Esempio n. 1
  * Ajouter une fonction à une version/sous_version
  * @author Grégory Elhaimer
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
  * @return type 
 public function executeAjouter(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->checkProfile($request, $this->ei_project);
     //Récupération du profil
     $this->forward404Unless($this->ei_version, "Version not found.");
     $this->checkFunction($request, $this->ei_project);
     /* Récupération du User courant et du package par défaut */
     $this->defaultPackage = $this->getDefaultPackage($this->ei_user, $this->ei_project);
     $function_ref = $request->getParameter('function_ref');
     $function_id = $request->getParameter('function_id');
     $subjectFunctions = array();
     /* Récupération d'une liaison éventuelle liaison existente entre la fonction et le bug */
     if ($function_id != null && $function_ref != null && $this->defaultPackage != null) {
         /* Recherche du sujet par rapport au package par défaut.
          * Ici, on vérifie que plusieurs bugs ne sont pas associés au même package , auquel cas on déclenche un exception pour contacter l'administrateur .
         $this->defaultPackageSubjects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiSubject')->findByPackageIdAndPackageRefAndProjectIdAndProjectRef($this->defaultPackage->getTicketId(), $this->defaultPackage->getTicketRef(), $this->ei_project->getProjectId(), $this->ei_project->getRefId());
         if (count($this->defaultPackageSubjects) > 1) {
             //Plusieurs sujets avec la même intervention.On déclenche une alerte système.
             throw new Exception('Please contact administrator.There many intervention with the same package ...');
         } elseif (count($this->defaultPackageSubjects) == 1) {
             $this->ei_subject = $this->defaultPackageSubjects->getFirst();
             $link = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiSubjectFunctions')->findOneBySubjectIdAndFunctionIdAndFunctionRef($this->ei_subject->getId(), $function_id, $function_ref);
             if ($link != null) {
                 $subjectFunctions[] = array('sf_subject_id' => $link->getSubjectId(), 'sf_function_id' => $link->getFunctionId(), 'sf_function_ref' => $link->getFunctionRef(), 'sf_automate' => $link->getAutomate());
     //création et initialisation de la fonction
     $ei_fonction = new EiFonction();
     $this->ei_version_structure = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiVersionStructure')->find($request->getParameter('ei_version_structure_id'));
     $this->forward404Unless($this->ei_version_structure && $this->ei_version_structure->getEiVersionId() == $this->ei_version->getId());
     $ei_version_structure = new EiVersionStructure();
     $ei_fonction = $ei_fonction->save();
     if ($insert_after = $request->getParameter('insert_after')) {
         $aft_version = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiVersionStructure')->find($insert_after);
     } else {
     $form = new EiFonctionForm($ei_fonction, array('params' => $ei_fonction->getEiParams(), 'mappings' => $ei_fonction->getEiFunctionMapping()));
     return $this->renderPartial('ajouterFonction', array('form' => $form, 'insert_after' => $ei_version_structure->getId(), 'obj' => $ei_fonction, 'paramsForUrl' => array('ei_version_id' => $this->ei_version->getId(), 'ei_version_structure_id' => $this->ei_version_structure->getId(), 'project_id' => $this->project_id, 'project_ref' => $this->project_ref, 'profile_id' => $this->profile_id, 'profile_ref' => $this->profile_ref, 'profile_name' => $this->profile_name, 'default_notice_lang' => $this->ei_project->getDefaultNoticeLang())));
 public function getFullFonctions($ei_version_structure, $defaultPackage = null)
     /* On s'assure que tout marche bien même si le package par défaut n'est pas renseigné */
     if ($defaultPackage == null) {
         $defPackId = 0;
         $defPackRef = 0;
         $defInterventionId = 0;
     } else {
         $defPackId = $defaultPackage['package_id'];
         $defPackRef = $defaultPackage['package_ref'];
         $defInterventionId = $defaultPackage['subject_id'];
     $query = "\n        SELECT  fct.*, as fctname,\n                ep.param_id as ep_paramid, ep.param_type, as paramname, ep.default_value as paramdefaultvalue, ep.description as paramdescription,\n                p.valeur, as id_eiparam, p.param_id, p.observation,\n       as id_mapping, mapping.ei_param_function_id, mapping.ei_param_block_id as mapping_ei_param_block_id, mapping.expression as mapping_expression,\n                mapping.ei_function_id as mapping_ei_function_id,\n                sf.subject_id as sf_subject_id ,sf.function_id as sf_function_id,sf.function_ref as sf_function_ref,\n                IF(sc.ticket_id IS NOT NULL and sc.ticket_ref IS NOT NULL,1,IF(sf.automate IS NOT NULL,0,NULL)) as  sf_automate,\n       as s_id, as s_name  ,s.package_id as s_package_id   ,s.package_ref as s_package_ref \n        FROM ei_fonction fct\n\n        INNER JOIN ei_version_structure ei_str\n        ON ei_str.ei_fonction_id =\n\n        LEFT JOIN ei_function_has_param ep\n        ON fct.function_ref = ep.function_ref AND ep.function_id = fct.function_id\n\n        LEFT JOIN ei_param p\n        ON p.param_id = ep.param_id AND p.id_fonction =\n\n        LEFT JOIN ei_param_block_function_mapping mapping\n        ON mapping.ei_function_id = AND mapping.ei_param_function_id = ep.param_id\n\n        LEFT JOIN ei_tree t\n        ON fct.function_ref=t.ref_obj  AND fct.function_id=t.obj_id\n        left join ei_script sc on sc.function_id=fct.function_id and sc.function_ref=fct.function_ref and sc.ticket_id=" . $defPackId . " and sc.ticket_ref=" . $defPackRef . " \n        left join ei_subject_functions sf on sf.function_id=fct.function_id and sf.function_ref=fct.function_ref  and sf.subject_id=" . $defInterventionId . " \n        left join ei_subject s on and" . $defInterventionId . " and s.package_id=" . $defPackId . " and s.package_ref=" . $defPackRef . "\n            \n        WHERE ei_str.ei_version_structure_parent_id = " . $ei_version_structure->getId() . "\n        ORDER BY ei_str.lft\n        ";
     $fonctions = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchAll($query);
     $fctArray = array();
     $count = count($fonctions);
     $i = 0;
     $params = new Doctrine_Collection('EiParamBlockFunctionMapping');
     $mappings = new Doctrine_Collection('EiParamBlockFunctionMapping');
     $paramsRegistered = array();
     $mappingsRegistered = array();
     $subjectFonctions = array();
     while ($i < $count) {
         $j = $i;
         $fct = $fonctions[$i];
         while ($j < $count && $fct['id'] == $fonctions[$j]['id']) {
             if ($fonctions[$j]['id_eiparam'] != null && !in_array($fonctions[$j]['id_eiparam'], $paramsRegistered)) {
                 $param = new EiParam();
                 $paramsRegistered[] = $fonctions[$j]["id_eiparam"];
             if ($fonctions[$j]["id_mapping"] != null && !in_array($fonctions[$j]["id_mapping"], $mappingsRegistered)) {
                 $mapping = new EiParamBlockFunctionMapping();
                 $mappingsRegistered[] = $fonctions[$j]["id_mapping"];
                 if ($fonctions[$j]["mapping_ei_param_block_id"] != null) {
             if ($fonctions[$j]["sf_automate"] != null && !in_array($defInterventionId, $subjectFonctions)) {
                 $subjectFonctions[] = array('sf_subject_id' => $defInterventionId, 'sf_function_id' => $fonctions[$j]["function_id"], 'sf_function_ref' => $fonctions[$j]["function_ref"], 'sf_automate' => $fonctions[$j]["sf_automate"]);
         $aux = new EiFonction();
         $params = new Doctrine_Collection('EiParam');
         $mappings = new Doctrine_Collection('EiParamBlockFunctionMapping');
         $paramsRegistered = array();
         $mappingsRegistered = array();
         $fctArray[] = $aux;
         $i = $j;
         $subjectFonctions = array();
     return $fctArray;