Esempio n. 1
function GetTreeNodes()
    $LetterID = $_REQUEST["LetterID"];
    $creator = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\t\tselect PersonID,\r\n\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname, lname,CompanyName) text, \r\n\t\t\t'true' as leaf, 'true' expanded,'user' iconCls,\r\n\t\t\tl.RegDate\r\n\t\tfrom OFC_letters l join BSC_persons p using(PersonID) where LetterID=?", array($LetterID));
    $index = 1;
    $returnArray = array();
    $refArray = array();
    $creator[0]["id"] = $index++;
    $creator[0]["text"] .= " [ " . substr($creator[0]["RegDate"], 10, 6) . "    " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($creator[0]["RegDate"]) . "\t]";
    $returnArray[] = $creator[0];
    $refArray[$creator[0]["PersonID"]] =& $returnArray[count($returnArray) - 1];
    $nodes = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\t\tselect FromPersonID ,ToPersonID, SendDate,\r\n\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname, lname,CompanyName,' - ',InfoDesc) text, \r\n\t\t\tconcat('<b>توضیحات ارجاع : </b>' ,replace(SendComment,'\n','<br>')) qtip,\r\n\t\t\t'true' as leaf, 'true' expanded,'user' iconCls\r\n\t\tfrom OFC_send \r\n\t\t\tjoin BSC_persons p on(ToPersonID=PersonID) \r\n\t\t\tjoin BaseInfo bf on(bf.TypeID=12 AND SendType=InfoID)\r\n\t\twhere LetterID=?\r\n\t\torder by SendID", array($LetterID));
    foreach ($nodes as $row) {
        $row["id"] = $index++;
        $row["text"] .= " [ " . substr($row["SendDate"], 10, 6) . " &nbsp;&nbsp; " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($row["SendDate"]) . " ]";
        $parentNode =& $refArray[$row["FromPersonID"]];
        if (!isset($parentNode["children"])) {
            $parentNode["children"] = array();
            $parentNode["leaf"] = "false";
        $lastIndex = count($parentNode["children"]);
        $parentNode["children"][$lastIndex] = $row;
        $refArray[$row["ToPersonID"]] =& $parentNode["children"][$lastIndex];
    $str = json_encode($returnArray);
    $str = str_replace('"children"', 'children', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"leaf"', 'leaf', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"iconCls"', 'iconCls', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"text"', 'text', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"id"', 'id', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"true"', 'true', $str);
    $str = str_replace('"false"', 'false', $str);
    echo $str;
Esempio n. 2
function GetSavingLoanInfo()
    if (isset($_SESSION["USER"]["portal"])) {
        $PersonID = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"];
    } else {
        $PersonID = $_REQUEST["PersonID"];
    //----------- check for all docs confirm --------------
    /*$dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select group_concat(distinct LocalNo) from ACC_docs 
    		join ACC_DocItems using(DocID) join ACC_tafsilis t using(TafsiliType,TafsiliID)
    		where TafsiliType=" . TAFTYPE_PERSONS . " 
    			AND ObjectID = ? AND CostID in(" . COSTID_saving . ")
    			AND DocType not in(" . DOCTYPE_STARTCYCLE . "," . DOCTYPE_ENDCYCLE . ")
    			AND DocStatus not in('CONFIRM','ARCHIVE')", array($PersonID));
    	if(count($dt) > 0 && $dt[0][0] != "")
    		$msg = "اسناد با شماره های [" . $dt[0][0] . "] تایید نشده اند.";
    		echo dataReader::getJsonData(array(), 0, $_GET["callback"], $msg);
    //------------ get sum of savings ----------------
    $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\n\t\tselect DocDate,sum(CreditorAmount-DebtorAmount) amount\n\t\tfrom ACC_DocItems di\n\t\t\tjoin ACC_docs d using(DocID)\n\t\t\tjoin ACC_tafsilis t using(TafsiliType,TafsiliID)\n\t\t\n\t\twhere TafsiliType=" . TAFTYPE_PERSONS . " \n\t\t\tAND ObjectID = ?\n\t\t\tAND CostID in(" . COSTID_saving . ")\n\t\t\tAND DocType not in(" . DOCTYPE_STARTCYCLE . "," . DOCTYPE_ENDCYCLE . ")\n\t\t\tAND BranchID=" . $_SESSION["accounting"]["BranchID"] . "\n\t\tgroup by DocDate\n\t\torder by DocDate", array($PersonID));
    if (count($dt) == 0) {
        $msg = "شخص مورد نظر فاقد حساب پس انداز می باشد";
        echo dataReader::getJsonData(array(), 0, $_GET["callback"], $msg);
    //------------ get the Deposite amount -------------
    $totalAmount = 0;
    $totalDays = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($dt); $i++) {
        $days = DateModules::GDateMinusGDate($dt[$i]["DocDate"], $dt[$i - 1]["DocDate"]);
        $totalDays += $days;
        $totalAmount += $dt[$i - 1]["amount"] * $days;
    $days = DateModules::GDateMinusGDate(DateModules::Now(), $dt[$i - 1]["DocDate"]);
    $totalDays += $days;
    $totalAmount += $dt[$i - 1]["amount"] * $days;
    $average = round($totalAmount / $totalDays);
    $returnArray = array("PersonID" => $PersonID, "FirstDate" => DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($dt[0]["DocDate"]), "AverageAmount" => $average, "TotalMonths" => floor($totalDays / 30.5));
    echo dataReader::getJsonData($returnArray, 1, $_GET["callback"]);
Esempio n. 3

// programmer:	Jafarkhani
// create Date:	95.08
include "../";
require_once inc_component;
$IncomeChequeID = $_POST["IncomeChequeID"];
$query = "select h.*,\r\n\t\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname, lname,CompanyName) fullname , \r\n\t\t\t\tt.TafsiliDesc StatusDesc\r\n\t\t\tfrom ACC_ChequeHistory h \r\n\t\t\t\tleft join ACC_tafsilis t on(t.TafsiliType=" . TAFTYPE_ChequeStatus . " AND StatusID=TafsiliID) \r\n\t\t\t\tjoin BSC_persons using(PersonID) \r\n\t\t\t\twhere h.IncomeChequeID=?\r\n\t\t\torder by RowID ";
$Logs = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, array($IncomeChequeID));
$tbl_content = "";
if (count($Logs) == 0) {
    $tbl_content = "<tr><td>فرم مورد نظر فاقد گردش می باشد</td></tr>";
} else {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($Logs); $i++) {
        $tbl_content .= "<tr " . ($i % 2 == 1 ? "style='background-color:#efefef'" : "") . ">\r\n\t\t\t<td width=250px>[" . ($i + 1) . "]" . ($i + 1 < 10 ? "&nbsp;" : "") . "&nbsp;\r\n\t\t\t\t<img align='top' src='/generalUI/ext4/resources/themes/icons/user_comment.gif'>&nbsp;\r\n\t\t\t\t" . $Logs[$i]["StatusDesc"] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td  width=150px>" . $Logs[$i]["fullname"] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td width=110px>" . substr($Logs[$i]["ATS"], 11) . " " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($Logs[$i]["ATS"]) . "</td>\r\n\t\t</tr>";
.infotd td{border-bottom: solid 1px #e8e8e8;padding-right:4px; height: 21px;}
<div style="background-color:white;width: 100%; height: 100%">
	<table class="infotd" width="100%" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
echo $tbl_content;
Esempio n. 4
			else echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>" ; 
			if(!empty($res[$i]['contract_end_date']) && $res[$i]['contract_end_date'] !='0000-00-00' ){
				list($year,$month,$day) = preg_split('/[\/]/',DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]['contract_end_date']));		
				if ($year * $month == $res[$i]['pay_year'] * $res[$i]['pay_month']){
					$qry = " select  count(*) cn
								from writs
									where execute_date > '".$res[$i]['contract_end_date']."' and staff_id = ".$res[$i]['staff_id']."
							 order by execute_date
							 limit 1 " ; 
					$NWRes = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry) ; 
						if($NWRes[0]['cn'] == 0 && $res[$i]['salary_pay_proc'] == 1 )									
							echo "<td> ".DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]['contract_end_date'])." </td>" ; 
				else echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>" ; 
			else echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>" ; 
			echo "<td>".$res[$i]['work_sheet']."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['daily_fee']), 0, '.', ',')."</td> 
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['monthly_fee']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['monthly_premium']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['monthly_insure_include']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['pay']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['worker_insure_include']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['other_gets']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
				  <td>".number_format(round($res[$i]['pure_pay']), 0, '.', ',')."</td>
Esempio n. 5
 function dateRender($row, $val)
     return DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($val);
Esempio n. 6

// programmer:	Mahdipour
// create Date:	91.04
require_once '../';
require_once inc_dataReader;
require_once inc_manage_unit;
$whereDate = "";
$whereW = "";
if (!empty($_REQUEST['FDATE']) && $_REQUEST['FDATE'] != '0000-00-00') {
    $whereDate = " AND  tbl2.execute_date>='" . $_REQUEST['FDATE'] . "'";
    $whereW = " AND w.execute_date >= '" . $_REQUEST['FDATE'] . "'  ";
if (!empty($_REQUEST['TDATE']) && $_REQUEST['TDATE'] != '0000-00-00') {
    $whereDate .= " AND tbl2.execute_date<='" . $_REQUEST['TDATE'] . "'";
    $whereW .= " AND w.execute_date <= '" . $_REQUEST['TDATE'] . "'";
$qry = "  select tbl1.staff_id , tbl0.pfname , tbl0.plname , tbl0.national_code ,  tbl2.ouid , bi1.Title educatin_title , bi2.Title emp_state , tbl0.birth_date , \r\n                 bi3.Title marital_title ,  tbl2.children_count , sf.ptitle field_title  , tbl1.work_start_date , wt.title writ_type_title , wst.title sub_writ_title ,\r\n                 tbl2.writ_id , tbl2.writ_ver , bi4.Title emp_mode_title \r\n                 \r\n                from persons as tbl0\r\n                                        left join staff as tbl1 on(tbl0.PersonID=tbl1.PersonID )\r\n                                        left join (SELECT staff_id,\r\n                                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING(max_execute_date,11),'.',1) writ_id,\r\n                                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(max_execute_date,'.',-1) writ_ver\r\n                                                                FROM (SELECT w.staff_id,\r\n                                                                             max( CONCAT(w.execute_date,w.writ_id,'.',w.writ_ver) ) max_execute_date\r\n                                                                FROM writs w\r\n                                                                        INNER JOIN staff ls\r\n                                                                                ON(w.staff_id = ls.staff_id)\r\n                                                                WHERE \r\n                                                                        w.history_only = 0 and w.person_type = " . $_REQUEST['pt'] . " " . $whereW . " \r\n                                                                GROUP BY w.staff_id ) med) as mtbl2 on(tbl1.staff_id=mtbl2.staff_id)\r\n\r\n                                                                inner join writs as tbl2 on mtbl2.staff_id = tbl2.staff_id and\r\n                                                                                    mtbl2.writ_id = tbl2.writ_id and mtbl2.writ_ver = tbl2.writ_ver \r\n                                                                inner join Basic_Info bi1 on bi1.InfoID = tbl2.education_level  and bi1.typeid = 6 \r\n                                                                inner join Basic_Info bi2 on bi2.InfoID = tbl2.emp_state  and bi2.typeid = 3 \r\n                                                                inner join Basic_Info bi3 on bi3.InfoID = tbl2.marital_status  and bi3.typeid = 15 \r\n                                                                inner join study_fields sf on sf.sfid =   tbl2.sfid  \r\n                                                                inner join writ_types wt on wt.writ_type_id = tbl2.writ_type_id and  wt.person_type = tbl2.person_type\r\n                                                                inner join writ_subtypes wst on  wst.person_type  = tbl2.person_type and  \r\n                                                                                                 wst.writ_type_id  = tbl2.writ_type_id and \r\n                                                                                                 wst.writ_subtype_id  = tbl2.writ_subtype_id \r\n                                                                inner join Basic_Info bi4 on bi4.InfoID = tbl2.emp_mode  and bi4.typeid = 4\r\n                                                                                                 \r\n\r\n\r\n                                       \r\n\r\n        where 1=1   AND tbl2.emp_mode = " . $_REQUEST['emp_mode'] . " \r\n                    AND tbl1.person_type = " . $_REQUEST['pt'] . " " . $whereDate . "\r\n      \r\n       \r\n    \r\n";
$data = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
$record = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
    $record .= "<tr><td>" . $i . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['staff_id'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['pfname'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['plname'] . "</td>\r\n                        <td>" . $data[$i]['national_code'] . "</td><td>" . manage_units::get_full_title($data[$i]['ouid']) . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['educatin_title'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['emp_state'] . "</td>\r\n                        <td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($data[$i]['birth_date']) . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['marital_title'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['children_count'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['field_title'] . "</td>\r\n                        <td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($data[$i]['work_start_date']) . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['writ_type_title'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['sub_writ_title'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['writ_id'] . "</td>\r\n                        <td>" . $data[$i]['writ_ver'] . "</td><td>" . $data[$i]['emp_mode_title'] . "</td>\r\n                    </tr>";
$tags = array('<!--record-->' => $record, '<!--now-->' => DateModules::shNow());
$content = file_get_contents("FullInformation.htm");
$content = str_replace(array_keys($tags), array_values($tags), $content);
echo $content;
Esempio n. 7
	private function compute_salary_item5_33($writ_rec) {

		//param1 : مبلغ فوق العاده تعديل سال قبل
		//param2 : ضريب

		$this_writ_year = substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($writ_rec['execute_date']), 0, 4);

		$one_year_ago = $this_writ_year - 1;
		$one_year_ago_last_day = $one_year_ago . "/12/29";
		$Gone_year_ago_last_day = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($one_year_ago_last_day);

		//آخرين حکم قبل از سال شخص را استخراج مي کند.
		$prior_writObj = manage_writ::get_last_writ_by_date($writ_rec['staff_id'], $Gone_year_ago_last_day);

		//مقدار قلم فوق العاده تعديل آخرين حکم سال قبل را استخراج مي کند.
		//اين قلم بر اساس بخشنامه افزايش حقوق سال 87 اضافه شد.
		$this->param1 = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($prior_writObj->writ_id, $prior_writObj->writ_ver, $prior_writObj->staff_id, SIT5_STAFF_EXTRA_ADJUST);
		$this->param2 = 1.5;

		$value = $this->param1 * $this->param2;

		if (!($value > 0)) {
			return false;

		return $value;
Esempio n. 8
$tbl_content = "";
if (count($Logs) == 0) {
    $tbl_content = "<tr><td>فرم مورد نظر فاقد گردش می باشد</td></tr>";
} else {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($Logs); $i++) {
        $backgroundColor = $i % 2 == 1 ? "style='background-color:#efefef'" : "";
        $backgroundColor = $Logs[$i]["ActionType"] == "REJECT" ? "style='background-color:#ffccd1'" : $backgroundColor;
        $StepDesc = $Logs[$i]["StepDesc"];
        if ($Logs[$i]["ActionType"] == "CONFIRM") {
            $StepDesc = "تایید " . $StepDesc;
        } else {
            if ($Logs[$i]["ActionType"] == "REJECT") {
                $StepDesc = "رد " . $StepDesc;
        $tbl_content .= "<tr " . $backgroundColor . ">\r\n\t\t\t<td width=250px>[" . ($i + 1) . "]" . ($i + 1 < 10 ? "&nbsp;" : "") . "&nbsp;\r\n\t\t\t\t<img align='top' src='/generalUI/ext4/resources/themes/icons/user_comment.gif'>&nbsp;" . $StepDesc . " </td>\r\n\t\t\t<td  width=150px>" . $Logs[$i]["fullname"] . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td width=110px>" . substr($Logs[$i]["ActionDate"], 11) . " " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($Logs[$i]["ActionDate"]) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td><div style='cursor:pointer' class='qtip-target' data-qtip='" . $Logs[$i]["ActionComment"] . "'>" . String::ellipsis($Logs[$i]["ActionComment"], 48) . "</div></td>\r\n\t\t</tr>";
    //------------------------ get next one ------------------------------------
    if ($Logs[$i - 1]["StepRowID"] == "" || $Logs[$i - 1]["IsOuter"] == "NO") {
        $StepID = ($Logs[$i - 1]["StepID"] == "" ? 0 : $Logs[$i - 1]["StepID"]) + 1;
        $query = "select StepDesc,po.PostName,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tconcat_ws(' ',fname, lname,CompanyName) fullname\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom WFM_FlowSteps fs\r\n\t\t\t\tleft join BSC_posts po using(PostID)\r\n\t\t\t\tleft join BSC_persons p on(if(fs.PersonID>0,fs.PersonID=p.PersonID,po.PostID=p.PostID))\r\n\t\t\t\twhere fs.IsActive='YES' AND fs.FlowID=? AND fs.StepID=?";
        $nextOne = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, array($FlowID, $StepID));
        if (count($nextOne) > 0) {
            $str = "";
            foreach ($nextOne as $row) {
                $str .= $row["fullname"] . ($row["PostName"] != "" ? " [ پست : " . $row["PostName"] . " ]" : "") . " و ";
            $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 3);
            $tbl_content .= "<tr style='background-color:#A9E8E8'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=4 align=center>در حال حاضر فرم در مرحله <b>" . $nextOne[0]["StepDesc"] . "</b>  در کارتابل <b>" . $str . "</b> می باشد.</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
        } else {
            $tbl_content .= "<tr style='background-color:#A9E8E8'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan=4 align=center><b>گردش فرم پایان یافته است.</b></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<tr>";
Esempio n. 9
 static function IsEditable($row_no)
     $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from person_subtracts join person_subtract_flows using(subtract_id) where row_no=?", array($row_no));
     if ($dt[0]["IsFinished"] == "1") {
         return false;
     $subtract_id = $dt[0]["subtract_id"];
     $flow_date = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($dt[0]["flow_date"]);
     $year = DateModules::GetYear($flow_date);
     $month = DateModules::GetMonth($flow_date);
     $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from payment_items join payments using(payment_type,staff_id,pay_year,pay_month)\n\t\t\t\twhere param1 in('LOAN','FIX_FRACTION','FIX_BENEFIT')\n\t\t\t\t\tAND param2 = {$subtract_id} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND pay_year>={$year} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND if(pay_year={$year}, pay_month>={$month}, 1=1) \n\t\t\t\t\tAND\tif(pay_year={$year} AND pay_month={$month}, calc_date > '" . $dt[0]["flow_date"] . "', 1=1)");
     if (count($dt) > 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
if (!empty($_GET['item36']) && $_GET['item36'] == 1) {
    $query = " select  s.staff_id , p.pfname , p.plname , bi1.Title emp_state_title,bi2.Title emp_mode_title , bi3.Title person_type_title ,w.ouid ,w.emp_mode\r\n            \r\n                            from staff s inner join (SELECT    staff_id,\r\n                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING(max_execute_date,11),'.',1) writ_id,\r\n                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(max_execute_date,'.',-1) writ_ver\r\n                                                                    FROM (SELECT w.staff_id,\r\n                                                                                max( CONCAT(w.execute_date,w.writ_id,'.',w.writ_ver) ) max_execute_date\r\n                                                                            FROM writs w\r\n                                                                                    INNER JOIN staff ls\r\n                                                                                            ON(w.staff_id = ls.staff_id)\r\n                                                                            WHERE w.history_only = 0 " . $whereW . "\r\n                                                                            GROUP BY w.staff_id)tbl2) tbl1\r\n                                                                on s.staff_id = tbl1.staff_id   \r\n                                         inner join writs w\r\n                                                    on  tbl1.writ_id = w.writ_id and\r\n                                                        tbl1.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and\r\n                                                        tbl1.staff_id = w.staff_id      \r\n\r\n                                        left join payments pa \r\n                                                    on pa.staff_id = s.staff_id and pa.payment_type = 1 and pa.pay_year = " . substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($salaryDate), 0, 4) . " and\r\n                                                                                                          pa.pay_month = " . substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($salaryDate), 5, 2) . "\r\n                                        \r\n                                        inner join persons p on p.personid = s.personid\r\n                                        inner join Basic_Info bi1 on bi1.typeid = 3 and w.emp_state = bi1.infoid\r\n                                        inner join Basic_Info bi2 on bi2.typeid = 4 and w.emp_mode = bi2.infoid\r\n                                        inner join Basic_Info bi3 on bi3.typeid = 16 and s.person_type = bi3.infoid\r\n\r\n                    where s.person_type in (2,3,5) and pa.staff_id is null " . $whereW . "\r\n                   \r\n                    ";
    $data = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
<html dir='rtl'>
		.reportGenerator {border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid black;font-family: tahoma;font-size: 8pt;
			text-align: center;width: 70%;padding: 2px;}
		.reportGenerator .header {color: white;font-weight: bold;background-color:#3F5F96}
		.reportGenerator td {border: 1px solid #555555;height: 20px;}
		<title>تعداد کل کارکنان رسمی قطعی شاغل </title>
		<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
		<link rel=stylesheet href="/HumanResources/css/writ.css">
Esempio n. 11
function corrective_writ_detail($writ_id, $writ_ver, $staff_id, $execute_date)
    // get corrected writs by a specfied writ
    $query = "SELECT w.* ,  wst.* , wsi.param3 \n\n        FROM   writs w\n        \t   LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst\n               \t\tON ((w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id) AND\n                    \t(w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id) AND\n                        (w.person_type = wst.person_type))\n\t\t\t   LEFT JOIN writ_salary_items wsi \n\t\t\t\t\tON w.staff_id = wsi.staff_id  AND w.writ_id = wsi.writ_id AND w.writ_ver = wsi.writ_ver AND wsi.salary_item_type_id = 10364 \n\t\t\t\t\t\n        WHERE  w.corrective_writ_id = {$writ_id}   AND\n               w.corrective_writ_ver = {$writ_ver} AND\n\t\t\t   w.staff_id = {$staff_id} AND\n               w.writ_ver > 1\n        ORDER BY execute_date";
    $corrected_writs = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
    $writ_count = count($corrected_writs);
    if ($writ_count == 0) {
    $persent = 75 / $writ_count;
    echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='border-top:1px solid black' colspan=2>نوع حکم</td>";
    $width = round(400 / count($corrected_writs));
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($corrected_writs); $i++) {
        echo "<td style='border-top:1px solid black;width:" . $width . "px'>" . $corrected_writs[$i]["print_title"] . "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    //----------- get all writ salary items of specified person_type -----------
    $minExecuteDate = $corrected_writs[0]["execute_date"];
    $writs = "";
    $prevwrit = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($corrected_writs); $i++) {
        $writs .= "'" . $corrected_writs[$i]["staff_id"] . "-" . $corrected_writs[$i]["writ_id"] . "-" . $corrected_writs[$i]["writ_ver"] . "',";
        $prevwrit .= "'" . $corrected_writs[$i]["staff_id"] . "-" . $corrected_writs[$i]["writ_id"] . "-" . ($corrected_writs[$i]["writ_ver"] - 1) . "',";
        /*$minExecuteDate = DateModules::CompareDate($corrected_writs[$i]["execute_date"], $minExecuteDate) < 0 ?
        		$corrected_writs[$i]["execute_date"] : $minExecuteDate;*/
    /*$query = "SELECT *
         FROM   salary_item_types sit
         WHERE  person_type = " . $corrected_writs[0]["person_type"] . " AND
         	   compute_place = " . SALARY_ITEM_COMPUTE_PLACE_WRIT . " AND
         	   validity_start_date <= '" . $execute_date . "' AND
         	   (validity_end_date IS NULL OR validity_end_date = '0000-00-00' OR
    		(validity_end_date >= '" . $minExecuteDate . "' AND validity_end_date >= '" . $execute_date . "'))
         ORDER BY print_order";*/
    $writs = substr($writs, 0, strlen($writs) - 1);
    $prevwrit = substr($prevwrit, 0, strlen($prevwrit) - 1);
    $query = "select distinct sit.* from writ_salary_items si join salary_item_types sit using(salary_item_type_id)\n\t\t\t\twhere concat(si.staff_id,'-',si.writ_id,'-',si.writ_ver) in (" . $writs . "," . $prevwrit . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND compute_place = " . SALARY_ITEM_COMPUTE_PLACE_WRIT . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND person_type in (" . $corrected_writs[0]["person_type"] . " , 101 ) ORDER BY print_order";
    $salary_item_types = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
    $current_execute_date = $prior_execute_date = $current_field = $prior_field = $field_title = "";
    $current_writ_items = $prior_writ_items = array();
    $current_item_sum = $prior_item_sum = "";
    $field_title2 = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($corrected_writs); $i++) {
        $current_writ = $corrected_writs[$i];
        if ($current_writ['writ_ver'] > 1) {
            $prior_writ = new manage_writ($current_writ["writ_id"], $current_writ["writ_ver"] - 1, $current_writ["staff_id"]);
            if ($current_writ["person_type"] != 1) {
                $qry = " select param3 from writ_salary_items\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere writ_id= " . $current_writ["writ_id"] . " and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twrit_ver = " . ($current_writ["writ_ver"] - 1) . " and staff_id = " . $current_writ["staff_id"] . " and salary_item_type_id = 10364 ";
                $ResPrev = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                if (empty($ResPrev[0]['param3'])) {
                    $ResPrev[0]['param3'] = ' ';
            $current_execute_date .= "<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($current_writ["execute_date"]) . "</td>";
            $prior_execute_date .= "<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($prior_writ->execute_date) . "</td>";
            if ($current_writ["person_type"] == HR_EMPLOYEE || $current_writ["person_type"] == HR_PROFESSOR) {
                if ($current_writ["person_type"] == HR_EMPLOYEE && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2009-03-21") >= 0 && (DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-02-19") < 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-03-20") > 0 && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2014-03-20") < 0)) {
                    $field_title = 'طبقه';
                    $current_field .= "<td>" . ($current_writ["cur_group"] - 4) . "</td>";
                    $prior_field .= "<td>" . ($prior_writ->cur_group - 4) . "</td>";
                } else {
                    if ($current_writ["person_type"] == HR_EMPLOYEE && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2009-03-21") < 0) {
                        $field_title = 'گروه';
                        $current_field .= "<td>" . $current_writ["cur_group"] . "</td>";
                        $prior_field .= "<td>" . $prior_writ->cur_group . "</td>";
                    } else {
                        $field_title2 = "";
                        $field_title = 'پایه';
                        $current_writ["base"] = DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") >= 0 && $current_writ["person_type"] != 1 ? substr($current_writ["param3"], 0, 2) : $current_writ["base"];
                        $prior_writ_base = DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") >= 0 && $current_writ["person_type"] != 1 ? substr($ResPrev[0]['param3'], 0, 2) : $prior_writ->base;
                        $cf = DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") < 0 && $current_writ["person_type"] == HR_EMPLOYEE ? "-" : $current_writ["base"];
                        $pf = DateModules::CompareDate($prior_writ->execute_date, "2013-02-19") < 0 && $current_writ["person_type"] == HR_EMPLOYEE ? "-" : $prior_writ_base;
                        $current_field .= "<td>" . $cf . "</td>";
                        $prior_field .= "<td>" . $pf . "</td>";
                        if (DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") < 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-03-20") > 0 && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2014-03-20") < 0) {
                            $field_title2 = 'طبقه';
                            $cf2 = DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") < 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-03-20") > 0 && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2014-03-20") < 0 ? $current_writ["cur_group"] - 4 : "-";
                            $pf2 = DateModules::CompareDate($prior_writ->execute_date, "2013-02-19") < 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-03-20") > 0 && DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2014-03-20") < 0 ? $prior_writ->cur_group - 4 : "-";
                            $current_field2 .= "<td>" . $cf2 . "</td>";
                            $prior_field2 .= "<td>" . $pf2 . "</td>";
                        } elseif ((DateModules::CompareDate($current_writ["execute_date"], "2013-02-19") >= 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2013-03-21") < 0 || DateModules::CompareDate($execute_date, "2014-03-20") >= 0) && $field_title2 != "") {
                            $current_field2 .= "<td>" . "-" . "</td>";
                            $prior_field2 .= "<td>" . "-" . "</td>";
            } else {
                $field_title = "";
                $field_title2 = "";
            $sum1 = $sum2 = 0;
            $item46 = $item10374 = 0;
            $item10329 = $item10370 = $item51 = 0;
            $item10330 = $item10371 = $item50 = 0;
            foreach ($salary_item_types as $element) {
                if (in_array("46", $element)) {
                    $item46 = 1;
                if (in_array("10374", $element)) {
                    $item10374 = 1;
                if (in_array("10329", $element)) {
                    $item10329 = 1;
                if (in_array("10370", $element)) {
                    $item10370 = 1;
                if (in_array("51", $element)) {
                    $item51 = 1;
                if (in_array("10330", $element)) {
                    $item10330 = 1;
                if (in_array("10371", $element)) {
                    $item10371 = 1;
                if (in_array("50", $element)) {
                    $item50 = 1;
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($salary_item_types); $j++) {
                if ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10374 && $item46 == 1) {
                if ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10370 && $item51 == 1) {
                if ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10370 && $item10329 == 1) {
                if ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10371 && $item50 == 1) {
                if ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10371 && $item10330 == 1) {
                if (!isset($current_writ_items[$j])) {
                    $current_writ_items[$j] = "";
                    $prior_writ_items[$j] = "";
                $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($current_writ["writ_id"], $current_writ["writ_ver"], $current_writ["staff_id"], $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"]);
                if ($item46 == 1 && $item10374 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 46 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10374)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($current_writ["writ_id"], $current_writ["writ_ver"], $current_writ["staff_id"], 10374);
                if ($item51 == 1 && $item10370 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 51 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10370)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($current_writ["writ_id"], $current_writ["writ_ver"], $current_writ["staff_id"], 10370);
                if ($item50 == 1 && $item10371 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 50 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10371)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($current_writ["writ_id"], $current_writ["writ_ver"], $current_writ["staff_id"], 10371);
                $current_writ_items[$j] .= "<td class='money'>" . ($val == 0 ? "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($val)) . "</td>";
                $sum2 += $val;
                $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($prior_writ->writ_id, $prior_writ->writ_ver, $prior_writ->staff_id, $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"]);
                if ($item46 == 1 && $item10374 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 46 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10374)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($prior_writ->writ_id, $prior_writ->writ_ver, $prior_writ->staff_id, 10374);
                if ($item51 == 1 && $item10370 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 51 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10370)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($prior_writ->writ_id, $prior_writ->writ_ver, $prior_writ->staff_id, 10370);
                if ($item50 == 1 && $item10371 == 1 && !($val > 0) && ($salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 50 || $salary_item_types[$j]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10371)) {
                    $val = manage_writ_item::get_writSalaryItem_value($prior_writ->writ_id, $prior_writ->writ_ver, $prior_writ->staff_id, 10371);
                $prior_writ_items[$j] .= "<td class='money'>" . ($val == 0 ? "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($val)) . "</td>";
                $sum1 += $val;
            $current_item_sum .= "<td class='money'>" . CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($sum2) . "</td>";
            $prior_item_sum .= "<td class='money'>" . CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($sum1) . "</td>";
    echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:80px' rowspan=2>تاريخ اجراي حکم</td>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:20px'>قبلي</td>\n\t\t\t" . $prior_execute_date . "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>فعلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $current_execute_date . "\n\t\t</tr>";
    if ($field_title != "") {
        echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:80px'  rowspan=2> " . $field_title . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>قبلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $prior_field . "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>فعلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $current_field . "\n\t\t</tr>";
    if ($field_title2 != "" && $corrected_writs[0]["person_type"] != 1) {
        echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:80px'  rowspan=2> " . $field_title2 . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>قبلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $prior_field2 . "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>فعلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $current_field2 . "\n\t\t</tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($salary_item_types); $i++) {
        if ($salary_item_types[$i]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10374 && $item46 == 1) {
        if ($salary_item_types[$i]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10370 && $item51 == 1) {
        if ($salary_item_types[$i]["salary_item_type_id"] == 10371 && $item50 == 1) {
        echo "\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:80px'  rowspan=2>" . $salary_item_types[$i]["print_title"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>قبلي</td>\n\t\t\t" . $prior_writ_items[$i] . "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>فعلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $current_writ_items[$i] . "\n\t\t</tr>";
    echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style='width:80px' rowspan=2>جمع کل</td>\n\t\t\t<td>قبلي</td>\n\t\t\t" . $prior_item_sum . "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>فعلی</td>\n\t\t\t" . $current_item_sum . "\n\t\t</tr>";
    $ret = ob_get_contents();
    return $ret;
									order by execute_date limit 1 " ;
				$resExe = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry) ; 
				$date = $resExe[0]['execute_date'] ; 
				$result [$key]['staff_id']		 	 =$rec['staff_id'];
				$result [$key]['writ_id']			 =$rec['writ_id'];
				$result [$key]['emp_mode']			 =$rec['emp_mode'];
				$result [$key]['pfname']			 =$rec['pfname'];
				$result [$key]['plname']			 =$rec['plname'];
				$result [$key]['unit_title']		 =$rec['unit_title'];
				$result [$key]['sub_title']			 =$rec['sub_title'];
				$result [$key]['ptitle']			 =$rec['ptitle'];
				$result [$key]['pre_sience_level']   =$tp;
				$result [$key]['ouid']			     =$rec['ouid'];
				$result [$key]['science_title']		 =$rec['science_level_title'];
				$result [$key]['execute_date']		 =DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($date);


<html dir='rtl'>
		.reportGenerator {border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid black;font-family: tahoma;font-size: 8pt;
						  text-align: center;width: 50%;padding: 2px;}
		.reportGenerator .header {color: white;font-weight: bold;background-color:#3F5F96}
Esempio n. 13
function ShowReport($admin){
	if($_POST["FromDate"] == "")
		$StartDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_POST["year"] . "-" . $_POST["month"] . "-01", "-");
		$EndDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_POST["year"] . "-" . $_POST["month"] ."-" . DateModules::DaysOfMonth($_POST["year"] ,$_POST["month"]), "-");
		$StartDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_POST["FromDate"], "-");
		$EndDate = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_POST["ToDate"], "-");
	$holidays = ATN_holidays::Get(" AND TheDate between ? AND ? order by TheDate", array($StartDate, $EndDate));
	$holidayRecord = $holidays->fetch();
	$PersonID = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"];
	$PersonID = !empty($_POST["PersonID"]) ? $_POST["PersonID"] : $PersonID;
	$query = "select * from (
			select 'normal' RecordType,'' ReqType, TrafficDate,TrafficTime,s.ShiftTitle,s.FromTime,s.ToTime
			from ATN_traffic t
			left join ATN_PersonShifts ps on(ps.IsActive='YES' AND t.PersonID=ps.PersonID AND TrafficDate between FromDate AND ToDate)
			left join ATN_shifts s on(ps.ShiftID=s.ShiftID)
			where t.IsActive='YES' AND t.PersonID=:p AND TrafficDate>= :sd AND TrafficDate <= :ed 
			union All
			select 'start' RecordType,t.ReqType, t.FromDate,StartTime,s.ShiftTitle,s.FromTime,s.ToTime
			from ATN_requests t
			left join ATN_PersonShifts ps on(ps.IsActive='YES' AND t.PersonID=ps.PersonID AND t.FromDate between ps.FromDate AND ps.ToDate)
			left join ATN_shifts s on(ps.ShiftID=s.ShiftID)
			where t.PersonID=:p AND t.ToDate is null AND ReqStatus=2 AND t.FromDate>= :sd
			union all
			select 'end' RecordType,t.ReqType, t.FromDate,EndTime,s.ShiftTitle,s.FromTime,s.ToTime
			from ATN_requests t
			left join ATN_PersonShifts ps on(ps.IsActive='YES' AND t.PersonID=ps.PersonID AND t.FromDate between ps.FromDate AND ps.ToDate)
			left join ATN_shifts s on(ps.ShiftID=s.ShiftID)
			where t.PersonID=:p AND t.ToDate is null AND ReqStatus=2 AND t.FromDate>= :sd
				AND EndTime is not null
		order by  TrafficDate,TrafficTime";
	$dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, array(":p" => $PersonID, ":sd" => $StartDate, ":ed" => $EndDate));
	/*if($_SESSION["USER"]["UserName"] == "admin")
	echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString();
	//........................ create days array ..................
	$index = 0;
	$returnArr = array();
	while($StartDate <= $EndDate)
		if($index < count($dt) && $StartDate == $dt[$index]["TrafficDate"])
			while($index < count($dt) && $StartDate == $dt[$index]["TrafficDate"])
				$returnArr[] = $dt[$index++];
			$StartDate = DateModules::AddToGDate($StartDate, 1);	
		$shiftRecord = ATN_PersonShifts::GetShiftOfDate($PersonID, $StartDate);

		$returnArr[] = array(
			"RecordType" => "normal",
			"TrafficID" => "", 
			"TrafficDate" => $StartDate , 
			"ShiftTitle" => $shiftRecord["ShiftTitle"], 
			"FromTime" => $shiftRecord["FromTime"], 
			"ToTime" => $shiftRecord["ToTime"], 
			"ExceptFromTime" => $shiftRecord["ExceptFromTime"], 
			"ExceptToTime" => $shiftRecord["ExceptToTime"], 
			"TrafficTime" => "");
		$StartDate = DateModules::AddToGDate($StartDate, 1);
	//------------ holidays ------------------
	for($i=0; $i<count($returnArr); $i++)
		$holiday = false;
		$holidayTitle = "تعطیل";
		if(FridayIsHoliday && DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "N") == "5")
			$holiday = true;
		if(ThursdayIsHoliday && DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "N") == "4")
			$holiday = true;

		if($holidayRecord && $holidayRecord["TheDate"] == $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"])
			$holidayTitle .= $holidayRecord["details"] != "" ? "(" . $holidayRecord["details"] . ")" : "";
			$holiday = true;
			$holidayRecord = $holidays->fetch();
		$returnArr[$i]["holiday"] = $holiday;
		$returnArr[$i]["holidayTitle"] = $holidayTitle;
	function ShowTime($arr){
		if($arr[0] == "00" && $arr[1] == "00")
			return "";
		return $arr[0] . ":" . $arr[1];
	$returnStr = "";
	$SUM = array(
		"absence" => 0,
		"attend"=> 0,
		"firstAbsence" => 0,
		"lastAbsence" => 0,
		"extra" => 0,
		"Off" => 0,
		"mission" => 0,
		"DailyOff_1" => 0,
		"DailyOff_2" => 0,
		"DailyOff_3" => 0,
		"DailyMission" => 0,
		"DailyAbsence" => 0
	for($i=0; $i < count($returnArr); $i++)
			//........... Daily off and mission ...................
			$requests = PdoDataAccess::runquery("
				select t.*, InfoDesc OffTypeDesc from ATN_requests t
					left join BaseInfo on(TypeID=20 AND InfoID=OffType)
				where ReqStatus=2 AND PersonID=:p AND FromDate <= :td 
					AND if(ToDate is not null, ToDate >= :td, 1=1)
				order by ToDate desc,StartTime asc
			", array(
				":p" => $PersonID,
				":td" => $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"]

			if(count($requests) > 0)
				if($requests[0]["ReqType"] == "DayOFF")
					$returnStr .= 
						"<td>" . DateModules::$JWeekDays[ DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "N") ] . "</td>
						<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"]) . "</td>
						<td colspan=8> مرخصی " . $requests[0]["OffTypeDesc"] . "<td></tr>";
					$SUM["DailyOff_" . $requests[0]["OffType"] ]++;

					$currentDay = $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"];
					while($i < count($returnArr) && $currentDay == $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"])
				if($requests[0]["ReqType"] == "DayMISSION")
					$returnStr .= 
						"<td>" . DateModules::$JWeekDays[ DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "N") ] . "</td>
						<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"]) . "</td>
						<td colspan=8> ماموریت " . $requests[0]["MissionSubject"] . "<td></tr>";

					$currentDay = $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"];
					while($i < count($returnArr) && $currentDay == $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"])
		if( DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "l") == "Thursday")
			$returnArr[$i]["FromTime"] = $returnArr[$i]["ExceptFromTime"];
			$returnArr[$i]["ToTime"] = $returnArr[$i]["ExceptToTime"];
		$returnStr .= "<tr>
			<td>" . DateModules::$JWeekDays[ DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "N") ] . "</td>";
			$returnStr .= "<td><a class=link onclick=TraceTrafficObj.TrafficList('" . 
				$returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"] . "')>" . 
				DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"]) . "</a></td>";
			$returnStr .= "<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"]) . "</td>";
		$returnStr .= "<td>" . ($returnArr[$i]["holiday"] ? $returnArr[$i]["holidayTitle"] : $returnArr[$i]["ShiftTitle"]) . "</td>
		$firstAbsence = 0;
		$Off = 0;	
		$mission = 0;
		$index = 1;
		$totalAttend = 0;
		$currentDay = $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"];
		$startOff = 0;
		$endOff = 0;
		$extra = 0;
		if($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"] != "")
			if(strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) > strtotime($returnArr[$i]["FromTime"]))
				$firstAbsence = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["FromTime"]);
				if(strtotime($returnArr[$i+1]["TrafficTime"]) < strtotime($returnArr[$i]["FromTime"]))
					$extra += strtotime($returnArr[$i+1]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);
					$extra += strtotime($returnArr[$i]["FromTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);
		while($i < count($returnArr) && $currentDay == $returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"])
			if( DateModules::GetWeekDay($returnArr[$i]["TrafficDate"], "l") == "Thursday")
				$returnArr[$i]["FromTime"] = $returnArr[$i]["ExceptFromTime"];
				$returnArr[$i]["ToTime"] = $returnArr[$i]["ExceptToTime"];
			$returnStr .= substr($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"],0,5);
			$returnStr .= $index % 2 == 0 ? "<br>" : " - ";
			if($index % 2 == 0)
				$totalAttend += strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficTime"]);
				if(strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) > strtotime($returnArr[$i]["ToTime"]))
					if(strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficTime"]) > strtotime($returnArr[$i]["ToTime"]))
						$extra += strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficTime"]);
						$extra += strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["ToTime"]);
			if($returnArr[$i]["RecordType"] != "normal")
				if($i>0 && $returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficDate"] == $currentDay && $returnArr[$i]["RecordType"] == "start")
					if($i == 0 || $returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficDate"] != $currentDay)
						$startDiff = 0;
						$startDiff = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficTime"]);
					if($startDiff > Valid_Traffic_diff)
						$startOff = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - Valid_Traffic_diff;						
						$startOff = strtotime($returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficTime"]);
				if( ($i==0 || $returnArr[$i-1]["TrafficDate"] != $currentDay) && $returnArr[$i]["RecordType"] == "start")
					$startOff = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);
				if($returnArr[$i]["RecordType"] == "end")
					if($i == count($returnArr)-1 || $returnArr[$i+1]["TrafficDate"] != $currentDay)
						$endDiff = 0;
						$endDiff = strtotime($returnArr[$i+1]["TrafficTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);
					if($endDiff > Valid_Traffic_diff)
						$endOff = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) - Valid_Traffic_diff;						
						$endOff = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);
					if($returnArr[$i]["ReqType"] == "OFF")
						$Off += $endOff - $startOff;
						$mission += $endOff - $startOff;
		$lastAbsence = 0;
		if($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"] != "" && 
			strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]) < strtotime($returnArr[$i]["ToTime"]))
				$lastAbsence = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["ToTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["TrafficTime"]);

		$ShiftDuration = strtotime($returnArr[$i]["ToTime"]) - strtotime($returnArr[$i]["FromTime"]);
		//$extra = ($totalAttend > $ShiftDuration) ? $totalAttend - $ShiftDuration  : 0;
		$Absence = $totalAttend < $ShiftDuration ? $ShiftDuration - $totalAttend : 0;
			$extra = $totalAttend;
			$lastAbsence = 0;
			$firstAbsence = 0;
			$Absence = 0;
			$Off = 0;
		if($Absence == $ShiftDuration)
		$SUM["absence"] += $Absence;
		$SUM["attend"] += $totalAttend;
		$SUM["firstAbsence"] += $firstAbsence;
		$SUM["lastAbsence"] += $lastAbsence;
		$SUM["extra"] += $extra;
		$SUM["Off"] += $Off;
		$SUM["mission"] += $mission;		
		$totalAttend = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($totalAttend);
		$firstAbsence = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($firstAbsence);
		$lastAbsence = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($lastAbsence);
		$Absence = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($Absence);
		$extra = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($extra);
		$Off = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($Off);
		$mission = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($mission);
		$returnStr .= "</td><td class=attend>" . ShowTime($totalAttend) . "</td>
			<td class=extra>" . ShowTime($extra) . "</td>
			<td class=off>" . ShowTime($Off) . "</td>
			<td class=mission>" . ShowTime($mission) . "</td>
			<td class=sub>" . ShowTime($firstAbsence) . "</td>
			<td class=sub>" . ShowTime($lastAbsence) . "</td>
			<td class=sub>" . ShowTime($Absence) . "</td>
	.reportTbl td {padding:4px;}
	.reportTbl th {padding:4px;text-align: center; background-color: #efefef; font-weight: bold}
	.reportTbl .attend { text-align:center}
	.reportTbl .extra { background-color: #D0F7E2; text-align:center}
	.reportTbl .off { background-color: #D7BAFF; text-align:center}
	.reportTbl .mission { text-align:center}
	.reportTbl .sub { background-color: #FFcfdd; text-align:center}
	.reportTbl .footer { background-color: #eee; text-align:center; line-height: 18px}
<table class="reportTbl" width="100%" border="1">
	<tr class="blueText">
		<th style=width:70px>ورود/خروج</th>
		<th class="extra">اضافه کار</th>
		<th class="off" >مرخصی</th>
		<th class=sub>تاخیر</th>
		<th class=sub>تعجیل</th>
		<th class=sub>غیبت</th>
	<?= $returnStr ?>
	<tr class="footer">
			$SUM["absence"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["absence"]);
			$SUM["attend"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["attend"] );
			$SUM["firstAbsence"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["firstAbsence"]);
			$SUM["lastAbsence"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["lastAbsence"]);
			$SUM["extra"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["extra"]);
			$SUM["Off"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["Off"]);
			$SUM["mission"] = TimeModules::SecondsToTime($SUM["mission"]);
		<td colspan="4"></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["attend"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["extra"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["Off"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["mission"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["firstAbsence"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["lastAbsence"]) ?></td>
		<td><?= ShowTime($SUM["absence"]) ?></td>
	<tr class="footer">
		<td colspan="4">مجموع عملکرد</td>
		<td colspan="3">	
			مجموع مرخصی استعلاجی : <?= $SUM["DailyOff_1"] ?><br>
			مجموع مرخصی استحقاقی : <?= $SUM["DailyOff_2"] ?><br>
			مجموع مرخصی بدون حقوق : <?= $SUM["DailyOff_3"] ?><br>
		<td colspan="4">
			مجموع ماموریت روزانه : <?= $SUM["DailyMission"] ?><br>
			مجموع غیبت روزانه : <?= $SUM["DailyAbsence"]?><br>
Esempio n. 14
     $FirstRec .= "," . "محمد";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "کافی";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "رئیس دانشگاه";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "0932891608";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "ابوالفضل";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "باباخانی";
     $FirstRec .= "," . "معاون اداری مالی" . "\r\n";
     $Sitem_4 += $item_20 + $item_28;
     $Sitem_5 += $dataTable[$i]["item_32"];
     $Sitem_6 += $dataTable[$i]["item_33"];
     $Sitem_9 += $dataTable[$i]["item_34"];
     $record .= $dataTable[$i]["item_1"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_2"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_3"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_4"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_5"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_6"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_7"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_8"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_9"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_10"] . "," . $item_11 . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_12"] . "," . $item_13 . "," . $item_14 . ", ," . $item_16 . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_17"] . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_18"] . ",0," . $item_20 . ",0," . $item_22 . ",0,0,0,0,0," . $item_28 . "," . $item_29 . "," . $item_30 . "," . $item_31 . "," . $item_32 . "," . $dataTable[$i]["item_33"] . ",0" . "\r\n";
 PdoDataAccess::runquery("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
 if (isset($_REQUEST["summary"])) {
     list($eyear, $emonth, $eday) = preg_split('/[\\/]/', DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($month_end));
     list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = preg_split('/[\\/]/', $_POST["check_date"]);
     $SRec = "101902103472" . "," . $_POST["pay_year"] . "," . str_pad($_POST["pay_month"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "," . $Sitem_4 . "," . $Sitem_5 . "," . $Sitem_6 . ",0,0," . $Sitem_9 . ",0,0,0,0,0,0," . $eyear . "" . $emonth . "" . $eday . "," . count($dataTable) . ",0,2," . $_POST["check-serial"] . "," . $cyear . "" . $cmonth . "" . $cday . "," . $_POST["BankCode"] . "," . $_POST["BankTitle"] . "," . $_POST["account_no"] . "," . $_POST["PayVal"];
     $file = "WK" . $_POST["pay_year"] . str_pad($_POST["pay_month"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ".TXT";
     //$filename = "/mystorage/attachments/sadaf/HRProcess/".$file ;
     $filename = "../../../HRProcess/" . $file;
     $fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
     fwrite($fp, $SRec);
     header('Content-disposition: filename="' . $file . '"');
     header('Content-type: application/file');
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
     header('Expires: 0');
     header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
     header('Pragma: public');
     echo file_get_contents("../../../HRProcess/" . $file);
Esempio n. 15
$col->align = "center";
$dg->emptyTextOfHiddenColumns = true;
$dg->EnablePaging = false;
$dg->height = 150;
$dg->width = 790;
$dg->EnablePaging = false;
$dg->EnableSearch = false;
$dg->autoExpandColumn = "fullname";
$grid = $dg->makeGrid_returnObjects();
$expertStr = "";
$dt = PLN_experts::Get(" AND e.PersonID=? AND StatusDesc='RAW'", array($_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]));
if ($dt->rowCount() > 0) {
    $dt = $dt->fetchAll();
    foreach ($dt as $row) {
        $expertStr .= "<div class=arrow_left style=width:16px;height:16px;float:right></div>" . "طرح شماره " . "<a href=javascript:void(1); onclick='framework.OpenPage\r\n\t\t\t\t(\"../plan/plan/PlanInfo.php\", \"جداول اطلاعاتی طرح\",{PlanID : " . $row["PlanID"] . "});'>[ " . $row["PlanID"] . " ]</a> جهت کارشناسی " . $row["ScopeDesc"] . " برای شما ارسال شده است و مهلت کارشناسی " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($row["EndDate"]) . " می باشد." . "<br>";
    $expertStr .= "<br>";

PlanStartPage.prototype = {
	TabID : '<?php 
echo $_REQUEST["ExtTabID"];
	address_prefix : "<?php 
echo $js_prefix_address;
Esempio n. 16
	    <td width="25%">
			<img src="/framework/icons/logo.jpg" style="width:80px" />
	    <td style="height: 60px;font-family: b titr;font-size:16px" align="center">
			<br>سند حسابداری
	    <td width="20%" align="center" >
			شماره سند : 
echo $DocObject->LocalNo;
			تاریخ سند :
echo DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($DocObject->DocDate);
		<td colspan="3" align="center">
			<table style="width:100%;border-collapse: collapse" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
				<tr class="header">
					<td align="center" >کد حساب</td>
					<td align="center" >شرح ردیف</td>
					<td align="center" >تفصیلی</td>
					<td align="center" >تفصیلی2</td>
					<td align="center" >بدهکار</td>
					<td align="center" >بستانکار</td>
Esempio n. 17
						مطالبه شود به محض دریافت اولین تقاضانامه کتبی و بدون اینکه احتیاج به صدور 
						اظهارنامه یا اقدامی از مجرای اداری، قضایی ویا مقام دیگری و یا ذکر علتی داشته باشد،
						مبلغ مورد درخواست <?php 
echo $ReqObj->_fullname;
						را در وجه یا حواله کرد <?php 
echo $ReqObj->organization;
						این ضمانت نامه تا آخر ساعت اداری روز 
echo DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($ReqObj->EndDate);
						( <?php 
echo DateModules::DateToString(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($ReqObj->EndDate));
							معتبر بوده و بنا به درخواست <?php 
echo $ReqObj->organization;
							برای مدتی که درخواست شود قابل تمدید خواهد بود و در صورتی که صندوق نتواند
							و یا نخواهد مدت ضمانت نامه را تمدید نماید و یا 
echo $ReqObj->_fullname;
							موجبات تمدید را قبل از انقضای مدت فوق نزد صندوق فراهم نسازد و صندوق را حاضر به 
							تمدید ننماید، صندوق در اینصورت متعهد است بدون اینکه احتیاج به مطالبه مجدد باشد
							مبلغ مرقوم فوق را در وجه یا حواله کرد 
echo $ReqObj->organization;
Esempio n. 18
		<td colspan="3"><?php 
echo $jfid;
		<td>تاریخ شروع اعتبار :</td>
		<td><input type="text" class="x-form-text x-form-field" name="validity_start" id="validity_start"
echo DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($obj->validity_start);
		<td>تاریخ پایان اعتبار :</td>
		<td><input type="text" class="x-form-text x-form-field" name="validity_end" id="validity_end" 
echo DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($obj->validity_end);
		<td colspan="3"><textarea type="text" class="x-form-field" name="description"  rows="3"
			style="width:90%" id="description" ><?php 
echo $obj->description;
		<td height="21px">داخل شمول :</td>
		<td colspan="3"><input type="checkbox" id="included" name="included" value="1" <?php 
echo $obj->included == "1" ? "checked" : "";
Esempio n. 19
			<table style="text-align: right;" class="reportGenerator" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" >
			for($i=0 ; $i<count($res);$i++)
				echo "	<tr>
							<td width='4%'>".($i+1)."</td>
							<td width='10%'>".$res[$i]["staff_id"]."</td>
							<td width='12%'>".$res[$i]["plname"]."</td>
							<td width='8%'>".$res[$i]["pfname"]."</td>
							<td width='21%'>".$res[$i]["full_unit_title"]."</td>
							<td width='17%'>".$res[$i]["title"]."</td>		
							<td width='8%'>".$res[$i]["from_date"]."</td>		
							<td width='8%'>".DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]["to_date"])."</td>" ;
				if ($_POST['HavePost'] == 1)
					echo	"<td width='12%'>".$res[$i]["mng_value"]."</td></tr>" ; 					


die() ; 
Esempio n. 20
               $temp[$i]['personel_relation'] = "خواهر شهيد"; 
            elseif($resIsar[$k]['devotion_type'] == 5 && $resIsar[$k]['personel_relation'] == 7 ) 
               $temp[$i]['personel_relation'] = "برادر شهيد"; 
        $IsarTitle = substr($IsarTitle,0, -3 ) ;   
        $temp[$i]['isar'] = $IsarTitle; 
        if( $temp[$i]['min_execute_date']!="" && $temp[$i]['min_execute_date']!='0000-00-00')
            $temp[$i]['min_execute_date'] = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$i]['min_execute_date']);
        $item17 = ($_POST['PersonType'] == 1 ) ? "مرتبه علمی" : "رتبه" ; 
        $item32 = ($_POST['PersonType'] == 1 ) ? "حقوق ماهانه" : "حقوق پایه و مرتبه" ; 
        $item36 = ($_POST['PersonType'] == 1 ) ?   " فو ق العاده سختی شرایط محیط کار " :        "فوق العاده مدیریت"  ;
        $item38 = ($_POST['PersonType'] == 1 ) ? "فوق العاده کار با اشعه" : "ما به التفاوت مقامات" ;        
        $item39 = ($_POST['PersonType'] == 1 ) ? " " : "<td>فوق العاده سختی کار</td><td>فوق العاده کار با اشعه</td>" ;

    if ($_GET['excel'] == 'true') {
        ini_set("display_errors", "On");
Esempio n. 21
			<table style="text-align: right;" class="reportGenerator" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" >
			for($i=0 ; $i<count($temp);$i++)
				echo "	<tr>
							<td width='4%'>".($i+1)."</td>							
							<td width='12%'>".$temp[$i]["lname"]."</td>
							<td width='8%'>".$temp[$i]["fname"]."</td>
							<td width='10%'>".$temp[$i]["Title"]."</td>
							<td width='21%'>".$temp[$i]["idcard_no"]."</td>
							<td width='17%'>".DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$i]["birth_date"])."</td>		
							<td width='8%'>".$temp[$i]["father_name"]."</td>		
							<td width='8%'>".$temp[$i]["insure_type"]."</td>		
							<td width='8%'>".DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$i]["from_date"])."</td>".		
					"</tr>" ; 					


die() ; 
Esempio n. 22
			$tbl_content .= "<tr " . ($i%2 == 1 ? "style='background-color:#efefef'" : "") . ">
				<td width=250px>[" . ($i+1) . "]". ($i+1<10 ? "&nbsp;" : "") . "&nbsp;
					<img align='top' src='/generalUI/ext4/resources/themes/icons/user_comment.gif'>&nbsp;";

			if($Logs[$i]["ActType"] == "CONFIRM")
				$tbl_content .= "تایید اطلاعات";
			if($Logs[$i]["ActType"] == "REJECT")
				$tbl_content .= "رد اطلاعات";
			if($Logs[$i]["ActType"] == "EDIT")
				$tbl_content .= "ویرایش اطلاعات";

			$tbl_content .= "</td>
				<td  width=150px>" . $Logs[$i]["fullname"] . "</td>
				<td width=110px>" . substr($Logs[$i]["ActDate"], 11) . " " . 
									DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($Logs[$i]["ActDate"]) . "</td>
				<td><div style='cursor:pointer' class='qtip-target' data-qtip='" . 
					$Logs[$i]["ActDesc"] . "'>" .
					String::ellipsis($Logs[$i]["ActDesc"], 48). "</div></td>

	.infotd td{border-bottom: solid 1px #e8e8e8;padding-right:4px; height: 21px;}
	<div style="background-color:white;width: 100%; height: 100%">
		<table class="infotd" width="100%" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<?= $tbl_content ?>
Esempio n. 23
    if ($index == $i) {
        if ($data[$i][military_from_date] != "" && $data[$i][military_to_date] != "" && $data[$i][military_duration] != "") {
            $history_row[DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($data[$i][military_from_date]) . "_1"] = "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($data[$i][military_from_date]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($data[$i][military_to_date]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . floor($data[$i][military_duration] / 12) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . ($data[$i][military_duration] - floor($data[$i][military_duration] / 12) * 12) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>0</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>قابل قبول</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>سربازی</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>سربازی</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
            $total_year += floor($data[$i][military_duration] / 12);
            $total_month += $data[$i][military_duration] - floor($data[$i][military_duration] / 12) * 12;
            $total_day += 0;
        require_once "../../personal/persons/class/employment.class.php";
        $temp = manage_person_employment::GetAllEmp("PersonID=" . $data[$i][PersonID]);
        $history2 = "";
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($temp); $j++) {
            if ($temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"] != 0 || $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"] != 0 || $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"] != 0) {
                $history_row[DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["from_date"]) . "_2"] = "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["title"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["from_date"]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["to_date"]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>قابل قبول</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["organization"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["empstateTitle"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                $total_year += $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"];
                $total_month += $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"];
                $total_day += $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"];
            $year = floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"])) / 365.25);
            $month = floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"]) - floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"])) / 365.25) * 365.25) / 30.4375);
            $day = ($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"]) - floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"])) / 365.25) * 365.25 - round(floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"]) - floor((($temp[$j]["duration_year"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_year"]) * 365.25 + ($temp[$j]["duration_month"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_month"]) * 30.4375 + ($temp[$j]["duration_day"] - $temp[$j]["retired_duration_day"])) / 365.25) * 365.25) / 30.4375) * 30.4375);
            if ($year != 0 || $month != 0 || $day != 0) {
                $history_row[DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["from_date"]) . "_3"] = "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["title"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["from_date"]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($temp[$j]["to_date"]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $year . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $month . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . round($day) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>غیر قابل قبول</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["organization"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $temp[$j]["empstateTitle"] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                $total_non_year += $year;
                $total_non_month += $month;
                $total_non_day += $day;
Esempio n. 24
require_once '../dms/dms.class.php';
$LetterID = !empty($_GET["LetterID"]) ? $_GET["LetterID"] : "";
if (empty($LetterID)) {
$LetterObj = new OFC_letters($LetterID);
$letterYear = substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($LetterObj->LetterDate), 0, 4);
$content = "<br><div style=margin-left:30px;float:left; >شماره نامه : " . "<span dir=ltr>" . $letterYear . "-" . $LetterObj->LetterID . "</span>" . "<br>تاریخ نامه : " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($LetterObj->LetterDate);
if ($LetterObj->LetterType == "INCOME") {
    $content .= "<br>شماره نامه وارده : " . $LetterObj->InnerLetterNo;
    $content .= "<br>تاریخ نامه وارده : " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($LetterObj->InnerLetterDate);
if ($LetterObj->RefLetterID != "") {
    $refObj = new OFC_letters($LetterObj->RefLetterID);
    $RefletterYear = substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($refObj->LetterDate), 0, 4);
    $content .= "<br>عطف به نامه : <a href=javascript:void(0) onclick=LetterInfo.OpenRefLetter(" . $LetterObj->RefLetterID . ")>" . "<span dir=ltr>" . $RefletterYear . "-" . $LetterObj->RefLetterID . "</span></a>";
$content .= "</div><br><br>";
$content .= "<b><br><div align=center>بسمه تعالی</div><br>";
$dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\tselect,FromPersonID,p3.PersonSign signer, p1.PersonSign regSign,\r\n\t\tif(p1.IsReal='YES',concat(p1.fname, ' ', p1.lname),p1.CompanyName) RegPersonName ,\r\n\t\tif(p2.IsReal='YES',concat(p2.fname, ' ', p2.lname),p2.CompanyName) ToPersonName ,\r\n\t\tconcat(p3.fname, ' ', p3.lname) SignPersonName ,\r\n\t\tpo.PostName,\r\n\t\ts.IsCopy\r\n\tfrom OFC_send s\r\n\t\tjoin OFC_letters l using(LetterID)\r\n\t\tjoin BSC_persons p1 on(l.PersonID=p1.PersonID)\r\n\t\tjoin BSC_persons p2 on(s.ToPersonID=p2.PersonID)\r\n\t\tleft join BSC_persons p3 on(l.SignerPersonID=p3.PersonID)\r\n\t\tleft join BSC_posts po on(l.SignPostID=po.PostID)\r\n\twhere LetterID=? \r\n\torder by SendID\r\n\t", array($LetterID));
if ($LetterObj->LetterType == "INNER") {
    foreach ($dt as $row) {
        if ($row["FromPersonID"] != $LetterObj->PersonID || $row["IsCopy"] == "YES") {
        $content .= $row["sex"] == "MALE" ? "جناب آقای " : "سرکار خانم ";
        $content .= $row['ToPersonName'] . "<br>";
    $content .= "<br> موضوع : " . $LetterObj->LetterTitle . "<br><br></b>";
    $content .= str_replace("\r\n", "", $LetterObj->context);
Esempio n. 25
function selectArrearTransferWrits()
    MakeAdvanceSearchWhere($where, $whereParam);
    $state = isset($_REQUEST["return"]) ? "1" : "0";
    $stateWhere = "";
    $stateWhere = " w.arrear = " . $state . " AND ";
    $curYear = DateModules::GetYear(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi(DateModules::Now()));
    $query = "select w.writ_id,\n                     w.writ_ver,\n                     w.staff_id,\n                     w.ouid,\n                     w.issue_date,\n                     w.history_only,\n                     w.corrective,\n                     w.execute_date,\n                     concat(wt.title,' - ', wst.title) as wt_title,\n                     bi_emp_state.title as emp_state_title,\n                     w.ref_letter_no,\n                     w.ref_letter_date,\n                     w.person_type,\n                     concat(p.pfname, ' ', p.plname) fullname,\n                     w.corrective_writ_id,\n                     w.correct_completed,\n\t\t\t\t\t w.view_flag\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tfrom staff s\n                              \n        \t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w ON (w.staff_id = s.staff_id)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_types wt ON ((w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id) AND (w.person_type = wt.person_type))\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst ON (w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id \n                  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND w.person_type = wst.person_type)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN persons p ON (s.PersonID = p.PersonID)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o ON (w.ouid = o.ouid)\n                  LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi_emp_state on(bi_emp_state.TypeID=3 and w.emp_state=bi_emp_state.InfoID)\n                  LEFT JOIN payment_writs pw ON pw.writ_id = w.writ_id and pw.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and pw.staff_id = w.staff_id \n\t\t\t\t  \n\t\t\twhere w.execute_date >= '" . TRANSFER_WRIT_EXE_DATE . "' AND w.state = 3 AND  \n\t\t\t\t  w.execute_date < '" . str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($curYear . "/01/01")) . "'  AND\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t  substr(g2j(w.execute_date),1,4) < substr(g2j(writ_recieve_date),1,4) AND \n\t\t\t\t {$stateWhere}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n                s.person_type in (" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") AND w.cost_center_id in (" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") AND\n\t\t\t\tw.emp_state <> 0 AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.history_only=0 OR w.history_only IS NULL) AND \n\t\t\t\t(w.dont_transfer = 0 OR w.dont_transfer IS NULL) AND\n                ( pw.writ_id is null ) AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.correct_completed!=" . WRIT_CORRECTING . ") AND " . $where . "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\torder by p.plname,p.pfname,s.staff_id,w.execute_date,w.writ_id,w.writ_ver";
    $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);
    /*if($_SESSION['UserID'] == 'jafarkhani') {
    	echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString(); 
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) {
        $temp[$i]['full_unit_title'] = manage_units::get_full_title($temp[$i]['ouid']);
    echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]);
Esempio n. 26
    public static function get_arrear_document($staff_id, $pay_year, $pay_month)
        for ($t = $_POST['from_pay_year']; $t < $_POST['to_pay_year'] + 1; $t++) {
            $retCoef = 1;
            $qry = " select max(arrear_ver) MV\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom  corrective_payment_writs \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t . "\r\n\t\t       ";
            $MaxVer = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
            if (count($MaxVer) == 0 || $MaxVer[0]['MV'] == 0) {
            $qry = " select  cpw.staff_id , cpw.writ_id ,  cpw.writ_ver , cpw.arrear_ver , w.execute_date, w.send_letter_no , w.salary_pay_proc\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t from corrective_payment_writs cpw inner join  writs w \r\n\t\t\t                                         on cpw.staff_id = w.staff_id and \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcpw.writ_id = w.writ_id and \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcpw.writ_ver = w.writ_ver \r\n\r\n\t\t\t where cpw.pay_year = " . $t . " and cpw.staff_id = " . $SID . " and arrear_ver = " . $MaxVer[0]['MV'] . " and cpw.pay_month = 12 \r\n\t\t\t order by  w.execute_date ";
            $res1 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
            //............................. پیدا کردن آخرین ماهی که فیش حقوقی در آن محاسبه شده است ................
            $qry = " select max(pay_month) PM from payment_writs where staff_id = " . $SID . " AND pay_year= " . $t;
            $MaxMonth = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
            if ($MaxMonth[0]['PM'] > 0 && $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] < 7) {
                $LastDate = $t . "/" . $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] . "/31";
            } else {
                if ($MaxMonth[0]['PM'] > 6 && $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] < 12) {
                    $LastDate = $t . "/" . $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] . "/30";
                } else {
                    if ($MaxMonth[0]['PM'] == 12) {
                        $LastDate = $t . "/" . $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] . "/29";
                    } else {
                        $LastDate = '0000-00-00';
            $LAST_PAY_DATE = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LastDate) . "+1 days"));
            $LAST_PAY_DATE = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($LAST_PAY_DATE);
            if ($res1[count($res1) - 1]['salary_pay_proc'] == 1) {
                $LastDate = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res1[count($res1) - 1]['execute_date']);
                $arr = preg_split('/\\//', $LastDate);
                $NewDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LastDate) . "-1 days"));
                $LastDate = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($NewDate);
                $arr = preg_split('/\\//', $LastDate);
            $LD = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($res1); $i++) {
                if ($LastDate != '0000-00-00' && DateModules::CompareDate($res1[$i]['execute_date'], str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LastDate))) >= 0) {
                    $LD[$t]['lastDate'] = $LastDate;
                $CDate = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res1[$i]['execute_date']);
                $arr2 = preg_split('/\\//', $CDate);
                if (intval($arr2[1]) <= intval($MaxMonth[0]['PM'])) {
                    $qry = " select t.staff_id,max_execute_date ,SUBSTRING(max_execute_date,1,10) execute_date ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING(max_execute_date,11),'.',1) writ_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSUBSTRING_INDEX(max_execute_date,'.',-1) writ_ver\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect w.staff_id,max( CONCAT(w.execute_date,w.writ_id,'.',w.writ_ver) ) max_execute_date\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom payment_writs cpw inner join  writs w\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  cpw.staff_id = w.staff_id and\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcpw.writ_id = w.writ_id and\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcpw.writ_ver = w.writ_ver\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere cpw.pay_year = " . $t . " and cpw.staff_id = " . $SID . " and\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      /*cpw.pay_month = 12 and*/ execute_date <= '" . $res1[$i]['execute_date'] . "'\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by w.staff_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                    // پرس و جو بالا هم بایستی union شود با ورژن های قبلی پرداخت تا احکام آنها هم دیده شود .
                    $res2 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                    if (count($res2) == 0) {
                        $res2[0]['execute_date'] = '0000-00-00';
                        $res2[0]['writ_id'] = 0;
                        $res2[0]['writ_ver'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $res2[0]['execute_date'] = '0000-00-00';
                    $res2[0]['writ_id'] = 0;
                    $res2[0]['writ_ver'] = 0;
                /* PdoDataAccess::runquery(" insert compare_arrear_writs (staff_id ,current_execute_date , current_writ_id , current_writ_ver, 
                															   prev_execute_date , prev_writ_id , prev_writ_ver , arrear_ver , pay_year ) values 
                															  (" . $res1[$i]['staff_id'] . ",'" . $res1[$i]['execute_date'] . "'," . $res1[$i]['writ_id'] . "," .
                                    $res1[$i]['writ_ver'] . ",'" . $res2[0]['execute_date'] . "'," . $res2[0]['writ_id'] . "," .
                                    $res2[0]['writ_ver'] . "," . $res1[$i]['arrear_ver'] . "," . $t . " ) ");
                if ($res1[$i]['writ_id'] == $res2[0]['writ_id'] && $res1[$i]['writ_ver'] == $res2[0]['writ_ver']) {
            //..................اگر برج 12 در دیون محاسبه می شود ولی در قبلی نبوده است بایستی به جدول compare افزوده شود..............................
            /*   if ($res1[(count($res1) - 1)]['salary_pay_proc'] != 1 && $MaxMonth[0]['PM'] < 12) {
                        $qry = " select staff_id , execute_date , writ_id , writ_ver 
                            from writs 
                             where  staff_id = " . $SID . " and salary_pay_proc = 1 and 
                                    execute_date >= '" . DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . '/01/01') . "' and 
                                    execute_date <= '" . DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . '/12/29') . "' and 
                                    issue_date >= '" . $res1[$i - 1]['execute_date'] . "' and state = 3 ";
                        $res3 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                        PdoDataAccess::runquery(" insert compare_arrear_writs ( staff_id ,current_execute_date , current_writ_id , current_writ_ver, 
                                                                    prev_execute_date , prev_writ_id , prev_writ_ver , arrear_ver , pay_year ) values 
                                                                  (" . $SID . ",'" . $res1[$i - 1]['execute_date'] . "'," . $res1[$i - 1]['writ_id'] . "," .
                                $res1[$i - 1]['writ_ver'] . ",'" . $res3[0]['execute_date'] . "'," . $res3[0]['writ_id'] . "," .
                                $res3[0]['writ_ver'] . "," . $res1[$i - 1]['arrear_ver'] . "," . $t . " ) ");
                    } */
            //....................we need this part......................
            $res = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select * \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom compare_arrear_writs \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year =" . $t . " and arrear_ver = " . $MaxVer[0]['MV']);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
                $writsWhereClause .= ' (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_id'] . ' AND wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_ver'] . ' AND wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ') OR 
							 (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_id'] . ' AND wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_ver'] . ' AND wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ' ) OR  ';
                $PrewritsWhereClause .= ' (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_id'] . ' AND wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_ver'] . ' AND wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ' ) OR  ';
                $CurrwritsWhereClause .= ' (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_id'] . ' AND wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_ver'] . ' AND wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ') OR ';
        $writsWhereClause = substr($writsWhereClause, 0, strlen($writsWhereClause) - 4);
        $PrewritsWhereClause = substr($PrewritsWhereClause, 0, strlen($PrewritsWhereClause) - 4);
        $CurrwritsWhereClause = substr($CurrwritsWhereClause, 0, strlen($CurrwritsWhereClause) - 4);
        $ResITM2 = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select distinct wsi.salary_item_type_id  , sit.print_title ,sit.month_length_effect\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t from writ_salary_items wsi \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  wsi.salary_item_type_id  = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere " . $writsWhereClause);
        $ResITM = array();
        $diffVal = 0;
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($ResITM2); $j++) {
            $res6 = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select wsi.salary_item_type_id , sit.print_title , sum(wsi.value) CurrVal \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t from writ_salary_items wsi \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  wsi.salary_item_type_id  = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere wsi.must_pay = 1 and (" . $CurrwritsWhereClause . ") and wsi.salary_item_type_id =" . $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id']);
            $res7 = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select wsi.salary_item_type_id , sit.print_title , sum(wsi.value) PreVal \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t from writ_salary_items wsi \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  wsi.salary_item_type_id  = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere  wsi.must_pay = 1 and (" . $PrewritsWhereClause . ") and wsi.salary_item_type_id =" . $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id']);
            $diffVal = $res6[0]['CurrVal'] - $res7[0]['PreVal'];
            if ($diffVal != 0) {
                $diffVal = 0;
                $ResITM[] = array('salary_item_type_id' => $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id'], 'print_title' => $ResITM2[$j]['print_title'], 'month_length_effect' => $ResITM2[$j]['month_length_effect']);
            } else {
                //.................................... چنانچه قلمی در حکم فعلی حذف شده باشد.................
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
                    $res6 = PdoDataAccess::runquery(' select wsi.salary_item_type_id , sit.print_title , sum(wsi.value) CurrVal 
                                                        from writ_salary_items wsi 
                                                                    inner join salary_item_types sit 
                                                                                    on  wsi.salary_item_type_id  = sit.salary_item_type_id
                                                                    where wsi.must_pay = 1 and 
                                                                         (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_id'] . ' AND 
                                                                          wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['prev_writ_ver'] . ' AND
                                                                          wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ' ) and 
                                                                          wsi.salary_item_type_id =' . $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id']);
                    $res7 = PdoDataAccess::runquery(' select wsi.salary_item_type_id , sit.print_title , sum(wsi.value) PreVal 
                                                        from writ_salary_items wsi 
                                                                inner join salary_item_types sit 
                                                                        on  wsi.salary_item_type_id  = sit.salary_item_type_id
                                                        where  wsi.must_pay = 1 and 
                                                              (wsi.writ_id=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_id'] . ' AND 
                                                               wsi.writ_ver=' . $res[$i]['current_writ_ver'] . ' AND 
                                                               wsi.staff_id=' . $res[$i]['staff_id'] . ') and 
                                                               wsi.salary_item_type_id =' . $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id']);
                    if (count($res6) != count($res7) || $res6[0]['CurrVal'] != $res7[0]['PreVal']) {
                        if (!in_array($ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id'], $ResITM)) {
                            $ResITM[] = array('salary_item_type_id' => $ResITM2[$j]['salary_item_type_id'], 'print_title' => $ResITM2[$j]['print_title'], 'month_length_effect' => $ResITM2[$j]['month_length_effect']);
        $TotalsumDiff = $TotalMainVal = $TotalRowTax = $TotalRowIns = $TotalRowRet = $TotalPay = 0;
        for ($t = $_POST['from_pay_year']; $t < $_POST['to_pay_year'] + 1; $t++) {
            $retCoef = 1;
            $qry = " select max(arrear_ver) MV\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom  corrective_payment_writs \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t . "\r\n\t\t       ";
            $MaxVer = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
            if (count($MaxVer) == 0 || $MaxVer[0]['MV'] == 0) {
            $res = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select * \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom compare_arrear_writs \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year =" . $t . " and arrear_ver = " . $MaxVer[0]['MV']);
            $prior_execute_date = $current_execute_date = $prior_writ_type = $current_writ_type = '';
            $current_writ_items = $prior_writ_items = array();
            $sdate = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
                if ($res[$i]['current_writ_id'] == $res[$i]['prev_writ_id'] && $res[$i]['current_writ_ver'] == $res[$i]['prev_writ_ver']) {
                if (!empty($LD[$t]['lastDate'])) {
                    $toDate = $LD[$t]['lastDate'];
                } else {
                    if ($LastDate == '0000-00-00') {
                        $toDate = $t . "/12/30";
                    } else {
                        $toDate = DateModules::CompareDate(str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . "/12/30")), str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LastDate))) >= 0 ? $LastDate : $t . "/12/30";
                /* if ($sdate != "" && $sdate > '0000-00-00')
                       $Row .= "<td>" . $sdate . "</td>";
                       $Row .= "<td>" .DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]['current_execute_date']). "</td>";
                if ($res[$i]['current_execute_date'] == $res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']) {
                    //$Row .= "<td>" . DateModules::AddToJDate($toDate, 1) . "</td>";
                    $sdate = DateModules::AddToJDate($toDate, 1);
                /*else if ($sdate != "" && $sdate > '0000-00-00' && empty($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']))
                                $Row .= "<td>" . $t . "/12/29" . "</td>";
                            elseif($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date'] !='0000-00-00' && DateModules::CompareDate(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']),$LAST_PAY_DATE) == 1  )
                                  $Row .= "<td>" . $LAST_PAY_DATE . "</td>";
                                $Row .= "<td>" . ( empty($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']) ? $toDate : DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']) ) . "</td>";
                if (!empty($LD[$t]['lastDate'])) {
                    $toDate2 = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi(DateModules::AddToJDate($LD[$t]['lastDate'], 1));
                } else {
                    if ($LastDate == '0000-00-00') {
                        $toDate2 = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t + 1 . "/01/01");
                    } else {
                        $toDate2 = DateModules::CompareDate(str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . "/12/30")), str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LastDate))) >= 0 ? DateModules::AddToJDate($LastDate, 1) : DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t + 1 . "/01/01");
                $endDate = empty($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']) ? $toDate2 : $res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date'];
                if ($res[$i]['current_execute_date'] == $res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']) {
                    $endDate = $toDate2;
                if ($sdate != "" && $sdate > '0000-00-00' && empty($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date'])) {
                    $endDate = $t + 1 . "/1/01";
                    if ($resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] == 3) {
                        $DayNo = round(DateModules::GDateMinusGDate(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($endDate), DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($sdate)));
                        $DayNo2 = calculate_duration($sdate, $endDate);
                    } else {
                        $DayNo = calculate_duration($sdate, $endDate);
                } else {
                    if ($resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] == 3) {
                        $DayNo = round(DateModules::GDateMinusGDate(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($endDate), $res[$i]['current_execute_date']));
                        $DayNo2 = calculate_duration($res[$i]['current_execute_date'], $endDate);
                    } else {
                        $DayNo = calculate_duration($res[$i]['current_execute_date'], $endDate);
                if ($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date'] != '0000-00-00' && DateModules::CompareDate(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i + 1]['current_execute_date']), $LAST_PAY_DATE) == 1) {
                    $DayNo = calculate_duration($res[$i]['current_execute_date'], DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($LAST_PAY_DATE));
                // $Row .= "<td>" . $DayNo . "</td>";
                $sumDiff = $MainVal = 0;
                $RetInc = $TaxInc = $InsInc = 0;
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($ResITM); $j++) {
                    $val1 = get_writSalaryItem_value($res[$i]["current_writ_id"], $res[$i]["current_writ_ver"], $res[$i]["staff_id"], $ResITM[$j]["salary_item_type_id"]);
                    $val2 = get_writSalaryItem_value($res[$i]["prev_writ_id"], $res[$i]["prev_writ_ver"], $res[$i]["staff_id"], $ResITM[$j]["salary_item_type_id"]);
                    $RetRes = PdoDataAccess::runquery(" select retired_include , tax_include , insure_include \r\n                                                      from salary_item_types where salary_item_type_id = " . $ResITM[$j]["salary_item_type_id"]);
                    //  $Row .= "<td>" . CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($val1 - $val2) . (($val1 - $val2) < 0 ? "-&nbsp;" : "" ) . "</td>";
                    $sumDiff += $val1 - $val2;
                    if (empty($Itm[$j]['sumVal'])) {
                        $Itm[$j]['sumVal'] = 0;
                        $Itm[$j]['sumCol'] = 0;
                    $Itm[$j]['sumVal'] += $val1 - $val2;
                    if ($ResITM[$j]["month_length_effect"] == 0 && $resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] == 3) {
                        $Itm[$j]['sumCol'] += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo2 / 30);
                        $MainVal += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo2 / 30);
                    } elseif ($resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] == 5 && $_SESSION['UserID'] == 'jafarkhani') {
                        // echo $endDate . "---<br>" ;
                        // echo DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]['current_execute_date'])."***<br>" ; die();
                        $arr3 = preg_split('/\\//', DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res[$i]['current_execute_date']));
                        $arr4 = preg_split('/\\//', DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($endDate));
                        if ($arr4[1] * 1 == 1 && $arr4[0] == $arr3[0] + 1) {
                            $EP = 12;
                        } else {
                            $EP = $arr4[1] * 1;
                        $std = $res[$i]['current_execute_date'];
                        $stMonth = $arr3[1] * 1;
                        if ($stMonth < 7) {
                            $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $arr3[1] . "/31";
                        } elseif (6 < $stMonth && $stMonth < 12) {
                            $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $arr3[1] . "/30";
                        } elseif ($stMonth == 12) {
                            $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $arr3[1] . "/29";
                        for ($k = $arr3[1] * 1; $k < $EP + 1; $k++) {
                            if (DateModules::CompareDate(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($endt), DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($endDate)) < 1) {
                                $DYNo = round(DateModules::GDateMinusGDate(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($endt), $std)) + 1;
                                if ($stMonth < 7) {
                                    $mNO = 31;
                                } elseif ($stMonth > 6 && $stMonth < 12) {
                                    $mNO = 30;
                                } elseif ($stMonth == 12) {
                                    $mNO = 29;
                                $Itm[$j]['sumCol'] += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                                $MainVal += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                                $TaxInc += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                                $std = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($arr3[0] . "/" . ($k + 1) . "/01");
                                $stMonth = $k + 1;
                                //$arr3[1] + 1;
                                if ($stMonth < 7) {
                                    $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $stMonth . "/31";
                                } elseif (6 < $stMonth && $stMonth < 12) {
                                    $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $stMonth . "/30";
                                } elseif ($stMonth == 12) {
                                    $endt = $arr3[0] . "/" . $stMonth . "/29";
                            } else {
                                //echo "****";
                                // die();
                                $endt = $endDate;
                                $DYNo = round(DateModules::GDateMinusGDate(DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($endt), $std));
                                if ($stMonth < 7) {
                                    $mNO = 31;
                                } elseif ($stMonth > 6 && $stMonth < 12) {
                                    $mNO = 30;
                                } elseif ($stMonth == 12) {
                                    $mNO = 29;
                                $Itm[$j]['sumCol'] += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                                $MainVal += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                                $TaxInc += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DYNo / $mNO);
                    } else {
                        $Itm[$j]['sumCol'] += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo / 30);
                        $MainVal += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo / 30);
                    if ($RetRes[0]['retired_include'] == 1) {
                        $RetInc += $val1 - $val2;
                    if ($RetRes[0]['tax_include'] == 1 && $resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] != 5) {
                        if ($ResITM[$j]["month_length_effect"] == 0 && $resPerInfo[0]['person_type'] == 3) {
                            $TaxInc += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo2 / 30);
                        } else {
                            $TaxInc += round(($val1 - $val2) * $DayNo / 30);
                    if ($RetRes[0]['insure_include'] == 1) {
                        $InsInc += $val1 - $val2;
                //$MainVal = round(($sumDiff) * $DayNo / 30);
                $qry = " select count(*) cn  \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom Arrear_payment_items \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t . " and pay_month  = 12 and salary_item_type_id in (146,147,148,747)";
                $res4 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                if ($res4[0]['cn'] > 0) {
                    $qry = " select count(*) cnp\r\n            from payments \r\n               where staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t;
                    $resE = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                    if ($resE[0]['cnp'] == 0) {
                        $sdatetax = DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . "/12/29");
                        $qry = " SELECT tti.from_value\r\n                FROM staff_tax_history sth\r\n                        inner join tax_tables tt on sth.tax_table_type_id = tt.tax_table_type_id\r\n                        inner join tax_table_items tti on tti.tax_table_id = tt.tax_table_id\r\n\r\n                WHERE sth.staff_id = " . $SID . " and \r\n                    sth.start_date < '" . DateModules::Now() . "' and\r\n                    ( sth.end_date = '0000-00-00' or sth.end_date is null or \r\n                    sth.end_date > '" . DateModules::Now() . "' ) and\r\n                    tt.from_date < '" . $sdatetax . "' and\r\n                    ( tt.to_date = '0000-00-00' or tt.to_date is null or tt.to_date >= '" . $sdatetax . "'  ) and coeficient = 0.1 ";
                        $resFval = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                        $TaxInc -= $resFval[0]['from_value'];
                    $RowTax = $TaxInc * 0.1;
                    //round(($TaxInc * $DayNo / 30) * 0.1);
                } else {
                    $RowTax = 0;
                $qry = " select count(*) cn  \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom Arrear_payment_items \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t . " and pay_month  = 12 and salary_item_type_id in (149 , 150)";
                $res3 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                if ($res3[0]['cn'] > 0) {
                    $RowRet = round($RetInc * $DayNo / 30 * 0.09);
                } else {
                    $RowRet = 0;
                //.......................بیمه تامین اجتماعی...........
                $qry = " select count(*) cn  \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom Arrear_payment_items \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere staff_id = " . $SID . " and pay_year = " . $t . " and pay_month  = 12 and salary_item_type_id in (144,145,744,9920)";
                $res5 = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
                if ($res5[0]['cn'] > 0) {
                    $RowInsure = round($InsInc * $DayNo / 30 * 0.07000000000000001);
                } else {
                    $RowInsure = 0;
                if ($resPerInfo[0]['last_retired_pay'] != NULL && $resPerInfo[0]['last_retired_pay'] != '0000-00-00' && DateModules::CompareDate($resPerInfo[0]['last_retired_pay'], DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($t . "/01/01")) == -1) {
                    $RowRet = $retCoef = 0;
                $TotalsumDiff += $sumDiff;
                $TotalMainVal += $MainVal;
                $TotalRowTax += $RowTax;
                $TotalRowRet += $RowRet;
                $TotalRowIns += $RowInsure;
                $TotalPay += $MainVal - ($RowTax + $RowRet + $RowInsure);
                /* $Row .= "<td>" . ( ($sumDiff < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($sumDiff) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($sumDiff)) . "</td>
                		 <td>" . (($MainVal < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($MainVal) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($MainVal)) . "</td><td>" .
                                  (($RowTax < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowTax) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowTax)) . "</td><td>" .
                                  (($RowRet < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowRet) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowRet)) . "</td><td>" .
                                  (($RowInsure < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowInsure) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency($RowInsure)) . "</td><td>" .
                                  ((($MainVal - ($RowTax + $RowRet + $RowInsure )) < 0 ) ? CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency(($MainVal - ($RowTax + $RowRet + $RowInsure))) . "-" : CurrencyModulesclass::toCurrency(($MainVal - ($RowTax + $RowRet + $RowInsure)))) . "</td></tr>"; */
            //   $Row .= "</tr>";
Esempio n. 27

                    <td><font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt"> 
                        دوره آموزشی : &nbsp;</font> <?=$TrainScore2?> &nbsp;
                    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
                    <font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt"> 
                     میانگین نمره ارزشیابی :&nbsp;</font>                     
                    <?= round($MinEval) ?> &nbsp;
                    <td><font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt">  تاریخ اخذ آخرین رتبه(قانون خدمات کشوری): </font>
    <?= DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($res2[0]['execute_date']); ?> </td>
                    <td colspan="3"><font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt">رشته تحصیلی : </font> 
    <?= $ResPInfo[0]['StudyTitle'] . '-' . $ResPInfo[0]['BranchTitle'] ?> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                        <font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt">	مدرک تحصیلی : &nbsp; </font> 
    <?= $ResPInfo[0]['EducTitle'] ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                        <font style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt">معدل مدرک : &nbsp;</font> 
                        <?= $ResPInfo[0]['grade'] ?> 
                <tr height='30px' ><td colspan ="4" style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight: bold;font-size:8pt" > سنوات تجربی لازم برای ارتقاء رتبه بالاتر  </td></tr>
                    <td>مدرک تحصیلی : &nbsp; <?= $resMadrak[0]['title'] ?> </td>
                    <td >رتبه فعلی : &nbsp;	<?= $ResPInfo[0]['GradeTitle'] ?></td> 				
                    <td >مدت سنوات : &nbsp; <?= $totalYear ?> </td>
Esempio n. 28
 function Next_Corrective_Writ()
     $query = "  SELECT  w.writ_id,\n                            w.writ_ver,\n                            w.staff_id,\n                            w.execute_date,\n                            w.corrective ,\n                            s.person_type ,\n                            w2.writ_ver upper_ver\n\n                    FROM   staff s\n                           LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w\n                                ON (w.staff_id = s.staff_id )\n                           LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w2\n                                ON (w2.staff_id = s.staff_id AND w2.writ_id = w.writ_id AND w.writ_ver + 1 = w2.writ_ver )\n                    WHERE\n                           s.staff_id = {$this->staff_id} AND\n                            (w.execute_date > '{$this->execute_date}' OR (w.execute_date = '{$this->execute_date}' AND w.writ_id > {$this->writ_id}) ) AND\n                           ((w.history_only != " . HISTORY_ONLY . " OR w.history_only IS NULL)OR\n                            (w.writ_id={$this->corrective_writ_id} AND w.writ_ver={$this->corrective_writ_ver}))\n                            AND (w2.writ_ver IS NULL OR w.history_only != " . HISTORY_ONLY . " OR w.history_only IS NULL)\n                     ORDER BY s.staff_id , w.execute_date,w.writ_id , w.writ_ver ";
     $temp = parent::runquery($query);
     if (count($temp) > 0) {
         $state = 1;
         $next_writ_rec = $temp[0];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) {
             if ($state == 2) {
                 if ($temp[$i]['execute_date'] == $min_execute_date && $temp[$i]['corrective'] != 1) {
                     $next_writ_rec = $temp[$i];
                 } else {
             if ($state == 1) {
                 $min_execute_date = $temp[$i]['execute_date'];
                 $next_writ_rec = $temp[$i];
                 $state = 2;
     if (!$next_writ_rec) {
         return false;
     $obj = new manage_writ($next_writ_rec['writ_id'], $next_writ_rec['writ_ver'], $next_writ_rec['staff_id']);
     if ($obj->writ_id > 0) {
         if ($this->corrective_writ_id != $obj->writ_id || $this->corrective_writ_ver != $obj->writ_ver || $obj->corrective == 0) {
             $obj->history_only = 1;
             $qry3 = " select writ_id , writ_ver\n                                from writs\n                                       where writ_id = " . $obj->writ_id . " and writ_ver = " . $obj->writ_ver . " and\n                                             staff_id =" . $obj->staff_id . " and state=" . WRIT_PERSONAL;
             $tmp3 = parent::runquery($qry3);
             if (count($tmp3) > 0) {
             $qry1 = " SELECT issue_date\n    \t\t\t\t\t        FROM writs\n    \t\t\t\t\t            WHERE writ_id = " . $this->corrective_writ_id . " AND writ_ver= " . $this->corrective_writ_ver . " AND staff_id = " . $this->staff_id;
             $tmp1 = parent::runquery($qry1);
             $obj->issue_date = DateModules::shNow();
             if ($obj->execute_date > $obj->issue_date) {
                 $obj->pay_date = $obj->execute_date;
             } else {
                 $obj->pay_date = $obj->issue_date;
             $qry2 = " select last_writ_id , last_writ_ver\n                                from staff where staff_id =" . $obj->staff_id;
             $tmp2 = parent::runquery($qry2);
             $obj->history_only = 0;
             if (!$next_writ_rec['upper_ver']) {
             } else {
                 $qry4 = " SELECT MAX(writ_ver) writ_ver\n                                FROM writs\n                                        WHERE writ_id = " . $obj->writ_id;
                 $tmp4 = parent::runquery($qry4);
                 $obj->writ_ver = $tmp4[0]['writ_ver'] + 1;
             $obj->state = 1;
             $obj->corrective = 0;
             $obj->corrective_date = $this->corrective_date;
             $obj->corrective_writ_id = $this->corrective_writ_id;
             $obj->corrective_writ_ver = $this->corrective_writ_ver;
             $obj->correct_completed = WRIT_CORRECTING;
             $qry5 = " select personid,staff_id from staff where staff_id =" . $obj->staff_id;
             $tmp5 = parent::runquery($qry5);
             $education_level_rec = manage_person_education::GetEducationLevelByDate($tmp5[0]['personid'], $obj->execute_date);
             $obj->education_level = $education_level_rec['max_education_level'];
             $obj->sfid = $education_level_rec['sfid'];
             $obj->sbid = $education_level_rec['sbid'];
             $where = " PersonID=" . $tmp5[0]['personid'] . "  AND\n                      (dependency = 5 or dependency = 6) AND\n\t\t\t\t       birth_date <='" . $obj->execute_date . "'";
             $obj->children_count = manage_person_dependency::CountDependency($where);
             $obj->included_children_count = manage_person_dependency::bail_count($tmp5[0]['personid'], $obj->person_type, $obj->execute_date, $obj->execute_date);
             $person_obj = new manage_person($tmp5[0]['personid']);
             $obj->marital_status = $person_obj->marital_status;
             if ($obj->person_type == HR_PROFESSOR && $obj->staff_id != '111551') {
                 $obj->writ_signature_post_owner = 'محمد کافی';
                 $obj->writ_signature_post_title = ' رئیس دانشگاه';
                 //$this->writ_signature_post_title = ' رئیس دانشگاه ';
             } else {
                 if ($obj->person_type == HR_PROFESSOR && $obj->staff_id == '111551') {
                     //$this->writ_signature_post_owner = 'محمدجواد وریدی' ;
                     $obj->writ_signature_post_owner = 'ابوالفضل باباخانی';
                     $obj->writ_signature_post_title = 'معاون اداری ومالی دانشگاه';
                 } else {
                     $obj->writ_signature_post_owner = $obj->issue_date > '2014-02-01' ? 'ابوالقاسم ساقی' : WRIT_SIGNATURE_POST_OWNER;
             //$obj->writ_signature_post_owner = ($obj->issue_date > '2014-02-01') ? 'ابوالقاسم ساقی' : WRIT_SIGNATURE_POST_OWNER ;
             $pdo = parent::getPdoObject();
             if (!$obj->onBeforeInsert()) {
                 return false;
             $return = parent::insert("writs", $obj);
             if (!$return) {
                 parent::PushException("ايجاد با شکست مواجه شد");
                 return false;
             if (!$obj->onAfterInsert()) {
                 parent::PushException("ايجاد با شکست مواجه شد");
                 return false;
             if (!manage_writ_item::compute_writ_items($obj->writ_id, $obj->writ_ver, $obj->staff_id)) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             $description = "";
             $this->writ_id = $obj->writ_id;
             $this->writ_ver = $obj->writ_ver;
             $qry3 = " SELECT w.writ_id , w.writ_ver , w.execute_date , w.issue_date ,  ws.title\n                            FROM writs w\n                                INNER JOIN writ_subtypes ws ON ws.writ_type_id = w.writ_type_id\n                                    AND ws.writ_subtype_id = w.writ_subtype_id AND w.person_type = ws.person_type\n                                    AND w.staff_id = " . $obj->staff_id . "\n                                INNER JOIN\n                                (\n                                SELECT\n                                    writ_id , writ_ver - 1 writ_ver2\n                                FROM writs\n                                WHERE\n                                    corrective_writ_id = {$this->corrective_writ_id} AND corrective_writ_ver = {$this->corrective_writ_ver} AND  staff_id = " . $obj->staff_id . "\n                                )\n                                w2\n                                    ON w.writ_id = w2.writ_id AND w.writ_ver = w2.writ_ver2";
             $tmp3 = parent::runquery($qry3);
             $qry4 = " SELECT w.writ_id , w.writ_ver , w.execute_date , w.issue_date ,  ws.title\n                            FROM writs w\n                                INNER JOIN writ_subtypes ws\n                                        ON ws.writ_type_id = w.writ_type_id\n                                                AND ws.writ_subtype_id = w.writ_subtype_id AND w.person_type = ws.person_type\n                                                AND w.staff_id = {$obj->staff_id}\n                                WHERE\n                                    corrective_writ_id = {$this->corrective_writ_id} AND corrective_writ_ver = {$this->corrective_writ_ver} AND\n                                    w.writ_ver = 1 AND staff_id =" . $obj->staff_id;
             $tmp4 = parent::runquery($qry4);
             $i = 0;
             $j = 0;
             if (!empty($tmp4[0]['send_letter_no'])) {
                 $description .= 'بر اساس حکم شماره ' . $tmp4[0]['send_letter_no'] . ' مورخه ' . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($tmp4[0]['issue_date']) . ' احکام ذيل اصلاح مي گردد : ' . chr(13);
             } else {
                 $description .= 'ليست احکام اصلاح شده : ' . chr(13);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp3); $i++) {
                 $description .= $i + 1 . '- حکم ' . $tmp3[$i]['title'] . ' شماره ' . $tmp3[$i]['send_letter_no'] . ' مورخه ' . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($tmp3[$i]['issue_date']) . chr(13);
             parent::runquery(" UPDATE writs\n                                         SET correct_completed=" . WRIT_CORRECT_COMPLETED . "\n                                    WHERE(\n                                        (corrective_writ_id={$this->corrective_writ_id} AND corrective_writ_ver={$this->corrective_writ_ver})\n                                            OR(writ_id={$this->corrective_writ_id} AND writ_ver={$this->corrective_writ_ver} AND staff_id = {$this->staff_id} )\n                                    )");
             parent::runquery(" UPDATE writs\n                                        SET description = '" . $description . "'\n                                        WHERE  writ_id = {$this->writ_id} AND writ_ver={$this->writ_ver} AND description IS NULL AND staff_id =" . $this->staff_id);
         return $obj;
Esempio n. 29
function SplitYears($startDate, $endDate, $TotalAmount)
    if (substr($startDate, 0, 1) == 2) {
        $startDate = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($startDate);
    if (substr($endDate, 0, 1) == 2) {
        $endDate = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($endDate);
    $arr = preg_split('/[\\-\\/]/', $startDate);
    $StartYear = $arr[0] * 1;
    $totalDays = 0;
    $yearDays = array();
    $newStartDate = $startDate;
    while (DateModules::CompareDate($newStartDate, $endDate) < 0) {
        $arr = preg_split('/[\\-\\/]/', $newStartDate);
        $LastDayOfYear = DateModules::lastJDateOfYear($arr[0]);
        if (DateModules::CompareDate($LastDayOfYear, $endDate) > 0) {
            $LastDayOfYear = $endDate;
        $yearDays[$StartYear] = DateModules::JDateMinusJDate($LastDayOfYear, $newStartDate) + 1;
        $totalDays += $yearDays[$StartYear];
        $newStartDate = DateModules::AddToJDate($LastDayOfYear, 1);
    $TotalDays = DateModules::JDateMinusJDate($endDate, $startDate) + 1;
    $sum = 0;
    foreach ($yearDays as $year => $days) {
        $yearDays[$year] = round($days / $TotalDays * $TotalAmount);
        $sum += $yearDays[$year];
        //echo  $year . " " . $days . " " . $yearDays[$year] . "\n";
    if ($sum != $TotalAmount) {
        $yearDays[$year] += $TotalAmount - $sum;
    return $yearDays;
Esempio n. 30
 } else {
     if ($i == 0) {
         $output .= $headerStr;
 $output .= "<tr><td>" . ($i + 1) . "</td>";
 for ($j = 0; $j < count($columns); $j++) {
     if (in_array($columns[$j]["used_type"], array("group", "order", "separation", "formula_column", "condition", "filter"))) {
     $row_id = $columns[$j]["row_id"];
     $value = $row[$row_id];
     if (DateModules::IsDate($value)) {
         $value = DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($value);
     if ($columns[$j]["renderer"] != "") {
         $tmpVal = isset($row[$row_id . "2"]) ? $row[$row_id . "2"] : $row[$row_id];
         if ($tmpVal != "") {
             eval("\$value = " . $columns[$j]["renderer"] . "('" . $tmpVal . "');");
         } else {
             $value = "";
     $output .= "<td>" . $value . "&nbsp;</td>";
 $output .= "</tr>";
 if (!empty($_POST["pp"]) && $index == $_POST["pp"] - 1) {
     $output .= "</table><div style='page-break-after: always;'>&nbsp;</div>";
     $output .= $headerStr;