Esempio n. 1
 public function getPlugins()
     $output = array();
     $it = new DirectoryIterator(BASE . 'plugins/');
     while ($it->valid()) {
         $xml_path = $it->getPath() . $it->getFilename() . '/';
         $xml_file = $xml_path . "plugin.xml";
         if ($it->isReadable() && $it->isDir() && file_exists($xml_file)) {
             $output[] = new PapyrinePlugin($xml_path);
     return $output;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function method1($dir, $padLength = 0)
     $thisDir = new \DirectoryIterator($dir);
     foreach ($thisDir as $value) {
         if ($thisDir->isDot()) {
             // Skip the dot directories
         } else {
             if ($thisDir->isDir()) {
                 if ($thisDir->isReadable()) {
                     // if this is a new directory AND we have permission to read it, recurse into it.
                     echo str_repeat(' ', $padLength * 2) . $value . "\\\n";
                     $this->method1($dir . '/' . $value, $padLength + 1);
             } else {
                 // output the file
                 echo str_repeat(' ', $padLength * 2) . $value . "\n";
Esempio n. 3
  * @param null $location
  * @return bool
 public function exists($location = NULL)
     if (!$location) {
         $location = $this->location;
     $di = new \DirectoryIterator($location);
     return $di->isReadable();
Esempio n. 4
  * Directory iterator
  * @param string $fullpath - full path to the director we wish to iterate
  * @return array - numerical index of returned pages
 private function dirIterator($fullpath)
     $it = new DirectoryIterator($fullpath);
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot() && $it->isFile() && $it->isReadable() && substr($it->getFilename(), -4, 4) == '.php') {
             $files[] = $it->getFilename();
     return $files;
$home = $_SERVER['HOME'];
$account_user = $_SERVER['LOGNAME'];
$begin_script = time();
function label($text)
    return "\n[" . date('r') . "] " . $text . "\n";
echo "#################################################\n";
echo "### Starting dreamhost account backup process ###\n";
echo "###      " . date('r') . "      ###\n";
echo "#################################################\n";
try {
    // Check if we can read/write to mysql subdir chosen
    $mysql_arquives = new DirectoryIterator($home . '/' . $backups_dir . '/' . $mysql_subdir);
    if (!$mysql_arquives->isReadable() || !$mysql_arquives->isWritable()) {
        throw new RuntimeException('No read or write access.');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    exit("Please make sure you provide a valid folder for the arquives, with read and write access.\n");
// Return an array with stdClass objects from API commands
function request_api($cmd)
    $api_key = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('' . $api_key . '&cmd=' . $cmd . '&format=xml', null, true);
    if ((string) $xml->result != 'success') {
        exit("Request for '{$cmd}' unsuccessful.\n");
    // Use json decode/encode to convert the SimpleXMLElement objects into stdClass objects
    return json_decode(json_encode($xml->xpath('/dreamhost/data')));