function pleio_api_delete_file($file_id) { $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); $user_id = $user !== false ? $user->guid : 0; if ($file_id && $user_id) { if (strlen($file_id) != 32) { $file = new ElggFile($file_id); if ($file && $file->guid && $file->canEdit($user_id) && $file->delete()) { return new SuccessResult(elgg_echo("file:deleted")); } } else { $url = pleio_api_swordfish_baseurl() . "delete-file?id=" . $file_id; $swordfish_name = pleio_api_swordfish_username($user->username); $result = pleio_api_call_swordfish_api($swordfish_name, $url, "POST"); if ($result->ok) { return new SuccessResult(elgg_echo("file:deleted")); } } } return new ErrorResult(elgg_echo("file:deletefailed")); }
elgg_load_library('odt_editor:locking'); // Get variables $file_guid = (int) get_input('file_guid'); $lock_guid = get_input('lock_guid'); $lock_set = (int) get_input('lock_set') == 1; $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); // load original file object $file = new ElggFile($file_guid); if (!$file) { if ($lock) { register_error(elgg_echo('odt_editor:error:file_removed')); } forward(REFERER); } // user must be able to edit file if (!$file->canEdit()) { register_error(elgg_echo('You do no longer have write access to the file that is edited.')); forward(REFERER); } // save folder guid in parameter to make sure file_tools_object_handler does not overwrite the relationship $relationships = get_entity_relationships($file->guid, FILE_TOOLS_RELATIONSHIP, true); if (elgg_is_active_plugin('file_tools') && count($relationships) > 0) { set_input('folder_guid', $relationships[0]->guid_one); } // recreate lock, user closed window but cancelled if ($lock_set && !odt_editor_locking_is_locked($file)) { trigger_error("Restored lock", E_USER_WARNING); odt_editor_locking_create_lock($file, $user_guid, $lock_guid); forward(REFERER); } // check for lost lock
if (isset($params->container_guid)) { $container = get_entity($params->container_guid); } else { $container = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); } } if (!$container instanceof ElggEntity) { register_error(elgg_echo('images:error:not_found')); forward(REFERRER); } if (!$entity) { $entity = new ElggFile(); $entity->subtype = 'file'; $entity->container_guid = $container ? $container->guid : elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); } if (!$entity->canEdit() || !$container->canWriteToContainer(0, $entity->getType(), $entity->getSubtype())) { register_error(elgg_echo('images:error:permission_denied')); forward(REFERRER); } $entity = images()->createFromUpload('upload', $entity); if (!$entity) { register_error(elgg_echo('images:upload:error:invalid_file')); forward(REFERRER); } $entity->title = $params->title; $entity->description = $params->description; $entity->tags = string_to_tag_array((string) $params->tags); $entity->access_id = isset($params->access_id) ? $params->access_id : get_default_access(); if ($entity->save()) { if (elgg_is_xhr()) { echo json_encode($entity->toObject());