public function testTwitterNoMatches()
     // on twitter
     // set up single popular post
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'This is very shared', 'pub_date' => '2015-02-07', 'author_username' => $this->instance->network_username, 'network' => $this->instance->network, 'retweet_count_api' => 0));
     $posts = array();
     $insight_plugin = new EOYMostRetweetedPostInsight();
     $insight_plugin->generateInsight($this->instance, null, $posts, 3);
     // Assert that insight got inserted
     $insight_dao = new InsightMySQLDAO();
     $year = date('Y');
     $result = $insight_dao->getInsight('eoy_most_retweeted', $this->instance->id, $year . '-' . $insight_plugin->run_date);
     // $this->debug(Utils::varDumpToString($result));
     $this->assertIsA($result, "Insight");
     $this->assertEqual("Retweets aren't everything", $result->headline);
     $this->assertEqual("@buffy didn't get any retweets in {$year}, which is a-okay. " . "We're not all here to broadcast.", $result->text);
     $this->dumpRenderedInsight($result, $this->instance, "No matches: Twitter");
 public function testFacebookNoMatches()
     // now test facebook
     $this->instance->network_username = '******';
     $this->instance->network = 'facebook';
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('posts', array('post_text' => 'This is very shared', 'pub_date' => '2014-02-07', 'author_username' => $this->instance->network_username, 'network' => $this->instance->network, 'retweet_count_api' => 0));
     $posts = array();
     $insight_plugin = new EOYMostRetweetedPostInsight();
     $insight_plugin->generateInsight($this->instance, null, $posts, 3);
     // Assert that insight got inserted
     $insight_dao = new InsightMySQLDAO();
     $year = date('Y');
     $result = $insight_dao->getInsight('eoy_most_retweeted', $this->instance->id, $year . '-' . $insight_plugin->run_date);
     // $this->debug(Utils::varDumpToString($result));
     $this->assertIsA($result, "Insight");
     $this->assertEqual("Shares aren't everything", $result->headline);
     $this->assertEqual("No one shared Buffy Summers's status updates on Facebook " . "in {$year} — not that there's anything wrong with that. Sometimes it's best " . "to keep things close-knit.", $result->text);
     $this->dumpRenderedInsight($result, $this->instance, "No matches: Facebook");