Esempio n. 1
 * Send email an email with attachements 
 * @param $files - array of files to send
 *      ex: array(
 *              "my_image.png" => array(
 *                  "path" => "/home/datawrapper/my_image.png",
 *                  "format" => "image/png"
 *              )
 *          )
function dw_send_mail_attachment($to, $from, $subject, $body, $files)
    $random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
    // $random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
    $random_hash = '-----=' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));
    // headers
    $headers = 'From: ' . $from . "\n";
    // $headers .= 'Return-Path: <'.$email_reply.'>'."\n";
    $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $random_hash . '"';
    // message
    $message = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.' . "\n\n";
    $message .= '--' . $random_hash . "\n";
    $message .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\n";
    $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . "\n\n";
    $message .= $body . "\n\n";
    // attached files
    foreach ($files as $fn => $file) {
        $path = $file["path"];
        $format = $file["format"];
        $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($path)));
        $message .= '--' . $random_hash . "\n";
        $message .= 'Content-Type: ' . $format . '; name="' . $fn . '"' . "\n";
        $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n";
        $message .= 'Content-Disposition:attachement; filename="' . $fn . '"' . "\n\n";
        $message .= $attachment . "\n";
    DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::SEND_EMAIL, $to, $subject, $message, $headers);
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new DatawrapperHooks();
     return self::$instance;
Esempio n. 3
    public function exportImage($job)
        // since this job is run outside of a session we need
        // to manually set the language to the one of the
        // user who created the job (otherwise the mail won't
        // be translated right)
        global $__l10n;
        $chart = $job->getChart();
        $params = $job->getParameter();
        $format = $params['format'];
        $imgFile = ROOT_PATH . 'charts/exports/' . $chart->getId() . '-' . $params['ratio'] . '.' . $format;
        // execute hook provided by phantomjs plugin
        // this calls phantomjs with the provided arguments
        $res = DatawrapperHooks::execute('phantomjs_exec', ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $this->getName() . '/export_chart.js', $chart->getPublicUrl(), $imgFile, $params['ratio']);
        if (empty($res[0])) {
            // now send email to the user who is waiting for the image!
            dw_send_mail_attachment($job->getUser()->getEmail(), 'noreply@' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'], __('The image of your chart is ready', $this->getName()), vksprintf(__('Hello,

Here is the requested static image of your chart "%title$s" on %domain$s.

All the best,
Datawrapper', $this->getName()), array('title' => $chart->getTitle(), 'domain' => $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'])), array(basename($imgFile) => array('path' => $imgFile, 'format' => "image/{$format}")));
        } else {
            // error message received, send log email
            dw_send_error_mail(sprintf('Image export of chart [%s] failed!', $chart->getId()), print_r($job->toArray()) . "\n\nError:\n" . $res[0]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     // register plugin controller
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ADMIN_PAGES, function () use($plugin) {
         return array('url' => '/users', 'title' => __('Users', $plugin->getName()), 'controller' => array($plugin, 'users'), 'order' => '2');
     $this->declareAssets(array('vendor/serious-toolkit/serious-widget.js', 'dw.admin.users.js', 'users.css'), "|/admin/users|");
     $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
     if ($user->isAdmin()) {
         $this->registerController(function ($app) use($plugin) {
             $app->get('/admin/users/:user_id', function ($uid) use($app, $plugin) {
                 $theUser = UserQuery::create()->findPk($uid);
                 $page = array('title' => 'Users » ' . $theUser->guessName());
                 // manually add the admin nav menu vars
                 global $__dw_admin_pages;
                 foreach ($__dw_admin_pages as $adm_pg) {
                     $page['adminmenu'][$adm_pg['url']] = $adm_pg['title'];
                 add_header_vars($page, 'admin');
                 $page['the_user'] = $theUser;
                 $page['userPlugins'] = DatawrapperPluginManager::getUserPlugins($theUser->getId(), false);
                 $app->render('plugins/admin-users/admin-user-detail.twig', $page);
Esempio n. 5
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     // register plugin controller
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ADMIN_PAGES, function () use($plugin) {
         return array('url' => '/themes', 'title' => __('Themes', $plugin->getName()), 'controller' => array($plugin, 'themesAdmin'), 'order' => '3');
Esempio n. 6
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     foreach ($this->getDemoDatasets() as $key => $dataset) {
         DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_DEMO_DATASETS, function () use($dataset) {
             return $dataset;
Esempio n. 7
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     // register plugin controller
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ADMIN_PAGES, function () use($plugin) {
         return array('url' => '/users', 'title' => __('Users', $plugin->getName()), 'controller' => array($plugin, 'users'), 'order' => '2');
     $this->declareAssets(array('vendor/serious-toolkit/serious-widget.js', 'dw.admin.users.js', 'users.css'), "|/admin/users|");
Esempio n. 8
 function header_nav_hook(&$headlinks, $part)
     $links = DatawrapperHooks::execute('header_nav_' . $part);
     if (!empty($links)) {
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $headlinks[] = $link;
Esempio n. 9
function dwInitTwigEnvironment(Twig_Environment $twig)
    $twig->setCache(ROOT_PATH . '/tmp/twig');
    $twig->addExtension(new Twig_I18n_Extension());
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('purify', function ($dirty) {
        return dwGetHTMLPurifier()->purify($dirty);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('json', function ($arr) {
        $mask = 0;
        if (!empty($opts)) {
            if (!empty($opts['pretty'])) {
                $mask = $mask | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT;
        return json_encode($arr, $mask);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('css', function ($arr) {
        $css = '';
        foreach ($arr as $prop => $val) {
            $css .= $prop . ':' . $val . ';';
        return $css;
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('hook', function () {
        call_user_func_array(array(DatawrapperHooks::getInstance(), 'execute'), func_get_args());
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('has_hook', function ($hook) {
        return DatawrapperHooks::getInstance()->hookRegistered($hook);
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('has_plugin', function ($plugin) {
        return DatawrapperPluginManager::loaded($plugin);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('lettering', function ($text) {
        $out = '';
        foreach (str_split($text) as $i => $char) {
            $out .= '<span class="char' . $i . '">' . $char . '</span>';
        return $out;
    }, array('is_safe' => array('html'))));
    $loc = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage();
    if ($loc == 'en') {
        $loc = 'en-US';
    \Moment\Moment::setLocale(str_replace('-', '_', $loc));
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('reltime', function ($time) {
        // return $time;
        return (new \Moment\Moment($time))->fromNow()->getRelative();
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['dw_config']['debug'])) {
        $twig->addFilter('var_dump', new Twig_Filter_Function('var_dump'));
    return $twig;
Esempio n. 10
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     global $app;
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::VIS_OPTION_CONTROLS, function ($o, $k) use($app, $plugin) {
         $env = array('option' => $o, 'key' => $k);
         $app->render('plugins/' . $plugin->getName() . '/controls.twig', $env);
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::VIS_OPTION_CONTROLS, function ($o, $k) use($app, $plugin) {
         $env = array('option' => $o, 'key' => $k);
         $app->render('plugins/' . $plugin->getName() . '/colorselector.twig', $env);
     $this->declareAssets(array('sync-controls.js', 'sync-colorselector.js', 'colorpicker.css'), "|/chart/[^/]+/visualize|");
Esempio n. 11
 public function init()
     $plugin = $this;
     // register plugin controller
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ADMIN_PAGES, function () use($plugin) {
         // add badges to menu title
         $title = __('Jobs', $plugin->getName());
         $q = JobQuery::create()->filterByStatus('queued')->count();
         if ($q > 0) {
             $title .= ' <span class="badge badge-info">' . $q . '</span>';
         $f = JobQuery::create()->filterByStatus('failed')->count();
         if ($f > 0) {
             $title .= ' <span class="badge badge-important">' . $f . '</span>';
         return array('url' => '/jobs', 'title' => $title, 'controller' => array($plugin, 'jobsAdmin'), 'order' => '10');
Esempio n. 12
 public function init()
     // register plugin controller under /gallery/
     $this->registerController($this, 'controller');
     // show link 'show in gallery'
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::PUBLISH_AFTER_CHART_ACTIONS, function () {
         global $app;
     // show link to gallery in mycharts page
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::MYCHARTS_AFTER_SIDEBAR, function ($chart, $user) {
         global $app;
     if (!DatawrapperSession::getUser()->isLoggedIn()) {
         $this->addHeaderNav('mycharts', array('url' => '/gallery/', 'id' => 'gallery', 'title' => __('Gallery'), 'icon' => 'signal'));
Esempio n. 13
function dwInitTwigEnvironment(Twig_Environment $twig)
    $twig->setCache(ROOT_PATH . '/tmp/twig');
    $twig->addExtension(new Twig_I18n_Extension());
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('purify', function ($dirty) {
        return dwGetHTMLPurifier()->purify($dirty);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('json', function ($arr) {
        $mask = 0;
        if (!empty($opts)) {
            if (!empty($opts['pretty'])) {
                $mask = $mask | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT;
        return json_encode($arr, $mask);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('css', function ($arr) {
        $css = '';
        foreach ($arr as $prop => $val) {
            $css .= $prop . ':' . $val . ';';
        return $css;
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('hook', function () {
        call_user_func_array(array(DatawrapperHooks::getInstance(), 'execute'), func_get_args());
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('has_hook', function ($hook) {
        return DatawrapperHooks::getInstance()->hookRegistered($hook);
    $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('has_plugin', function ($plugin) {
        return DatawrapperPluginManager::loaded($plugin);
    $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('lettering', function ($text) {
        $out = '';
        foreach (str_split($text) as $i => $char) {
            $out .= '<span class="char' . $i . '">' . $char . '</span>';
        return $out;
    }, array('is_safe' => array('html'))));
    return $twig;
Esempio n. 14
 public function exportStaticPng($job)
     $chart = $job->getChart();
     $params = $job->getParameter();
     $static_path = ROOT_PATH . 'charts/static/' . $chart->getId() . '/';
     // execute hook provided by phantomjs plugin
     // this calls phantomjs with the provided arguments
     $res = DatawrapperHooks::execute('phantomjs_exec', ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/' . $this->getName() . '/gen_static_fallback.js', 'http://' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'] . '/chart/' . $chart->getId() . '/', $static_path, $params['width'], $params['height']);
     if (empty($res[0])) {
         // upload to CDN if possible
         DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::PUBLISH_FILES, array(array($static_path . 'static.html', $chart->getId() . '/static.html', 'text/html'), array($static_path . 'static.png', $chart->getId() . '/static.png', 'image/png')));
     } else {
         // error message received, send log email
         dw_send_error_mail(sprintf('Generation of static fallback for chart [%s] failed', $chart->getId()), print_r($job->toArray()) . "\n\nError:\n" . $res[0]);
Esempio n. 15
 public function init()
     $meta = $this->getMeta();
     $datasets = $this->getDemoDataSets();
     $demo_hook = DatawrapperHooks::GET_DEMO_DATASETS;
     if (!empty($meta)) {
         DatawrapperVisualization::register($this, $meta);
     if (!empty($datasets)) {
         $first_element = reset($datasets);
         if (is_array($first_element)) {
             foreach ($datasets as $key => $dataset) {
                 DatawrapperHooks::register($demo_hook, function () use($dataset) {
                     return $dataset;
         } else {
             DatawrapperHooks::register($demo_hook, function () use($datasets) {
                 return $datasets;
Esempio n. 16
 public function isAbleToPublish()
     return DatawrapperHooks::hookRegistered(DatawrapperHooks::PUBLISH_FILES);
Esempio n. 17
        if ($plugin) {
            switch ($action) {
                case 'enable':
                case 'disable':
                case 'publish':
                case 'unpublish':
        } else {
            error('plugin-not-found', 'No plugin found with that ID');
})->conditions(array('action' => '(enable|disable|publish|unpublish)'));
$pluginApiHooks = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::PROVIDE_API);
if (!empty($pluginApiHooks)) {
    foreach ($pluginApiHooks as $hook) {
        if (!isset($hook['method'])) {
            $hook['method'] = 'GET';
        $app->map('/plugin/' . $hook['url'], $hook['action'])->via($hook['method']);
Esempio n. 18
 if ($currUser->isAdmin() && !empty($data->role)) {
     // Only sysadmin can set a sysadmin role
     if ($data->role == "sysadmin") {
         if (!$currUser->isSysAdmin()) {
             error(403, 'Permission denied');
 $user->setActivateToken(hash_hmac('sha256', $data->email . '/' . time(), DW_TOKEN_SALT));
 $result = $user->toArray();
 DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::USER_SIGNUP, $user);
 // send an email
 $name = $data->email;
 $domain = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'];
 $protocol = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http";
 if ($invitation) {
     // send account invitation link
     $invitationLink = $protocol . '://' . $domain . '/account/invite/' . $user->getActivateToken();
     include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/templates/invitation-email.php';
     dw_send_support_email($data->email, sprintf(__('You have been invited to Datawrapper on %s'), $domain), $invitation_mail, array('name' => $user->guessName(), 'invitation_link' => $invitationLink));
 } else {
     // send account activation link
     $activationLink = $protocol . '://' . $domain . '/account/activate/' . $user->getActivateToken();
     include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/templates/activation-email.php';
     dw_send_support_email($data->email, __('Datawrapper: Please activate your email address'), $activation_mail, array('name' => $user->guessName(), 'activation_link' => $activationLink));
     // we don't need to annoy the user with a login form now,
Esempio n. 19
 public function init()
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::AFTER_CHART_BODY, array($this, 'getTrackingCode'));
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::AFTER_CORE_BODY, array($this, 'getTrackingCode'));
Esempio n. 20

$app->get('/chart/:id/upload', function ($id) use($app) {
    check_chart_writable($id, function ($user, $chart) use($app) {
        $datasets = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_DEMO_DATASETS);
        $groups = array();
        foreach ($datasets as $ds) {
            if (!isset($groups[$ds['type']])) {
                $groups[$ds['type']] = array('type' => $ds['type'], 'datasets' => array());
            $groups[$ds['type']]['datasets'][] = $ds;
        $page = array('title' => $chart->getID() . ' :: ' . __('Upload Data'), 'chartData' => $chart->loadData(), 'chart' => $chart, 'datasets' => $groups);
        add_header_vars($page, 'chart');
        add_editor_nav($page, 1);
        $res = $app->response();
        $res['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0';
        $app->render('chart/upload.twig', $page);
Esempio n. 21

require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/utils/themes.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'vendor/jsmin/jsmin.php';
 * PUBLISH STEP - shows progress of publishing action and thumbnail generation
 * forwards to /chart/:id/finish
$app->get('/chart/:id/publish', function ($id) use($app) {
    check_chart_writable($id, function ($user, $chart) use($app) {
        $cfg = $GLOBALS['dw_config'];
        $page = array('title' => $chart->getID() . ' :: ' . __('Publish'), 'chartData' => $chart->loadData(), 'chart' => $chart, 'visualizations' => DatawrapperVisualization::all(), 'vis' => DatawrapperVisualization::get($chart->getType()), 'chartUrl' => $chart->getPublicUrl(), 'chartUrlLocal' => '/chart/' . $chart->getID() . '/preview', 'themes' => DatawrapperTheme::all(), 'exportStaticImage' => !empty($cfg['phantomjs']), 'chartActions' => DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_CHART_ACTIONS, $chart), 'estExportTime' => ceil(JobQuery::create()->estimatedTime('export_image') / 60));
        add_header_vars($page, 'chart', 'chart-editor/publish.css');
        add_editor_nav($page, 4);
        if ($user->isAbleToPublish() && ($chart->getLastEditStep() == 3 || $app->request()->get('republish') == 1)) {
            // actual publish process
            $page['chartUrl'] = $chart->getPublicUrl();
            // generate thumbnails
            $page['publish'] = true;
            $page['republish'] = $app->request()->get('republish') == 1;
        $app->render('chart/publish.twig', $page);
Esempio n. 22
        } else {
            return error('unknown-organization', 'Organization not found');
 * remove user from organization
$app->delete('/organizations/:id/users/:uid', function ($org_id, $user_id) use($app) {
    if_is_admin(function () use($app, $org_id, $user_id) {
        $org = OrganizationQuery::create()->findPk($org_id);
        $user = UserQuery::create()->findPk($user_id);
        if ($org && $user) {
            DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::USER_ORGANIZATION_REMOVE, $org, $user);
        } else {
            return error('unknown-organization-or-user', 'Organization or user not found');
 * toggle plugin permissions of organization
$app->put('/organizations/:id/plugins/:op/:plugin_id', function ($org_id, $op, $plugin_id) use($app) {
    if_is_admin(function () use($app, $org_id, $op, $plugin_id) {
        $org = OrganizationQuery::create()->findPk($org_id);
        $plugin = PluginQuery::create()->findPk($plugin_id);
        if (!$org) {
            return error('unknown-organization', 'Organization not found');
Esempio n. 23
    $user->setActivateToken(hash_hmac('sha256', $data->email . '/' . time(), DW_TOKEN_SALT));
    $result = $user->toArray();
    // send an email
    $name = $data->email;
    $domain = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'];
    if ($invitation) {
        $invitationLink = 'http://' . $domain . '/account/invite/' . $user->getActivateToken();
        $from = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['email']['invite'];
        include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/templates/invitation-email.php';
        DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::SEND_EMAIL, $data->email, sprintf(__('You have been invited to %s'), $domain), $invitation_mail, 'From: ' . $from);
    } else {
        $activationLink = 'http://' . $domain . '/account/activate/' . $user->getActivateToken();
        $from = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['email']['activate'];
        include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/templates/activation-email.php';
        DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::SEND_EMAIL, $data->email, __('Datawrapper Email Activation'), $activation_mail, 'From: ' . $from);
        // we don't need to annoy the user with a login form now,
        // so just log in..
 * update user profile
 * @needs admin or existing user
$app->put('/users/:id', function ($user_id) use($app) {
    $payload = json_decode($app->request()->getBody());
    $curUser = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
    if ($curUser->isLoggedIn()) {
        if ($user_id == 'current' || $curUser->getId() === $user_id) {
Esempio n. 24

require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/activate.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/set-password.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/reset-password.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/profile.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/delete.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/password.php';
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'controller/account/mycharts.php';
call_user_func(function () {
    global $app;
    $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
    $pages = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_ACCOUNT_PAGES, $user);
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        if (!isset($page['order'])) {
            $page['order'] = 999;
    usort($pages, function ($a, $b) {
        return $a['order'] - $b['order'];
    $app->get('/account/?', function () use($app, $pages) {
        $app->redirect('/account/' . $pages[0]['url'] . '/');
    // redirect to settings
    $app->get('/settings/?', function () use($app) {
    $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $context = array('title' => $page['title'], 'gravatar' => md5(strtolower(trim($user->getEmail()))), 'pages' => $pages, 'active' => $page['url'], 'user' => $user);
Esempio n. 25
function get_chart_content($chart, $user, $published = false, $debug = false)
    $theme_css = array();
    $theme_js = array();
    $next_theme_id = $chart->getTheme();
    $locale = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage();
    while (!empty($next_theme_id)) {
        $theme = DatawrapperTheme::get($next_theme_id);
        $theme_js[] = $theme['__static_path'] . $next_theme_id . '.js';
        if ($theme['hasStyles']) {
            $theme_css[] = $theme['__static_path'] . $next_theme_id . '.css';
        $next_theme_id = $theme['extends'];
    $abs = 'http://' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain'];
    $debug = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['debug'] == true || $debug;
    if ($published && !$debug) {
        $base_js = array('//', '//', '//');
        if (substr($locale, 0, 2) != 'en') {
            $base_js[] = '//' . str_replace('_', '-', $locale) . '.js';
    } else {
        // use local assets
        $base_js = array($abs . '/static/vendor/globalize/globalize.min.js', $abs . '/static/vendor/underscore/underscore-min.js', $abs . '/static/vendor/jquery/jquery-1.9.1' . ($debug ? '' : '.min') . '.js');
        if (substr($locale, 0, 2) != 'en') {
            $base_js[] = $abs . '/static/vendor/globalize/cultures/globalize.culture.' . str_replace('_', '-', $locale) . '.js';
    $vis_js = array();
    $vis_css = array();
    $next_vis_id = $chart->getType();
    $vis_libs = array();
    $vis_locale = array();
    // visualizations may define localized strings, e.g. "other"
    while (!empty($next_vis_id)) {
        $vis = DatawrapperVisualization::get($next_vis_id);
        $vjs = array();
        if (!empty($vis['libraries'])) {
            foreach ($vis['libraries'] as $url) {
                // at first we check if the library lives in ./lib of the vis module
                if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'www/' . $vis['__static_path'] . $url)) {
                    $vis_libs[] = $vis['__static_path'] . $url;
                } else {
                    if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'www/static/vendor/' . $url)) {
                        $vis_libs[] = '/static/vendor/' . $url;
        if (!empty($vis['locale']) && is_array($vis['locale'])) {
            foreach ($vis['locale'] as $term => $translations) {
                if (!isset($vis_locale[$term])) {
                    $vis_locale[$term] = $translations;
        $vjs[] = $vis['__static_path'] . $vis['id'] . '.js';
        $vis_js = array_merge($vis_js, array_reverse($vjs));
        if ($vis['hasCSS']) {
            $vis_css[] = $vis['__static_path'] . $vis['id'] . '.css';
        $next_vis_id = !empty($vis['extends']) ? $vis['extends'] : null;
    $styles = array_merge($vis_css, array_reverse($theme_css));
    $the_vis = DatawrapperVisualization::get($chart->getType());
    $the_vis['locale'] = $vis_locale;
    $the_theme = DatawrapperTheme::get($chart->getTheme());
    if ($published) {
        $scripts = array_merge($base_js, array('/lib/vis/' . $the_vis['id'] . '-' . $the_vis['version'] . '.min.js', '/lib/theme/' . $the_theme['id'] . '-' . $the_theme['version'] . '.min.js'));
        $styles = array($chart->getID() . '.min.css');
        $the_vis['__static_path'] = '';
        $the_theme['__static_path'] = '';
    } else {
        $scripts = array_unique(array_merge($base_js, array('/static/js/datawrapper' . ($debug ? '' : '.min') . '.js'), array_reverse($theme_js), array_reverse($vis_js), $vis_libs));
    $cfg = $GLOBALS['dw_config'];
    $published_urls = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PUBLISHED_URL, $chart);
    if (empty($published_urls)) {
        $chart_url = 'http://' . $cfg['chart_domain'] . '/' . $chart->getID() . '/';
    } else {
        $chart_url = $published_urls[0];
        // ignore urls except from the first one
    $page = array('chartData' => $chart->loadData(), 'chart' => $chart, 'chartLocale' => str_replace('_', '-', $locale), 'lang' => strtolower(substr($locale, 0, 2)), 'metricPrefix' => get_metric_prefix($locale), 'theme' => $the_theme, 'l10n__domain' => $the_theme['__static_path'], 'visualization' => $the_vis, 'stylesheets' => $styles, 'scripts' => $scripts, 'themeJS' => array_reverse($theme_js), 'visJS' => array_merge(array_reverse($vis_js), $vis_libs), 'origin' => !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '', 'DW_DOMAIN' => 'http://' . $cfg['domain'] . '/', 'DW_CHART_DATA' => 'http://' . $cfg['domain'] . '/chart/' . $chart->getID() . '/data', 'ASSET_PATH' => $published ? '' : $the_theme['__static_path'], 'trackingCode' => !empty($analyticsMod) ? $analyticsMod->getTrackingCode($chart) : '', 'chartUrl' => $chart_url, 'embedCode' => '<iframe src="' . $chart_url . '" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen width="' . $chart->getMetadata('publish.embed-width') . '" height="' . $chart->getMetadata('publish.embed-height') . '"></iframe>', 'chartUrlFs' => strpos($chart_url, '.html') > 0 ? str_replace('index.html', 'fs.html', $chart_url) : $chart_url . '?fs=1');
    return $page;
Esempio n. 26
 public function init()
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::PUBLISH_FILES, array($this, 'publish'));
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::UNPUBLISH_FILES, array($this, 'unpublish'));
     DatawrapperHooks::register(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PUBLISHED_URL, array($this, 'getUrl'));
Esempio n. 27
function get_theme_js($theme, $themeJS)
    $all = '';
    $org = DatawrapperSession::getUser()->getCurrentOrganization();
    if (!empty($org)) {
        $org = '/' . $org->getID();
    } else {
        $org = '';
    $keys = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PUBLISH_STORAGE_KEY);
    if (is_array($keys)) {
        $org .= '/' . join($keys, '/');
    foreach ($themeJS as $js) {
        if (substr($js, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($js, 0, 8) != "https://" && substr($js, 0, 2) != '//') {
            $all .= "\n\n\n" . file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH . 'www' . $js);
    $all = jsminify($all);
    $theme_js_md5 = md5($all . $org);
    $theme_path = 'theme/' . $theme['id'] . '-' . $theme_js_md5 . '.min.js';
    return array($theme_path, $all);
Esempio n. 28
function publish_push_to_cdn($cdn_files, $chart)
    DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::PUBLISH_FILES, $cdn_files);
Esempio n. 29
function add_header_vars(&$page, $active = null)
    // define the header links
    global $app;
    $config = $GLOBALS['dw_config'];
    if (!isset($active)) {
        $active = explode('/', $app->request()->getResourceUri());
        $active = $active[1];
    $user = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
    $headlinks = array();
    if ($user->isLoggedIn() || empty($config['prevent_guest_charts'])) {
        $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/chart/create', 'id' => 'chart', 'title' => __('Create Chart'), 'icon' => 'pencil');
    if ($user->isLoggedIn() && $user->hasCharts()) {
        $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/mycharts/', 'id' => 'mycharts', 'title' => __('My Charts'), 'icon' => 'signal');
    } else {
        $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/gallery/', 'id' => 'gallery', 'title' => __('Gallery'), 'icon' => 'signal');
    if (isset($config['navigation'])) {
        foreach ($config['navigation'] as $item) {
            $link = array('url' => str_replace('%lang%', substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2), $item['url']), 'id' => $item['id'], 'title' => __($item['title']));
            if (!empty($item['icon'])) {
                $link['icon'] = $item['icon'];
            $headlinks[] = $link;
    // language dropdown
    if (!empty($config['languages'])) {
        $langDropdown = array('url' => '', 'id' => 'lang', 'dropdown' => array(), 'title' => __('Language'), 'icon' => 'font');
        foreach ($config['languages'] as $lang) {
            $langDropdown['dropdown'][] = array('url' => '#lang-' . $lang['id'], 'title' => $lang['title']);
        if (count($langDropdown['dropdown']) > 1) {
            $headlinks[] = $langDropdown;
    if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
        $shortenedMail = $user->getEmail();
        $shortenedMail = strlen($shortenedMail) > 18 ? substr($shortenedMail, 0, 9) . '...' . substr($shortenedMail, strlen($shortenedMail) - 9) : $shortenedMail;
        $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#user', 'id' => 'user', 'title' => $shortenedMail, 'icon' => 'user', 'dropdown' => array(array('url' => '/account/settings', 'icon' => 'wrench', 'title' => __('Settings')), array('url' => '#logout', 'icon' => 'off', 'title' => __('Logout'))));
        if ($user->isAdmin()) {
            $headlinks[] = array('url' => '/admin', 'id' => 'admin', 'icon' => 'fire', 'title' => __('Admin'));
    } else {
        $headlinks[] = array('url' => '#login', 'id' => 'login', 'title' => __('Login / Sign Up'), 'icon' => 'user');
    foreach ($headlinks as $i => $link) {
        $headlinks[$i]['active'] = $headlinks[$i]['id'] == $active;
    $page['headlinks'] = $headlinks;
    $page['user'] = DatawrapperSession::getUser();
    $page['language'] = substr(DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(), 0, 2);
    $page['locale'] = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage();
    $page['DW_DOMAIN'] = $config['domain'];
    $page['DW_CHART_CACHE_DOMAIN'] = $config['chart_domain'];
    $page['ADMIN_EMAIL'] = $config['email']['admin'];
    $page['config'] = $config;
    $page['invert_navbar'] = substr($config['domain'], -4) == '.pro';
    $uri = $app->request()->getResourceUri();
    $plugin_assets = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PLUGIN_ASSETS, $uri);
    if (!empty($plugin_assets)) {
        $plugin_js_files = array();
        $plugin_css_files = array();
        foreach ($plugin_assets as $files) {
            if (!is_array($files)) {
                $files = array($files);
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if (substr($file, -3) == '.js') {
                    $plugin_js_files[] = $file;
                if (substr($file, -4) == '.css') {
                    $plugin_css_files[] = $file;
        $page['plugin_js'] = $plugin_js_files;
        $page['plugin_css'] = $plugin_css_files;
    if (isset($config['piwik'])) {
        $page['PIWIK_URL'] = $config['piwik']['url'];
        $page['PIWIK_IDSITE'] = $config['piwik']['idSite'];
        if (isset($config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts'])) {
            $page['PIWIK_IDSITE_NO_CHARTS'] = $config['piwik']['idSiteNoCharts'];
    if ($config['debug']) {
        if (file_exists('../.git')) {
            // parse git branch
            $head = file_get_contents('../.git/HEAD');
            $parts = explode("/", $head);
            $page['BRANCH'] = ' (' . trim($parts[count($parts) - 1]) . ')';
Esempio n. 30
        $page = array('email' => $user->getEmail(), 'auth_salt' => DW_AUTH_SALT);
        add_header_vars($page, 'about', 'account/invite.css');
        $app->render('account/invite.twig', $page);
 * store new password, clear invitation token and login
$app->post('/account/invite/:token', function ($token) use($app) {
    _checkInviteTokenAndExec($token, function ($user) use($app) {
        $data = json_decode($app->request()->getBody());
        // notify plugins about the newly activated user
        DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::USER_ACTIVATED, $user);
        print json_encode(array('result' => 'ok'));
function _checkInviteTokenAndExec($token, $func)
    if (!empty($token)) {
        $user = UserQuery::create()->findOneByActivateToken($token);
        if ($user && $user->getRole() != 'pending') {
        } else {
            // this is not a valid token!
            $page['alert'] = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => __('The invitation token is invalid.'));
            global $app;