public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record)
     if ($record->hasField($this->name) && $record->escapeTypeForField($this->name) != 'xml') {
         throw new Exception('HtmlEditorField->saveInto(): This field should save into a HTMLText or HTMLVarchar field.');
     $htmlValue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $this->value);
     // Sanitise if requested
     if ($this->config()->sanitise_server_side) {
         $santiser = Injector::inst()->create('HtmlEditorSanitiser', HtmlEditorConfig::get_active());
     // Resample images and add default attributes
     if ($images = $htmlValue->getElementsByTagName('img')) {
         foreach ($images as $img) {
             // strip any ?r=n data from the src attribute
             $img->setAttribute('src', preg_replace('/([^\\?]*)\\?r=[0-9]+$/i', '$1', $img->getAttribute('src')));
             // Resample the images if the width & height have changed.
             if ($image = File::find(urldecode(Director::makeRelative($img->getAttribute('src'))))) {
                 $width = (int) $img->getAttribute('width');
                 $height = (int) $img->getAttribute('height');
                 if ($width && $height && ($width != $image->getWidth() || $height != $image->getHeight())) {
                     //Make sure that the resized image actually returns an image:
                     $resized = $image->ResizedImage($width, $height);
                     if ($resized) {
                         $img->setAttribute('src', $resized->getRelativePath());
             // Add default empty title & alt attributes.
             if (!$img->getAttribute('alt')) {
                 $img->setAttribute('alt', '');
             if (!$img->getAttribute('title')) {
                 $img->setAttribute('title', '');
             // Use this extension point to manipulate images inserted using TinyMCE, e.g. add a CSS class, change default title
             // $image is the image, $img is the DOM model
             $this->extend('processImage', $image, $img);
     // optionally manipulate the HTML after a TinyMCE edit and prior to a save
     $this->extend('processHTML', $htmlValue);
     // Store into record
     $record->{$this->name} = $htmlValue->getContent();
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record)
     if ($record->hasField($this->name) && $record->escapeTypeForField($this->name) != 'xml') {
         throw new Exception('HtmlEditorField->saveInto(): This field should save into a HTMLText or HTMLVarchar field.');
     // Resample images
     $value = Image::regenerate_html_links($this->value);
     $htmlValue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $value);
     // Sanitise if requested
     if ($this->config()->sanitise_server_side) {
         $santiser = Injector::inst()->create('HtmlEditorSanitiser', HtmlEditorConfig::get_active());
     // optionally manipulate the HTML after a TinyMCE edit and prior to a save
     $this->extend('processHTML', $htmlValue);
     // Store into record
     $record->{$this->name} = $htmlValue->getContent();
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record)
     if ($record->hasField($this->name) && $record->escapeTypeForField($this->name) != 'xml') {
         throw new Exception('HtmlEditorField->saveInto(): This field should save into a HTMLText or HTMLVarchar field.');
     $htmlValue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $this->value);
     // Sanitise if requested
     if ($this->config()->sanitise_server_side) {
         $santiser = Injector::inst()->create('HtmlEditorSanitiser', HtmlEditorConfig::get_active());
     // Resample images and add default attributes
     if ($images = $htmlValue->getElementsByTagName('img')) {
         foreach ($images as $img) {
             // strip any ?r=n data from the src attribute
             $img->setAttribute('src', preg_replace('/([^\\?]*)\\?r=[0-9]+$/i', '$1', $img->getAttribute('src')));
             // Resample the images if the width & height have changed.
             // TODO: look for -10x here?
             $filename = RetinaImage::removeFilenameAppender(urldecode(Director::makeRelative($img->getAttribute('src'))), '-10x');
             $image = File::find($filename);
             // try to find it using the legacy way
             if (!$image) {
                 $image = File::find(urldecode(Director::makeRelative($img->getAttribute('src'))));
             if ($image) {
                 $imagemap = $image->toMap();
                 $retinaimage = RetinaImage::create();
                 foreach ($imagemap as $key => $value) {
                     $retinaimage->{$key} = $value;
                 $width = $img->getAttribute('width');
                 $height = $img->getAttribute('height');
                 if ($width && $height && ($width != $retinaimage->getWidth() || $height != $retinaimage->getHeight()) || !$img->hasAttribute('srcset') && RetinaImage::$forceretina) {
                     //Make sure that the resized image actually returns an image:
                     if (!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height)) {
                         $width = (int) ($retinaimage->getWidth() / 2);
                         $height = (int) ($retinaimage->getHeight() / 2);
                     $resized = $retinaimage->ResizedImage($width, $height);
                     $url = $resized->getRelativePath();
                     $onex10 = $retinaimage->insertFilenameAppender($url, '-10x');
                     $onex15 = $retinaimage->insertFilenameAppender($url, '-15x');
                     $onex20 = $retinaimage->insertFilenameAppender($url, '-20x');
                     if ($resized) {
                         $img->setAttribute('src', $onex10);
                     // srcset=\"$onex10 1x, $onex15 1.5x, $onex20 2x\"
                     $img->setAttribute('srcset', "{$onex10} 1x, {$onex15} 1.5x, {$onex20} 2x");
             // Add default empty title & alt attributes.
             if (!$img->getAttribute('alt')) {
                 $img->setAttribute('alt', '');
             if (!$img->getAttribute('title')) {
                 $img->setAttribute('title', '');
     // Store into record
     $record->{$this->name} = $htmlValue->getContent();
Esempio n. 4
	public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) {
		if($record->escapeTypeForField($this->name) != 'xml') {
			throw new Exception (
				'HtmlEditorField->saveInto(): This field should save into a HTMLText or HTMLVarchar field.'
		$linkedPages = array();
		$linkedFiles = array();
		$htmlValue = new SS_HTMLValue($this->value);
		if(class_exists('SiteTree')) {
			// Populate link tracking for internal links & links to asset files.
			if($links = $htmlValue->getElementsByTagName('a')) foreach($links as $link) {
				$href = Director::makeRelative($link->getAttribute('href'));

				if($href) {
					if(preg_match('/\[sitetree_link id=([0-9]+)\]/i', $href, $matches)) {
						$ID = $matches[1];

						// clear out any broken link classes
						if($class = $link->getAttribute('class')) {
							$link->setAttribute('class', preg_replace('/(^ss-broken|ss-broken$| ss-broken )/', null, $class));

						$linkedPages[] = $ID;
						if(!DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $ID))  $record->HasBrokenLink = true;

					} else if(substr($href, 0, strlen(ASSETS_DIR) + 1) == ASSETS_DIR.'/') {
						$candidateFile = File::find(Convert::raw2sql(urldecode($href)));
						if($candidateFile) {
							$linkedFiles[] = $candidateFile->ID;
						} else {
							$record->HasBrokenFile = true;
					} else if($href == '' || $href[0] == '/') {
						$record->HasBrokenLink = true;
		// Resample images, add default attributes and add to assets tracking.
		if($images = $htmlValue->getElementsByTagName('img')) foreach($images as $img) {
			// strip any ?r=n data from the src attribute
			$img->setAttribute('src', preg_replace('/([^\?]*)\?r=[0-9]+$/i', '$1', $img->getAttribute('src')));
			if(!$image = File::find($path = urldecode(Director::makeRelative($img->getAttribute('src'))))) {
				if(substr($path, 0, strlen(ASSETS_DIR) + 1) == ASSETS_DIR . '/') {
					$record->HasBrokenFile = true;
			// Resample the images if the width & height have changed.
			$width  = $img->getAttribute('width');
			$height = $img->getAttribute('height');
				if($width && $height && ($width != $image->getWidth() || $height != $image->getHeight())) {
					//Make sure that the resized image actually returns an image:
					$resized=$image->ResizedImage($width, $height);
						$img->setAttribute('src', $resized->getRelativePath());
			// Add default empty title & alt attributes.
			if(!$img->getAttribute('alt')) $img->setAttribute('alt', '');
			if(!$img->getAttribute('title')) $img->setAttribute('title', '');
			//If the src attribute is not set, then we won't add this to the list:
				// Add to the tracked files.
				$linkedFiles[] = $image->ID;
		// Save file & link tracking data.
		if(class_exists('SiteTree')) {
			if($record->ID && $record->many_many('LinkTracking') && $tracker = $record->LinkTracking()) {
			    $tracker->removeByFilter(sprintf('"FieldName" = \'%s\' AND "SiteTreeID" = %d', $this->name, $record->ID));

				if($linkedPages) foreach($linkedPages as $item) {
					$SQL_fieldName = Convert::raw2sql($this->name);
					DB::query("INSERT INTO \"SiteTree_LinkTracking\" (\"SiteTreeID\",\"ChildID\", \"FieldName\")
						VALUES ($record->ID, $item, '$SQL_fieldName')");
			if($record->ID && $record->many_many('ImageTracking') && $tracker = $record->ImageTracking()) {
			    $tracker->where(sprintf('"FieldName" = \'%s\' AND "SiteTreeID" = %d', $this->name, $record->ID))->removeAll();

				$fieldName = $this->name;
				if($linkedFiles) foreach($linkedFiles as $item) {
					$tracker->add($item, array('FieldName' => $this->name));
		$record->{$this->name} = $htmlValue->getContent();