Esempio n. 1
     * Validate that the "migrate_all_users" method correctly deletes legacy
     * @uses $CFG, $DB
     * numeric user directories
    public function test_migrate_all_users_handles_deleted_users() {

        global $CFG, $DB;

        $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles');

        // Our test username
        $username = '******';

        // Set up the user in Alfresco
        $elisfiles = new ELIS_files();

        // Validate that the user exists and that their home directory was set up
        // (for sanity reasons only)
        $userexists = elis_files_request('/api/people/'.$username);
        $this->assertNotEquals(false, $userexists);

        $initialuserhome = elis_files_get_home_directory($username);
        $this->assertNotEquals(false, $initialuserhome);

        // Change the node name to the "old" style
        $test = elis_files_node_rename($initialuserhome, '100');

        // Run the migration method
        $usr = new stdClass();
        $usr->id = 100;
        $usr->deleted = 1;
        $DB->update_record('user', $usr);


        // Validate cleanup for the legacy folder
        $legacyuuid = false;
        $dir = elis_files_read_dir($elisfiles->uhomesuid, true);
        foreach ($dir->folders as $folder) {
            if ($folder->title == '100') {
                $legacyuuid = $folder->uuid;

        // Clean up the non-legacy data before final validation

        $this->assertEquals(false, $legacyuuid);