function isCached() { if (!$this->refreshCacheDir()) { Debug::out('pageRender::isCached() : Impossible de rafraichir le dossier de cache. Mauvaise utilisation ?'); return false; } $page = 'page' . Config::getTemplateExt(); return $this->is_cached($page, $this->cacheId); }
public function updateModelBaseFile($objName, $structure) { $dependency = new Dependency(); $dependencies = $dependency->getDependencies($objName); $this->_createComponents($objName, $structure, $dependencies); $this->_createModelBaseFileStr($objName, $structure); $modelBaseFileName = NamingConvention::camelCaseToSnakeCase($objName) . '_base.php'; $modelBasePath = ROOT . '/app/model/base/' . $modelBaseFileName; Debug::out('update: ' . $modelBasePath); file_put_contents($modelBasePath, $this->_modelBaseFileStr); }
function dump($var, $varName = '') { ob_start(); var_dump($var); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($varName != '') { $out = $varName . ' : ' . $out; } Debug::out($out); }
static function checkLoggedIn($html, $login) { $matches = array('@log\\s?(out|off)@i', '@sign\\s?(out|off)@i', '@Last Month|Last Week@i', '@[^a-z]My [a-z]@i', '@[ >]Scoop Interactive[< ]@i'); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (preg_match($match, $html)) { return true; } } Debug::out('||ERROR||: Could not login'); Debug::out($login); return false; }
public static function build() { self::$enabled = $GLOBALS['config']['DEBUG']['enabled']; self::$out = $GLOBALS['config']['DEBUG']['out']; self::$outfile = $GLOBALS['config']['DEBUG']['outfile']; self::$verbosity = $GLOBALS['config']['DEBUG']['verbosity']; if (self::$enabled && !is_writable(self::$outfile) && (self::$out === "file" || self::$out === "both")) { self::$out = "stdout"; self::write("Debug outfile is not writable. Switching back to stdout", 0); } if (self::$enabled === true) { self::write(date('Ymd-Gis - ') . "Debug mode enabled. Use in development env. only!", 0); } }
public function createModelControllerFile($objName, $app) { $app = ucfirst($app); if ($app == '') { $app = 'Public'; } $objName .= 's'; $controllerTmpl = file_get_contents(ROOT . '/library/core/console/tmpl/obj_controller.tmpl'); $controllerTmpl = str_replace('{CLASS_NAME}', $objName, $controllerTmpl); $controllerTmpl = str_replace('{APP}', $app, $controllerTmpl); $controllerName = NamingConvention::camelCaseToSnakeCase($objName) . '_' . lcfirst($app) . '.php'; $controllerPath = ROOT . '/app/controller/' . lcfirst($app) . '/' . $controllerName; Debug::out('create: ' . $controllerPath); file_put_contents($controllerPath, $controllerTmpl); }
public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$PDOINSTANCE) { try { self::$PDOINSTANCE = new PDO('mysql:host=' . self::$HOST . ';dbname=' . self::$BASE . ';charset=' . self::$CHAR . ';', self::$USER, self::$PASS); //self::$PDOINSTANCE->exec("SET NAMES 'utf8';"); } catch (PDOException $e) { //Debug::out($e); Debug::out('PDO connection error: ' . $e->getMessage()); Debug::out('Or maybe you have to set: export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/phpX.X.X/bin/:$PATH'); die; //Debug::log($dbh->errorInfo()); } } return self::$PDOINSTANCE; }
function load_file($relativPath, $showError = true) { $absolutePath = ROOT . $relativPath; if (file_exists($absolutePath)) { require_once $absolutePath; return false; } else { if ($showError) { if (class_exists('Debug')) { Debug::out('Warning: load_file() could not find "' . $absolutePath . '"<br> in ' . debug_backtrace()[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . debug_backtrace()[0]['line']); } else { echo 'Warning: load_file() could not find "' . $absolutePath . '" in ' . debug_backtrace()[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . debug_backtrace()[0]['line']; } } } return true; }
public function action($argv) { $command = $argv[1]; if ($command == 'migrate' || $command == '-m') { $migration = new Migration(); $migration->up(); } elseif ($command == 'rollback' || $command == '-r') { $migration = new Migration(); $migration->rollback(); } elseif ($command == 'status' || $command == '-s') { $migration = new Migration(); $migration->printStatus(); } elseif ($command === 'help' || $command == '-h') { Debug::out('Command: -h (help)'); Debug::out('migrate or -m'); Debug::out('rollback or -r'); Debug::out('status or -s'); } else { Debug::out('Command unknown. Try -h for help.'); } }
public function updateRepositoryBaseFile($objName, $structure) { foreach ($structure as $name => $definitions) { $strRepoAttributes[$name] = $this->_createStrRepoAttribute($name, $definitions); } $last = count($strRepoAttributes); foreach ($strRepoAttributes as $strRepoAttribute) { $strRepoAttributeResult .= $strRepoAttribute; if (++$count != $last) { $strRepoAttributeResult .= ",\n"; } } $repoBaseFileName = NamingConvention::camelCaseToSnakeCase($objName) . '_base_repo.php'; $repoBasePath = ROOT . '/app/repository/base/' . $repoBaseFileName; $repoBaseTmpl = file_get_contents(ROOT . '/library/core/console/tmpl/obj_repo_base.tmpl'); $classNameSnakeCase = NamingConvention::camelCaseToSnakeCase($objName); $repoBaseTmpl = str_replace('{CLASS_NAME_SNAKE_CASE}', $classNameSnakeCase, $repoBaseTmpl); $repoBaseTmpl = str_replace('{CLASS_NAME}', $objName, $repoBaseTmpl); $repoBaseTmpl = str_replace('{OBJ_NAME}', $objName, $repoBaseTmpl); $repoBaseTmpl = str_replace('{ATTRIBUTES}', $strRepoAttributeResult, $repoBaseTmpl); Debug::out('update: ' . $repoBasePath); file_put_contents($repoBasePath, $repoBaseTmpl); }
public function getSchema() { $sql = 'SHOW full columns FROM ' . $this->getTableName(); $dbh = Database::getInstance(); $dbResult = $dbh->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$dbResult) { Debug::out($dbh->errorInfo()); } foreach ($dbResult as $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $schemaRow[strtolower($key)] = $value; } $schema[] = $schemaRow; } Debug::out($schema); }
private function _checkQueryNamingConvention($query) { if ($query['app'] && !NamingConvention::isSnakeCase($query['app'])) { Debug::out('Dispatcher NamingConventionError: app=' . $query['app'] . ' has to be snake_case.'); die; } if ($query['module'] && !NamingConvention::isSnakeCase($query['module'])) { Debug::out('Dispatcher NamingConventionError: module=' . $query['module'] . ' has to be snake_case.'); die; } if ($query['action'] && !NamingConvention::isSnakeCase($query['action'])) { Debug::out('Dispatcher NamingConventionError: action=' . $query['action'] . ' has to be snake_case.'); die; } }
static function checkConfig() { Control::req('scripts/crons/config'); $run = self::getRun(new Time()); Debug::out('Config check completed'); }
function end_out() { $end = $this->end(); Debug::out($end); }
static function lowerCase($str, $minLen = 0, $maxLen = 0, $upCase = 0, $dreg = 0) { if (!$str || !mb_check_encoding($str, 'UTF-8')) { Debug::out('The input string can not be empty and it must be encoded in UTF-8.'); return ''; } $md5 = md5($str); $str = is_array($dreg) ? preg_replace('/' . implode('|', $dreg) . '/', '', $str) : $str; $str = preg_replace('/^[^0-9A-Za-z]|[^0-9A-Za-z-]*|[^0-9A-Za-z]$/x', '', strtolower(self::rawConvByUtf8($str, $upCase))); $len = strlen($str); return $minLen && $len < $minLen ? $str . substr($md5, 0, $minLen - $len) : ($maxLen && $len > $maxLen ? substr($str, 0, $maxLen) : $str); }