protected function calendarQuery($url, $parameters, $headers=null, $unique=true) {

        if (!$this->user instanceOf GoogleAppsUser) {
            return array();
        $cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR . "/" . 'GoogleCalendar', $this->cacheLifetime, TRUE);
        $cacheURL = $url . count($parameters) ? '?' . http_build_query($parameters) : $url;
        $cacheFilename = $unique ? md5($cacheURL. $this->user->getEmail()) : md5($cacheURL);
        if ($cache->isFresh($cacheFilename)) {
            $data = $cache->read($cacheFilename);
        } else {

            $authority = $this->user->getAuthenticationAuthority();
            $method = 'GET';        
            if ($data = $authority->oAuthRequest($method, $url, $parameters, $headers)) {
                $cache->write($data, $cacheFilename);
        return $data;
Esempio n. 2
function getMinifyGroupsConfig()
    $minifyConfig = array();
    $key = $_GET['g'];
    // Check for specific file request
    if (strpos($key, MIN_FILE_PREFIX) === 0) {
        // file path relative to either templates or the theme (check theme first)
        $path = substr($key, strlen(MIN_FILE_PREFIX));
        $config = array('include' => 'all', 'files' => array(THEME_DIR . $path, SITE_APP_DIR . $path, SHARED_APP_DIR . $path, APP_DIR . $path));
        return array($key => buildFileList($config));
    // Page request
    $pageOnly = isset($_GET['pageOnly']) && $_GET['pageOnly'];
    // if this is a copied module also pull in files from that module
    $configModule = isset($_GET['config']) ? $_GET['config'] : '';
    list($ext, $module, $page, $pagetype, $platform, $browser, $pathHash) = explode('-', $key);
    $cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR . '/minify', Kurogo::getOptionalSiteVar('MINIFY_CACHE_TIMEOUT', 30), true);
    $cacheName = "group_{$key}";
    if ($configModule) {
        $cacheName .= "-{$configModule}";
    if ($pageOnly) {
        $cacheName .= "-pageOnly";
    if ($cache->isFresh($cacheName)) {
        $minifyConfig = $cache->read($cacheName);
    } else {
        $dirs = array(APP_DIR, SHARED_APP_DIR, SITE_APP_DIR, THEME_DIR);
        if ($pageOnly || ($pagetype == 'tablet' || $platform == 'computer') && in_array($module, array('info', 'admin'))) {
            // Info module does not inherit from common files
            $subDirs = array('/modules/' . $module);
        } else {
            $subDirs = array('/common', '/modules/' . $module);
        if ($configModule) {
            $subDirs[] = '/modules/' . $configModule;
        $checkFiles = array('css' => getFileConfigForDirs('css', 'css', $page, $pagetype, $platform, $browser, $dirs, $subDirs, $pageOnly), 'js' => getFileConfigForDirs('js', 'javascript', $page, $pagetype, $platform, $browser, $dirs, $subDirs, $pageOnly));
        //error_log(print_r($checkFiles, true));
        $minifyConfig[$key] = buildFileList($checkFiles[$ext]);
        //error_log(__FUNCTION__."($pagetype-$platform-$browser) scanned filesystem for $key");
        $cache->write($minifyConfig, $cacheName);
    // Add minify source object for the theme config.ini
    if ($ext == 'css') {
        $themeVarsFile = realpath_exists(THEME_DIR . '/config.ini');
        if ($themeVarsFile) {
            $minifyConfig[$key][] = new Minify_Source(array('id' => 'themeConfigModTimeChecker', 'getContentFunc' => 'minifyThemeConfigModTimeCheckerContent', 'minifier' => '', 'contentType' => Minify::TYPE_CSS, 'lastModified' => filemtime($themeVarsFile)));
    //error_log(__FUNCTION__."($pagetype-$platform-$browser) returning: ".print_r($minifyConfig, true));
    return $minifyConfig;
 protected function retrieveWSDL($wsdl)
     $parts = parse_url($wsdl);
     if (!isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'])) {
         return $wsdl;
     //use the md5 of the baseURL as the folder
     $baseURL = $this->buildURL($parts);
     $cacheFolder = CACHE_DIR . '/WSDL/' . md5($baseURL);
     //save the filename as is
     $cacheFile = basename($this->buildURL($parts, true));
     if (!($wsdl_cache = ini_get('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl'))) {
         $wsdl_cache = 86400;
         // one day
     $cache = new DiskCache($cacheFolder, $wsdl_cache, true);
     //make sure we save the raw data
     if ($cache->isFresh($cacheFile)) {
         $wsdl_data = $cache->read($cacheFile);
     } else {
         $ch = curl_init($wsdl);
         foreach ($this->initArgs as $key => $value) {
             if (preg_match("/CURLOPT_/", $key)) {
                 curl_setopt($ch, constant($key), $value);
         if ($this->authUser) {
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, constant('CURLAUTH_' . strtoupper($this->authType)));
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->authUser . ':' . $this->authPassword);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
         if (!($wsdl_data = curl_exec($ch))) {
             if (!($error = curl_error($ch))) {
                 $error = "Unable to retrieve WSDL {$wsdl}";
             Kurogo::log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to retrieve WSDL {$wsdl}: {$error}", 'soap');
             throw new KurogoException($error);
         //save the WSDL to cache
         $cache->write($wsdl_data, $cacheFile);
     /* retrieve the imports */
     $parsedWSDL = $this->parseWSDL($wsdl_data);
     foreach ($parsedWSDL->getImports() as $import) {
         $url = $baseURL . $import;
     // use the local cached WSDL file
     $wsdl = $cache->getFullPath($cacheFile);
     return $wsdl;
 protected function calendarQuery($url, $parameters, $headers = null, $unique = true)
     $oauth = $this->oauth();
     if (!($token = $oauth->getToken())) {
         return false;
     $cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR . '/GoogleCalendar' . ($unique ? '/' . md5($token) : ''), $this->cacheLifetime, TRUE);
     $cacheURL = count($parameters) ? $url . '?' . http_build_query($parameters) : $url;
     $cacheFilename = md5($cacheURL);
     if ($cache->isFresh($cacheFilename)) {
         $response = unserialize($cache->read($cacheFilename));
         $data = $response->getResponse();
     } else {
         $oauth = $this->oauth();
         $method = 'GET';
         if ($data = $oauth->oAuthRequest($method, $url, $parameters, $headers)) {
             $response = $oauth->getResponse();
             $cache->write(serialize($response), $cacheFilename);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 5
 public static function getProjSpecs($wkid)
     $contents = null;
     $projCache = new DiskCache(Kurogo::getSiteVar('PROJ_CACHE', 'maps'), null, true);
     $filename = $wkid;
     if (!$projCache->isFresh($filename)) {
         $file = fopen(DATA_DIR . '/maps/proj_list.txt', 'r');
         $wkidID = "<{$wkid}>";
         $strlen = strlen($wkidID);
         while ($line = fgets($file)) {
             if (substr($line, 0, $strlen) == $wkidID) {
                 preg_match("/<\\d+> (.+) <>/", $line, $matches);
                 $contents = $matches[1];
         if ($contents) {
             $projCache->write($contents, $filename);
         } else {
             // TODO get config for logging
             Kurogo::LOG(LOG_WARNING, "{$wkid} is not a known projection", 'maps');
     } else {
         $contents = $projCache->read($filename);
     return $contents;
Esempio n. 6
 public function exportCSSAndJavascript()
     $minifyURLs = $this->getMinifyUrls(true);
     $cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR . '/minify', Kurogo::getOptionalSiteVar('MINIFY_CACHE_TIMEOUT', 30), true);
     $cacheName = "export_{$this->configModule}-{$this->page}-{$this->pagetype}-{$this->platform}-" . md5($minifyURLs['js'] . $minifyURLs['css']);
     if ($cache->isFresh($cacheName)) {
         $data = $cache->read($cacheName);
     } else {
         $properties = array('inlineCSSBlocks', 'cssURLs', 'inlineJavascriptBlocks', 'inlineJavascriptFooterBlocks', 'onOrientationChangeBlocks', 'onLoadBlocks', 'javascriptURLs');
         $data = array('properties' => array(), 'minifyCSS' => '', 'minifyJS' => '');
         foreach ($properties as $property) {
             $data['properties'][$property] = $this->{$property};
         // Add page Javascript and CSS if any
         $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])));
         $javascript = @file_get_contents(FULL_URL_PREFIX . ltrim($minifyURLs['js'], '/'), false, $context);
         if ($javascript) {
             $data['minifyJS'] = $javascript;
         $css = @file_get_contents(FULL_URL_PREFIX . ltrim($minifyURLs['css'], '/'), false, $context);
         if ($css) {
             $data['minifyCSS'] = $css;
         $cache->write($data, $cacheName);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 7
function getMinifyGroupsConfig() {
  $minifyConfig = array();
  $key = $_GET['g'];
  // Check for specific file request
  if (strpos($key, MIN_FILE_PREFIX) === 0) {
    // file path relative to either templates or the theme (check theme first)
    $path = substr($key, strlen(MIN_FILE_PREFIX));
    $config = array(
      'include' => 'all',
      'files' => array(
    return array($key => buildFileList($config));
  // Page request
  $pageOnly = isset($_GET['pageOnly']) && $_GET['pageOnly'];
  // if this is a copied module also pull in files from that module
  $configModule = isset($_GET['config']) ? $_GET['config'] : '';

  list($ext, $module, $page, $pagetype, $platform, $pathHash) = explode('-', $key);

  $cache = new DiskCache(CACHE_DIR.'/minify', 30, true);
  $cacheName = "group_$key";
  if ($cache->isFresh($cacheName)) {
    $minifyConfig = $cache->read($cacheName);
  } else {
    // CSS includes all in order.  JS prefers theme
    $cssDirs = array(
    $jsDirs = array(
    if ($pageOnly || ($platform=='computer' && in_array($module, array('info', 'admin')))) {
      // Info module does not inherit from common files
      $subDirs = array(
    } else {
      $subDirs = array(
    if ($configModule) {
        $subDirs[] = '/modules/' . $configModule;

    $checkFiles = array(
      'css' => getCSSFileConfigForDirs(
          $page, $pagetype, $platform, $cssDirs, $subDirs, $pageOnly),
      'js'  => getJSFileConfigForDirs (
          $page, $pagetype, $platform, $jsDirs, $subDirs, $pageOnly),
    //error_log(print_r($checkFiles, true));
    $minifyConfig[$key] = buildFileList($checkFiles[$ext]);
    //error_log(__FUNCTION__."($pagetype-$platform) scanned filesystem for $key");

    $cache->write($minifyConfig, $cacheName);
  //error_log(__FUNCTION__."($pagetype-$platform) returning: ".print_r($minifyConfig, true));
  return $minifyConfig;
Esempio n. 8
 protected function detectDeviceExternal($user_agent)
     if (!$user_agent) {
     // see if the server has cached the results from the the device detection server
     $cache = new DiskCache($this->cacheFolder(), $this->cacheLifetime(), TRUE);
     $cacheFilename = md5($user_agent);
     if ($cache->isFresh($cacheFilename)) {
         $json = $cache->read($cacheFilename);
         Kurogo::log(LOG_INFO, "Using cached data for external device detection", 'deviceDetection');
     } else {
         $query = http_build_query(array('user-agent' => $user_agent, 'version' => $this->version));
         $url = Kurogo::getSiteVar('MOBI_SERVICE_URL') . '?' . $query;
         Kurogo::log(LOG_INFO, "Detecting device using external device detection: {$url}", 'deviceDetection');
         $json = file_get_contents($url);
         $test = json_decode($json, true);
         // make sure the response is valid
         if ($json && isset($test['pagetype'], $test['platform'])) {
             $cache->write($json, $cacheFilename);
         } else {
             Kurogo::log(LOG_WARNING, "Error receiving device detection data from {$url}.  Reading expired cache.", 'deviceDetection');
             $json = $cache->read($cacheFilename);
     $data = json_decode($json, true);
     // fix values when using old version
     if ($this->version == 1) {
         switch (strtolower($data['pagetype'])) {
             case 'basic':
                 if ($data['platform'] == 'computer' || $data['platform'] == 'spider') {
                     $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
                 } else {
                     if ($data['platform'] == 'bbplus') {
                         $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
                     } else {
                         $data['pagetype'] = 'basic';
             case 'touch':
                 if ($data['platform'] == 'blackberry') {
                     $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
                     // Storm, Storm 2
                 } else {
                     if ($data['platform'] == 'winphone7') {
                         $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
                         // Windows Phone 7
                     } else {
                         $data['pagetype'] = 'touch';
             case 'compliant':
             case 'webkit':
                 $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
     return $data;
  private function detectDeviceExternal($user_agent) {
    if (!$user_agent) {
    // see if the server has cached the results from the the device detection server
    $cache = new DiskCache($this->cacheFolder(), $this->cacheLifetime(), TRUE);
    $cacheFilename = md5($user_agent);

    if ($cache->isFresh($cacheFilename)) {
      $json = $cache->read($cacheFilename);

    } else {
      $query = http_build_query(array(
        'user-agent' => $user_agent,
        'version'=> $this->version
      $url = $GLOBALS['siteConfig']->getVar('MOBI_SERVICE_URL').'?'.$query;
      $json = file_get_contents($url);

      $cache->write($json, $cacheFilename);

    $data = json_decode($json, true);

    // fix values when using old version
    if ($this->version == 1) {
      switch (strtolower($data['pagetype'])) {
        case 'basic':
          if ($data['platform'] == 'computer' || $data['platform'] == 'spider') {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
          } else if ($data['platform'] == 'bbplus') {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
          } else {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'basic';
        case 'touch':
          if ($data['platform'] == 'blackberry') {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant'; // Storm, Storm 2
          } else if ($data['platform'] == 'winphone7') {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant'; // Windows Phone 7
          } else {
            $data['pagetype'] = 'touch';
        case 'compliant':
        case 'webkit':
          $data['pagetype'] = 'compliant';
    return $data;          
 public static function getProjSpecs($wkid) {
     $wkid = self::convertWkid($wkid);
     $projCache = new DiskCache($GLOBALS['siteConfig']->getVar('PROJ_CACHE'), null, true);
     $filename = $wkid;
     if (!$projCache->isFresh($filename)) {
         $url = ''.$wkid.'/proj4/';
         $contents = file_get_contents($url);
         if ($contents)
             $projCache->write($contents, $filename);
     } else {
         $contents = $projCache->read($filename);
     return $contents;