Esempio n. 1
  * Get the previous units
  * This function returns the previous units, in a flat array.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $units = $content -> getPreviousNodes();             //$units now holds all the previous units of the current unit
  * $units = $content -> getPreviousNodes(32);           //$units now holds all the previous units of unit 32
  * </code>
  * @param int $queryUnit A unit id, to get its previous units
  * @return array The previous units array
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @todo Correct it!
 public function getPreviousNodes($queryUnit = false)
     $queryUnit === false ? $unitId = $this->currentUnitId : ($unitId = $queryUnit);
     //If queryUnit is not specified, use the current unit
     $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($this->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
     //Create iterators for the tree
     //Initialize iterator
     while ($iterator->valid() && $iterator->key() != $unitId) {
         //Advance iterator until we reach the designated unit
         $flatTree[] = $this->filterOutChildren($iterator->current());
         //Assign units in each loop to the flat array (without children)
     if ($iterator->valid()) {
         //We reached the designated unit, so return
         return $flatTree;
     } else {
         if (!isset($flatTree)) {
             //If iterator value is not valid, and $flatTree is not set, this means that the designated unit was the first, so return empty array
             return array();
         } else {
             //If $flatTree is set and iterator is invalid, the unit speify did not exist
             throw new EfrontContentException(_UNITDOESNOTEXIST . ': ' . $unitId, EfrontContentException::UNIT_NOT_EXISTS);
Esempio n. 2
 public function getPreviousSiblingNode($queryNode)
     $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($this->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
     //Create iterators for the tree
     //Initialize iterator
     while ($iterator->valid() && $iterator->key() != $queryNode['parent_content_ID']) {
         //Advance iterator until we reach the designated node
     if ($iterator->valid()) {
         $iterator = new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new IteratorIterator(new ArrayIterator($iterator->current())));
         //Initialize iterator
         while ($iterator->valid() && $iterator->key() != $queryNode['id']) {
             //Advance iterator until we reach the designated node
             $previousNode = $iterator->current();
         if ($iterator->valid()) {
             if (!isset($previousNode)) {
                 //The designated node was apparently the first one, so return false
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (!$queryNode) {
                     $this->currentNodeId = $previousNode['id'];
                     //If a $queryNode was not specified, we must set the internal pointer to the previous node we just found
                 //$previousNode = $this -> filterOutChildren(new RecursiveArrayIterator($previousNode));     //Cut off node's children
                 return $previousNode;
     } else {
         throw new EfrontTreeException(_NODEDOESNOTEXIST . ': ' . $queryNode['id'], EfrontTreeException::NODE_NOT_EXISTS);