public function getSessionVars($sessionContext) { $sessionContext->getObjVar("common.form.LicenseForm", "SourceURL", $this->m_SourceURL); $sessionContext->getObjVar("common.form.LicenseForm", "ErrorCode", $this->m_ErrorCode); $sessionContext->getObjVar("common.form.LicenseForm", "ErrorParams", $this->m_ErrorParams); parent::getSessionVars($sessionContext); }
public function setSessionVars($sessCtxt) { parent::setSessionVars($sessCtxt); $sessCtxt->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "MetaFile", $this->m_MetaFile); $sessCtxt->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "ElemPath", $this->m_ElemPath); $sessCtxt->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "AttrName", $this->m_AttrName); }
/** * Save object variable to session context * * @param SessionContext $sessionContext * @return void */ public function setSessionVars($sessionContext) { parent::setSessionVars($sessionContext); $sessionContext->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "ParentFormElemName", $this->m_ParentFormElemName); $sessionContext->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "PickerMap", $this->m_PickerMap); $sessionContext->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "ParentFormRecord", $this->m_ParentFormRecord); }
protected function readMetaData($xmlArr) { parent::readMetaData($xmlArr); $this->m_TitleField = isset($xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["TITLEFIELD"]) ? $xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["TITLEFIELD"] : "title"; $this->m_RootSearchRule = isset($xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["ROOTSEARCHRULE"]) ? $xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["ROOTSEARCHRULE"] : null; $this->m_TreeDepth = isset($xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["TREEDEPTH"]) ? $xmlArr["EASYFORM"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["TREEDEPTH"] : 10; }
function __construct(&$xmlArr) { parent::readMetadata($xmlArr); if ($_GET['ob_err_msg']) { $this->m_Errors = array("system" => $_GET['ob_err_msg']); } }
public function fetchData() { $resultRecord = parent::fetchData(); $resultRecord['event'] = $this->getMessage($resultRecord['event']); $resultRecord['message'] = $this->getMessage($resultRecord['message'], unserialize($resultRecord['comment'])); return $resultRecord; }
public function outputAttrs() { $profile = BizSystem::getUserProfile(); $userId = $profile['Id']; $output = parent::outputAttrs(); $output['queryString'] = "Id=" . $userId; return $output; }
protected function getPivotData() { $recordset = parent::fetchDataSet(); // convert the normal record set to pivot data array $data = Pivot::factory($recordset)->pivotOn(array_keys($this->pivotConfig['rows']))->addColumn(array_keys($this->pivotConfig['columns']), array_keys($this->pivotConfig['datas']))->fullTotal()->pivotTotal()->fetch(1); //print_r($data); exit; return $data; }
/** * Default constructor that takes in initial parameters and setting prefix. * @param Array $paramList The list of parameters to create the form from. * @param String $settingPrefix The prefix to use for the settings. * @param String $formID The optional ID to give to the form. Ideal for when there's more than 1 form on a page. */ public function __construct($paramList, $settingPrefix, $formID = false) { parent::__construct($paramList, $formID); // Default save text reflects this is a settings form $this->buttonText = 'Save Settings'; // Store the setting prefix. $this->settingPrefix = $settingPrefix; // Load default values parent::loadDefaults(TidySettings_getSettings($settingPrefix)); }
public function fetchData() { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $roleStartpages = BizSystem::getUserProfile("roleStartpage"); $default_url = APP_INDEX . $roleStartpages[0]; if ($url == $default_url) { $this->m_isDefaultPage = 1; } else { $this->m_isDefaultPage = 0; } return parent::fetchData(); }
/** * Default constructor that takes in initial parameters and setting prefix. * @param Array $paramList The list of parameters to create the form from. * @param String $settingPrefix The prefix to use for the settings. * @param String $formID The optional ID to give to the form. Ideal for when there's more than 1 form on a page. */ public function __construct($paramList, $settingPrefix, $formID = false) { parent::__construct($paramList, $formID); // Default save text reflects this is a settings form $this->buttonText = __('Save Settings'); // Store the setting prefix. $this->settingPrefix = $settingPrefix; // Messages $this->msg_settingsSaved = __('Settings successfully saved.'); $this->msg_settingsProblem = __('There was a problem saving the settings.'); // Load default values parent::loadDefaults(TidySettings_getSettings($settingPrefix)); }
/** * Replace elements expression with value from $formObj * * @param string $expression * @param EasyForm $formObj * @return mixed */ protected static function replaceElementsExpr($expression, $formObj) { $script = ""; $start = 0; // replace [field] with field value while (true) { $pos0 = strpos($expression, "[", $start); $pos1 = strpos($expression, "]", $start); if ($pos0 === false) { $script .= substr($expression, $start); break; } if ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 > $pos0) { $script .= substr($expression, $start, $pos0 - $start); $start = $pos1 + 1; $elementName = substr($expression, $pos0 + 1, $pos1 - $pos0 - 1); // get field value $element = $formObj->getElement($elementName); if ($element) { $fldval = $element->getValue(); } else { $fldval = null; } if ($fldval !== null) { $script .= $fldval; } else { //$script .= substr($expression, $pos0, $pos1 - $pos0); //return "fail to evaluate $expression"; return $expression; // return the original expression once it can't find element } } elseif ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 <= $pos0) { break; } } return $script; }
/** * login action * * @return void */ public function Login() { $recArr = $this->readInputRecord(); try { $this->ValidateForm(); } catch (ValidationException $e) { $this->processFormObjError($e->m_Errors); return; } // get the username and password $this->username = BizSystem::ClientProxy()->getFormInputs("username"); $this->password = BizSystem::ClientProxy()->getFormInputs("password"); global $g_BizSystem; $svcobj = BizSystem::getService(AUTH_SERVICE); $eventlog = BizSystem::getService(EVENTLOG_SERIVCE); try { if ($svcobj->authenticateUser($this->username, $this->password)) { // after authenticate user: 1. init profile $profile = $g_BizSystem->InitUserProfile($this->username); // after authenticate user: 2. insert login event $logComment = array($this->username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $eventlog->log("LOGIN", "MSG_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL", $logComment); // after authenticate user: 3. update login time in user record if (!$this->UpdateloginTime()) { return false; } $redirectPage = APP_INDEX . $profile['roleStartpage'][0]; $cookies = BizSystem::ClientProxy()->getFormInputs("session_timeout"); if ($cookies) { $password = $this->password; $password = md5(md5($password . $this->username) . md5($profile['create_time'])); setcookie("SYSTEM_SESSION_USERNAME", $this->username, time() + (int) $cookies, "/"); setcookie("SYSTEM_SESSION_PASSWORD", $password, time() + (int) $cookies, "/"); } if ($profile['roleStartpage'][0]) { BizSystem::clientProxy()->ReDirectPage($redirectPage); } else { parent::processPostAction(); } return true; } else { $logComment = array($this->username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->password); $eventlog->log("LOGIN", "MSG_LOGIN_FAILED", $logComment); $errorMessage['password'] = $this->getMessage("PASSWORD_INCORRECT"); $errorMessage['login_status'] = $this->getMessage("LOGIN_FAILED"); $this->processFormObjError($errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { BizSystem::ClientProxy()->showErrorMessage($e->getMessage()); } }
public function setSessionVars($sessionContext) { parent::setSessionVars($sessionContext); $sessionContext->setObjVar("Translation", "Lang", $this->m_Lang); }
public function outputAttrs() { $result = parent::outputAttrs(); $result['show_error'] = $this->m_ShowError; return $result; }
public function outputAttrs() { $output = parent::outputAttrs(); $output['dataGroup'] = $this->fetchDataGroup(); return $output; }
public function setSessionVars($sessionContext) { parent::setSessionVars($sessionContext); $sessionContext->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "_roleId", $this->_roleId); }
public function fetchData() { $resultRecords = parent::fetchDataSet(); return $resultRecords[0]; }
/** * Validate form user inputs * * @return boolean */ public function validateForm() { // disable password validation if they are empty $password = BizSystem::ClientProxy()->GetFormInputs("fld_password"); $password_repeat = BizSystem::ClientProxy()->GetFormInputs("fld_password_repeat"); if (!$password_repeat) { $this->getElement("fld_password")->m_Validator = null; } if (!$password) { $this->getElement("fld_password_repeat")->m_Validator = null; } parent::ValidateForm(); if ($password != "" && $password != $password_repeat) { $passRepeatElem = $this->getElement("fld_password_repeat"); $errorMessage = $this->GetMessage("PASSOWRD_REPEAT_NOTSAME", array($passRepeatElem->m_Label)); $this->m_ValidateErrors['fld_password_repeat'] = $errorMessage; throw new ValidationException($this->m_ValidateErrors); return false; } return true; }
public function outputAttrs() { $output = parent::outputAttrs(); $output['show_widget'] = $this->m_ShowWidget; return $output; }
public function outputAttrs() { $data = parent::outputAttrs(); $data['config'] = $this->getConfig(); return $data; }
public function outputAttrs() { $output = parent::outputAttrs(); $viewobj = $this->getViewObject(); $forms = array(); $viewobj->m_FormRefs->rewind(); while ($viewobj->m_FormRefs->valid()) { $form = $viewobj->m_FormRefs->current(); $forms[$form->m_Name] = $form; $viewobj->m_FormRefs->next(); } $output['forms'] = $forms; $output['step'] = $viewobj->getCurrentStep(); return $output; }
/** * DeleteRecord() - allow delete only if no child node * @return avoid */ public function deleteRecord() { $rec = $this->getActiveRecord(); if (!$rec) { return; } $id = $rec['Id']; $recordList = $this->getDataObj()->directFetch("[PId]='{$id}'"); if (count($recordList) > 0) { global $g_BizSystem; $errorMsg = "Unable to delete the record that has 1 or more children nodes."; BizSystem::clientProxy()->showErrorMessage($errorMsg); return; } return parent::deleteRecord(); }
public function fetchData() { $result = parent::fetchData(); $attr_str = $result['attrs']; $attrArr = explode(";", $attr_str); foreach ($attrArr as $value) { $itemArr = explode("=", $value); $result["_" . $itemArr[0]] = $itemArr[1]; } $defaultRec = $this->getNewRecord(); foreach ($defaultRec as $key => $value) { if (!isset($result[$key])) { $result[$key] = $value; } } return $result; }
public function outputAttrs() { $result = parent::outputAttrs(); $rec = $this->fetchData(); $result['record'] = $rec; $result['record_name'] = $this->m_DataRecordName; return $result; }
protected function readMetaData($xmlArr) { $result = parent::readMetaData($xmlArr); $this->m_DataService = APP_URL . "/ws.php/user/userService"; return $result; }
/** * If we have primary key and table details, load details from the database to load the defaults. This method * will also load the meta values if we have any. * * @return Return the details that were loaded from the database. */ protected function loadDefaultsFromDB() { if (!$this->primaryKey || !$this->tableName) { $this->messages = $this->showMessage('loadDefaultsFromDB(): Nothing could be loaded, as the table name and primary key details are invalid.', true); return false; } // Fetch any existing details for the main record. $this->recordDetails = getRecordDetails($this->tableName, $this->primaryKey, $this->primaryKeyValue, ARRAY_A); if (empty($this->recordDetails)) { return false; } // Try to fetch the meta values if we have any if (!empty($this->meta_element_list)) { if (!$this->metaTableName) { $this->messages = $this->showMessage('loadDefaultsFromDB(): The specified meta table is not valid, so meta values could not be loaded.', true); return $this->recordDetails; } global $wpdb; $wpdb->show_errors(); foreach ($this->meta_element_list as $fieldName) { $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT meta_value \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->metaTableName}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$this->primaryKey} = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t AND meta_key = %s\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $this->primaryKeyValue, $fieldName); // Add details, even if blank $this->recordDetails[$fieldName] = $wpdb->get_var($SQL); } // end of foreach } // end of if // Load the details into the defaults. parent::loadDefaults($this->recordDetails); // Exists checks $this->alreadyInDB = true; return $this->recordDetails; }
/** * Render PHP template for form object * * @param EasyForm $formObj * @param string $tplFile * @return string result of rendering process */ protected static function renderPHP($formObj, $tplFile) { $view = BizSystem::getZendTemplate(); $view->addScriptPath(dirname($tplFile)); $view->name = $formObj->m_Name; $view->title = $formObj->m_Title; $view->errors = $formObj->m_Errors; $view->notices = $formObj->m_Notices; // if the $formobj form type is list render table, otherwise render record if ($formObj->m_FormType == 'LIST') { $recordSet = $formObj->fetchDataSet(); $view->dataPanel = $formObj->m_DataPanel->renderTable($recordSet); } else { $record = $formObj->fetchData(); $view->dataPanel = $formObj->m_DataPanel->renderRecord($record); } // render the formobj attributes $view->form = $formObj->outputAttrs(); $view->actionPanel = $formObj->m_ActionPanel->render(); $view->searchPanel = $formObj->m_SearchPanel->render(); $view->navPanel = $formObj->m_NavPanel->render(); return $view->render($formObj->m_TemplateFile); }
public function fetchDataSet() { $this->SetSearchRule(); return parent::fetchDataSet(); }
public function setSessionVars($sessionContext) { $sessionContext->setObjVar($this->m_Name, "ViewMode", $this->viewMode); parent::setSessionVars($sessionContext); }