function applyForLeave($livEmpCode, $livDate, $livLeaveId, $livEmpAddress, $livEmpFrom, $livEmpTo, $livTotalLeaveDays, $livTotalLeaveDaysRemain, $livEmpReason, $livAltEmpCode, $livIsApproved, $livIsRecomanded)
     $objDbOperation = new DbOperation();
     $this->check = 0;
     $columnsName = "`lEmployeeCodeNumberWhoApply`,`lApplyDate`,`lLeaveId`,`lEmployeeImargencyAddress`,`lLeaveFromDate`,`lLeaveToDate`,`lTotalLeaveDays`,`lTotalLeaveDaysRemain`,`lLeaveReason`,`lAlternativeEmployeeCardNumber`,`lIsApproved`,`lIsRecomanded`";
     //database column name
     $tablesName = "employeeleaveapplicationdetails";
     //database table name
     $conditions = "'" . $livEmpCode . "','" . $livDate . "'," . $livLeaveId . ",'" . $livEmpAddress . "','" . $livEmpFrom . "','" . $livEmpTo . "'," . $livTotalLeaveDays . "," . $livTotalLeaveDaysRemain . ",'" . $livEmpReason . "','" . $livAltEmpCode . "'," . $livIsApproved . "," . $livIsRecomanded . "";
     // conditions, what we want to apply
     $result = $objDbOperation->dbInsert($columnsName, $tablesName, $conditions);
     if ($result) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 1;
         $this->check = 1;
     if ($this->check == 0) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 0;
 function dbCreateDptQuery($dptName, $userCodeWhoCreateDpt)
     $objDbOperation = new DbOperation();
     $this->check = 0;
     $columnsName = "`dptName`,`dptEmployeeCodeNumberWhoAddDept`";
     //database column name
     $tablesName = "`employeedepartment`";
     //database table name
     $conditions = "'" . $dptName . "','" . $userCodeWhoCreateDpt . "'";
     // conditions, what we want to apply
     $result = $objDbOperation->dbInsert($columnsName, $tablesName, $conditions);
     if ($result) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 1;
         $this->check = 1;
     //This if statement will execute For not creation department
     if ($this->check == 0) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 0;
 function dbCreateEmpQuery($empCodeName, $empFirstName, $empLastName, $empDoB, $empBloodGroup, $empGender, $empPhoneNumPersonal, $empPhoneNumOffice, $empParmanentAddress, $empPresentAddress, $empDptId, $empDesiId, $empEmailAddress, $empLoginPass, $userCodeWhoCreateEmp, $empVerification, $empType)
     $objDbOperation = new DbOperation();
     $this->check = 0;
     $columnsName = "`eEmployeeCodeNumber`,`eFirstName`,`eLastName`,`eDateOfBirth`,`eBloodGroup`,`eGender`,`ePhoneNumberPersonal`,`ePhoneNumberOffice`,`eParmanentAddress`,`ePresentAddress`,`eDptId`,`eDesignationId`,`eEmailAddress`,`ePassword`,`eEmployeeCodeNumberWhoAddEmployee`,`eEmployeeVerification`,`eEmpType`";
     //database column name
     $tablesName = "`employeeinfo`";
     //database table name
     $conditions = "'" . $empCodeName . "','" . $empFirstName . "','" . $empLastName . "','" . $empDoB . "','" . $empBloodGroup . "','" . $empGender . "','" . $empPhoneNumPersonal . "','" . $empPhoneNumOffice . "','" . $empParmanentAddress . "','" . $empPresentAddress . "','" . $empDptId . "','" . $empDesiId . "','" . $empEmailAddress . "','" . $empLoginPass . "','" . $userCodeWhoCreateEmp . "','" . $empVerification . "','" . $empType . "'";
     // conditions, what we want to apply
     $result = $objDbOperation->dbInsert($columnsName, $tablesName, $conditions);
     if ($result) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 1;
         $this->check = 1;
     //This if statement will execute For not creation Employee
     if ($this->check == 0) {
         $this->CreatedOrNot = 0;