Esempio n. 1
    return $l_array;
global $smarty;
$dejalaConfig = new DejalaConfig();
$from = Tools::getValue('datepickerFrom');
$to = Tools::getValue('datepickerTo');
if (!is_null($from) && !is_null($to) && strlen($from) == 10 && strlen($to) == 10) {
    $dateFrom = mktime(0, 0, 1, intval(substr($from, 3, 2)), intval(substr($from, 0, 2)), intval(substr($from, 6, 4)));
    $dateTo = mktime(23, 59, 59, intval(substr($to, 3, 2)), intval(substr($to, 0, 2)), intval(substr($to, 6, 4)));
    if ($dateFrom > $dateTo) {
        $tmp = $dateTo;
        $dateTo = $dateFrom;
        $dateFrom = $tmp;
    $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils();
    $deliveries = array();
    $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreDeliveries($dejalaConfig, $deliveries, array('from_utc' => $dateFrom, 'to_utc' => $dateTo));
    if ($responseArray['status'] = '200') {
        $l_deliveries = array();
        header("Content-type: text/csv");
        header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"deliveries.csv\"");
        foreach ($deliveries as $key => $delivery) {
            $l_delivery = doubleQuoteArray($delivery);
            $l_delivery['price'] = ereg_replace('\\.', ',', $l_delivery['price']);
            $l_delivery['creation_date'] = date('d/m/Y', $delivery['creation_utc']);
            $l_delivery['creation_time'] = date('H\\hi', $delivery['creation_utc']);
            if (isset($delivery['shipping_start_utc'])) {
                $l_delivery['shipping_date'] = date('d/m/Y', $delivery['shipping_start_utc']);
                $l_delivery['shipping_start'] = date('H\\hi', $delivery['shipping_start_utc']);
                $l_delivery['shipping_stop'] = date('H\\hi', intval($delivery['shipping_start_utc']) + 3600 * intval($delivery['timelimit']));
Esempio n. 2
 private function getDejalaProduct($cart, $productId = -1)
     //		echo "Date : " . $cart->date_upd . "<br>" ;
     $djlCart = $this->getDejalaCart($cart->id);
     if (isset($djlCart->delivery_price) && $cart->date_upd <= $djlCart->cart_date_upd && isset($djlCart->product)) {
         if ($productId >= 0 && $djlCart->product["id"] == $productId) {
             return $djlCart->product;
     $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils();
     $responseGetStore = $djlUtil->getStoreAttributes($this->dejalaConfig, $store);
     if ($responseGetStore['status'] != '200') {
     $isCartOutOfStock = '0';
     if ($this->isCartOutOfStock($cart)) {
         $isCartOutOfStock = '1';
     $this->mylog('isCartOutOfStock=' . $isCartOutOfStock . '');
     $acceptPartial = true;
     if (!isset($store['attributes']) || !isset($store['attributes']['delivery_partial']) || $store['attributes']['delivery_partial'] != '1') {
         $acceptPartial = false;
     if ($isCartOutOfStock == '1' && !$acceptPartial) {
     $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery);
     // ask for a quotation
     $quotation["receiver_name"] = $address->lastname;
     $quotation["receiver_firstname"] = $address->firstname;
     $quotation["receiver_company"] = $address->company;
     $quotation["receiver_address"] = $address->address1;
     $quotation["receiver_address2"] = $address->address2;
     $quotation["receiver_zipcode"] = $address->postcode;
     $quotation["receiver_city"] = $address->city;
     $quotation["receiver_phone"] = $address->phone;
     $quotation["receiver_phone_mobile"] = $address->phone_mobile;
     $quotation["receiver_comments"] = $address->other;
     $quotation["timelimit"] = 10;
     $quotation["weight"] = (double) $cart->getTotalWeight();
     $quotation["price"] = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING);
     $quotation["module_version"] = $this->internal_version;
     $quotation["platform"] = "PS " . _PS_VERSION_;
     $this->mylog("asking for quotation=" . $this->logValue($quotation, 1));
     $products = array();
     $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreQuotation($this->dejalaConfig, $quotation, $products);
     if ($responseArray['status'] != '200') {
         return $shipping_cost;
     $this->mylog("found quotation=" . $this->logValue($responseArray['response'], 1));
     $electedProduct = NULL;
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if (is_null($electedProduct) || (int) $electedProduct['priority'] > (int) $key) {
             $electedProduct = $product;
     if (is_null($electedProduct)) {
         return $shipping_cost;
     $djlCart->id_dejala_product = (int) $electedProduct["id"];
     $djlCart->id_delivery = NULL;
     $djlCart->mode = $this->dejalaConfig->mode;
     $vat_factor = 1 + $electedProduct['vat'] / 100;
     $priceTTC = round($electedProduct['price'] * $vat_factor + $electedProduct['margin'], 2);
     $priceHT = round($priceTTC / $vat_factor, 2);
     $djlCart->delivery_price = $priceHT;
     $djlCart->cart_date_upd = $cart->date_upd;
     $djlCart->product = $electedProduct;
     return $electedProduct;
Esempio n. 3
 public function hookPDFInvoice($params)
     if (!$this->useAlphaPDFInvoicePatcher) {
     $order = new Order($params['id_order']);
     $djlCart = new DejalaCart($order->id_cart);
     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($djlCart) && isset($djlCart->id_dejala_product) && isset($djlCart->shipping_date) && !empty($djlCart->shipping_date)) {
         $deliveryEndDate = "";
         // TODO : Store the delivery timelimit in the dejalacart table at order time and use it here instead of querying something that might have changed.
         $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils();
         $responseArray = $djlUtil->getStoreProductByID($this->dejalaConfig, $djlCart->id_dejala_product, $products);
         if ('200' == $responseArray['status'] && is_array($products)) {
             $deliveryEndDate = date('H\\h', $djlCart->shipping_date + (int) $products['timelimit'] * 3600);
         $params['pdf']->pages[1] = str_replace($this->name . ")", $this->name . " \\(" . date('d/m/Y', $djlCart->shipping_date) . ', ' . date('H\\h', $djlCart->shipping_date) . "-" . $deliveryEndDate . "\\))", $params['pdf']->pages[1]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function placeOrder($mOrder)
     $orderID = $mOrder->id;
     $this->myLog("mOrder->id_carrier=" . $mOrder->id_carrier);
     $mCarrier = new Carrier($mOrder->id_carrier);
     $this->myLog("mCarrier->name=" . $mCarrier->name);
     if ($mCarrier->name != $this->name) {
     $id_cart = $mOrder->id_cart;
     $djlCart = new DejalaCart($id_cart);
     $this->myLog("djlCart->id_delivery=" . $djlCart->id_delivery);
     if (!$djlCart->id_delivery) {
         $this->myLog("id_delivery is not filled");
         $delivery = array();
         $this->getInfoFromOrder($orderID, $delivery);
         $this->mylog("Sending delivery=" . $this->logValue($delivery));
         $djlUtil = new DejalaUtils();
         $response = $djlUtil->orderDelivery($this->dejalaConfig, $delivery, $djlCart->mode);
         $statusCode = $response['status'];
         $this->mylog("send orderID=" . $orderID);
         $this->mylog("sendOrder status_code=" . $statusCode);
         $this->mylog("sendOrder response=" . $response['response']);
         $this->mylog("sendOrder delivery=" . $this->logValue($delivery, 1));
         // update status after sending...
         if ("201" === $statusCode) {
             $this->mylog("updating dejala cart cart_id=" . $id_cart);
             if (Validate::isUnsignedId($delivery['id'])) {
                 $this->mylog("updating dejala cart id_delivery=" . $delivery['id']);
                 $djlCart->id_delivery = $delivery['id'];
             if (is_null($mOrder->shipping_number) || 0 === strlen($mOrder->shipping_number)) {
                 $this->myLog('setting Order->shipping_number to ' . $delivery['tracking_number']);
                 $mOrder->shipping_number = $delivery['tracking_number'];
             $this->myLog("OK -  Order sent to");
         } else {
             // Do nothing : Keep previous status
             $this->myLog("NOK - Problem sending Order to");