public function ZoekTijd() { require_once "/Classes/databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); require_once "/Classes/calculatetime.php"; $calculatetime = new calculatetime(); $Database->query('SELECT fileName, name FROM wedstrijden WHERE name=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['wedstrijd']); $resultSet = $Database->single(); if (isset($_GET['startnummer']) || isset($_GET['naam'])) { include 'Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; $inputFileName = 'excel/' . $resultSet['fileName']; try { $inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName); $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inputFileName); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Er is een fout opgetreden met bestand "' . pathinfo($inputFileName, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . '": ' . $e->getMessage()); } $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0); $highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); $highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) { $rowData[] = $sheet->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $highestColumn . $row, NULL, TRUE, FALSE)[0]; } if (isset($_GET['startnummer']) && $_GET['startnummer'] == !null) { $Startnummer = $_GET['startnummer']; $key = array_search($Startnummer, array_column($rowData, 0)); } if (isset($_GET['naam']) && $_GET['naam'] == !null) { $Naam = $_GET['naam']; $key = array_search($Naam, array_column($rowData, 1)); } $this->Startnummer = $rowData[$key][0]; $this->Naam = $rowData[$key][1]; $this->Woonplaats = $rowData[$key][2]; $this->Geboortedatum = $rowData[$key][3]; $this->Geslacht = $rowData[$key][4]; $this->Wedstrijdnaam = $resultSet['name']; $cell = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5, $key + 1); $cell_value = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString($cell->getCalculatedValue(), 'hh:mm:ss'); $this->VideoTijd = $calculatetime->GetPlayerTime($cell_value); $_GET['startnummer'] = $this->Startnummer; } }
public function ZoekTijd() { require_once "/Classes/databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); require_once "/Classes/calculatetime.php"; $calculatetime = new calculatetime(); $Database->query('SELECT wedstrijdID, name FROM wedstrijden WHERE wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['eventid']); $wedstrijden = $Database->single(); $Database->query('SELECT camName, videoID FROM cams WHERE fk_wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['eventid']); $cams = $Database->single(); $Database->query('SELECT * FROM tijden WHERE fk_wedstrijdID=? AND Startnummer=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['eventid']); $Database->bind(2, $_GET['startnummer']); $tijd = $Database->single(); if (isset($_GET['video'])) { $Database->query('SELECT camName, videoID, tijdName FROM cams WHERE camID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['video']); $cams = $Database->single(); $Database->query('SELECT * FROM tijden WHERE fk_wedstrijdID=? AND Startnummer=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['eventid']); $Database->bind(2, $_GET['startnummer']); $tijd = $Database->single(); if (empty($tijd)) { header("Location: ?error&code=1"); die; } $this->Startnummer = $tijd['Startnummer']; $this->Naam = $tijd['Naam']; $this->Woonplaats = $tijd['Woonplaats']; $this->Geboortedatum = $tijd['Geboortedatum']; $this->Geslacht = $tijd['Geslacht']; $this->Wedstrijdnaam = $wedstrijden['name']; $this->VideoID = $cams['videoID']; $this->CamName = $cams['camName']; $this->VideoTijd = $calculatetime->GetPlayerTime($tijd[$cams['tijdName']]); $this->RenderPage(); } else { if (empty($tijd)) { header("Location: ?error&code=1"); die; } $this->Startnummer = $tijd['Startnummer']; $this->Naam = $tijd['Naam']; $this->Woonplaats = $tijd['Woonplaats']; $this->Geboortedatum = $tijd['Geboortedatum']; $this->Geslacht = $tijd['Geslacht']; $this->Wedstrijdnaam = $wedstrijden['name']; $this->VideoID = $cams['videoID']; $this->CamName = $cams['camName']; $this->VideoTijd = $calculatetime->GetPlayerTime($tijd['Finish']); $this->RenderPage(); } //7-11-2015 wijzigen van Excel naar database. }
public function renderSearch() { require_once "/Classes/databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); $Database->query('SELECT fileName, name, date FROM wedstrijden'); $resultSet = $Database->single(); print ' </div > <div id = "clickTable" class="container" > <table id = "myTable" class="table" > <thead> <tr> <th> Startnr <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Wedstrijd <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Naam <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Woonplaats <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Geboortedatum <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Geslacht</th > <th> Netto tijd <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i></th> <th> Onderdeel <i class="fa fa-sort" ></i> </th> <th> Beeld</th> </tr></thead ><tbody> '; $Database->query('SELECT * FROM tijden WHERE Naam LIKE ?'); if (!isset($_GET['show'])) { $Database->bind(1, "%" . $_POST['naam'] . "%"); $result = $Database->resultset(); if (empty($result)) { echo "Deelnemer niet gevonden."; } foreach ($result as $data) { $Database->query('SELECT fileName, name, date FROM wedstrijden WHERE wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $data['fk_wedstrijdID']); $resultSet = $Database->single(); print ' <tr><td> ' . $data['Startnummer'] . ' </td> '; print '<td> ' . $resultSet['name'] . ' </td> '; print '<td> ' . $data['Naam'] . ' </td> '; print '<td> ' . $data['Woonplaats'] . ' </td> '; print '<td> ' . $data['Geboortedatum'] . ' </td> '; echo "<td>"; if ($data['Geslacht'] == "V") { echo ' <i class="fa fa-female" ></i> '; } else { echo '<i class="fa fa-male" ></i> '; } echo "</td>"; print '<td> ' . $data['NettoTijd'] . ' </td> '; print '<td> ' . $data['Onderdeel'] . ' </td> '; print "<td><a class='fa fa-line-chart' href='?statistieken&startnummer=" . $data['Startnummer'] . "&eventid=" . $data['fk_wedstrijdID'] . "'></a>"; print " <a class='fa fa-video-camera' href='?newplayer&wedstrijd=" . $resultSet['name'] . "&naam=& startnummer=" . $data['Startnummer'] . "'></a>"; print " <a class='fa fa-camera' </a> "; print " <a class='fa fa-certificate' target='_blank' href=' " . $data['Startnummer'] . "'></a></td></tr>"; } } }
/** * User Login * * @param $username * @param $password * @return bool */ public function login($username, $password) { $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users\n\t\t\t\tWHERE username = :username\n\t\t\t\tAND password = :password"); //Bind Values $this->db->bind(':username', $username); $this->db->bind(':password', $password); $row = $this->db->single(); //Check Rows if ($this->db->rowCount() > 0) { $this->setUserData($row); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function fetchAllBySeccionId($seccionId) { $dbh = new Database(); $data = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM subsecciones WHERE seccion_id =' . $seccionId); $data = $dbh->single(); return $data; }
public function CountPhotoOfPlaceProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT COUNT(im_id) total FROM dy_image WHERE (im_place_id = :place_id) AND (im_type = "normal")'); parent::bind(':place_id', $param['place_id']); parent::execute(); return parent::single(); }
public function SearchLogCountProcess() { parent::query('SELECT COUNT(lo_id) FROM log_search'); parent::execute(); $data = parent::single(); return $data['COUNT(lo_id)']; }
public function fetchOneById($tiendaId) { $dbh = new Database(); $data = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM tiendas WHERE tienda_id =' . $tiendaId); $data = $dbh->single(); return $data; }
public function GetCityProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT * FROM dy_location_city WHERE (cy_id = :city_id)'); parent::bind(':city_id', $param['city_id']); parent::execute(); return parent::single(); }
public function RenderPage() { require_once "/Classes/databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); print ' <title>Run2Day - Bannerbeheer</title> <h1>Bannerbeheer</h1> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Toegevoegd aan</th> <th>Bestandsnaam</th> <th>Banner tekst</th> <th>Verwijderen</th> </tr> '; $Database->query('SELECT ID, fileName, fk_wedstrijdID, text FROM afbeeldingen'); $result = $Database->resultset(); foreach ($result as $key) { $Database->query('SELECT name FROM wedstrijden WHERE wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $key['fk_wedstrijdID']); $wedstrijd = $Database->single(); print '<tr><td>' . $wedstrijd['name'] . ' </td>'; print '<td>' . $key['fileName'] . ' </td>'; print '<td>' . $key['text'] . ' </td>'; print ' <td><a class="fa fa-trash-o" href="?dashboard&deletebanner=' . $key['ID'] . '"</td></tr>'; } print ' </table> <div class="col-md-4"> <h3>Banner afbeelding toevoegen</h3> <form action="../Classes/submitWedstrijd.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="usr">Banner toevoegen aan:</label> <select class="form-control" name="wedstrijd" id="wedstrijd">'; $Database->query('SELECT name, wedstrijdID FROM wedstrijden'); $result = $Database->resultset(); foreach ($result as $key) { print ' <option> ' . $key['name'] . '</option>'; } print ' </select> <div class="form-group"> <label for="usr">Banner tekst:</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" name="name" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="usr">Afbeelding:</label> <input type="file" name="file" id="file"> </div> <input type="submit" value="Opslaan"> <br><br> </form> </div> </div> </div> '; }
public function CommentAlreadyCheckingProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT ac_id FROM dy_activity WHERE (ac_member_id = :member_id) AND (ac_action = "new_comment") AND (ac_to_post_id = :post_id)'); parent::bind(':member_id', $param['member_id']); parent::bind(':post_id', $param['post_id']); parent::execute(); return parent::single(); }
public function getItem($id = 0) { $db = new Database(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM menuitem WHERE Id=:id"); $db->bind(":id", $id); $db->execute(); return $db->single(); }
/** * Get Category By ID * * @param int $id * @return mixed */ public function getCategory($id) { $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories\n\t\t\tWHERE id = :id"); $this->db->bind(':id', $id); //Assign Row $row = $this->db->single(); return $row; }
/** * Check that any of the users' groups has the permission bit * * @param string $action * @param int|null $context_id * @param int|null $user_id * @param bool $ignore_superuser * @return bool */ public function checkUsersGroups(string $action = '', int $context_id = null, int $user_id = null, bool $ignore_superuser = false) : bool { if (!$ignore_superuser) { if ($this->isSuperUser($user_id)) { return true; } } return 0 < $this->db->single(\Airship\queryStringRoot('security.permissions.check_users_groups', $this->db->getDriver()), ['action' => $action, 'context' => $context_id, 'user' => $user_id]); }
public function GetCategoryProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT ca_id,ca_title,ca_root,ca_parent_first,ca_parent_second,ca_create_time,ca_update_time,ca_type,ca_status,(SELECT COUNT(pl_id) FROM dy_place WHERE pl_category_id = ca_id) total_place FROM dy_category WHERE ca_id = :category_id'); parent::bind(':category_id', $param['category_id']); parent::execute(); return parent::single(); }
public function mainP() { $sen = 0; $db = new Database(); foreach ($this->sentences as $sentence) { $highest = 0; $words = array(); $words = explode(" ", $sentence); foreach ($words as $word) { if (!in_array(strtolower($word), $this->stopwords)) { //Fetching the meaning definition of the senses From the WordNet $db->query("SELECT * from words where lemma like :word"); $db->bind("word", $word); $wordid = $db->single()->wordid; $db->query("SELECT * from senses where wordid like :wordid"); $db->bind("wordid", $wordid); $resulta2 = $db->resultset(); foreach ($resulta2 as $row) { $synsetid = $row->synsetid; $sample2[] = $synsetid; $title = $row->wordid . " " . $row->senseid; } $db->query("select * from synsets where synsetid like :sample"); $db->bind("sample", $sample2[0]); $resulta3 = $db->resultset(); unset($sample2[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($sample2) + 1; $i++) { ${result_A . $i} = $sample2[$i]; ${lexdomains_var . $i} = $lexdomains[$i]; $db->query("select * from synsets where synsetid like :sample"); $db->bind("sample", ${result_A . $i}); ${result . $i} = $db->resultset(); foreach (${result . $i} as $row) { ${pos . $i} = $row->pos; if (${pos . $i} == "s") { ${pos . $i} = "satellite adj"; } $def = $row->definition; $def = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/s', '', $def); $definition = array(); $definition = explode(" ", $def); $frequency = $this->frequency($definition); if ($frequency > $highest) { $highest = $frequency; } } } $sample2 = array(); } } $this->frequencies[] = $highest; $this->sentence_count[] = $sen; $sen++; } }
public function GetCommentProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT cm_id comment_id,cm_parent_id comment_parent,cm_token comment_token,tk_device comment_poster_device,tk_model comment_poster_model,me_id comment_poster_id,me_name comment_poster_name,cm_post_id comment_post_id,cm_message comment_message,cm_create_time comment_create_time,cm_update_time comment_update_time,cm_ip comment_ip,cm_type comment_type,cm_status comment_status FROM dy_comment,dy_member,dy_token WHERE (cm_id = :comment_id AND cm_member_id = me_id AND cm_status = "active" AND cm_token = tk_token)'); parent::bind(':comment_id', $param['comment_id']); parent::execute(); $data = parent::single(); $data['comment_create_time_facebook_format'] = parent::date_facebookformat($data['comment_create_time']); $data['comment_update_time_facebook_format'] = parent::date_facebookformat($data['comment_update_time']); return $data; }
public function __construct($patNum) { //check if patient table already exists $database = new Database(); $database->query('SELECT TableNum, Discharged FROM patients WHERE HosNum = :num'); $database->bind(':num', $patNum); $row = $database->single(); if ($row) { } else { add(); } }
public function CheckingBankTransferProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT mf_id FROM dd_money_transfer WHERE mf_to_bank = :bank_id'); parent::bind(':bank_id', $param['bank_id']); parent::execute(); $dataset = parent::single(); if (empty($dataset['mf_id'])) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function UpdateReadProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT pd_read FROM dd_product WHERE pd_id = :product_id'); parent::bind(':product_id', $param['product_id']); parent::execute(); $data = parent::single(); $read = $data['pd_read'] + 1; parent::query('UPDATE dd_product SET pd_read = :read,pd_visit_time = :visit_time WHERE pd_id = :product_id'); parent::bind(':product_id', $param['product_id']); parent::bind(':read', $read); parent::bind(':visit_time', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); parent::execute(); }
public function CountNotificationProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT COUNT(ac_id) FROM dy_activity LEFT JOIN dy_post ON ac_to_post_id = po_id LEFT JOIN dy_member ON ac_member_id = me_id LEFT JOIN dy_comment ON ac_to_comment_id = cm_id WHERE (ac_action = "new_comment" OR ac_action = "thanks_post") AND (po_member_id = :member_id) AND (ac_member_id != :member_id) AND (ac_status = "unread")'); parent::bind(':member_id', $param['member_id']); parent::execute(); $data = parent::single(); return $data['COUNT(ac_id)']; }
public function AlreadyMatingProcess($param) { parent::query('SELECT pt_id FROM dy_place_to_tag WHERE (pt_place_id = :place_id AND pt_tag_id = :tag_id)'); parent::bind(':place_id', $param['place_id']); parent::bind(':tag_id', $param['tag_id']); parent::execute(); $data = parent::single(); if (empty($data['pt_id'])) { return true; } else { return false; } // Matching already }
function isLoggedIn() { if (!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $db = new Database(); $db->query("SELECT username,about FROM users WHERE id=:u_id"); $db->bind("u_id", $_SESSION['user_id']); $result = $db->single(); $_SESSION['username'] = $result->username; $_SESSION['details'] = $result->about; return true; } else { return false; } }
public function getDetailsByUsername($username) { $database = new Database(); $database->query("SELECT * FROM engineers WHERE sAMAccountName = :username"); $database->bind(":username", $username); $row = $database->single(); // if no results return empty object if ($database->rowCount() == 0) { return null; } // else populate opbject with db results $userObject = new stdClass(); $userObject->sAMAccountName = $row['sAMAccountName']; $userObject->engineerLevel = $row['engineerLevel']; $userObject->idengineers = $row['idengineers']; $userObject->superuser = $row['superuser']; $userObject->helpdesk = $row['helpdesk']; $userObject->localHash = $row['localLoginHash']; return $userObject; }
public function GetPlayerTime($cell_value) { require_once "databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); $Database->query('SELECT videoOffset, first_runner FROM cams WHERE fk_wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['eventid']); $result = $Database->single(); $result['first_runner'] . '<br>'; $cell_value . '<br>'; $Offset = $this->ConvertToSeconds($result['videoOffset']); //00:00 $FirstRunner = $this->ConvertToSeconds($result['first_runner']) . '<br>'; //00:00 $LoopTijd = $this->ConvertToSeconds($cell_value) . '<br>'; //00:00 $tijd = $LoopTijd - $FirstRunner + $Offset; //secs $tijd . '<br>'; $this->ConvertTimeToVimeo($tijd) . "<br>"; return $this->ConvertTimeToVimeo($tijd); }
public function renderHome() { require_once "/Classes/databaseHandler.class.php"; $Database = new Database(); $Database->query('SELECT video, foto, cert, stats FROM wedstrijden WHERE wedstrijdID=?'); $Database->bind(1, $_GET['event']); $media = $Database->single(); $url = parse_url($media['foto']); $setid = str_replace('setId=', '', $url['query']); print '` <div class="container"> <h1>Finishfoto</h1> <form id="login" target="frame" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="currentSetId" value="' . $setid . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="currentPhoto" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="startNummer" value="' . $_GET['startnummer'] . '" /> </form> <iframe id="frame" name="frame" width="700" height="800" src="' . $media['foto'] . '"></iframe> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // submit the form into iframe for login into remote site document.getElementById("login").submit(); // once youre logged in, change the source url (if needed) var iframe = document.getElementById("frame"); iframe.onload = function() { if (iframe.src != "' . $media['foto'] . '") { iframe.src = "' . $media['foto'] . '"; } } </script> '; }
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || !strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { header("Location: ../index.php?error=" . urlencode("Direct access not allowed.")); die; } $id = $_GET['id']; include 'config.php'; // Include database class include 'database.class.php'; // Instantiate database. $database = new Database(); // Instantiate database. $database = new Database(); $database->query('SELECT `name` FROM items WHERE `index` = :id'); $database->bind(':id', $_GET['id']); $item = $database->single(); ?> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <div style="padding:10px"> <h4 style="text-align:center"><?php echo $item['name']; ?> </h4> <table id="list" class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed" style="cursor:pointer"> <thead> <tr> <th>Player</th> <th>Auth</th> <th>Quality</th>
<?php require_once 'templates/top.php'; include 'class/database.class.php'; ?> <?php $cats_id = $_GET['id']; $database = new Database(); $database->query("SELECT * FROM cats WHERE id = '{$cats_id}'"); $one_cat = $database->single(); if ($one_cat['files'] != '') { $pic = "<img src = '/media/uploaded/" . $one_cat['usersid'] . "/" . $one_cat['files'] . "' class='pic'/>"; } else { $pic = "<img src = '/media/uploaded/no_photo.png' class = 'pic'/>"; } ?> <table class = 'table table-bordered'> <tr> <th> Фото </th> <th>Имя кота</th> <th>Масть кота</th> <th>Характер кота</th> <th>Личные особенности</th> </tr>
$result = $database->execute(); if ($result) { ?> <script> document.location.href='cobinet.php'; </script> <?php } } else { print_r($err); } } $database = new Database(); $query = "SELECT*FROM statias WHERE id = " . $_GET['id'] . ""; $database->query($query); $result = $database->single(); ?> <div class="textt"><h2>Форма редактирования новости</h2> <form method="post" enctype='multipart/form-data'> <div class="form-group1"> <label for="exampleInputTitle1">Название новости</label> <input type="name_categoria" class="form-control" id="exampleInputTitle1" name="name_categoria" placeholder="name_categoria" value="<?php echo $result['name_categoria']; ?> "/> </div><br/> <div class="form-group1"> <label for="exampleInputTextarea1">Текст новости</label> <textarea class="ckeditor" name="editor1" placeholder="text"><?php echo $result['editor1'];
<?php require_once 'templates/top.php'; require_once 'class/database.class.php'; ?> <?php $database = new Database(); if ($_GET['id']) { $id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM cats WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $database->query($query); $val = $database->single(); // if(file_exists('media/uploaded/'.$val['id']) // { // @unlink('media/uploaded/'.$val['id']); // } $query = "DELETE FROM cats WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $database->query($query); $database->execute(); print_r($query); header('location:cabinet.php'); }