protected function setUp() { date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Paris"); $this->valid_config = array("settings" => array("dinkly_version" => Dinkly::getConfigValue('dinkly_version', 'global')), "apps" => array("frontend" => array("default_app" => true, "default_module" => "landing", "base_href" => "/", "enabled" => true, "app_name" => "Dinkly Frontend", "app_description" => "The humblest little MVC Framework"), "admin" => array("default_module" => "home", "base_href" => "/admin", "enabled" => true, "app_name" => "Dinkly Admin", "app_description" => "Admin for the humblest little MVC", "copyright" => "Dinkly"), "api" => array("base_href" => "/api", "enabled" => true, "default_module" => "api", "app_name" => "Dinkly API"), "doc" => array("app_name" => "Dinkly Documentation", "base_href" => "/doc", "default_module" => "home", "enabled" => true))); $this->bad_config = array("settings" => array("dinkly_version" => Dinkly::getConfigValue('dinkly_version', 'global')), "apps" => array()); $this->valid_modules = array("home", "login", "user"); $context = null; $this->valid_context = array('current_app_name' => 'admin', 'module' => 'home', 'view' => 'default', 'parameters' => array('id' => 1)); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><?php echo Dinkly::getConfigValue('app_name'); ?> v<?php echo Dinkly::getConfigValue('dinkly_version', 'global'); ?> </title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content=""> <!-- Le styles --> <link href="/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/dinkly.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/typeahead.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""> </script> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/typeahead.bundle.js"></script>
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="/admin"> <?php echo Dinkly::getConfigValue('app_name', 'admin'); ?> </a> </div> <div class="navbar-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li <?php echo Dinkly::getCurrentModule() == 'home' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> > <a href="/admin">Home</a> </li> <?php if (DinklyUser::isMemberOf('admin')) { ?> <li <?php echo Dinkly::getCurrentModule() == 'user' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> > <a href="/admin/user/">Users</a> </li> <li <?php echo Dinkly::getCurrentModule() == 'group' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> > <a href="/admin/group/">Groups</a>
<div class="row page-wrapper"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="jumbotron"> <div> <h1> <?php echo Dinkly::translate('Welcome to Poetry Out Loud!'); ?> </h1> <p> <?php echo Dinkly::getConfigValue('app_description'); ?> </p> <h5> Brought to you by: <a href="">bigSiebs</a>. </h5> </div> </div> </div> </div>
/** * Load desired module and redirect if necessary * * * @param string $app_name name of app we are trying to load * @param string $module_name string of desired module to load * @param string $view string if passed goes to specified view otherwise default * @param bool $redirect default false, make true to redirect to different view * @param bool $draw_layout default true to get module view * @param array $parameters Array of parameters that can be used to populate views * * @return bool true if app loaded currectly else false and sent to default app */ public function loadModule($app_name, $module_name = null, $view_name = 'default', $redirect = false, $draw_layout = true, $parameters = null) { //If nested, prevent output from doubling if (headers_sent()) { return false; } //If the app_name is not passed, assume whichever is set as the default in config.yml if (!$app_name) { $app_name = Dinkly::getDefaultApp(true); } //Validate passed app if (!in_array($app_name, Dinkly::getValidApps($app_name))) { throw new Exception('App "' . $app_name . '" cannot be loaded.'); return false; } if (!Dinkly::isAppEnabled($app_name)) { $message = "The requested app (" . $app_name . ") is currently disabled."; error_log($message); if (self::isDevMode()) { echo $message; } return false; } //Set the current app to match whatever was passed $_SESSION['dinkly']['current_app_name'] = $app_name; //If no view is passed, look for one called 'default' if (!$view_name) { $view_name = 'default'; } //Redirect page if true if ($redirect) { $base_href = Dinkly::getConfigValue('base_href', $app_name); if ($base_href == '/') { $base_href = null; } $path = $base_href . '/' . $module_name . '/' . $view_name; //Deal with parameters if ($parameters) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $path .= '/' . $key . '/' . $value; } } header("Location: " . $path); die; } //Switch out paths later based on whether this is a plugin or not $is_plugin = false; if (Dinkly::getConfigValue('is_plugin', $app_name)) { $is_plugin = true; } //Load the app controller, if one exists $camel_app_controller_name = self::convertToCamelCase($app_name, true) . "Controller"; if ($is_plugin) { $plugin_name = Dinkly::getConfigValue('plugin_name', $app_name); $app_controller_file = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/' . $camel_app_controller_name . '.php'; } else { $app_controller_file = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/' . $camel_app_controller_name . '.php'; } $has_app_controller = false; if (file_exists($app_controller_file)) { //Instantiate controller object require_once $app_controller_file; $has_app_controller = true; } //Get module controller $camel_module_name = self::convertToCamelCase($app_name, true) . self::convertToCamelCase($module_name, true) . "Controller"; if ($is_plugin) { $controller_file = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . '/' . $camel_module_name . '.php'; } else { $controller_file = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . '/' . $camel_module_name . '.php'; } //Save these on the object so they can be retrieved as needed in controllers or views $this->view = $view_name; $this->module = $module_name; $this->parameters = $parameters; //If the controller doesn't exist, load 404 error page if (!file_exists($controller_file)) { //If there's an app controller, we instantiate that, in case it has overrides if ($has_app_controller) { $app_controller = new $camel_app_controller_name(); $this->loadError($app_name, $camel_module_name, $view_name); return false; } else { $this->loadError($app_name, $camel_module_name, $view_name); return false; } } //Instantiate controller object require_once $controller_file; $controller = new $camel_module_name(); //Migrate current dinkly variables over to our new controller $vars = get_object_vars($this); foreach ($vars as $name => $value) { $controller->{$name} = $value; } //Get this view's function $view_controller_name = self::convertToCamelCase($view_name, true); $view_function = "load" . $view_controller_name; if (method_exists($controller, $view_function)) { //If controller function returns false, don't draw layout wrapper if ($controller->{$view_function}($parameters)) { $draw_layout = true; } else { $draw_layout = false; } if (!in_array($module_name, Dinkly::getValidModules($app_name))) { throw new Exception('Module "' . $module_name . '" cannot be loaded.'); return false; } //Migrate the scope of the declared variables to be local to the view $vars = get_object_vars($controller); foreach ($vars as $name => $value) { ${$name} = $value; } //Draw headers if ($draw_layout) { if ($is_plugin) { $base_module_header_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . '/views/header'; } else { $base_module_header_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . "/views/header"; } if (file_exists($base_module_header_path . '.php') || file_exists($base_module_header_path . '.md')) { ob_start(); if (file_exists($base_module_header_path . '.php')) { include $base_module_header_path . '.php'; } else { if (file_exists($base_module_header_path . '.md')) { include $base_module_header_path . '.md'; } } $header = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->setModuleHeader($header); } //Set the powered-by header if the version number is in the config if ($version = self::getConfigValue('dinkly_version', 'global')) { header('X-Powered-By: DINKLY/' . $version); } if ($is_plugin) { $app_header_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/layout/header.php'; } else { $app_header_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/layout/header.php'; } if (file_exists($app_header_path)) { include $app_header_path; } } //Draw view if ($is_plugin) { $base_view_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . '/views/' . $view_name; } else { $base_view_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . '/views/' . $view_name; } if (file_exists($base_view_path . '.php')) { include $base_view_path . '.php'; } else { if (file_exists($base_view_path . '.md')) { $markdown_template = file_get_contents($base_view_path . '.md'); $Parsedown = new Parsedown(); echo $Parsedown->text($markdown_template); } } //Draw footer if ($draw_layout) { if ($is_plugin) { $base_module_footer_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/plugins/' . $plugin_name . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . "/views/footer"; } else { $base_module_footer_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/modules/' . $module_name . "/views/footer"; } if (file_exists($base_module_footer_path . '.php') || file_exists($base_module_footer_path . '.md')) { ob_start(); if (file_exists($base_module_footer_path . '.php')) { include $base_module_footer_path . '.php'; } else { if (file_exists($base_module_footer_path . '.md')) { include $base_module_footer_path . '.md'; } } $header = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->setModuleHeader($header); } if ($is_plugin) { $app_footer_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/layout/footer.php'; } else { $app_footer_path = $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ROOT'] . '/apps/' . $app_name . '/layout/footer.php'; } if (file_exists($app_footer_path)) { include $app_footer_path; } } } else { $this->loadError($app_name, $camel_module_name, $view_name); return false; } return $draw_layout; }
</div><!-- Primary Container --> <?php echo $this->getModuleFooter(); ?> <div id="footer" class="container-fluid"> <div class="container"> <footer> <p>Copyright © <?php echo Dinkly::getConfigValue('app_name') . ' ' . date('Y'); ?> </p> </footer> </div> </div> </body> </html>
public function sendSetPasswordEmail() { $link = Dinkly::getConfigValue('current_app_url', 'admin') . "/admin/login/reset_password/k/" . $this->getAutoLoginHash(); $to = $this->getUsername(); $subject = "Reset Password"; $message = "Here's the link to reset your password: "******"\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); return true; }