Esempio n. 1
 function handle($params)
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $query = $app->getQuery();
     try {
         if (!@$_POST['-table']) {
             throw new Exception("No table was specified");
         $vals = array();
         foreach ($query as $k => $v) {
             if ($k and $k[0] != '-') {
                 $vals[$k] = $v;
         $record = new Dataface_Record($_POST['-table'], array());
         if (!$record->checkPermission('ajax_save')) {
             throw new Exception("Permission Denied", 502);
         $res = $record->save(null, true);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             error_log($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
             throw new Exception("Failed to save record due to a server error.  See log for details.");
         $this->out(array('code' => 200, 'message' => 'Successfully inserted record.', 'recordId' => $record->getId()));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->out(array('code' => $ex->getCode(), 'message' => $ex->getMessage()));
  * Defines how a geopicker widget should be built.
  * @param Dataface_Record $record The Dataface_Record that is being edited.
  * @param array &$field The field configuration data structure that the widget is being generated for.
  * @param HTML_QuickForm The form to which the field is to be added.
  * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field in the form.
  * @param boolean $new Whether this widget is being built for a new record form.
  * @return HTML_QuickForm_element The element that can be added to a form.
 function &buildWidget($record, &$field, $form, $formFieldName, $new = false)
     $factory = Dataface_FormTool::factory();
     $mt = Dataface_ModuleTool::getInstance();
     $mod = $mt->loadModule('modules_geopicker');
     $widget =& $field['widget'];
     $atts = array();
     if (!@$atts['class']) {
         $atts['class'] = '';
     $atts['class'] .= ' xf-geopicker';
     $atts['df:cloneable'] = 1;
     $perms = $record->getPermissions(array('field' => $field['name']));
     $noEdit = ($new and !@$perms['new']) or !$new and !@$perms['edit'];
     if ($noEdit) {
         $atts['data-geopicker-read-only'] = "1";
     // Add our javascript
     $el = $factory->addElement('text', $formFieldName, $widget['label'], $atts);
     if (PEAR::isError($el)) {
         throw new Exception($el->getMessage(), $el->getCode());
     return $el;
Esempio n. 3
    function handle(&$params)
        $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance();
        $tt = new Dataface_TranslationTool();
        if (!Dataface_Table::tableExists('dataface__translation_submissions', false)) {
            header('Location: ' . $app->url(''));
        if (!@$_POST['--submit']) {
            df_display(array('query' => $app->getQuery(), 'success' => @$_REQUEST['--success']), 'Dataface_submit_translation.html');
        } else {
            if (@$_POST['subject']) {
                // This is a dummy field - possible hacking attempt
                header('Location: ' . $app->url('-action=list'));
            if (@$_POST['--recordid']) {
                $record = df_get_record_by_id($_POST['--recordid']);
                $values = array('record_id' => @$_POST['--recordid'], 'language' => @$_POST['--language'], 'url' => @$_POST['--url'], 'original_text' => @$_POST['--original_text'], 'translated_text' => @$_POST['--translated_text'], 'translated_by' => @$_POST['--translated_by']);
                $trec = new Dataface_Record('dataface__translation_submissions', array());
                $email = <<<END
 The following translation was submitted to the web site {$app->url('')}:
 Translation for record {$record->getTitle()} which can be viewed at {$record->getURL('-action=view')}.
 This translation was submitted by {$_POST['--translated_by']} after viewing the content at {$_POST['--url']}.
 The original text that was being translated is as follows:
 The translation proposed by this person is as follows:
 For more details about this translation, please visit {$trec->getURL('-action=view')}.
                if (@$app->_conf['admin_email']) {
                    mail($app->_conf['admin_email'], 'New translation submitted', $email);
                if (@$_POST['--redirect'] || @$_POST['--url']) {
                    $url = @$_POST['--redirect'] ? $_POST['--redirect'] : $_POST['--url'];
                    header('Location: ' . $url . '&--msg=' . urlencode('Thank you for your submission.'));
                } else {
                    header('Location: ' . $app->url('') . '&--success=1&--msg=' . urlencode('Thank you for your submission.'));
            } else {
                trigger_error("No record id was provided", E_USER_ERROR);
Esempio n. 4
 function handle($params)
     if (!defined('DISABLE_reCAPTCHA')) {
         define('DISABLE_reCAPTCHA', 1);
     Dataface_QuickForm::$TRACK_SUBMIT = false;
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $query = $app->getQuery();
     $errors = null;
     try {
         if (!@$_POST['-table']) {
             throw new Exception("No table specified");
         $table = $_POST['-table'];
         $rec = new Dataface_Record($table, array());
         $tableObj = $rec->_table;
         $fields = array();
         if (!$rec->checkPermission('new')) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to insert record.  Permission denied");
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             if ($k[0] == '-') {
             $fields[] = $k;
             $rec->setValue($k, $v);
             if (!$rec->checkPermission('new', array('field' => $k))) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf("Failed to insert record because you do not have permission to insert data into the %s column", $k));
         $form = df_create_new_record_form($table, $fields);
         $form->_flagSubmitted = true;
         $res = $form->validate();
         if (!$res) {
             $errors = $form->_errors;
             throw new Exception('Validation error', REST_INSERT_VALIDATION_ERROR);
         $res = $rec->save(null, true);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to insert record due to a server error: " . $res->getMessage(), 500);
         $out = array();
         $vals = $rec->strvals();
         foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {
             if ($rec->checkPermission('view')) {
                 $out[$k] = $v;
         $this->out(array('code' => 200, 'message' => 'Record successfully inserted', 'record' => $out));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->out(array('code' => $ex->getCode(), 'message' => $ex->getMessage(), 'errors' => $errors));
Esempio n. 5
  * Builds an SQL query to copy the given record.  This honours permissions
  * and will only copy columns for which 'view' access is available in the
  * source record and 'edit' access is available in the destination record.
  * Individual column failures (due to permissions) are recorded in the 
  * $warnings variable of this class.  It will be an array of Dataface_Error
  * objects.
  * @param Dataface_Record $record The record being copied.
  * @param array $valls Values that should be placed in the copied version.
  * @param boolean $force If true this will perform the copy despite individual
  *			column warnings.
  * @returns string The SQL query to copy the record.
 function buildCopyQuery($record, $vals = array(), $force = true)
     $dummy = new Dataface_Record($record->_table->tablename, $vals);
     if (!$record->checkPermission('view') || !$dummy->checkPermission('edit')) {
         return Dataface_Error::permissionDenied("Failed to copy record '" . $record->getTitle() . "' because of insufficient permissions.");
     $copy_fields = array_keys($record->_table->fields());
     // Go through each field and see if we have copy permission.
     // Copy permission is two-fold: 1- make sure the source is viewable
     //								2- make sure the destination is editable.
     $failed = false;
     foreach ($copy_fields as $key => $fieldname) {
         if (!$record->checkPermission('view', array('field' => $fieldname)) || !$dummy->checkPermission('edit', array('field' => $fieldname))) {
             $this->warnings[] = Dataface_Error::permissionDenied("The field '{$fieldname}' could not be copied for record '" . $record->getTitle() . "' because of insufficient permissions.");
             $failed = true;
     // If we are not forcing completion, any failures will result in cancellation
     // of the copy.
     if (!$force and $failed) {
         return Dataface_Error::permissionDenied("Failed to copy the record '" . $record->getTitle() . "' due to insufficient permissions on one or more of the columns.");
     // We don't copy auto increment fields.
     $auto_inc_field = $record->_table->getAutoIncrementField();
     if ($auto_inc_field) {
         $key = array_search($auto_inc_field, $copy_fields);
         if ($key !== false) {
     // Now we can build the query.
     $sql = array();
     $sql[] = "insert into `" . $record->_table->tablename . "`";
     $sql[] = "(`" . implode('`,`', $copy_fields) . "`)";
     $copy_values = array();
     foreach ($copy_fields as $key => $val) {
         if (isset($vals[$val])) {
             $copy_values[$key] = "'" . addslashes($dummy->getSerializedValue($val)) . "' as `{$val}`";
         } else {
             $copy_values[$key] = "`" . $val . "`";
     $sql[] = "select " . implode(', ', $copy_values) . " from `" . $record->_table->tablename . "`";
     $qb = new Dataface_QueryBuilder($record->_table->tablename);
     $keys = array_keys($record->_table->keys());
     $q = array();
     foreach ($keys as $key_fieldname) {
         $q[$key_fieldname] = $record->strval($key_fieldname);
     $where = $qb->_where($q);
     $where = $qb->_secure($where);
     $sql[] = $where;
     return implode(' ', $sql);
Esempio n. 6
 function testCrawlSite()
     $s = new Dataface_Record('websites', array());
     $s->setValues(array('website_url' => '', 'source_language' => 'en', 'target_language' => 'fr', 'website_name' => 'Site 1 french', 'active' => 1, 'base_path' => '/fr/', 'host' => 'localhost'));
     $site = SweteSite::loadSiteById($s->val('website_id'));
     $crawler = new SiteCrawler();
     $crawler->site = $site;
     $crawler->startingPoint = '';
     $crawler->depth = 3;
Esempio n. 7
 public function saveResource($url, $content, $contentType)
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $res = new Dataface_Record('job_content', array());
     $res->setValues(array('job_id' => $this->job->getRecord()->val('job_id'), 'url' => $url, 'url_hash' => md5($url), 'content_type' => $contentType, 'content' => $content));
     $old = $app->_conf['multilingual_content'];
     $app->_conf['multilingual_content'] = 0;
     $result = $res->save();
     $app->_conf['multilingual_content'] = $old;
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
Esempio n. 8
 public function __construct($rows, $cols = null, $opts = array())
     // Make sure rows are all arrays
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         if (!is_array($row)) {
             $rows[$k] = (array) $rows[$k];
     if (!isset($cols)) {
         $cols = array();
         if (count($rows) > 0) {
             $row = $rows[0];
             foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                 if ($k === '__meta__') {
                 $cols[] = array('label' => $k, 'name' => $k);
     $flds = array('table', 'cssClass', 'canEdit', 'canAdd', 'canDelete', 'rowActions', 'newParams', 'params', 'addButtonLabel');
     foreach ($flds as $fld) {
         if (isset($opts[$fld])) {
             $this->{$fld} = $opts[$fld];
     $this->cssClass .= ' xf-portlet';
     $decorateRow = null;
     if (isset($opts['decorateRow']) and is_callable($opts['decorateRow'])) {
         $decorateRow = $opts['decorateRow'];
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         if (!isset($rows[$k]['__meta__'])) {
             $rows[$k]['__meta__'] = array();
         $dfRec = new \Dataface_Record($this->table, array());
         if (!@$rows[$k]['__meta__']['recordId']) {
             $rows[$k]['__meta__']['recordId'] = $dfRec - getId();
         $rows[$k]['__meta__']['record'] = $dfRec;
         if (isset($decorateRow)) {
     $this->cols = $cols;
     $this->rows = $rows;
     $this->opts = $opts;
Esempio n. 9
 function test_insert()
     $io = new Dataface_IO('Profiles', $this->db);
     $s = new Dataface_Record('Profiles', array());
     $s->setValues(array("fname" => "Thomas", "lname" => "Hutchinson", "title" => "Mr."));
     $res = $io->write($s);
     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
     $this->assertEquals(" beforeSave beforeInsert afterInsert afterSave", $buffer);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         echo $res->toString();
     $s2 = new Dataface_Record('Profiles', array());
     $io->read(array("fname" => "Thomas"), $s2);
     $this->assertEquals($s2->getValue("lname"), "Hutchinson");
Esempio n. 10
 function afterCopy(Dataface_Record $orig, Dataface_Record $copy)
     $rand = md5(rand(0, 1000000));
     $copytable = 'copy_' . $rand;
     $res = xf_db_query("create temporary table `{$copytable}` select * from formula_ingredients where formula_id='" . addslashes($orig->val('formula_id')) . "'", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
     $res = xf_db_query("update `{$copytable}` set formula_id='" . addslashes($copy->val('formula_id')) . "'", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
     $res = xf_db_query("insert into formula_ingredients select * from `{$copytable}`", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
     $res = xf_db_query("drop table `{$copytable}`", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
Esempio n. 11
 function testPage()
     $url = DATAFACE_SITE_URL . '/tests/testsites/site1/index.html';
     $site = new Dataface_Record('websites', array());
     $site->setValues(array('website_url' => df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_SITE_URL . '/tests/testsites/site1/'), 'source_language' => 'en', 'target_language' => 'fr', 'website_name' => 'Site 1 French', 'active' => 1, 'base_path' => DATAFACE_SITE_URL . '/proxies/site1/', 'host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
     df_q("delete from site_text_filters where website_id='" . addslashes($site->val('website_id')) . "'");
     $server = new ProxyServer();
     $server->site = SweteSite::loadSiteById($site->val('website_id'));
     $server->SERVER = array('REQUEST_METHOD' => 'get');
     $server->URL = df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_SITE_URL . '/proxies/site1/index.html');
     $server->buffer = true;
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $expected = $doc->saveHtml();
     //echo $server->contentBuffer;
     $doc2 = new DOMDocument();
     $actual = $doc2->saveHtml();
     //$this->assertEquals(trim($expected), trim($actual));
     // Cancelled this test because WTF!!!!  Even if I print the actual output, copy it to the file
     // and compare it to itself, it still fails!!!! WTF!!!!
Esempio n. 12
  * Handles the insertion of a new imported record.  This should parse the 
  * input file and place the strings appropriately into the translation_miss_log
  * table and the translation memory.
  * @param Dataface_Record $record
 public function afterInsert(Dataface_Record $record)
     $filePath = $record->getContainerSource('file');
     if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
         throw new Exception("Source file doesn't exist");
     switch ($record->val('file_format')) {
         case 'CSV':
         case 'XLS':
             $translationMemory = null;
             if ($record->val('target_translation_memory_uuid')) {
                 $translationMemory = XFTranslationMemory::loadTranslationMemoryByUuid($record->val('target_translation_memory_uuid'));
             if ($record->val('file_format') === 'XLS') {
                 $importer = new ExcelStringImporter($filePath, $translationMemory);
             } else {
                 $importer = new CSVStringImporter($filePath, $translationMemory);
             $message = 'Import succeeded';
             $status = 'COMPLETE';
             try {
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $message = 'Import failed: ' . $ex->getMessage();
                 $status = 'FAILED';
             $log = $message . "\r\n" . "Succeeded: " . $importer->succeeded . ", " . "Failed: " . $importer->failed . "\r\n" . "Error Log:\r\n===========\r\n";
             foreach ($importer->errors as $row) {
                 $log .= "Import Row: " . implode(",", $row['row']) . "\r\n" . "Error Message: " . $row['message'];
             df_q(sprintf("update string_imports \n                            set \n                                log='%s', \n                                status='%s', \n                                succeeded=%d, \n                                failed=%d\n                            where\n                                string_import_id=%d", addslashes($log), addslashes($status), $importer->succeeded, $importer->failed, $record->val('string_import_id')));
             throw new Exception(sprintf("Unrecognized file format: %s", $record->val('file_format')));
Esempio n. 13
 public function process()
     $this->translationStats = null;
     $this->translationMissLogRecord = null;
     $this->translatedPage = null;
     $proxyWriter = $this->site->getProxyWriter();
     $pageWrapper = $this->page;
     $page = $pageWrapper->getRecord();
     $tmid = null;
     if (!isset($this->translationMemory)) {
         $tmid = $pageWrapper->getTranslationMemoryId(true);
     } else {
         $tmid = $this->translationMemory->getRecord()->val('translation_memory_id');
     $translatedContent = null;
     $untranslatedContent = $page->val('webpage_content');
     if (!trim($untranslatedContent)) {
         // There is nothing to process on this page.
     if ($tmid or $this->translationMemory) {
         if ($this->translationMemory) {
             $tm = $this->translationMemory;
         } else {
             $tm = $this->getTranslationMemory($tmid);
         if ($tm) {
             if ($tm->getSourceLanguage() != $pageWrapper->getLanguage()) {
                 throw new Exception("Translation memory language does not match the record language.  Translation memory source language is " . $tm->getSourceLanguage() . " but the page language is " . $pageWrapper->getLanguage() . '.');
             $translatedContent = $proxyWriter->translateHtml($untranslatedContent, $translationStats, $this->logTranslationMisses);
             $this->translationStats = $translationStats;
             $page->setValues(array('last_translation_memory_applied' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'last_translation_memory_misses' => $translationStats['misses'], 'last_translation_memory_hits' => $translationStats['matches']));
             // Let's record the strings in this page.
             $res = df_q("delete from webpage_strings where webpage_id='" . addslashes($page->val('webpage_id')) . "'");
             if ($proxyWriter->lastStrings) {
                 $sqlpre = "insert into webpage_strings (webpage_id,string_id) values ";
                 $sql = array();
                 $wpid = $page->val('webpage_id');
                 foreach ($proxyWriter->lastStrings as $str) {
                     if (!trim($str)) {
                     if (preg_match('/^[^\\w]+$/', trim($str))) {
                         // This is to skip any strings that contain only
                         // non-word characters(e.g. numbers)
                     $encStr = TMTools::encode($str, $params);
                     $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($encStr, $tm->getSourceLanguage());
                     $sql[] = '(' . $wpid . ',' . $strRec->val('string_id') . ')';
                 $sql = $sqlpre . implode(',', $sql);
             $translatedPage = SweteWebpage::loadById($page->val('webpage_id'), $this->site->getDestinationLanguage());
             $translatedPage->getRecord()->setValue('webpage_content', $translatedContent);
             $res = $translatedPage->getRecord()->save();
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 throw new Exception(mysql_error(df_db()));
             $lastApproved = $translatedPage->getLastVersionWithStatus(SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
             if ($lastApproved and $lastApproved->val('webpage_content') == $translatedContent) {
                 $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
             } else {
                 if ($translationStats['matches'] > 0 and $translationStats['misses'] == 0) {
                     // We have perfect matches in what we are supposed to be translating
                     // We are either approving this page or we are marking it pending approval
                     if ($translatedPage->getAutoApprove(true)) {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
                         $lastApproved = $translatedPage->setStatus(SweteWebpage::STATUS_APPROVED);
                     } else {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_PENDING_APPROVAL);
                 } else {
                     if ($translationStats['misses'] > 0) {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', SweteWebpage::STATUS_CHANGED);
                     } else {
                         $page->setValue('webpage_status', null);
             if ($this->logTranslationMisses and @$translationStats['log']) {
                 foreach ($translationStats['log'] as $str) {
                     $tlogEntry = new Dataface_Record('translation_miss_log', array());
                     $nstr = TMTools::normalize($str);
                     $estr = TMTools::encode($str, $junk);
                     $hstr = md5($estr);
                     $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::findString($estr, $this->site->getSourceLanguage());
                     if (!$strRec) {
                         $strRec = XFTranslationMemory::addString($estr, $this->site->getSourceLanguage());
                     $tlogEntry->setValues(array('string' => $str, 'normalized_string' => $nstr, 'encoded_string' => $estr, 'string_hash' => $hstr, 'date_inserted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'webpage_id' => $page->val('webpage_id'), 'website_id' => $page->val('website_id'), 'source_language' => $this->site->getSourceLanguage(), 'destination_language' => $this->site->getDestinationLanguage(), 'translation_memory_id' => $tmid, 'string_id' => $strRec->val("string_id")));
                     if (isset($this->webpageRefreshLogId)) {
                         $tlogEntry->setValue('webpage_refresh_log_id', $this->webpageRefreshLogId);
                     if ($this->saveTranslationLogRecord) {
                         $res = $tlogEntry->save();
                         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                             //throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
                             // This will throw an error if there is a duplicate... we don't care... we're not interested in duplicates
                     $this->translationMissLogRecord = $tlogEntry;
             if ($this->savePage) {
                 $res = $page->save();
                 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                     throw new Exception($res->getMessage());
Esempio n. 14
 function field__properties($record)
     $p = df_get_record('webpage_properties', array('webpage_id' => '=' . $record->val('webpage_id')));
     if (!$p) {
         $p = new Dataface_Record('webpage_properties', array());
         $p->setValue('webpage_id', $record->val('webpage_id'));
         $p->pouch['webpage'] = $record;
     return $p;
Esempio n. 15
     * Sends the reset email to a particular user.
     * @param Dataface_Record $user The user record.
     * @return true on success
     * @throws Exception code:  self::$EX_NO_USERNAME_FOR_USER If username is blank
     * @throws Exception code: self::$EX_NO_EMAIL_COLUMN_FOUND No email column was found in the users table.
     * @throws Exception code: self::$EX_NO_USERS_FOUND_WITH_EMAIL If the user record doesn't have an email address.
    public function send_reset_email_for_user(Dataface_Record $user)
        $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
        $auth = Dataface_AuthenticationTool::getInstance();
        $emailCol = $auth->getEmailColumn();
        $usernameCol = $auth->usernameColumn;
        if (!$emailCol) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.no_email_column_found', "No Email Column found in the users table.  Please specify one using the email_column directive in the [_auth] section of the conf.ini file."), self::$EX_NO_EMAIL_COLUMN_FOUND);
        if (!$usernameCol) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.no_username_column_found', "No username column found in the users table. Please specify one using the username_column directive in the [_auth] section of the conf.ini file."), self::$EX_NO_USERNAME_COLUMN_FOUND);
        if (!$user) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.null_user', "Cannot send email for null user"), self::$EX_NO_USERS_FOUND_WITH_EMAIL);
        $username = $user->val($usernameCol);
        if (!$username) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.user_without_name', "Cannot reset password for user without a username"), self::$EX_NO_USERNAME_FOR_USER);
        $email = $user->val($emailCol);
        if (!$email) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.user_without_email', "User has not email address on file"), $EX_NO_EMAIL_FOR_USER);
        $ip = null;
        $val = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        if ($val !== false) {
            $ip = sprintf('%u', $val);
        } else {
            $ip = 0;
            //If IP is empty MySQL throws Incorrect Integer value on insert
        $expire_seconds = 600;
        if (@$app->_conf['reset_password_expiry']) {
            $expire_seconds = intval($app->_conf['reset_password_expiry']);
        // Insert the entry
        $table = self::$TABLE_RESET_PASSWORD;
        $sql = "insert into `{$table}`\n\t\t\t(`request_uuid`, `username`, `request_ip`, `date_created`, `expires`)\n\t\t\tvalues\n\t\t\t(UUID(),'" . addslashes($username) . "','" . addslashes($ip) . "', NOW(), " . (time() + $expire_seconds) . ")";
        $res = xf_db_query($sql, df_db());
        if (!$res) {
            throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
        $id = xf_db_insert_id(df_db());
        $res = xf_db_query("select * from `{$table}` where request_id='" . addslashes($id) . "'", df_db());
        if (!$res) {
            throw new Exception(xf_db_error(df_db()));
        $row = xf_db_fetch_assoc($res);
        if (!$row) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.failed_fetch_password_row', "Failed to fetch reset password request row from database after it has been inserted.  This should never happen ... must be a bug"));
        $uuid = $row['request_uuid'];
        if (!$uuid) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.blank_uuid_for_reset_request', "Blank uuid for the reset request.  This should never happen.  Must be a bug."));
        $url = df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_SITE_HREF . '?-action=forgot_password&--uuid=' . $uuid);
        $site_url = df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_SITE_URL);
        $msg = df_translate('actions.forgot_password.reset_password_request_email_body', <<<END
You have requested to reset the password for the user '{$username}'.
Please go to the URL below in order to proceed with resetting your password:

If you did not make this request, please disregard this email.
, array('username' => $username, 'url' => $url));
        $subject = df_translate('actions.forgot_password.password_reset', "Password Reset");
        $del = $app->getDelegate();
        $info = array();
        if (isset($del) and method_exists($del, 'getResetPasswordEmailInfo')) {
            $info = $del->getResetPasswordEmailInfo($user, $url);
        if (isset($info['subject'])) {
            $subject = $info['subject'];
        if (isset($info['message'])) {
            $msg = $info['message'];
        $parameters = null;
        if (isset($info['parameters'])) {
            $parameters = $info['parameters'];
        $site_title = $app->getSiteTitle();
        $support_email = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];
        if (isset($app->_conf['admin_email'])) {
            $support_email = $app->_conf['admin_email'];
        if (isset($app->_conf['support_email'])) {
            $support_email = $app->_conf['support_email'];
        $from_email = $support_email;
        if (strpos($support_email, '>') === false) {
            $from_email = $site_title . ' <' . $support_email . '>';
        $headers = 'From: ' . $from_email . "\r\nReply-to: " . $from_email . "\r\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=" . $app->_conf['oe'];
        if (isset($info['headers'])) {
            $headers = $info['headers'];
        //echo "Subject: $subject \nEmail: $email \n$msg \nHeaders: $headers";exit;
        if (@$app->_conf['_mail']['func']) {
            $func = $app->_conf['_mail']['func'];
        } else {
            $func = 'mail';
        $res = $func($email, $subject, $msg, $headers, $parameters);
        if (!$res) {
            throw new Exception(df_translate('actions.forgot_password.failed_send_activation', "Failed to send activation email.  Please try again later."), DATAFACE_E_ERROR);
        } else {
            //echo "Successfully sent mail to $email";exit;
            return true;
Esempio n. 16
  * Gets an HTML diff output between the records at $id1 and $id2 
  * respectively, where $id1 and $id2 are history ids from the history__id
  * column of the history table.
  * @param string $tablename The name of the base table.
  * @param integer $id1 The id number of the first record (from the history__id column)
  * @param integer $id2 The id of the second record (from the history__id column)
  * @param string $fieldname Optional name of a field to return.
  * @returns mixed Either the value of the specified field name if $fieldname is specified,
  *			or a Dataface_Record object whose field values are formatted diffs.
 function getDiffs($tablename, $id1, $id2 = null, $fieldname = null)
     $htablename = $tablename . '__history';
     if (!Dataface_Table::tableExists($htablename)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(df_translate('scripts.Dataface.HistoryTool.getDiffs.ERROR_HISTORY_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST', "History table for '{$tablename}' does not exist, so we cannot obtain changes for records of that table.", array('tablename' => $tablename)), DATAFACE_E_ERROR);
     $rec1 = df_get_record($htablename, array('history__id' => $id1));
     if (!isset($id2)) {
         // The 2nd id wasn't provided so we assume we want to know the diffs
         // against the current state of the record.
         $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
         $query = $rec1->strvals(array_keys($table->keys()));
         $io = new Dataface_IO($tablename);
         $io->lang = $rec1->val('history__language');
         $rec2 = new Dataface_Record($tablename, array());
         $io->read($query, $rec2);
     } else {
         $rec2 = df_get_record($htablename, array('history__id' => $id2));
     $vals1 = $rec1->strvals();
     $vals2 = $rec2->strvals();
     $vals_diff = array();
     $renderer = new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline();
     foreach ($vals2 as $key => $val) {
         $diff = new Text_Diff(explode("\n", @$vals1[$key]), explode("\n", $val));
         $vals_diff[$key] = $renderer->render($diff);
     $diff_rec = new Dataface_Record($htablename, $vals_diff);
     if (isset($fieldname)) {
         return $diff_rec->val($fieldname);
     return $diff_rec;
Esempio n. 17
 function addExistingRelatedRecord(&$relatedRecord)
     $record =& $relatedRecord->_record;
     $relationshipName =& $relatedRecord->_relationshipName;
     $values = $relatedRecord->getAbsoluteValues(true);
     if (!is_a($record, 'Dataface_Record')) {
         throw new Exception("In Dataface_QueryBuilder::addExistingRelatedRecord() expected first argument to be of type 'Dataface_Record' but received '" . get_class($record) . "'.\n<br>", E_USER_ERROR);
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         throw new Exception("In Dataface_QueryBuilder::addExistingRelatedRecord() expected third argument to be an array but received a scalar.", E_USER_ERROR);
     $relationship =& $record->_table->getRelationship($relationshipName);
     $foreignKeys = $relationship->getForeignKeyValues();
     $foreignKeys_withValues = $relatedRecord->getForeignKeyValues();
     if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
         $error = array_pop($this->errors);
         $error->addUserInfo("Error getting foreign key values for relationship '{$relationship_name}'");
         throw new Exception($error->toString());
     $sql = array();
     foreach ($foreignKeys as $table => $cols) {
         $skip = true;
         foreach ($cols as $field_name => $field_value) {
             if ($field_value != "__" . $table . "__auto_increment__") {
                 $skip = false;
         if ($skip) {
         $cols = $foreignKeys_withValues[$table];
         if (isset($recordObj)) {
         $recordObj = new Dataface_Record($table, $cols);
         $recordVals =& $recordObj->vals();
         if (isset($recordVals[$recordObj->_table->getAutoIncrementField()])) {
             // We don't want the auto-increment field to be inserted - though it may
             // have a placeholder value.
             $recordObj->setValue($recordObj->_table->getAutoIncrementField(), null);
         $qb = new Dataface_QueryBuilder($table);
         $sql[$table] = $qb->insert($recordObj);
         $skip = true;
         	// indicator to say whether or not to skip this table
         	// we skip the table if it contains an unresolved autoincrement value
         foreach ($cols as $field_name=>$field_value){
         	if ( $field_value != "__".$table."__auto_increment__" ) {
         		$skip = false;
         if ( $skip == true ) continue;
         $cols = $foreignKeys_withValues[$table];
         $query = "INSERT INTO `$table`";
         $colnames = "";
         $colvals = "";
         foreach ( $cols as $colname=>$colval){
         	$colnames .= $colname.',';
         	$colvals .= "'".addslashes($colval)."',";
         $colnames = substr($colnames, 0, strlen($colnames)-1);
         $colvals = substr($colvals, 0, strlen($colvals)-1);
         $query .= " ($colnames) VALUES ($colvals)";
         $sql[$table] = $query;
     return $sql;
Esempio n. 18
 function normalized_translation_value__csvValue(Dataface_Record $record)
     return $record->val('normalized_translation_value');
Esempio n. 19
 function handle(&$params)
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
         // We need this parameter or we can do nothing.
         return PEAR::raiseError(df_translate('actions.activate.MESSAGE_MISSING_CODE_PARAMETER', 'The code parameter is missing from your request.  Validation cannot take place.  Please check your url and try again.'), DATAFACE_E_ERROR);
     // Step 0:  Find out what the redirect URL will be
     // We accept --redirect markers to specify which page to redirect
     // to after we're done.  This will usually be the page that the
     // user was on before they went to the login page.
     if (isset($_SESSION['--redirect'])) {
         $url = $_SESSION['--redirect'];
     } else {
         if (isset($_SESSION['-redirect'])) {
             $url = $_SESSION['-redirect'];
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['--redirect'])) {
                 $url = $_REQUEST['--redirect'];
             } else {
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['-redirect'])) {
                     $url = $_REQUEST['-redirect'];
                 } else {
                     $url = $app->url('-action=' . $app->_conf['default_action']);
     if (strpos($url, '?') === false) {
         $url .= '?';
     // Step 1: Delete all registrations older than time limit
     $time_limit = 24 * 60 * 60;
     // 1 day
     if (isset($params['time_limit'])) {
         $time_limit = intval($params['time_limit']);
     $res = xf_db_query("delete from dataface__registrations \n\t\t\t\twhere registration_date < '" . addslashes(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $time_limit)) . "'", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to delete registrations due to an SQL error.  See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Step 2: Load the specified registration information
     $res = xf_db_query("select registration_data from dataface__registrations\n\t\t\t\twhere registration_code = '" . addslashes($_GET['code']) . "'", df_db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to load registration information due to an SQL error.  See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR);
     if (xf_db_num_rows($res) == 0) {
         // We didn't find any records matching the prescribed code, so
         // we redirect the user to their desired page and inform them
         // that the registration didn't work.
         $msg = df_translate('actions.activate.MESSAGE_REGISTRATION_NOT_FOUND', 'No registration information could be found to match this code.  Please try registering again.');
         $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($msg));
     // Step 3: Check to make sure that there are no other users with the
     // same name.
     list($raw_data) = xf_db_fetch_row($res);
     $values = unserialize($raw_data);
     $appdel = $app->getDelegate();
     if (isset($appdel) and method_exists($appdel, 'validateRegistrationForm')) {
         $res = $appdel->validateRegistrationForm($values);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             $msg = $res->getMessage();
             $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($msg));
     } else {
         $res = xf_db_query("select count(*) from \n\t\t\t\t`" . str_replace('`', '', $app->_conf['_auth']['users_table']) . "` \n\t\t\t\twhere `" . str_replace('`', '', $app->_conf['_auth']['username_column']) . "` = '" . addslashes($values[$app->_conf['_auth']['username_column']]) . "'\n\t\t\t\t", df_db());
         if (!$res) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to find user records due to an SQL error.  See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR);
         list($num) = xf_db_fetch_row($res);
         if ($num > 0) {
             $msg = df_translate('actions.activate.MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_USER', 'Registration failed because a user already exists by that name.  Try registering again with a different name.');
             $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($msg));
     // Step 4: Save the registration data and log the user in.
     $record = new Dataface_Record($app->_conf['_auth']['users_table'], array());
     $res = $record->save();
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($res->getMessage()));
     } else {
         $res = xf_db_query("delete from dataface__registrations\n\t\t\t\t\twhere registration_code = '" . addslashes($_GET['code']) . "'", df_db());
         if (!$res) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to clean up old registrations due to an SQL error.  See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR);
         $msg = df_translate('actions.activate.MESSAGE_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE', 'Registration complete.  You are now logged in.');
         $_SESSION['UserName'] = $record->strval($app->_conf['_auth']['username_column']);
         Dataface_Utilities::fireEvent('after_action_activate', array('record' => $record));
         $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($msg));
Esempio n. 20
 function writeConfigToDB()
     if (!is_a($this, 'Dataface_ConfigTool')) {
         throw new Exception('ConfigWriter methods are only to be used via the Dataface_ConfigTool class.', E_USER_ERROR);
     $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     // first let's make copies of the current configuration.
     $timestamp = time();
     foreach ($this->configTypes as $type) {
         $res = xf_db_query("CREATE TABLE `__" . addslashes($type) . "__" . $timestamp . "` SELECT * FROM `__" . addslashes($type) . "__`", $app->db());
         if (!$res) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to make backup of table '__" . $type . "__'." . xf_db_error($app->db()), E_USER_ERROR);
     $res = xf_db_query("CREATE TABLE `__properties__" . $timestamp . "` SELECT * FROM `__properties__`", $app->db());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to make backup of table '__properties__'.", $app->db());
     // Now that we have made our backups, we can continue to write the configuration to the database.
     foreach ($this->configTypes as $type) {
         $res = xf_db_query("DELETE FROM `__" . addslashes($type) . "__`", $app->db());
         if (!$res) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to delete all records from table '__" . $type . "__'", $app->db());
         foreach ($this->config[$type] as $tablename => $tableConfig) {
             foreach ($tableConfig as $sectionname => $section) {
                 $tableObj =& Dataface_Table::loadTable('__' . $type . '__');
                 $record = new Dataface_Record('__' . $type . '__', array());
                 $record->useMetaData = false;
                 // some of the field names begin with '__' which would conflict with dataface's handling of MetaData fields.
                 foreach (array_keys($tableObj->fields()) as $fieldname) {
                     $record->setValue($fieldname, @$section[$fieldname]);
                 $record->setValue('name', $sectionname);
                 $record->setValue('table', $tablename);
                 //echo nl2br("Section name: $sectionname\nTable: $tablename\n");
                 echo nl2br("\nWriting section: {$sectionname} : ");
                 // now that we have created the record, we write the record
                 $io = new Dataface_IO('__' . $type . '__');
                 $res = $io->write($record);
                 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                     throw new Exception($res->toString(), E_USER_ERROR);
                 } else {
                     if (!$res) {
                         throw new Exception("Failure to write to database for unknown reason.", E_USER_ERROR);
                 // now for the rest of the properties.
                 foreach ($section as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
                     $res = xf_db_query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `__properties__` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (`parent_id`,`parent_type`,`property_name`,`property_value`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ('" . $record->val($type . '_id') . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . addslashes($type) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . addslashes($propertyName) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . addslashes($propertyValue) . "')", $app->db());
                     if (!$res) {
                         throw new Exception("Failed to add property '{$propertyName}' to table '__properties__' with value '{$propertyValue}'" . xf_db_error($app->db()), E_USER_ERROR);
Esempio n. 21
  * Returns a join record for the give table.  A join record is one that contains
  * auxiliary data for the current record.  It is specified by the [__join__]
  * section of the fields.ini file or the __join__() method of the delegate
  * class.  It is much like a one-to-one relationship.  The key difference
  * between a join record and a related record is that a join record 
  * is assumed to be one-to-one, and an extra tab is added to the edit form 
  * to edit a join record.
  * @param string $tablename The name of the table from which the join record
  * 				should be drawn.
  * @param boolean $nullIfNotFound If set, then this will return null if no join 
  *		record yet exists in the database.  Added in Xataface 2.0
  * @returns Dataface_Record Join record from the specified join table or 
  * 			a new record with the correct primary key values if none exists.
  * @returns PEAR_Error If the specified table in incompatible.
 function getJoinRecord($tablename, $nullIfNotFound = false)
     $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
     $query = $this->getJoinKeys($tablename);
     foreach ($query as $key => $val) {
         $query[$key] = '=' . $val;
     $record = df_get_record($tablename, $query);
     if (!$record) {
         if ($nullIfNotFound) {
             return null;
         // No record was found, so we create a new one.
         $record = new Dataface_Record($tablename, array());
         foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
             $record->setValue($key, substr($value, 1));
     return $record;
Esempio n. 22
  * The early versions of the Dataface QueryTranslation extension stored even the default language
  * translations in a translation table.  This is not necessary, and even undesired when you consider
  * that the default language should be a fall-back point for records that do not contain the proper
  * translation.  This method copies the translation data from the translation table of a particular
  * language into the main table.  Use this with caution as it will overwrite data from the underlying
  * table.
  * @param string $newDefault The 2-digit language code for the new default language.
 function migrateDefaultLanguage($newDefault, $tables = null)
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $no_fallback = @$app->_conf['default_language_no_fallback'];
     // Whether or not the application is currently set to disable fallback
     // to default language.
     $tables = $this->getMigratableTables();
     $log = array();
     foreach ($tables as $tablename) {
         $table = Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
         $t_tablename = $tablename . '_' . $app->_conf['default_language'];
         if (!$table || PEAR::isError($table)) {
         $res = xf_db_query("create table `{$tablename}_bu_" . time() . "` select * from `{$tablename}`", $app->db());
         $sql = "select `" . join('`,`', array_keys($table->keys())) . "` from `" . $tablename . "`";
         $res2 = xf_db_query($sql, $app->db());
         $io = new Dataface_IO($tablename);
         $io->lang = $newDefault;
         while ($rec = xf_db_fetch_assoc($res2)) {
             //foreach (array_keys($rec) as $colkey){
             //	$rec[$colkey] = '='.$rec[$colkey];
             $app->_conf['default_language_no_fallback'] = 1;
             $record = df_get_record($tablename, $rec, $io);
             $app->_conf['default_language_no_fallback'] = 0;
             $record2 = new Dataface_Record($tablename, array());
             $r = $io->write($record2);
             if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
                 $log[$tablename] = "Failed to migrate data from table '{$t_tablename}' to '{$tablename}': " . $r->getMessage() . "'";
             } else {
                 $log[$tablename] = "Successfully migrated data from table '{$t_tablename}' to '{$tablename}'.";
         $res = xf_db_query("create table `{$t_tablename}_bu_" . time() . "` select * from `{$t_tablename}`", $app->db());
         $res = xf_db_query("truncate `{$t_tablename}`", $app->db());
     return $log;
     $app->_conf['default_language_no_fallback'] = $no_fallback;
Esempio n. 23
 function save($values)
     // First let's find out if we should SAVE the data or if we should just be
     // storing it in the session or if we are saving the data to the database
     if (!$this->_new) {
         // Make sure that the correct form is being submitted.
         if (!isset($values['__keys__'])) {
             throw new Exception(df_translate('', "Error saving record in QuickForm::save().\n<br>"), E_USER_ERROR);
         if (array_keys($values['__keys__']) != array_keys($this->_table->keys())) {
             throw new Exception(df_translate('', "Error saving record in QuickForm::save().\n<br>"), E_USER_ERROR);
     if ($this->_new) {
     $res = $this->push();
     if (!$this->_new) {
         if ($this->_record->snapshotExists()) {
             $tempRecord = new Dataface_Record($this->_record->_table->tablename, $this->_record->getSnapshot());
         } else {
             $tempRecord =& $this->_record;
         if ($values['__keys__'] != $tempRecord->strvals(array_keys($this->_record->_table->keys()))) {
             throw new Exception(df_translate('', "Error saving record in QuickForm::save().\n<br>"), E_USER_ERROR);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         $res->addUserInfo(df_translate('', "Error pushing data from form onto table in QuickForm::save() ", array('line' => 0, 'file' => "_")));
         return $res;
     // Let's take an inventory of which fields were changed.. because
     // we are going to make their values available in the htmlValues()
     // method which is used by the ajax form to gather updates.
     foreach ($this->_fields as $changedfield) {
         if ($this->_record->valueChanged($changedfield['name'])) {
             $this->_changed_fields[] = $changedfield['name'];
     $io = new Dataface_IO($this->tablename, $this->db);
     $io->lang = $this->_lang;
     if ($this->_new) {
         $keys = null;
     } else {
         $keys = $values['__keys__'];
     $res = $io->write($this->_record, $keys, null, true, $this->_new);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         if (Dataface_Error::isDuplicateEntry($res)) {
              * If this is a duplicate entry (or just a notice - not fatal), we will propogate the exception up to let the application
              * decide what to do with it.
             return $res;
         if (Dataface_Error::isNotice($res)) {
             return $res;
         $res->addUserInfo(df_translate('', "Error saving form in QuickForm::save()", array('line' => 0, 'file' => "_")));
         throw new Exception($res->toString(), E_USER_ERROR);
     if (isset($io->insertIds[$this->tablename]) and $this->_table->getAutoIncrementField()) {
         $this->_record->setValue($this->_table->getAutoIncrementField(), $io->insertIds[$this->tablename]);
     return true;
Esempio n. 24
File: IO.php Progetto: promoso/HVAC
  * Returns a record or record value given it's unique URI.
  * @param string $uri The URI of the data we wish to retrieve.
  * The URI must be of one of the following forms:
  * tablename?key1=val1&keyn=valn#fieldname
  * tablename?key1=val1&keyn=valn
  * tablename/relationshipname?key1=val1&keyn=valn&relationshipname::relatedkey=relatedval#fieldname
  * tablename/relationshipname?key1=val1&keyn=valn&relationshipname::relatedkey=relatedval
  * Where url encoding is used as in normal HTTP urls.  If a field is specified (after the '#')
  * @param string $filter The name of a filter to pass the data through.  This
  * 		is only applicable when a field name is specified.  Possible filters 
  *		include: 
  *			strval - Returns the string value of the field. (aka stringValue, getValueAsString)
  *			display - Returns the display value of the field. (This substitutes valuelist values)
  *			htmlValue - Returns the html value of the field.
  *			preview - Returns the preview value of the field (usually this limits
  *					  the length of the output and strips any HTML.
  * @returns mixed Either a Dataface_Record object, a Dataface_RelatedRecord object
  *				of a value as stored in the object.  The output depends on 
  *				the input.  If it receives invalid input, it will return a PEAR_Error
  *				object.
  * Example usage:
  * <code>
  * // Get record from Users table with UserID=10
  * $user =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10');
  * 		// Dataface_Record object
  * // get birthdate of user with UserID=10
  * $birthdate =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10#birthdate');
  *		// array('year'=>'1978','month'=>'12','day'=>'27', ...)
  * // get related record from jobs relationship of user with UserID=10
  * // where the jobtitle is "cook"
  * $job =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10&jobs::jobtitle=cook");
  * 		// Dataface_RelatedRecord object
  * // Get the employers name of the cook job
  * $employername = Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10&jobs::jobtitle=cook#employername');
  *		// String
  * // Add filter, so we get the HTML value of the bio field rather than just 
  * // the raw value.
  * $bio = Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10#bio', 'htmlValue');
  * </code>
 static function &getByID($uri, $filter = null)
     if (strpos($uri, '?') === false) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid record id: " . $uri);
     $uri_parts = df_parse_uri($uri);
     if (PEAR::isError($uri_parts)) {
         return $uri_parts;
     if (!isset($uri_parts['relationship'])) {
         // This is just requesting a normal record.
         // Check to see if this is to be a new record or an existing record
         if (@$uri_parts['action'] and $uri_parts['action'] == 'new') {
             $record = new Dataface_Record($uri_parts['table'], array());
             return $record;
         foreach ($uri_parts['query'] as $ukey => $uval) {
             if ($uval and $uval[0] != '=') {
                 $uval = '=' . $uval;
             $uri_parts['query'][$ukey] = $uval;
         // At this point we are sure that this is requesting an existing record
         $record =& df_get_record($uri_parts['table'], $uri_parts['query']);
         if (isset($uri_parts['field'])) {
             if (isset($filter) and method_exists($record, $filter)) {
                 $val =& $record->{$filter}($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
             } else {
                 $val =& $record->val($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
         } else {
             return $record;
     } else {
         // This is requesting a related record.
         $record =& df_get_record($uri_parts['table'], $uri_parts['query']);
         if (!$record) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any records matching the query");
         // Check to see if we are creating a new record
         if (@$uri_parts['action'] and $uri_parts['action'] == 'new') {
             $related_record = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($record, $uri_parts['relationship']);
             return $related_record;
         // At this point we can be sure that we are requesting an existing record.
         $related_records =& $record->getRelatedRecordObjects($uri_parts['relationship'], 0, 1, $uri_parts['related_where']);
         if (count($related_records) == 0) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any related records matching the query: " . $uri_parts['related_where']);
         if (isset($uri_parts['field'])) {
             if (isset($filter) and method_exists($related_records[0], $filter)) {
                 $val =& $related_records[0]->{$filter}($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
             } else {
                 $val =& $related_records[0]->val($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
         } else {
             return $related_records[0];
Esempio n. 25
 function test_num_related_records()
     $record = new Dataface_Record('Profiles', array('id' => 10));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $record->numRelatedRecords('addresses'));
Esempio n. 26
  * Builds the form.
 function _build()
     $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $mainQuery =& $app->getQuery();
     if ($this->_built) {
         return true;
     $r =& $this->_relationship->_schema;
     $t =& $this->_parentTable;
     $fkCols =& $this->_relatedRecord->getForeignKeyValues();
     if (PEAR::isError($fkCols)) {
         $fkCols->addUserInfo(df_translate('scripts.Dataface.ExistingRelatedRecordForm._build.ERROR_GETTING_FOREIGN_KEY_COLS', "Error getting foreign key columns while building Related Record Form on line " . __LINE__ . " of file " . __FILE__, array('line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__)));
         echo $fkCols->toString();
         return $fkCols;
     $factory = new HTML_QuickForm('factory');
     $fkeys = $this->_relationship->getForeignKeyValues();
     // Values of foreign keys (fields involved in where and join clauses)
     $table = $this->_relationship->getDomainTable();
     // The name of the table holding related records.
     if (!isset($table) || PEAR::isError($table)) {
         $table = $r['selected_tables'][0];
     // It is possible for getDomainTable() to return an error if no foreign
     // keys are specified.  In this case, we will just use the table associated
     // with the first selected column.
     $relatedTableObject =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($table);
     // The Dataface_Table object for the related records.
     $tkey_names = array_keys($relatedTableObject->keys());
     // The names of the key fields for the related record.
     // The main table that holds the related records
     $options = $this->_relationship->getAddableValues($this->_record);
     if (!$options) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('There are no records that can be added to this relationship.', DATAFACE_E_NOTICE);
     $select =& $this->addElement('select', 'select', df_translate('scripts.Dataface.ExistingRelatedRecordForm._build.LABEL_SELECT', 'Select'), $options, array('class' => 'record_selector'));
     $permissions = $this->_record->getPermissions(array('relationship' => $this->_relationshipName));
     if (isset($permissions['add existing related record']) and $permissions['add existing related record']) {
         // We are allowed to add a new related record, so we will create a mask to allow this.
         $mask = array('edit' => 1);
     // Now we still need to add fields so that the user can specify information about the relationship.
     // ie: some fields of the join table may be descriptive.
     foreach (array_keys($fkCols) as $fkTable) {
         if ($fkTable == $table) {
             // This table is the main domain table... we don't want to input any data for this table.
         $qfFactory = new Dataface_QuickForm($fkTable, $this->_parentTable->db);
         $tableRef =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($fkTable);
         $recordRef = new Dataface_Record($fkTable, array());
         $currFieldnames = array_keys($tableRef->fields());
         foreach ($currFieldnames as $currFieldname) {
             if (isset($fkCols[$fkTable][$currFieldname])) {
                 // this value is bound, and should not be changed.
             $field =& $tableRef->getField($currFieldname);
             //$el = $qfFactory->_buildWidget($field, array_merge($mask, $this->_record->getPermissions(array('field'=>$this->_relationshipName.'.'.$currFieldname))));
             $el = $qfFactory->_buildWidget($field, $recordRef->getPermissions(array('field' => $currFieldname, 'recordmask' => $mask)));
             // To Do: Make it work with groups
              * If there are any validation options set for the field, we must add these rules to the quickform
              * element.
             $validators = $field['validators'];
             foreach ($validators as $vname => $validator) {
                  * $validator['arg'] would be specified in the INI file.
                  * Example ini file listing:
                  * -------------------------
                  * [FirstName]
                  * widget:label = First name
                  * widget:description = Enter your first name
                  * validators:regex = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/"
                  * This would result in $validator['arg'] = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/" in this section
                  * and $vname == "regex".  Hence it would mean that a regular expression validator
                  * is being placed on this field so that only Alphanumeric characters are accepted.
                  * Please see documentation for HTML_QuickForm PEAR class for more information
                  * about QuickForm validators.
                 $this->addRule($field['name'], $validator['message'], $vname, $validator['arg'], 'client');
     $keyEls = array();
     $keyDefaults = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->_parentTable->keys()) as $key) {
         $keyEls[] = $factory->addElement('hidden', $key);
     $this->addGroup($keyEls, '__keys__');
     $keyvals = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->_parentTable->keys()) as $key) {
         $keyvals[$key] = $this->_record->getValueAsString($key);
     $this->setDefaults(array('__keys__' => $keyvals));
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-table');
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-relationship');
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-action');
     $this->addElement('submit', 'Save', 'Save');
     $this->setDefaults(array('-table' => $this->_parentTable->tablename, '-relationship' => $this->_relationshipName, '-action' => "existing_related_record"));
     // Set the return page
     $returnPage = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     if (isset($mainQuery['-redirect'])) {
         $returnPage = $mainQuery['-redirect'];
     } else {
         if (isset($mainQuery['--redirect'])) {
             $returnPage = $mainQuery['--redirect'];
     if (!$returnPage) {
         $returnPage = $app->url('-action=related_records_list&-relationship=' . $this->_relationshipname);
     $this->addElement('hidden', '--redirect');
     $this->setDefaults(array('--redirect' => $returnPage));
      * There may be some default values specified in the relationship schema.
     if (isset($r['existing'])) {
     $this->_built = true;
Esempio n. 27
  * @brief Wrapper around getContextMask() to get the permissions
  * for a record through the context of a portal.
  * @returns array($perm:string => $val:boolean)
  * @since 2.0
 function getPortalFieldPermissions(Dataface_Record $record, $params = array())
     return $this->getContextMask($record->getId(), @$params['field']);
Esempio n. 28
 function handle($params)
     $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     if (!$_POST) {
         throw new Exception("Commit requires post");
     $data = @$_POST['--data'];
     if (!$data) {
         throw new Exception("No data provided");
     $data = json_decode($data, true);
     $updates = array();
     $inserts = array();
     $deletes = array();
     if (isset($data['inserts'])) {
         $inserts =& $data['inserts'];
     if (isset($data['updates'])) {
         $updates =& $data['updates'];
     if (isset($data['deletes'])) {
         $deletes =& $data['deletes'];
     $numFailures = 0;
     $numSuccesses = 0;
     $deleteResponses = array();
     // Let's do the deletes first
     foreach ($deletes as $deleteInfo) {
         $response = array();
         $deleteResponses[] =& $response;
         $record = df_get_record_by_id($deleteInfo['id']);
         if (!$record) {
             $response['message'] = 'Record ' . $deleteInfo['id'] . ' could not be found.';
             $response['code'] = 404;
         } else {
             $res = $response->delete(true);
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 $response['message'] = $res->getMessage();
                 $response['code'] = $res->getCode();
             } else {
                 $response['message'] = 'Deleted record ' . $deleteInfo['id'] . '.';
                 $response['code'] = 200;
                 $response['recordId'] = $deleteInfo['id'];
     $insertResponses = array();
     foreach ($inserts as $insertInfo) {
         $response = array();
         $insertResponses[] =& $response;
         $record = new Dataface_Record($insertInfo['table'], array());
         $res = $record->save(null, true);
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             $response['message'] = $res->getMessage();
             $response['code'] = $res->getCode();
         } else {
             $response['message'] = 'Inserted record';
             $response['code'] = $res->getCode();
             $response['recordId'] = $record->getId();
             $response['version'] = $record->getVersion();
     $updateResponses = array();
     foreach ($updates as $updateInfo) {
         $response = array();
         $insertResponses[] =& $response;
         $record = df_get_record_by_id($updateInfo['id']);
         if (!$record) {
             $response['message'] = 'Record ' . $updateInfo['id'] . ' could not be found.';
             $response['code'] = 404;
         } else {
             $res = $record->save(null, true);
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 $response['message'] = $res->getMessage();
                 $response['code'] = $res->getCode();
             } else {
                 $response['message'] = 'Updated record';
                 $response['code'] = 200;
                 $response['recordId'] = $record->getId();
                 $response['version'] = $record->getVersion();
     header('Content-type: text/json; charset="' . $app->_conf['oe'] . '"');
     $out = array('code' => ($numFailures == 0 and $numSuccesses > 0) ? 200 : $numSuccesses > 0 ? 201 : 202, 'message' => $numSuccesses . ' successes. ' . $numFailures . ' failures.', 'numSuccesses' => $numSuccesses, 'numFailures' => $numFailures, 'responses' => array('updates' => $updateResponses, 'inserts' => $insertResponses, 'deletes' => $deleteResponses));
     echo json_encode($out);
Esempio n. 29
 function getGroupRecordRoles(Dataface_Record $record = null)
     if (!isset($record)) {
         return null;
     return $record->getGroupRoles();
Esempio n. 30
 public function addMessage($content)
     $note = new Dataface_Record('job_notes', array());
     $note->setValues(array('job_id' => $this->getJob()->getRecord()->val('job_id'), 'note_content' => $content, 'date_posted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'posted_by' => $this->getUsername()));
     $res = $note->save();
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         throw new Exception($res->getMessage(), $res->getCode());
     return $note;