Esempio n. 1
	function __construct($row){

		require_once 'forms/header.php';
		$str_keywords 	= '';
		$str_catSub 	= '';		
		$meta_desc 		= '';
		//limit character description and keyword
		CGlobal::$keywords = EClassApi::word_limit(CGlobal::$keywords,20,'');
		CGlobal::$meta_desc = EClassApi::word_limit(CGlobal::$meta_desc,250,'');
		//Gán title cho các trang trong!
			CGlobal::$website_title = $page_title_arr[EClass::$page['name']].' | '.CGlobal::$website_title;

		$this->add_form(new HeaderForm);
Esempio n. 2
 function update()
     if (User::is_admin()) {
         $item_id = EClassApi::getParam('item_id');
         $info = EClassApi::getParam('id');
         if ($info == 'description') {
             $value = Url::get('value');
             if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                 $value = stripslashes($value);
             require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/htmLawed.php';
             $config = array('safe' => 1, 'elements' => '*', 'deny_attribute' => 'class, id');
             $spec = 'a = title, href;';
             // The 'a' element can have only these attributes
             $value = htmLawed($value, $config, $spec);
             $value = EClassApi::clean_value($value);
         } else {
             /* $value		= EClassApi::cleanHtml(EClassApi::filter_title(Url::get('value')));
                 $value   	= EClassApi::trimSpace(str_replace("\n"," ",$value));
             $value = EClassApi::getParam('value');
             $value = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($value, 0, 1)) . mb_substr($value, 1);
         $info_array = array('name', 'description');
         if (!in_array($info, $info_array)) {
         $row = Item::get_item($item_id);
         $item_memcache = $row;
         if ($info == 'description' && strlen(EClassApi::plainText(EClassApi::post_db_parse_html($value))) < 15) {
             echo "unsuccess";
         /* if(!User::is_foodnet_team()){
                       $arr_badwords = EClassApi::checkBadWord($value,true);
                       $value_badwords = $arr_badwords["bad"]."@enbac@".$arr_badwords["bad_key"];
                       if((strlen(trim($row['bad_words']))!=strlen(trim($value_badwords))) && strlen($arr_badwords["bad"])>0){
                       } */
         //if( $item_id && User::is_login()){
         if ($item_id) {
             //if(($row["user_id"] == User::id() && !User::is_block()) || User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::have_cat_permit($row["category_id"])){
             if ($info == 'name' && strlen($value) >= 5 && strlen($value) <= 150) {
                 $input = array('name' => $value);
                 $item_memcache['name'] = $value;
                 $output = $value;
                 if ($value != $row['name'] && $row['is_up_auto'] == 1) {
                     //Nếu thay đổi tên thì cập nhật cho cả lịch up tin
                     DB::query("UPDATE up_item_schedule SET des='{$value}' WHERE item_id=" . $row['id']);
             } else {
                 if ($info == 'description') {
                     $sapo = EClassApi::word_limit(String::html2txt(EClassApi::post_db_parse_html($value)), 30, '');
                     $input = array('description' => $value, 'sapo' => $sapo);
                     $item_memcache['description'] = $value;
                     $output = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}[\\s]*)\\]/eis", "\$this->embeded('\$1','{$item_id}')", EClassApi::parseBBCode(Url::get('value')));
                 } else {
                     $input = array();
             $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name();
             $item_memcache['filter_des'] = "";
             $input['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name();
             if ($row["status"] == 2) {
                 $item_memcache['modify_time_user'] = TIME_NOW;
                 $input['modify_time_user'] = TIME_NOW;
             if ($input) {
                 DB::Update('item', $input, "id='" . $item_id . "'");
                 ///update realtime
                 if (SORL_FILTER_ON) {
                     $solr = new Solr_Search();
                 if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                     eb_memcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item_memcache);
             echo $output;
             /* }
                } */
Esempio n. 3
    function show_mes_outbox()
        $search_text = EClassApi::getParam('search_text');
        $is_archive = Url::get('is_archive', 0);
        $table_topics = 'message_topics';
        $table_text = 'message_text';
        $url_archive = '';
        $url_cmd = '';
        if ($is_archive) {
            $table_topics = $table_topics . '_archive';
            $table_text = $table_text . '_archive';
            $url_cmd = '&cmd=archive';
            $url_archive = '&is_archive=1';
        $condition = $table_topics . '.mt_owner_id =' . User::id() . ' 
					AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_vid_folder = "sent" 
					AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_newest = 0';
        if ($search_text && $search_text != "Account thành viên") {
            $condition .= " AND mt_to_name LIKE '%{$search_text}%' ";
        $str_content = '<form name="message">
						<div id="boxFunctions">
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_all">Tất cả</a>,
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_read">Đã đọc</a>,
							<a style="cursor:pointer" id="select_unchecked">Không chọn</a>
							<div id="boxFunctionRight">
								<div id="btn_del_mess" align="center" class="btnAllNewFeedback" onmouseout="this.className=\'btnAllNewFeedback\'"  onmouseover="this.className=\'btnAllNewFeedbackHover\'"  style="width:40px;">
									<div class="btnRightAllFeedback" align="center" style="width:40px"><a title="Xóa tất cả tin nhặn đã chọn" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="return delMessage(0,\'true\',\'outbox\')">Xoá</a></div>
        $str_content .= '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">';
        $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(mt_id) AS total_row FROM ' . $table_topics . ' WHERE ' . $condition;
        $total_item = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_row', 0);
        $item_per_page = 15;
        $limit = '';
        $divID = 'mess_content';
        $url_path = WEB_DIR . 'ajax.php?act=personal&code=show_mes_outbox' . $url_archive . '&search_text=' . $search_text;
        require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/ECPagging.php';
        $paging = ECPagging::AjaxPaging($limit, $total_item, $item_per_page, 5, 'page_mes', '', false, false, $url_path, $divID, true);
        $sql = 'SELECT ' . $table_text . '.msg_id,	' . $table_text . '.msg_author_name, ' . $table_text . '.msg_date, ' . $table_text . '.msg_post, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_ref_id, 
					' . $table_topics . '.mt_title, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_from_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_owner_id, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_read, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_owner_name, ' . $table_topics . '.mt_to_name, 
					account.avatar_url, account.img_server 
				FROM ' . $table_text . ', ' . $table_topics . ', account 
				WHERE ' . $table_text . '.msg_id  = ' . $table_topics . '.mt_msg_id AND ' . $table_topics . '.mt_from_id = AND ' . $condition . ' 
				ORDER BY ' . $table_text . '.msg_date DESC ' . $limit;
        //echo $sql;
        $result = DB::query($sql);
        $stt = 0;
        if ($result) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                if ($stt < $item_per_page) {
                    if ($row['mt_ref_id']) {
                        $sourceTitle = DB::select($table_topics, 'mt_id = ' . $row['mt_ref_id']);
                        if ($sourceTitle['mt_title']) {
                            $row['mt_title'] = $sourceTitle['mt_title'];
                        //	$sentTitle = DB::select($table_topics,'mt_mgsid = ' . $row['mt_ref_id']);
                        $row["mt_id"] = $row['mt_ref_id'];
                        $row['mt_ref_id'] = 0;
                    if ($row['avatar_url']) {
                        $row['avatar_url'] = EClassApi::getImageThumb($row['avatar_url'], 50, 50, 0, $row['img_server']);
                    } else {
                        $row['avatar_url'] = "style/images/50x50.gif";
                    //$row['msg_date'] = EClassApi::duration_time($row['msg_date']);
                    $msg_date = date('H:i | ', $row['msg_date']);
                    if (date('d.m.y', $row['msg_date']) == date('d.m.y', TIME_NOW)) {
                        $msg_date .= '<font color="green">H&#244;m nay</font>';
                    } else {
                        $msg_date .= date('d.m.y', $row['msg_date']);
                    $row['msg_date'] = $msg_date;
                    $row['msg_post'] = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $row['msg_post']);
                    $row['msg_post'] = strip_tags(EClassApi::parseBBCode(EClassApi::convert_one_br($row['msg_post'])), '<br />');
                    if (strlen($row['msg_post']) > 40) {
                        $row['msg_post_short'] = EClassApi::word_limit($row['msg_post'], 40, ' ...');
                        //$row['msg_post_short'] = EClassApi::cleanHtml(EClassApi::word_limit($row['msg_post'],40,' ...'));
                    } else {
                        $row['msg_post_short'] = $row['msg_post'];
                        //$row['msg_post_short'] = EClassApi::cleanHtml($row['msg_post']);
                    //$str_title = '<a onclick="fn_show_mes_detail('.$row["mt_id"].')" rel="history" href="message.html'.$url_cmd.'#outbox/'.$row["mt_id"].'" id="a_'.$row["mt_id"].'" title="Hiển thị chi tiết" >'.$row["mt_title"].'</a> - <span class="textMestime">'.$row['msg_date'].'</span>';
                    if ($row['mt_owner_id'] != User::id()) {
                        $strUser = '******' . $row["mt_owner_name"] . '">' . $row["mt_owner_name"] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $strUser = '******' . $row["mt_to_name"] . '">' . $row["mt_to_name"] . '</a>';
                    if ($row["mt_read"] == 0 && !$is_archive) {
                        $str_title = '<a onclick="detail_reload_jcache = true;fn_show_mes_detail(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',1,\'outbox\')" rel="history" id="a_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" href="message.html?tab=gt' . $url_cmd . '#outbox/' . $row["mt_id"] . '" title="Hiển thị chi tiết" ><b>' . $row["mt_title"] . '</b></a>';
                        $read_class = ' unreadMessage';
                    } else {
                        $str_title = '<a onclick="detail_reload_jcache = true;fn_show_mes_detail(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',1,\'outbox\')" rel="history" id="a_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" href="message.html?tab=gt' . $url_cmd . '#outbox/' . $row["mt_id"] . '" title="Hiển thị chi tiết">' . $row["mt_title"] . '</a>';
                        $read_class = '';
                    $str_content .= '<tr id="' . $row["mt_id"] . '">
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"><input type="checkbox" class="rowbox' . $read_class . '" id="inbox_' . $row["mt_id"] . '" name="inbox[]" value="' . $row["mt_id"] . '"></td>
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
										<a href="' . $row["msg_author_name"] . '"><img src="' . $row["avatar_url"] . '"/></a>
									<td valign="top" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '" style="white-space:nowrap; padding-right:15px; vertical-align:middle;">
										<div>' . $strUser . '</div>
										<div class="textMestime">' . $row['msg_date'] . '</div>
									<td valign="top" class="listMessage clickable' . $read_class . '" style="padding-right:15px;width:65%;" lang="' . $row["mt_id"] . '">
										<div style="margin-top:6px;">' . $str_title . '</div>
										<div style="margin:6px 0;color:#808080">' . $row['msg_post_short'] . '</div>
									<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '" style="padding-right:10px;"> <span><a title="Xóa tin nhắn" onClick="return delMessage(' . $row["mt_id"] . ',\'false\',\'inbox\')" href="javascript:void(0)" style="padding:20px;" class="deleteButton"> &nbsp;</a></span></td>
                    /*$str_content .= '<tr id="'.$row["mt_id"].'">
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"><input type="checkbox" id="inbox_'.$row["mt_id"].'" name="inbox[]" value="'.$row["mt_id"].'"></td>
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
                    				<a href="'.$row["mt_to_name"].'"><img src="'.$row["avatar_url"].'"  vspace="4" hspace="4"/></a>
                    				<div><a href="'.$row["mt_to_name"].'">'.$row["mt_to_name"].'</a></div>	
                    			<td valign="top" style="width:65%;" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '">
                    				<div style="margin-top:6px">'.$row['msg_post_short'].'</div>
                    			<td align="center" class="listMessage' . $read_class . '"> <span><a title="Xóa tin nhắn" onClick="delMessage('.$row["mt_id"].',\'false\',\'sent\')" href="javascript:void(0)"> <img src="style/images/icon_delete.gif" width="9" height="9" /></a></span></td>
        if ($stt > 0) {
            $str_content .= '<tr><td></td><td>
								</td><td colspan="2"><div style="float:right">' . $paging . '</div><div style="clear:right"></div></td></tr>';
        } else {
            $str_content .= '<tr><td></td><td colspan="3">
								<center><div class="noMess">Không có Tin nhắn nào trong tin đã gửi</div></center>
        $str_content .= '</table></form>';
        echo $str_content;
Esempio n. 4
 function build_rss_cat($cat_id = '0', $cat_name = 'home', $limit = 100, $user_id = false)
     $rss2 = '';
     // content of rss2 file
     // start:begin rss2
     $rss2 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"><channel>';
     $rss2 .= '<title>' . $cat_name . ' -</title>';
     $rss2 .= '<description>' . $cat_name . ' -</description>';
     //$rss2.= '<link>'.trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute(WEB_ROOT.'?page=list_detail&category_id='.$cat_id)).'</link>';
     //$cat_id ? $rss2.= '<link>'.WEB_ROOT.'?page=list_detail&category_id='.$cat_id.'</link>' : $rss2.='<link>'.WEB_ROOT.'?page=list_detail</link>';
     $rss2 .= '<link>' . WEB_ROOT . '</link>';
     //$rss2.= '<link>'.WEB_ROOT.'?page=list_detail&category_id='.$cat_id.'</link>';
     $rss2 .= '<copyright> , Powered  by Enbac Team:</copyright>';
     $rss2 .= '<docs></docs>';
     $rss2 .= '<generator></generator>';
     $rss2 .= '<image><title>ChọnMó</title><url>' . WEB_ROOT . 'style/images/logo.gif</url><link></link><width>290</width><height>65</height></image>';
     //Tối ưu
     if ($user_id) {
         $sql = "SELECT, category_id,, up_time, item.description, item.transaction_type, item.created_time\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM item WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND status=1 ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 0,25";
     } else {
         $sqlCate = "SELECT id FROM category WHERE parent_id = {$cat_id}";
         $re = DB::query($sqlCate);
         $strId = "{$cat_id}";
         if ($re) {
             while ($aryId = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $strId .= "," . $aryId['id'];
         $sql = "SELECT id, category_id, name, up_time, description, transaction_type, created_time FROM item WHERE category_id IN({$strId}) AND status=1 ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}";
     /*$user_id ? $sql = "SELECT, category_id,, up_time, item.description, item.transaction_type, item.created_time
     				FROM item WHERE user_id=".$user_id." AND status=1  
     				ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 0,25"
     		: $sql = "SELECT, category_id,, up_time, item.description, item.transaction_type, item.created_time 
     				FROM item, category 
     				WHERE = item.category_id AND item.status=1 
     				AND (category_id='".$cat_id."' OR category.parent_id='".$cat_id."') 
     				ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit;*/
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             $page = 'item_detail';
             $item['name'] = trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item['name']))));
             $item['description'] = trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute(strip_tags(html_entity_decode(EClassApi::word_limit($item['description'], 150), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))));
             //$item['url'] = trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute(WEB_ROOT."?page=".$page."&id=".$item['id']."&category_id=".$item['category_id']."&ebname=".EClassApi::safe_title($item['name'])));
             $item['url'] = WEB_ROOT . "p" . $item['id'] . "/" . EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html";
             //$item['url'] = EClassApi::remove_4_js($item['url']);
             $rss2 .= "<item>";
             $rss2 .= "<title>" . $item['name'] . " -</title>";
             $rss2 .= "<description>(Enbac) - " . $item['description'] . "</description>";
             $rss2 .= "<link>" . $item['url'] . "</link>";
             $rss2 .= '<guid isPermaLink="True">' . $item['url'] . '</guid>';
             $rss2 .= "<pubDate>" . date("D, d M Y H:i:s", $item['created_time']) . " GMT</pubDate>";
             $rss2 .= "</item>";
     // end:begin
     $rss2 .= '</channel></rss>';
     // end:end
     return $rss2;
Esempio n. 5
 function get_feed_notify_bar()
     $json = "";
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})';
         echo $json;
     $item_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các phản hồi giao dịch
     $user_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các lưu bút
     $entry_comment_ids = "";
     //Id các bài viết
     /*$follow_ids			= "";//Id các theo đuôi*/
     $blast_user_ids = "";
     // Id các balst
     $arr_data = array();
     $user = User::getUser(User::id());
     if ($user["total_pm"]) {
         // neu co PM moi
         $arr_data = array("new_pm" => $user["total_pm"]);
     $where = "WHERE user_id = " . User::id();
     $limit = " LIMIT 20";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM feed {$where} ORDER BY time DESC {$limit}";
     $re = DB::query($sql);
     if ($re) {
         while ($feed = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
             if ($feed['type'] == 1 || $feed['type'] == 2) {
                 // phan hoi
                 $item_comment_ids .= ($item_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 3) {
                 // luu but
                 $user_comment_ids .= ($user_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             } elseif ($feed['type'] == 5 || $feed['type'] == 6) {
                 // bai viet
                 $entry_comment_ids .= ($entry_comment_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $feed['ref_id'];
             /*elseif($feed['type']==7){// theo duoi						
     //Phản hồi giao dịch
     $item_comment_arr = array();
     if ($item_comment_ids != '') {
         $item_ids = "";
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, item_id, parent_id, COUNT(item_id) AS total_comment FROM comment WHERE id IN({$item_comment_ids}) GROUP BY item_id");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $item_ids .= ($item_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $comment['item_id'];
                 $comment['time'] = EClassApi::duration_time($comment['time']);
                 $item_comment_arr[$comment['item_id']] = $comment;
             if ($item_comment_arr && $item_ids) {
                 // Query de lay ID va Tieu de tin
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT id, name, level_1_category_id FROM item WHERE id IN({$item_ids})");
                 while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($item["id"] == $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["item_id"]) {
                         $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["item_name"] = EClassApi::word_limit($item["name"], 7, '...');
                         $ebname = EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']);
                         if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_category_id']])) {
                             $cat_name = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['level_1_category_id']]['name'];
                             $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . EClassApi::safe_title($cat_name) . "/p{$item['id']}/{$ebname}.html";
                         } else {
                             $item_comment_arr[$item["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . "/p{$item['id']}/{$ebname}.html";
         if ($item_comment_arr) {
             $item_comment_arrs["comment"] = $item_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $item_comment_arrs;
     // End Phan hoi giao dich
     //Luu but
     $total_comment_arr = array();
     if ($user_comment_ids != '') {
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, COUNT(id) AS total_comment_user FROM comment_user WHERE id IN({$user_comment_ids}) GROUP BY receiver_user_id ORDER BY time DESC");
         if ($re) {
             $comment_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
             $total_comment_arr["total"] = $comment_user["total_comment_user"];
             $total_comment_arr['time'] = EClassApi::duration_time($comment_user['time']);
             $total_comment_arr["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . 'Shop/' . User::user_name() . '/Luu-but';
         if ($total_comment_arr) {
             $total_comment_arrs["comment_user"] = $total_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $total_comment_arrs;
     //End Luu but
     // Theo duoi
     /*$follow_arr = array();
     			$re = DB::query("SELECT id, follower_name, time FROM follow WHERE id IN($follow_ids) ORDER BY time DESC");			
     				while ($follow = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)){										
     					$follow['time'] = EClassApi::duration_time($follow['time']);
     					$follow["url_link"] = WEB_DIR.$follow['follower_name'];
     					$follow_arr[$follow['id']] = $follow;
     				$follow_arrs["follow"] = $follow_arr;
     				$arr_data += $follow_arrs;
     // end Theo duoi
     // Phản hồi bài viết
     $entry_comment_arr = array();
     if ($entry_comment_ids != '') {
         $entry_ids = "";
         $re = DB::query("SELECT time, entry_id, parent_id FROM user_entry_comment WHERE id IN({$entry_comment_ids})");
         if ($re) {
             while ($comment_entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $entry_ids .= ($entry_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $comment_entry['entry_id'];
                 $comment_entry['time'] = EClassApi::duration_time($comment_entry['time']);
                 $comment_entry['total_comment_entry'] = count(explode(',', $entry_comment_ids));
                 $entry_comment_arr[$comment_entry['entry_id']] = $comment_entry;
             if ($entry_comment_arr && $entry_ids) {
                 // Query de lay ID va Tieu de bai viet
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT id, title FROM user_entry WHERE id IN({$entry_ids})");
                 while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($entry["id"] == $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["entry_id"]) {
                         $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["title"] = EClassApi::word_limit($entry["title"], 7, '...');
                         $ebname = EClassApi::safe_title($entry['title']);
                         $entry_comment_arr[$entry["id"]]["url_link"] = WEB_DIR . "Bai-viet/" . User::user_name() . "/e{$entry['id']}/{$ebname}";
         if ($entry_comment_arr) {
             $item_comment_arrs["entry"] = $entry_comment_arr;
             $arr_data += $item_comment_arrs;
     // End Phan hoi bài viết
     $json = json_encode($arr_data);
     echo $json;