// start the template object, empty for the moment
require DOTKERNEL_PATH . '/' . $registry->requestModule . '/' . 'View.php';
$tpl = View::getInstance(TEMPLATES_PATH . '/' . $registry->requestModule);
// assign Index Template file
// set paths in templates
 * each Controller  must load its own specific models and views
 * Load option(specific configuration file for current dot) file
$option = Dot_Settings::getOptionVariables($registry->requestModule, $registry->requestControllerProcessed);
$registry->option = $option;
 * Start the variable for Page Title, this will be used as H1 tag too 
$pageTitle = 'Overwrite Me Please !';
 * From rev 833
 * DotAuth::checkUserToken() will be given at least one parameter
 * $userToken - mandatory
 * $userType - optional - by default 'admin'
 * To simplify it, we will put the variable $userToken
 * If we do not have the token, it will be marked with NULL
 * NULL - user does not have a token
Esempio n. 2
    $jsonString = Zend_Json::encode($data);
    echo $jsonString;
// check rate limit
if ($registry->configuration->api->params->lifetime == strtolower('minute')) {
    $timeKey = date("i");
    $ttl = 60;
} else {
    // h - 12 hrs ; H - 24 hrs
    $timeKey = date("H");
    $ttl = 3600;
$cacheRateKey = $registry->configuration->cache->namespace . '_' . $registry->configuration->api->params->prefix . '_' . $registry->arguments['key'] . '_' . $timeKey;
// using apcu directly
// for more info about the caching layer see    http://www.dotkernel.com/tag/dotkernel-caching/
$rate = (int) apc_fetch($cacheRateKey);
$rateLimit = $registry->configuration->api->params->rate_limit;
if ($rate > $rateLimit) {
apc_store($cacheRateKey, 1 + $rate, $ttl);
// Create  connection to database, as singleton , and store it in registry
$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', $config->database->params->toArray());
$registry->database = $db;
// Load specific configuration settings from database, and store it in registry
$settings = Dot_Settings::getSettings();
$registry->settings = $settings;
$registry->option = array();
include 'Controller.php';
Esempio n. 3
  * Initialize the global variables 
  * @access public 
  * @static
  * @param int $startTime
  * @return bool $success
 public static function initialize($startTime)
     // Create registry object, as read-only object to store there config, settings, and database
     $registry = self::_initializeRegistry();
     // mark the start time
     $registry->startTime = $startTime;
     //Load configuration settings from application.ini file and store it in registry
     $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(CONFIGURATION_PATH . '/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV);
     $registry->configuration = $config;
     //start the cache
     //Load routes(modules, controllers, actions) settings from router.xml file and store it in registry
     $registry->router = self::_loadRouter();
     // load the plugin configuration
     $registry->pluginConfiguration = self::_loadPluginConfiguration();
     //Load configuration settings from application.ini file and store it in registry
     $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(CONFIGURATION_PATH . '/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV);
     $registry->configuration = $config;
     // Create  connection to database, as singleton , and store it in registry
     $db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', $config->database->params->toArray());
     $registry->database = $db;
     //Load specific configuration settings from database, and store it in registry
     $settings = Dot_Settings::getSettings();
     $registry->settings = $settings;
     //Set PHP configuration settings from application.ini file
     // Extract the route from the URI
     // initialize seo options
     $registry->seo = Dot_Route::getOption();
     // initialize default options for dots that may be overwritten
     $option = Dot_Settings::getOptionVariables($registry->requestModule, 'default');
     $registry->option = $option;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * Get SEO options
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public static function getOption()
     $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
     $option = Dot_Settings::getOptionVariables($registry->requestModule, 'seo');
     //remove the 'option' xml atribute
     $option->__set('canonicalUrl', Dot_Route::createCanonicalUrl());
     return $option;
Esempio n. 5
if ($opts->getOption('environment') === null) {
    // environment variable not set, falling back to production
    define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'production');
} else {
    define('APPLICATION_ENV', $opts->getOption('environment'));
// Create registry object, as read-only object to store there config, settings, and database
$registry = new Zend_Registry(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$registry->startTime = $startTime;
// Load configuration settings from application.ini file and store it in registry
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(CONFIGURATION_PATH . '/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV);
$registry->configuration = $config;
// Create  connection to database, as singleton , and store it in registry
$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', $config->database->params->toArray());
$registry->database = $db;
// Load specific configuration settings from database, and store it in registry
$settings = Dot_Settings::getSettings();
$registry->settings = $settings;
$registry->option = array();
// Set PHP configuration settings from application.ini file
// Get the action and the other command line arguments
$registry->action = $opts->getOption('action');
$registry->arguments = $opts->getRemainingArgs();
if ($registry->action === null) {
    echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
include 'Controller.php';