Esempio n. 1
  * Replace all of the category pairs with the correct data.
  * @param String	The tagdata to be parsed
  * @param Object	The channel parser object
  * @param Mixed		The results from the preparse method
  * @return String	The processed tagdata
 public function replace($tagdata, EE_Channel_data_parser $obj, $cat_chunk)
     $data = $obj->row();
     $prefix = $obj->prefix();
     $categories = $obj->data('categories', array());
     $tagname = $prefix . 'categories';
     // Check to see if the category chunks still exist; if not, check
     // the tagdata in case they've been modified since pre-processing
     foreach ($cat_chunk as $chunk) {
         if (strpos($tagdata, $chunk[2]) === FALSE) {
             $cat_chunk = $this->_get_cat_chunks($tagdata, $prefix);
             $obj->preparsed()->set_once_data($this, $cat_chunk);
     if (isset($categories[$data['entry_id']]) and is_array($categories[$data['entry_id']]) and count($cat_chunk) > 0) {
         // Get category ID from URL for {if active} conditional
         $active_cat = $obj->channel()->pagination->dynamic_sql && $obj->channel()->cat_request ? parse_category($obj->channel()->query_string) : FALSE;
         foreach ($cat_chunk as $catkey => $catval) {
             $cats = '';
             $i = 0;
             $not_these = array();
             $these = array();
             $not_these_groups = array();
             $these_groups = array();
             if (isset($catval[1]['show'])) {
                 if (strncmp($catval[1]['show'], 'not ', 4) == 0) {
                     $not_these = explode('|', trim(substr($catval[1]['show'], 3)));
                 } else {
                     $these = explode('|', trim($catval[1]['show']));
             if (isset($catval[1]['show_group'])) {
                 if (strncmp($catval[1]['show_group'], 'not ', 4) == 0) {
                     $not_these_groups = explode('|', trim(substr($catval[1]['show_group'], 3)));
                 } else {
                     $these_groups = explode('|', trim($catval[1]['show_group']));
             foreach ($categories[$data['entry_id']] as $k => $v) {
                 if (in_array($v[0], $not_these) or isset($v[5]) && in_array($v[5], $not_these_groups)) {
                 } elseif (count($these) > 0 && !in_array($v[0], $these) or count($these_groups) > 0 && isset($v[5]) && !in_array($v[5], $these_groups)) {
                 $temp = $catval[0];
                 if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "path=(.+?)" . RD . "#", $temp, $matches)) {
                     foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                         if ($obj->channel()->use_category_names == TRUE) {
                             $temp = preg_replace("#" . LD . "path=.+?" . RD . "#", reduce_double_slashes(ee()->functions->create_url($match) . '/' . $obj->channel()->reserved_cat_segment . '/' . $v[6]), $temp, 1);
                         } else {
                             $temp = preg_replace("#" . LD . "path=.+?" . RD . "#", reduce_double_slashes(ee()->functions->create_url($match) . '/C' . $v[0]), $temp, 1);
                 } else {
                     $temp = preg_replace("#" . LD . "path=.+?" . RD . "#", ee()->functions->create_url("SITE_INDEX"), $temp);
                 $cat_image = ee()->file_field->parse_field($v[3]);
                 $cat_vars = array('category_name' => $v[2], 'category_url_title' => $v[6], 'category_description' => isset($v[4]) ? $v[4] : '', 'category_group' => isset($v[5]) ? $v[5] : '', 'category_image' => $cat_image['url'], 'category_id' => $v[0], 'parent_id' => $v[1], 'active' => $active_cat == $v[0] || $active_cat == $v[6]);
                 // add custom fields for conditionals prep
                 foreach ($obj->channel()->catfields as $cv) {
                     $cat_vars[$cv['field_name']] = !isset($v['field_id_' . $cv['field_id']]) ? '' : $v['field_id_' . $cv['field_id']];
                 $temp = ee()->functions->prep_conditionals($temp, $cat_vars);
                 $temp = str_replace(array(LD . "category_id" . RD, LD . "category_name" . RD, LD . "category_url_title" . RD, LD . "category_image" . RD, LD . "category_group" . RD, LD . 'category_description' . RD, LD . 'parent_id' . RD), array($v[0], ee()->functions->encode_ee_tags($v[2]), $v[6], $cat_image['url'], isset($v[5]) ? $v[5] : '', isset($v[4]) ? ee()->functions->encode_ee_tags($v[4]) : '', $v[1]), $temp);
                 foreach ($obj->channel()->catfields as $cv2) {
                     if (isset($v['field_id_' . $cv2['field_id']]) and $v['field_id_' . $cv2['field_id']] != '') {
                         $field_content = ee()->typography->parse_type($v['field_id_' . $cv2['field_id']], array('text_format' => $v['field_ft_' . $cv2['field_id']], 'html_format' => $v['field_html_formatting'], 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'y'));
                         $temp = str_replace(LD . $cv2['field_name'] . RD, $field_content, $temp);
                     } else {
                         // garbage collection
                         $temp = str_replace(LD . $cv2['field_name'] . RD, '', $temp);
                     $temp = reduce_double_slashes($temp);
                 $cats .= $temp;
                 if (is_array($catval[1]) && isset($catval[1]['limit']) && $catval[1]['limit'] == ++$i) {
             if (is_array($catval[1]) and isset($catval[1]['backspace'])) {
                 $cats = substr($cats, 0, -$catval[1]['backspace']);
             // Check to see if we need to parse {filedir_n}
             if (strpos($cats, '{filedir_') !== FALSE) {
                 $cats = ee()->file_field->parse_string($cats);
             $tagdata = str_replace($catval[2], $cats, $tagdata);
     } else {
         $tagdata = preg_replace('/{' . $tagname . '[^}]*}(.+?){\\/' . $tagname . '[^}]*}/is', '', $tagdata);
     return $tagdata;
Esempio n. 2
  * Replace all of the custom channel pair fields.
  * @param String	The tagdata to be parsed
  * @param Object	The channel parser object
  * @param Mixed		The results from the preparse method
  * @return String	The processed tagdata
 public function replace($tagdata, EE_Channel_data_parser $obj, $pfield_chunks)
     $data = $obj->row();
     $prefix = $obj->prefix();
     $site_id = $data['site_id'];
     $cfields = $obj->channel()->cfields;
     $cfields = isset($cfields[$site_id]) ? $cfields[$site_id] : array();
     if (empty($cfields) or !isset($pfield_chunks[$site_id])) {
         return $tagdata;
     $ft_api = ee()->api_channel_fields;
     // Check to see if the pair field chunks still exist; if not, check
     // the tagdata in case they've been modified since pre-processing.
     // This check appears before the main loop below in case any custom
     // fields were removed from the tagdata.
     foreach ($pfield_chunks[$site_id] as $tag_name => $chunks) {
         foreach ($chunks as $chk_data) {
             if (strpos($tagdata, $chk_data[3]) === FALSE) {
                 $pfield_chunks[$site_id][$tag_name] = ee()->api_channel_fields->get_pair_field($tagdata, $tag_name, $prefix);
                 $obj->preparsed()->set_once_data($this, $pfield_chunks);
     $pfield_chunk = $pfield_chunks[$site_id];
     foreach ($pfield_chunk as $tag_name => $chunks) {
         $field_name = preg_replace('/^' . $prefix . '/', '', $tag_name);
         $field_name = substr($field_name, strpos($field_name, ' '));
         $field_id = $cfields[$field_name];
         $ft = $ft_api->setup_handler($field_id, TRUE);
         $ft_name = $ft_api->field_type;
         if ($ft) {
             $_ft_path = $ft_api->ft_paths[$ft_api->field_type];
             ee()->load->add_package_path($_ft_path, FALSE);
             $ft->_init(array('row' => $data, 'content_id' => $data['entry_id'], 'content_type' => 'channel'));
             $pre_processed = $ft_api->apply('pre_process', array($data['field_id_' . $field_id]));
             foreach ($chunks as $chk_data) {
                 // If some how the fieldtype that the channel fields
                 // API is referencing changed to another fieldtype
                 // (Grid may cause this), get it back on track to
                 // parse the next chunk
                 if ($ft_name != $ft_api->field_type) {
                 list($modifier, $content, $params, $chunk) = $chk_data;
                 $tpl_chunk = '';
                 // Set up parse function name based on whether or not
                 // we have a modifier
                 $parse_fnc = $modifier ? 'replace_' . $modifier : 'replace_tag';
                 // -------------------------------------------
                 // 'custom_field_modify_parameter' hook.
                 // - Allow developers to modify the parameters array
                 // 	There are 3 ways to use this hook:
                 // 	 	1) Add to the existing Active Record call, e.g. ee()->db->where('foo', 'bar');
                 // 	 	2) Call ee()->db->_reset_select(); to terminate this AR call and start a new one
                 // 	 	3) Call ee()->db->_reset_select(); and modify the currently compiled SQL string
                 //   All 3 require a returned query result array.
                 if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('custom_field_modify_parameter') === TRUE) {
                     $related = ee()->extensions->call('custom_field_modify_parameter', $entry_id, $this->field_id, ee()->db->_compile_select(FALSE, FALSE));
                 if (method_exists($ft, $parse_fnc)) {
                     $tpl_chunk = $ft_api->apply($parse_fnc, array($pre_processed, $params, $content));
                 } elseif (method_exists($ft, 'replace_tag_catchall') and $modifier !== '') {
                     $tpl_chunk = $ft_api->apply('replace_tag_catchall', array($pre_processed, $params, $content, $modifier));
                 $tagdata = str_replace($chunk, $tpl_chunk, $tagdata);
     return $tagdata;