  * This is a method for restoring this_obj using details from the given $revision_id
  * @param int $revision_id 		ID of the revision we're getting data from
  * @param array $related_obj_names if included this will be used to restore for related obj
  *                                 if not included then we just do restore on the meta.
  *                                 We will accept an array of related_obj_names for restoration here.
  * @param array $where_query       You can optionally include an array of key=>value pairs
  *                                 that allow you to further constrict the relation to being added.
  *                                 However, keep in mind that the columns (keys) given
  *                                 must match a column on the JOIN table and currently
  *                                 only the HABTM models accept these additional conditions.
  *                                 Also remember that if an exact match isn't found for these extra cols/val pairs,
  *                                 then a NEW row is created in the join table.
  *                                 This array is INDEXED by RELATED OBJ NAME (so it corresponds with the obj_names sent);
  * @return void
 public function restore_revision($revision_id, $related_obj_names = array(), $where_query = array())
     //get revision object
     $revision_obj = $this->get_model()->get_one_by_ID($revision_id);
     if ($revision_obj instanceof EE_CPT_Base) {
         //no related_obj_name so we assume we're saving a revision on this object.
         if (empty($related_obj_names)) {
             $fields = $this->get_model()->get_meta_table_fields();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 $this->set($field, $revision_obj->get($field));
         $related_obj_names = (array) $related_obj_names;
         foreach ($related_obj_names as $related_name) {
             //related_obj_name so we're saving a revision on an object related to this object
             //do we have $where_query params for this related object?  If we do then we include that.
             $cols_n_values = isset($where_query[$related_name]) ? $where_query[$related_name] : array();
             $where_params = !empty($cols_n_values) ? array($cols_n_values) : array();
             $related_objs = $this->get_many_related($related_name, $where_params);
             $revision_related_objs = $revision_obj->get_many_related($related_name, $where_params);
             //load helper
             //remove related objs from this object that are not in revision
             //array_diff *should* work cause I think objects are indexed by ID?
             $related_to_remove = EEH_Array::object_array_diff($related_objs, $revision_related_objs);
             foreach ($related_to_remove as $rr) {
                 $this->_remove_relation_to($rr, $related_name, $cols_n_values);
             //add all related objs attached to revision to this object
             foreach ($revision_related_objs as $r_obj) {
                 $this->_add_relation_to($r_obj, $related_name, $cols_n_values);