function main($html) { global $baseurl; if ($html) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $container = $xpath->query('//*[@id="maincontentcenter"]')->item(0); $entries = $xpath->query('//*[@style="margin-left:15px;"]/ul', $container); $jobs = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $department = $entry->previousSibling->previousSibling->nodeValue; $li = $xpath->query('li', $entry); foreach ($li as $job) { $this_job = array(); $this_job['department'] = $department; $a = $xpath->query('a', $job); $href = $a->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $title = $a->item(0)->nodeValue; $this_job['title'] = $title; $this_job['url'] = $baseurl . "/" . $href; $details = jobDetails($this_job['url']); $jobs[] = $this_job; } } } print_r($jobs); }
private function CreateDomDocument() { $dom = new Domdocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($this->htmlStack); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); // Find all the product blocks that contain beer attribute that we want to search for such as rating, title, price, etc. $elements = $xpath->query('//article[contains(@class, "' . $this->class . '")]'); foreach ($elements as $element) { // get the node value from the .title class (the title of the product) $title = $xpath->query('descendant::div[@class="title"]', $element); $title = $title->item(0)->nodeValue; // get the attribute value from the .link-overlay class (the actual link to the product) $link = $xpath->query('descendant::a[@class="link-overlay"]', $element); $link = $link->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $link = '' . $link; // get the image src value to rip the image from the site $image = $xpath->query('descendant::div[@class="image"]/node()/node()', $element); $image = $image->item(1)->getAttribute('src'); // Dive in the link that a single product has $results = $this->curlGetDeep($link); // if a regex option has been supplied run it on the results if ($this->regex) { $title = preg_replace($this->regex, '', $title); } // remove the unwanted 6X 35x6(bulk beers) results with this regex if (!preg_match('/\\dX(\\d+)?/', $title)) { $this->elementsArray[] = ['title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'image' => $image, 'description' => $results['description'], 'abv' => $results['abv']]; } } $this->json = json_encode(['beers' => $this->elementsArray]); }
/** * Extract a series of information from a twitter page. * * @see doc/ for the detailed structure of the returned array * @see Twitter::queryToMeta() for details about the $meta array * * @param string $page content of a twitter page * @param array $meta * * @return array|bool false on error */ protected function parse($page, $meta) { $twitter['meta'] = $meta; $tweet = '//ol[@id="stream-items-id"]/li[@data-item-type="tweet"]'; // foo_bar will be converted to foo['bar'] $tweet_details = ['user_avatar' => './/img[contains(@class, "avatar")]/@src', 'user_fullname' => './/@data-name', 'user_name' => './/@data-screen-name', 'stats_fav' => './/span[contains(@class, "ProfileTweet-action--favorite")]//@data-tweet-stat-count', 'stats_rt' => './/span[contains(@class, "ProfileTweet-action--retweet")]//@data-tweet-stat-count', 'id' => './/@data-tweet-id', 'retweetid' => './/@data-retweet-id', 'text' => './/p[contains(@class, "tweet-text")]', 'datetime' => './/@data-time']; $user_stats = '//ul[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-list")]'; $user_stats_details = ['followers' => './/li[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-item--followers")]/a/@title', 'following' => './/li[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-item--following")]/a/@title', 'likes' => './/li[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-item--favorites")]/a/@title', 'lists' => './/li[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-item--lists")]/a/@title', 'tweets' => './/li[contains(@class, "ProfileNav-item--tweets")]/a/@title']; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->loadHTML($page); $xpath = new \DomXpath($dom); foreach ($xpath->query($tweet) as $item) { foreach ($tweet_details as $key => $query) { $value = @$xpath->query($query, $item)->item(0)->textContent; if ($key == 'retweetid') { $details['retweet'] = empty($value) ? 0 : 1; continue; } if ($key == 'text') { $value = $this->clean($value); $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_NOQUOTES); $details['text']['raw'] = $value; $details['text']['html'] = $this->html($value); $details['reply'] = substr($value, 0, 1) === '@' ? 1 : 0; continue; } if ($key == 'datetime') { $value = date('c', $value); } if (strpos($key, '_') !== false) { $subarray = explode('_', $key); $subname = $subarray[0]; $subkey = $subarray[1]; $details[$subname][$subkey] = $value; } else { $details[$key] = $value; } } $details['user']['url'] = '' . $details['user']['name']; $details['url'] = $details['user']['url'] . '/status/' . $details['id']; // type casting $details['id'] = (int) $details['id']; $details['stats']['fav'] = (int) $details['stats']['fav']; $details['stats']['rt'] = (int) $details['stats']['rt']; ksort($details); $twitter['tweets'][] = $details; } $twitter['tweets_count'] = count($twitter['tweets']); if ($meta['type'] == 'user') { $item = $xpath->query($user_stats)->item(0); foreach ($user_stats_details as $key => $query) { $value = @$xpath->query($query, $item)->item(0)->textContent; $twitter['user_stats'][$key] = preg_match('~([\\d,]+)~', $value, $matches) ? (int) strtr($matches[1], [',' => '']) : 0; } } ksort($twitter); return $twitter; }
function get_viber($owner) { $conn = curl_init(); if ($conn != false) { curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); $url = '' . $owner; curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $res = curl_exec($conn); if ($res != false) { curl_close($conn); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($res); $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img'); $images = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $images[$i] = $tag->getAttribute('src'); //echo $images[$i].'<br>'; $i++; } $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); $classname = 'participant-name'; $par_names = array(); $results = $xpath->query("//*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' {$classname} ')]"); if ($results->length > 0) { $par_names[0] = $results->item(0)->nodeValue; if (strlen($par_names[0]) > 15) { $par_names[0] = substr($par_names[0], 0, 12) . '...'; } $par_names[1] = $results->item(1)->nodeValue; if (strlen($par_names[1]) > 15) { $par_names[1] = substr($par_names[1], 0, 12) . '...'; } $par_names[2] = $results->item(2)->nodeValue; if (strlen($par_names[2]) > 15) { $par_names[2] = substr($par_names[2], 0, 12) . '...'; } $par_names[3] = $results->item(3)->nodeValue; if (strlen($par_names[3]) > 15) { $par_names[3] = substr($par_names[3], 0, 12) . '...'; } } $classname2 = 'followers'; $results2 = $xpath->query("//*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' {$classname2} ')]"); if ($results2->length > 0) { $followers = $results2->item(0)->nodeValue; } $html = gen_html($images, $par_names, $owner, $followers); return $html; } else { return '<h2>Content not available!</h2>'; } } }
public function processRawContent($cr) { $processCR = array(); //Raw HTML to DOM/XPATH $dom = new DOMDocument(); $searchPage = mb_convert_encoding($cr['content_raw'], 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); @$dom->loadHTML($searchPage); @($xpath = new DomXpath($dom)); $processCR['content_raw'] = $cr['content_raw']; //userID : $divProfil = $xpath->query('//td[@class = "messCase2"]//a[contains(@href, "profil-")]'); if ($divProfil->length == 0) { //pas de profil $processCR['hfr_user_id'] = 1; } else { $processCR['hfr_user_id'] = $divProfil->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $processCR['hfr_user_id'] = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $processCR['hfr_user_id']); } //echo $processActu['hfr_user_id']."<br>"; //post ID $processCR["hfr_post_id"] = $xpath->query('//a[contains(@href, "#t")]')->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $processCR['hfr_post_id'] = str_replace("#t", "", $processCR["hfr_post_id"]); //pseudo : $processCR['username'] = $xpath->query('//td[@class = "messCase1"]//b[@class = "s2"]')->item(0)->textContent; $processCR['username'] = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', htmlentities($processCR['username'])); //date posted $divDate = $xpath->query('//div[@class="toolbar"]/div[@class="left"]'); $oldate = preg_replace("/[^0-9:-]+/", "", $divDate->item(0)->nodeValue); $processCR['date_posted'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($oldate)); //echo $crDatePosted.' '; //le contenu du CR $divCR = $xpath->query('//div[@id = "para' . $processCR['hfr_post_id'] . '"]/node()'); //print_r($divCR); $processHTMLstep1 = ''; foreach ($divCR as $node) { //var_dump($actuNode); //echo $dom->saveHTML($actuNode)."\n"; if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && ($node->getAttribute('class') == 'edited' || $node->getAttribute('class') == 'signature' || $node->getAttribute('style') == 'clear: both;')) { continue; } if ($node->nodeValue || $node->childNodes) { $processHTMLstep1 .= htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($node)); } } $processHTMLfinal = $processHTMLstep1; $processHTMLfinal = str_replace("\n", '', $processHTMLfinal); $processHTMLfinal = str_replace("\r", '', $processHTMLfinal); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(str_replace('href="/hfr/', 'target="_blank" href="', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/style="[a-zA-Z0-9:;\\.\\s\\(\\)\\-\\,]*"/i', '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/onload="[^\\"]+"/i', 'onload="return;"', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/title="[^\\"]+"/i', '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = str_replace("", '', $processHTMLfinal); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(str_replace("<p><br></p>", '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processCR['content'] = $processHTMLfinal; return $processCR; }
public function query($query, $options = []) { $this->result = file_get_contents($this->url . "select?" . $this->make_query($query, $options)); if ($this->result) { $this->xml = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); $this->xml->formatOutput = true; $this->xml->loadXML($this->result); $xpath = new DomXpath($this->xml); $resultNode = $xpath->query("//result"); if ($resultNode->length) { $this->rows = $resultNode->item(0)->getAttribute("numFound"); $this->data = $xpath->query("//doc"); } } }
public function openGame($idx) { $file = $this->games[$idx]['name']; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $doc->formatOutput = true; // modify state $libxml_previous_state = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // parse $doc->loadHTMLFile("Games/" . $file); // Usuwanie scriptow - bład z tagamiw scripcie $domNodeList = $doc->getElementsByTagname('script'); $domElemsToRemove = array(); foreach ($domNodeList as $domElement) { $domElemsToRemove[] = $domElement; } foreach ($domElemsToRemove as $domElement) { $domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement); } $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); // traverse all results foreach ($xpath->query('//div[@tiddler]') as $tid) { if ($tid->getAttribute('tiddler') != 'checkvars') { $this->tiddlers[$tid->getAttribute('tiddler')] = $tid->nodeValue; } } // handle errors libxml_clear_errors(); // restore libxml_use_internal_errors($libxml_previous_state); }
public function run($str = NULL) { if ($str == NULL) { return $this; } $dom = $this->node->dom()->get(); $this->node->_lastDom = $dom->lastdom . $str; $rec = new DomDocument(); $rec->loadHtml($str); if ($rec->doctype) { $rec->removeChild($rec->doctype); } $document = jqm_use($this->node->_parentElement); $dom = $document->_DOM; if ($dom->doctype) { $dom->removeChild($dom->doctype); } $body = $rec->childNodes->item(0)->firstChild; $frag = $dom->importNode($body, true); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $find = $this->node->getPathByID($dom); $find = $xpath->query($find); if ($find->length > 0) { $save = $find->item(0)->parentNode->insertBefore($frag->firstChild, $find->item(0)->nextSibling); $this->node->_path = $save->previousSibling->getNodePath(); $document->_DOM = $dom; } return $this; }
public function run() { $document = jqm_use($this->node->_parentElement); $doc = $document->_DOM; if ($doc->doctype) { $doc->removeChild($doc->doctype); } $pt = $this->node->getPathByID(); if ($pt) { $path = new DomXpath($doc); $get = $path->query($pt); if ($get->length > 0) { $this->node->_attributes = array(); $this->node->_innerHtml = NULL; $this->node->_name = NULL; $this->node->_localName = NULL; $this->node->_length = false; $save = $get->item(0)->parentNode->removeChild($get->item(0)); $document->offsetUnset($this->node->_token); } } else { $document->offsetUnset($this->node->_token); $this->node->_length = false; } }
public function run($str = NULL) { if ($str == NULL) { return $this; } $document = jqm_use($this->node->_parentElement); $dom = $document->_DOM; if ($dom->doctype) { $dom->removeChild($dom->doctype); } $find = $this->node->getPathById($dom); if (!$find) { $find = $this->node->_path; } $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $find = $xpath->query($find); if ($find->length > 0) { $child = new DomDocument(); $child->loadHtml($str); if ($child->doctype) { $child->removeChild($child->doctype); } $child->normalize(); $frag = $dom->importNode($child->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild, true); $save = $find->item(0)->parentNode->insertBefore($frag, $find->item(0)); $this->node->_path = $save->nextSibling->getNodePath(); $document->_DOM = $dom; } return $this; }
public function convert($mailchimp) { $vars = array('*|MC:SUBJECT|*' => '<?php echo $this->getSubject() ?>', '*|ARCHIVE|*' => '<?php echo $this->getViewInBrowserUrl() ?>', '*|CURRENT_YEAR|*' => '<?php echo date("Y") ?>', '*|UNSUB|*' => '<?php echo $this->getUnsubscribeUrl() ?>', '*|FACEBOOK:PROFILEURL|*' => '<?php echo $this->getFacebookUrl() ?>', '*|TWITTER:PROFILEURL|*' => '<?php echo $this->getTwitterUrl() ?>', '*|LIST:COMPANY|*' => '<?php echo $this->getStoreName() ?>', '*|LIST:DESCRIPTION|*' => '', '*|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|*' => '*****@*****.**', '*|IF:REWARDS|* *|HTML:REWARDS|*' => '', '*|FORWARD|*' => '', '/*@editable*/' => '', '*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*' => '', 'mc:repeatable' => '', 'mc:allowtext' => '', 'mc:hideable' => '', 'mc:allowdesigner' => '', '*|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|*' => '', '*|END:IF|*' => '', 'mc:edit' => 'mcedit'); foreach ($vars as $old => $new) { $mailchimp = str_replace($old, $new, $mailchimp); } $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->recover = true; $dom->strictErrorChecking = false; @$dom->loadHTML($mailchimp); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $items = $xpath->query('//*[@mcedit]'); foreach ($items as $mcedit) { $area = 'area.' . $mcedit->getAttribute('mcedit'); if ($area == 'area.monkeyrewards') { $mcedit->parentNode->removeChild($mcedit); continue; } $mcedit->removeAttribute('mcedit'); $a = $dom->createComment('<?php echo $this->area("' . $area . '"); ?>'); // $b = $dom->createComment('{{/ivar}}'); $mcedit->parentNode->insertBefore($a, $mcedit); // $mcedit->parentNode->insertBefore($b); } $dom->formatOutput = true; $dom->preserveWhitespace = false; $html = $dom->saveHTML(); $html = str_replace('%7B', '{', $html); $html = str_replace('%7D', '}', $html); $html = str_replace('%20', ' ', $html); $html = preg_replace('/mc:label="[a-zA-Z0-9_]*"/', '', $html); $html = preg_replace('/mc:variant="[^"]*"/', '', $html); $html = str_replace('%24', '$', $html); return $html; }
/** * @param $content * * @return \DOMElement */ private function getImage($content) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($content); $xpath = new \DomXpath($dom); return $xpath->query('//img[@alt="Exception detected!"]')->item(0); }
public function run($query = '*') { $path = explode('/', $this->node->_path); $el = $this->__toDomElement(); $document = jqm_use($this->node->_parentElement); if (count($path) > 0) { if ($query === NULL || $query == '*') { $query = $el->parentNode->tagName; } $t = count($path); $doc = $document->_DOM; if ($doc->doctype) { $doc->removeChild($doc->doctype); } $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); for ($i = 0; $t > $i;) { array_pop($path); ++$i; if (empty($path)) { continue; } $find = $xpath->query(implode('/', $path)); if ($find->length > 0) { $el = $this->createFragment($doc->saveHtml($find->item(0)), false); $k = key($el->_domId); $is = $el->is($query); if ($is->get() === true) { $el->_path = $find->item(0)->getNodepath(); if ($find->item(0)->nextSibling) { $el->_next_path = $find->item(0)->nextSibling->getNodepath(); } else { $el->_next_path = NULL; } if ($find->item(0)->previousSibling) { $el->_prev_path = $find->item(0)->previousSibling->getNodepath(); } else { $el->_prev_path = NULL; } if ($find->item(0)->parentNode) { $el->_parent_path = $find->item(0)->parentNode->getNodepath(); } else { $el->_parent_path = NULL; } $el->selector = $document->match_selector($query); $this->node = $el; $this->node->setDomID($el->_parentElement . $el->_token); return $this; break; } } } $this->node = new jqueryphp_abstracts_prevObject($this->node->_selector . ':parent(*)'); return $this; } else { return $this->node = new jqueryphp_abstracts_prevObject($this->node->_selector . ':parent(*)'); } }
/** * Calculates the read time of a post when created or updated. * * @param int $post_id Post id to calculate read time for. * @param object $post Post object. * @param boolean $update Is this an update or new. * * @return void */ function hh_calculate_and_update_post_read_time($post_id, $post, $update) { global $pagenow; // Only those allowed. if (!current_user_can('edit_posts', $post_id)) { return; } // Resolve the issues with DOM reader with Quick Draft. // if ('post-new.php' === $pagenow) { return; } // Store post content for raw usage. $post_content = $post->post_content; if (empty($post_content)) { return; } // No post revisions. if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id)) { return; } // Get post types that need to have read time applied. $calculate_for_posts = apply_filters('read_time_types', array('post')); // If the post type is not found then return. if (!in_array($post->post_type, $calculate_for_posts)) { return; } // Average words per minute integer. $average_word_per_minute = apply_filters('read_time_average', 175); // Simple adjustment for pre tags. libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $data = new DOMDocument(); $data->loadHTML($post_content); $xpath = new DomXpath($data); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $pre_tags = array(); $word_count_offset = 0; // Offset weight. Offset word count will be timed by this number. $offset_weight = apply_filters('read_time_offset_weight', 1); foreach ($xpath->query('//pre') as $node) { $pre_tags[] = $node->nodeValue; $word_count_offset = str_word_count($node->nodeValue) + $word_count_offset * $offset_weight; } // Word count. $word_count = str_word_count(wp_strip_all_tags($post_content)) + $word_count_offset; // Calculate basic read time. $readtime = round($word_count / ($average_word_per_minute / 60)); // Grad and count all images. preg_match_all('/(img|src)\\=(\\"|\')[^\\"\'\\>]+/i', $post->post_content, $media); // Adjust read time given the number of images. if ($image_count = count($media[0])) { $readtime = $image_count * 12 - $image_count + $readtime; } // Update the post read time. update_post_meta($post_id, '_read_time', $readtime); }
public static function user_id_from_name($user) { $url = Thingiverse::BASE_URL . "/{$user}"; $dom = new DomDocument("1.0"); @$dom->loadHTMLFile($url); // use @ to suppress parser warnings $xp = new DomXpath($dom); $rss_url = $xp->query("//link[@rel=\"alternate\"]")->item(0)->getAttribute("href"); $parts = explode(":", $rss_url); return $parts[2]; }
private function templateSubsection($doc, $selector) { $tokenizer = new \Transphporm\Parser\Tokenizer($selector); $xpathStr = $this->xPath->getXpath($tokenizer->getTokens()); $xpath = new \DomXpath($doc); $nodes = $xpath->query($xpathStr); $result = []; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $result[] = $node; } return $result; }
function xselect($expression) { $xp = new DomXpath($this->getDocument()); $result = $xp->query($expression); if ($result->length == 0) { return null; } if ($result->length > 1) { throw new Exception("More than one result returned."); } return $result->item(0)->nodeValue; }
/** * Deselect otion of a select given a select name/id and the option value to deselect. * * @param string $name select name/id * @param string $option_value option value to be deselected * @return idDoctrineTestBrowser */ public function deSelectOption($name, $option_value) { $position = 0; $dom = $this->getResponseDom(); if (!$dom) { throw new LogicException('Cannot select because there is no current page in the browser.'); } $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); if ($element = $xpath->query(sprintf('//select[(.="%s" or @id="%s" or @name="%s")]/option[@value="%s"]', $name, $name, $name, $option_value))->item($position)) { $element->removeAttribute('selected'); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot find the select (%s) option value "%s" .', $name, $option_value)); } return $this; }
function translateLabelsOnPage($xpath_query) { global $nameTranslations; foreach ($this->translate_langs as $lang) { $doc = $this->fetchDocFromUrl($this->translatePageUrlTo($lang)); $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); $graph = new SimpleGraph(); foreach ($xpath->query($xpath_query) as $a) { $nodeId = $this->getNodeIdFromUrl($a->getAttribute('href')); $uri = INST . 'institutions/' . $nodeId; $this->graph->add_literal_triple($uri, RDFS_LABEL, $a->textContent, $lang); $nameTranslations[$uri][$lang] = $a->textContent; } echo trim($graph->to_ntriples()); } }
public function CreateDomDocument() { $dom = new Domdocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($this->htmlStack); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $elements = $xpath->query('//a[@class="' . $this->class . '"]'); foreach ($elements as $element) { $element = $element->getAttribute('href'); // if a regex option has been supplied run it on the results if ($this->regex) { $element = preg_replace($this->regex, '', $element); } // remove the 6X 35x6(bulk beers) results with this regex if (!preg_match('/\\dX(\\d+)?/', $element)) { $this->elementsArray[] = ['title' => $element]; } } echo json_encode(['beers' => $this->elementsArray]); }
public function run() { if (empty($this->node->_localName)) { return $this; } $parent = $this->node->parent()->get(); if (is_a($parent, jqmel)) { $path = $parent->_path; $str = $parent->_innerHtml; $document = jqm_use($this->node->_parentElement); $dom = $document->_DOM; if ($dom->doctype) { $dom->removeChild($dom->doctype); } $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $find = $xpath->query($path); if ($find->length > 0) { $tp = new domdocument(); $tp->loadHtml($str); if ($tp->doctype) { $tp->removeChild($tp->doctype); } $frag = $dom->importNode($tp->firstChild->firstChild, true); $find->item(0)->parentNode->replaceChild($frag, $find->item(0)); $find = $this->node->getPathByID(); if ($find) { $this->node->_path = $find; } else { $pts = explode('/', $this->node->_path); $ep = array_pop($pts); $pts = explode('/', $frag->getNodepath()); array_pop($pts); $pts[] = $ep; $this->node->_path = implode('/', $pts); } } } }
function translateRolesTo($rolePositions, $lang) { global $RolesGraph; $xpath = false; if ($this->rolesNeedTranslating($rolePositions, $lang)) { $doc = $this->fetchDocFromUrl($this->translatePageUrlTo($lang)); $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); $translatedRoles = array(); foreach ($xpath->query(WHOISWHO_ROLE_XPATH) as $node) { $roleLabels = $this->getRoleLabelsFromNode($node, $doc); foreach ($roleLabels as $label) { $translatedRoles[] = $label; } } if (count($translatedRoles) !== count($rolePositions)) { $this->log_message("different no of roles for {$lang} translation"); } foreach ($rolePositions as $no => $roleUri) { if (!$RolesGraph->roleHasLabelWithLang($roleUri, $lang, $RolesGraph) and isset($translatedRoles[$no])) { $RolesGraph->add_literal_triple($roleUri, RDFS_LABEL, $translatedRoles[$no], $lang); } } } }
private function templateSubsection($css, $doc, $element) { $xpathStr = (new \Transphporm\Parser\CssToXpath($css, new \Transphporm\Parser\Value($this)))->getXpath(); $xpath = new \DomXpath($doc); $nodes = $xpath->query($xpathStr); $result = []; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $result[] = $element->ownerDocument->importNode($node, true); } return $result; }
/** * Looks for a link or a button in the response and submits the related request * * @param string The link/button value/href/alt * @param array request parameters (associative array) * * @return sfWebBrowser The current browser object */ public function click($name, $arguments = array()) { if (!$dom = $this->getResponseDom()) { throw new Exception('Cannot click because there is no current page in the browser'); } $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); // text link, the name being in an attribute if ($link = $xpath->query(sprintf('//a[@*="%s"]', $name))->item(0)) { return $this->get($link->getAttribute('href')); } // text link, the name being the text value if ($links = $xpath->query('//a[@href]')) { foreach($links as $link) { if(preg_replace(array('/\s{2,}/', '/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/'), array(' ', ''), $link->nodeValue) == $name) { return $this->get($link->getAttribute('href')); } } } // image link, the name being the alt attribute value if ($link = $xpath->query(sprintf('//a/img[@alt="%s"]/ancestor::a', $name))->item(0)) { return $this->get($link->getAttribute('href')); } // form, the name being the button or input value if (!$form = $xpath->query(sprintf('//input[((@type="submit" or @type="button") and @value="%s") or (@type="image" and @alt="%s")]/ancestor::form', $name, $name))->item(0)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot find the "%s" link or button.', $name)); } // form attributes $url = $form->getAttribute('action'); $method = $form->getAttribute('method') ? strtolower($form->getAttribute('method')) : 'get'; // merge form default values and arguments $defaults = array(); foreach ($xpath->query('descendant::input | descendant::textarea | descendant::select', $form) as $element) { $elementName = $element->getAttribute('name'); $nodeName = $element->nodeName; $value = null; if ($nodeName == 'input' && ($element->getAttribute('type') == 'checkbox' || $element->getAttribute('type') == 'radio')) { if ($element->getAttribute('checked')) { $value = $element->getAttribute('value'); } } else if ( $nodeName == 'input' && (($element->getAttribute('type') != 'submit' && $element->getAttribute('type') != 'button') || $element->getAttribute('value') == $name) && ($element->getAttribute('type') != 'image' || $element->getAttribute('alt') == $name) ) { $value = $element->getAttribute('value'); } else if ($nodeName == 'textarea') { $value = ''; foreach ($element->childNodes as $el) { $value .= $dom->saveXML($el); } } else if ($nodeName == 'select') { if ($multiple = $element->hasAttribute('multiple')) { $elementName = str_replace('[]', '', $elementName); $value = array(); } else { $value = null; } $found = false; foreach ($xpath->query('descendant::option', $element) as $option) { if ($option->getAttribute('selected')) { $found = true; if ($multiple) { $value[] = $option->getAttribute('value'); } else { $value = $option->getAttribute('value'); } } } // if no option is selected and if it is a simple select box, take the first option as the value if (!$found && !$multiple) { $value = $xpath->query('descendant::option', $element)->item(0)->getAttribute('value'); } } if (null !== $value) { $this->parseArgumentAsArray($elementName, $value, $defaults); } } // create request parameters $arguments = sfToolkit::arrayDeepMerge($defaults, $this->fields, $arguments); if ('post' == $method) { return $this->post($url, $arguments); } else { return $this->get($url, $arguments); } }
public static function BUILD(Student $student, $file = null) { $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $dom = new \bloc\DOM\Document('data/student-site'); $xpath = new \DomXpath($dom); $parse = function ($context) use(&$parse, $xpath, $dom) { foreach ($xpath->query('./file', $context) as $file) { if ($file->hasAttribute('pattern')) { $pattern = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', sprintf($file->getAttribute('pattern'), $context->parentNode->getAttribute('title')))); $file->setAttribute('name', $pattern); } } foreach ($xpath->query('./directory', $context) as $directory) { $name = $directory->getAttribute('name'); if ($directory->hasAttribute('clone')) { $replacements = $xpath->query($directory->getAttribute('clone')); foreach ($replacements as $replacement) { $cloned = $directory->appendChild($replacement->cloneNode(!$replacement->hasAttribute('clone'))); foreach ($xpath->query('./file[@clone="ignore"]', $cloned) as $ignore) { $cloned->removeChild($ignore); } } $parent = $directory->parentNode; $directory = $parent->removeChild($directory); $pattern = $directory->getAttribute('pattern'); foreach (explode('|', $name) as $idx) { $newnode = $parent->appendChild($directory->cloneNode(true)); $newnode->setAttribute('name', strtolower($idx)); $newnode->setAttribute('title', sprintf($pattern, $idx)); $parse($newnode); } } else { if ($directory->childNodes->length > 0) { $parse($directory); } } } }; call_user_func($parse, $dom->documentElement, '', './'); $filepath = 'views/student/site'; $cache = []; $zip->open($file, \ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE); $zipper = function ($context, $path) use(&$zipper, $zip, $filepath, $student, &$cache) { $path .= '/'; $title = $context->getAttribute('title') ?: ''; foreach ($context->childNodes as $level) { $type = $level->nodeName; $name = $level->getAttribute('name'); if ($type == 'file') { $ext = substr($name, strpos($name, '.')); $base = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, '.')); if (!array_key_exists($name, $cache)) { if (file_exists(PATH . $filepath . $path . $name)) { $cache[$name] = $filepath . $path . $name; } else { if (file_exists(PATH . $filepath . $level->getAttribute('template'))) { $cache[$name] = $filepath . $level->getAttribute('template'); } } } if ($ext == '.html' || $ext == '.xml') { $view = new \bloc\view($cache[$name]); if ($context->hasAttribute('template')) { $view->template = $filepath . $context->getAttribute('template'); } $text = (string) $view->render(['id' => $name, 'empty' => null, 'student' => $student, 'title' => $title, 'datapath' => substr($path, 1, -6), 'embeds' => strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $title)), 'domain' => DOMAIN]); if ($ext != '.xml') { $text = substr($text, strlen('<?xml version="1.0"?>') + 1); } $zip->addFromString(substr($path . $name, 1), $text); } else { $zip->addFile(PATH . $cache[$name], substr($path . $name, 1)); } } else { $zip->addEmptyDir($path . '/'); $zipper($level, $path . $name); } } }; $zipper($dom->documentElement, '', ''); $zip->close(); return $file; }
public function gibbactuPostProcess() { $Actu = new Actu($this->db); $NotProcessedActus = $Actu->find(array('processed = ?', 0)); //print_r($NotProcessedActus); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); ob_start(); foreach ($NotProcessedActus as $NPA) { $processActu = array(); //echo $NPA->id."<br>"; //Raw HTML to DOM/XPATH $dom = new DOMDocument(); $searchPage = mb_convert_encoding($NPA->content_raw, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); @$dom->loadHTML($searchPage); @($xpath = new DomXpath($dom)); //userID : $processActu['hfr_user_id'] = $xpath->query('//td[@class = "messCase2"]//a[contains(@href, "profil-")]')->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $processActu['hfr_user_id'] = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $processActu['hfr_user_id']); //echo $processActu['hfr_user_id']."<br>"; //pseudo : $processActu['username'] = $xpath->query('//td[@class = "messCase1"]//b[@class = "s2"]')->item(0)->textContent; $processActu['username'] = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', htmlentities($processActu['username'])); //echo $processActu['username']."<br>"; //if ($processActu['username'] <> 'roswellentongues') { //continue; //} //Check si le smiley est bien directement dans le message $checkSmileyGAParent = $xpath->query('//img[contains(@title, "[:gibbactu]")]//..//..//..//div[starts-with(@id, "para")]'); if (!$checkSmileyGAParent->length) { //pas de smiley, on skip //echo "smiley pas à la racine<br/><br/><br/>"; $NPA->active = 0; $NPA->save(); continue; } //post ID $processActu["hfr_post_id"] = $xpath->query('//a[contains(@href, "#t")]')->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); $processActu['hfr_post_id'] = str_replace("#t", "", $processActu["hfr_post_id"]); //echo $processActu['hfr_post_id']; //if ($processActu['hfr_post_id'] <> '10764130') { // continue; //} //date posted $divDate = $xpath->query('//div[@class="toolbar"]/div[@class="left"]'); $oldate = preg_replace("/[^0-9:-]+/", "", $divDate->item(0)->nodeValue); $processActu['date_posted'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($oldate)); //echo $crDatePosted.' '; //echo $processActu['username']."\n"; //le contenu au même niveau que le smiley $actuNodesZero = $xpath->query('//img[contains(@title, "[:gibbactu]")]/../node()'); $processHTMLstep0 = ''; $startInsert = false; foreach ($actuNodesZero as $actuNodeZ) { if ($actuNodeZ->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $actuNodeZ->getAttribute('title') == '[:gibbactu]') { $startInsert = true; continue; } if ($actuNodeZ->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !strcasecmp(trim($actuNodeZ->nodeValue), 'gibbactu')) { continue; } if (!$startInsert) { continue; } //echo "len =".strlen(trim($actuNodeZ->nodeValue))."\n"; //echo "htmlen =".strlen(trim($processHTMLstep0))."\n"; //echo "html =".($dom->saveHTML($actuNodeZ))."\n"; if ($actuNodeZ->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { //echo "tag =".$actuNodeZ->tagName."\n"; } else { //echo "tag =pasnoded\n"; if (!strcasecmp(trim(htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($actuNodeZ))), 'gibbactu')) { //echo "== gibbactu\n"; continue; } } if (trim(htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($actuNodeZ))) == ' ') { //echo ">> on skip\n"; continue; } if (!strlen(trim($processHTMLstep0)) && $actuNodeZ->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $actuNodeZ->tagName == 'br') { //echo ">> on skip\n"; continue; } //echo "==\nNew HTML:\n".htmlentities($processHTMLstep0)."\n============\n"; //var_dump($actuNodeZ); $processHTMLstep0 .= htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($actuNodeZ)); //echo htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($actuNodeZ))."\n".$actuNodeZ->nodeValue."\n\n"; } //On va chercher tout le contenu APRES le smiley gibbactu $actuNodes = $xpath->query('//img[contains(@title, "[:gibbactu]")]/../following-sibling::*'); //var_dump($actuNodes); $processHTMLstep1 = $processHTMLstep0; foreach ($actuNodes as $actuNode) { //echo $dom->saveHTML($actuNode)."\n"; //echo "===\n".$actuNode->tagName." = ".$actuNode->getAttribute('class')."\n\n"; //var_dump($actuNode); if ($actuNode->getAttribute('class') == 'edited' || $actuNode->getAttribute('class') == 'signature' || $actuNode->getAttribute('style') == 'clear: both;') { continue; } if ($actuNode->nodeValue || $actuNode->childNodes) { $processHTMLstep1 .= htmlentities($dom->saveHTML($actuNode)); } else { var_dump($actuNode->childNodes); echo "noNodeValue=" . $dom->saveHTML($actuNode) . "\n\n"; } } $processHTMLfinal = $processHTMLstep1; $processHTMLfinal = str_replace("\n", '', $processHTMLfinal); $processHTMLfinal = str_replace("\r", '', $processHTMLfinal); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(str_replace("<p><br></p>", '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(str_replace('href="/hfr/', 'target="_blank" href="', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/style="[a-zA-Z0-9:;\\.\\s\\(\\)\\-\\,]*"/i', '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/onload="[^\\"]+"/i', 'onload="return;"', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); $processHTMLfinal = htmlentities(preg_replace('/title="[^\\"]+"/i', '', html_entity_decode($processHTMLfinal))); if (!$processHTMLfinal) { echo "aucun contenu<br/><br/><br/>"; $NPA->active = 0; $NPA->save(); continue; } $NPA->hfr_cat_id = 5; $NPA->hfr_subcat_id = 249; $NPA->hfr_topic_id = 177180; //$NPA->hfr_page_id $NPA->hfr_post_id = $processActu['hfr_post_id']; $NPA->hfr_user_id = $processActu['hfr_user_id']; $NPA->username = $processActu['username']; $NPA->date_modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $NPA->date_posted = $processActu['date_posted']; $NPA->content = $processHTMLfinal; $NPA->active = 1; $NPA->processed = 1; $NPA->save(); echo "\n\n\n\n\n"; } $myStr = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); echo $myStr; //$this->f3->set('report',$myStr); //echo Template::instance()->render('cron.htm'); }
public static function from_html_made_dom($dom) { $thing = new ThingiverseThing(); $d = new DOMDocument('1.0'); $b = $d->importNode($dom->cloneNode(true), true); $d->appendChild($b); $xp = new DomXpath($d); $tmpelem = $xp->query("//div[@class=\"thing_info\"]/a")->item(0); $thing->title = $tmpelem->childNodes->item(0)->wholeText; $tmpelem = $xp->query("//div[@class=\"thing_info\"]/a")->item(1); $thing->creator = $tmpelem->childNodes->item(0)->wholeText; $thing->creator_url = Thingiverse::BASE_URL . "/{$thing->creator}"; // TODO: Get the time somehow :( //$thing->created_at = "Unknown"; $tmpelem = $xp->query("//a")->item(2); $thing->url = Thingiverse::BASE_URL . $tmpelem->getAttribute("href"); $thing->main_image = $tmpelem->childNodes->item(0)->getAttribute(src); return $thing; }
public function CLIassignment() { $doc = new \bloc\DOM\Document(self::SEMESTER); $xml = new \DomXpath($doc); $assignment = $xml->query('/course/assignments')->item(0)->appendChild($doc->createElement('assignment')); $weeks = $xml->query('/course/classes/outline'); // title, points, id echo "\nEnter Assignment Title: "; $title = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $assignment->setAttribute('title', $title); $id = preg_replace(['/\\s+/', '/[^a-z]/i'], ['-', ''], $title); $assignment->setAttribute('id', $id); echo "\nEnter number of points: "; $points = trim(fgets(STDIN)); $assignment->setAttribute('points', (int) $points); echo "\nWeek number: "; $week = (int) trim(fgets(STDIN)) - 1; if ($week >= 0 && $week < 15) { $ref = $weeks->item($week)->appendChild($doc->createElement('assignment')); $ref->setAttribute('ref', $id); } echo "\nAssignment Details: "; $details = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (!empty($details)) { $assignment->setNodeValue($details); } $this->save($doc); }
<?php $result = 0; passthru('cd ' . __DIR__ . ' && phpdoc --force', $result); if ($result !== 0) { die("phpdoc command not found."); } libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadHTMLFile("./docs/index.html"); $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); // Remove "Global" namespace $result = $xpath->query('//li/a[@href="namespaces/default.html"]'); if ($result->length > 0) { $node = $result->item(0); $node->parentNode->parentNode->removeChild($node->parentNode); } // Remove Packages $result = $xpath->query('//div[@class="well"][2]'); if ($result->length > 0) { $node = $result->item(0); $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } $dom->saveHTMLFile('./docs/index.html');
/** * Check Result for Errors * * @param DomDocument $dom * @throws Zend_Service_Exception */ protected static function _checkErrors(DomDocument $dom) { if ($dom->documentElement->getAttribute('stat') == 'fail') { $xpath = new DomXpath($dom); $err = $xpath->query('//err')->item(0); throw new Zend_Service_Exception('Search failed due to error: ' . $err->getAttribute('msg') . ' (error #' . $err->getAttribute('code') . ')'); } }