public function getDocs() { // Handle order by. $order_field = Input::get('order', 'updated_at'); $order_dir = Input::get('order_dir', 'DESC'); // Handle pagination. $limit = null; $offset = null; $title = null; if (Input::has('limit')) { $limit = Input::get('limit'); if (Input::has('page')) { $offset = (Input::get('page') - 1) * Input::get('limit'); } } // Activity is a wholly different beast right now, requiring complicated // queries. if ($order_field === 'activity') { // TODO: Make this handle DESC order, maybe? $docs = Doc::getActive($limit, $offset); } else { $doc = Doc::getEager()->orderBy($order_field, $order_dir)->where('private', '!=', '1')->where('is_template', '!=', '1'); if (Input::has('category')) { $doc = Doc::getEager()->whereHas('categories', function ($q) { $category = Input::get('category'); $q->where('', 'LIKE', "%{$category}%"); })->where('private', '!=', '1')->where('is_template', '!=', '1'); } if (isset($limit)) { $doc->take($limit); if (isset($offset)) { $doc->skip($offset); } } if (Input::has('title')) { $title = Input::get('title'); $doc->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$title}%"); } $docs = $doc->get(); } $return_docs = array(); if ($docs) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { $doc->enableCounts(); $return_doc = $doc->toArray(); $return_doc['updated_at'] = date('c', strtotime($return_doc['updated_at'])); $return_doc['created_at'] = date('c', strtotime($return_doc['created_at'])); $return_docs[] = $return_doc; } } return Response::json($return_docs); }
public static function getActive($num, $offset) { // Defaults to limit 10 because of the expense here. if (!$num) { $num = 10; } if (!$offset) { $offset = 0; } $docIds = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT doc_id, SUM(num) AS total FROM (\n SELECT doc_id, COUNT(*) AS num\n FROM annotations\n GROUP BY doc_id\n UNION ALL\n SELECT doc_id, COUNT(*) AS num\n FROM comments\n GROUP BY doc_id\n UNION ALL\n SELECT annotations.doc_id, COUNT(*) AS num\n FROM annotation_comments\n INNER JOIN annotations\n ON annotation_comments.annotation_id =\n GROUP BY doc_id\n\n ) total_count\n LEFT JOIN docs on doc_id =\n WHERE docs.private != 1\n GROUP BY doc_id\n ORDER BY total DESC\n LIMIT :offset, :limit"), array(':offset' => $offset, ':limit' => $num)); $docArray = []; //Create array of [id => total] for each document foreach ($docIds as $docId) { $docArray[$docId->doc_id] = $docId->total; } $docs = false; if (count($docArray) > 0) { //Grab out most active documents $docs = Doc::getEager()->whereIn('id', array_keys($docArray))->get(); //Set the sort value to the total count foreach ($docs as $doc) { $doc->participationTotal = $docArray[$doc->id]; } //Sort by the sort value descending $docs = $docs->sortByDesc('participationTotal'); } return $docs; }