 'all', 'system_log_listener');
     _elgg_services()->events->unregisterHandler('log', 'systemlog', 'system_log_default_logger');
     $request = $this->prepareHttpRequest();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('request', $request);
     _elgg_services()->setValue('uploads', new UploadService($request));
     $session = \ElggSession::getMock();
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
Esempio n. 26
 public function setUp()
     $sp = _elgg_services();
     $sp->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
Esempio n. 27
 public function setUp()
     $this->service = new UrlSigner();
     $this->url = '/foo?a=b&c[]=1&c[]=2&c[]=0,5&_d=@username&e=%20';
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
Esempio n. 28
 protected function setUp()
     // required by \ElggEntity when setting the owner/container
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
Esempio n. 29
  * Create a user account for the admin
  * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars
  * @param bool  $login          Login in the admin user?
  * @return bool
 protected function createAdminAccount($submissionVars, $login = FALSE)
     try {
         $guid = register_user($submissionVars['username'], $submissionVars['password1'], $submissionVars['displayname'], $submissionVars['email']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     if (!$guid) {
         return false;
     $user = get_entity($guid);
     if (!$user instanceof ElggUser) {
         return false;
     if ($user->makeAdmin() == FALSE) {
     } else {
         _elgg_services()->configTable->set('admin_registered', 1);
     // add validation data to satisfy user validation plugins
     create_metadata($guid, 'validated', TRUE, '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC);
     create_metadata($guid, 'validated_method', 'admin_user', '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC);
     if ($login) {
         $handler = new Elgg\Http\DatabaseSessionHandler(_elgg_services()->db);
         // session.cache_limiter is unfortunately set to "" by the NativeSessionStorage constructor,
         // so we must capture and inject it directly.
         $options = ['cache_limiter' => session_cache_limiter()];
         $storage = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorage($options, $handler);
         $session = new ElggSession(new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session($storage));
         _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $session);
         if (login($user) == FALSE) {
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 30
 public function testLoggedOutUser()
     $originalSession = _elgg_services()->session;
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock());
     $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql();
     $access_clause = $this->getLoggedOutAccessListClause('e');
     $ans = "(({$access_clause}) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))";
     $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "{$sql} does not match {$ans}");
     _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $originalSession);