Esempio n. 1
 public function run()
     // process any search data that may be passed
     if (is_array($this->_data['Search']) && isset($this->_data['Search']['report_id'])) {
         $this->_data[$this->_templateobject->idField] = $this->_data['Search']['report_id'];
     if (!$this->loadData()) {
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     // get the report model, lets not envoke it again... that's not cool
     $report = $this->_uses[$this->modeltype];
     // there's no point in processing all the following data just to display the dialog... display it now
     if (isset($this->_data['printaction']) || isset($this->_data['printAction']) || isset($this->_data['ajax_print'])) {
         // build options array
         $defs = ReportDefinition::getDefinition('PrintCollection');
         $dialog_options = array('type' => array('pdf' => '', 'xml' => '', 'csv' => ''), 'output' => array('print' => '', 'save' => '', 'email' => '', 'view' => ''), 'filename' => strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $report->description)) . '_' . date('d-m-Y'));
         // if ajax_print is not set we must be on the dialog
         if (!isset($this->_data['ajax_print'])) {
             return $dialog_options;
     // give smarty the title
     $this->view->set('title', $report->description);
     // unserialise the options from the db
     $options = unserialize($report->options);
     // overlay the defaults so we've got a full set of options
     $options = $this->expand_options($options, $report->tablename);
     // sort options by position
     $options = $this->sort_options($options);
     // vars
     $aggregate_fields = array();
     $at_agg = FALSE;
     $fields = array();
     $display_fields = array();
     $measure_fields = array();
     $search_fields = array();
     $filter_fields = array();
     $aggregate_methods = array();
     // build arrays for use in the view
     foreach ($options as $field => $field_options) {
         // we need to check against legacy search options
         if ($field_options['field_type'] === 'search') {
             $flash->addError('Report has legacy search fields, please edit this report to update');
         // ignore the filter field... it really isn't a field
         if ($field == 'filter') {
         // iron out the field label if it exists
         if (isset($field_options['field_label']) && !empty($field_options['field_label'])) {
             $label = $field_options['field_label'];
         } else {
             $label = $field;
         $position = $field_options['position'];
         // we're always dealing with normal fields now
         // no need for a switch statement
         // ignore fields that aren't meant to be displayed
         if ($field_options['normal_display_field'] !== 'false') {
             // build two arrays, the display fields array will include filter fields... for now
             $original_fields[$position] = $field;
             $display_fields[$position] = $field;
             if ($field_options['normal_break_on'] === "true") {
                 $measure_fields[$position] = $field;
             if (!empty($field_options['normal_method']) && $field_options['normal_method'] !== 'dont_total') {
                 $aggregate_fields[$position] = $field;
                 $aggregate_methods[$position] = $field_options['normal_method'] . '(' . $field . ') as ' . $field;
                 // if we're setting an aggregate field... this must not be a display field
         // if the field is also a search field, add it to the search array
         if (isset($field_options['normal_enable_search']) && $field_options['normal_enable_search'] === 'true') {
             $search_fields[$field] = $field_options;
     // if the filters aren't empty, apply them one by one
     if (!empty($options['filter'])) {
         // loop through filter lines
         foreach (range(1, 3) as $number) {
             if (!isset($filter_cc)) {
                 $filter_cc = new ConstraintChain();
             // filter line 1 will never have an operator
             if ($number === 1) {
                 $operator = 'AND';
             } else {
                 $operator = $options['filter']['filter_' . $number . '_operator'];
             $field = $options['filter']['filter_' . $number . '_field'];
             $condition = $options['filter']['filter_' . $number . '_condition'];
             $value = $options['filter']['filter_' . $number . '_value'];
             // if we're dealing with a valid filter line...
             if (($number === 1 or !empty($operator)) and !empty($value)) {
                 // add the field to the display fields
                 if (!array_search($field, $display_fields)) {
                     $display_fields = array_merge($display_fields, array($field));
                 // add the filter to the contraint chain
                 $filter_cc->add(new Constraint($field, $condition, $value), $operator);
     // NB: The follow idField is being passed by reference... it isn't passing a value, instead recieving one back
     $do = $report->createDataObject($display_fields, $idField, $this->getColumns($report->tablename));
     $doc = new DataObjectCollection($do);
     $sh = new SearchHandler($doc, FALSE);
     if (!isset($this->_data['Search'])) {
         $this->_data['Search'] = array();
     // we don't need a condition here... always display the search box
     $this->search = $report->createSearch($search_fields, $this->_data['Search']);
     $cc = $this->search->toConstraintChain();
     // if the filter constraint chain has been set, use it
     if (isset($filter_cc)) {
     $measure_fields = array_merge(array('' => 'report'), $measure_fields);
     /// merge the aggregate methods array in with the display fields array
     // the aggregate methods array is preset as an array to allow for empty values
     // we don't use the array_merge function as we want to maintain keys (representing position)
     $display_fields = (array) $display_fields + (array) $aggregate_methods;
     if (count($aggregate_fields) === 0) {
         $this->view->set('aggregate_count', 0);
     // sort display fields by key (position)
     // prepend the id field to the display fields...
     // at this stage the items are in order, so keys don't matter
     $display_fields = array_merge(array($idField), $display_fields);
     $data = $doc->load($sh, null, RETURN_ROWS);
     $this->view->set('total_records', $doc->total_records);
     $headings = $doc->getHeadings();
     // loop through headings...
     foreach ($headings as $key => $field) {
         if (!array_search($key, $original_fields)) {
             // if item isn't in original fields remove it from headings array
         } else {
             // if label exists, use that for heading
             if (!empty($options[$key]['normal_field_label'])) {
                 $headings[$key] = $options[$key]['normal_field_label'];
     $heading_keys = array_keys($headings);
     $this->view->set('headings', $headings);
      * Build the data array
      * There is no point in processing everything just to output the 
      * print dialog OR is we're CSVing the output.
     if (!isset($this->_data['printaction']) && !isset($this->_data['printAction']) || $this->_data['print']['printtype'] !== 'csv') {
         $response = $this->buildArray($data, $headings, $measure_fields, $aggregate_fields, $heading_keys, $options);
         $data_arr = $response['data_arr'];
         $sub_total_keys = $response['sub_total_keys'];
     $this->view->set('options', $options);
     // are we being called from a print dialog or are we actually printing?
     if (isset($this->_data['printaction']) || isset($this->_data['printAction']) || isset($this->_data['ajax_print'])) {
         if ($this->_data['print']['printtype'] === 'csv') {
             $dialog_options['csv_source'] = $this->generate_csv($this->_data['print'], $data_arr, array_keys($headings));
         } else {
             // build xml
             $xml = '';
             $xml .= "<data>" . "\n";
             if (!empty($data_arr)) {
                 foreach ($data_arr as $key => $row) {
                     // if row is a subtotal, construct an appropriate attribute
                     $row_class = '';
                     if (isset($sub_total_keys[$key])) {
                         $row_class = 'sub_total="true"';
                     // build the xml
                     // cannot utalise all of the output functions as we need to do some specific stuff
                     $xml .= "\t" . "<record " . $row_class . ">" . "\n";
                     foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
                         $cell_class = array();
                         if (isset($options[$field]['normal_red_negative_numbers']) && $options[$field]['normal_red_negative_numbers'] == "true" && $value < 0) {
                             $cell_class[] = 'negative_number="true"';
                         if ($options[$field]['normal_enable_formatting'] === 'true') {
                             if (isset($options[$field]['normal_justify'])) {
                                 $cell_class[] = 'text-align="' . $options[$field]['normal_justify'] . '"';
                         $xml .= "\t\t" . "<" . $field . " " . implode(' ', $cell_class) . ">" . $value . "</" . $field . ">" . "\n";
                     $xml .= "\t" . "</record>" . "\n";
             $xml .= "</data>" . "\n";
             // build xsl
             $col_widths = array();
             if (isset($this->_data['col_widths'])) {
                 $col_widths = $this->parse_column_widths($this->_data['col_widths']);
             // Use the report defintion defined in DB, else use the standard list xsl
             if ($report->report_definition) {
                 $def = new ReportDefinition();
                 $def->loadBy('id', $report->report_definition);
                 $report_definition_name = $def->_data['name'];
             } else {
                 $report_definition_name = 'PrintCollection';
             $xsl = $this->build_custom_xsl($doc, $report_definition_name, $report->description, $headings, $col_widths, $options);
             // set resources
             $dialog_options['xmlSource'] = $xml;
             $dialog_options['xslSource'] = $xsl;
             $search_options = $this->search->toString('fop');
             if (!empty($search_options)) {
                 $dialog_options['xslVars']['search_string'] = "Search options: " . $search_options;
             } else {
                 $dialog_options['xslVars']['search_string'] = '';
         $this->_data['print']['attributes']['orientation-requested'] = 'landscape';
         // execute the print output function, echo the returned json for jquery
         echo $this->generate_output($this->_data['print'], $dialog_options);
     $this->view->set('report_array', $data_arr);
     $this->view->set('sub_total_keys', $sub_total_keys);
Esempio n. 2
 public function PrintCollection($collection = NULL)
     if (!$this->isPrinting()) {
         return parent::printCollection($collection);
     if (!isset($this->_data) || !$this->loadData()) {
     $dataset = $this->_uses[$this->modeltype];
     $model = $this->newModel($dataset);
     $title = $model->getTitle();
     $s_data = array();
     $search_id = $_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['session_key']]['search_id'];
     $collection = new DataObjectCollection($model, $this->_schema . '.' . $dataset->name . '_overview');
     $sh = $this->setSearchHandler($collection, $search_id, TRUE);
     $this->load_collection($collection, $sh);
Esempio n. 3
 public function build_print_resources(DataObjectCollection $collection, $args = array())
     // by this point the collection must already have been loaded
     // create report title
     $report_title = $this->generate_collection_name(FALSE, $collection->title);
     // get the headings from the collection, loop through and remove and id fields
     $coll_headers = array();
     $fields = $collection->getHeadings();
     foreach ($fields as $field => $title) {
         if (substr($field, -2) != 'id') {
             $coll_headers[$field] = $title;
     // allow extra headers to be added
     if (isset($args['coll_headers'])) {
         $coll_headers = array_merge($coll_headers, $args['coll_headers']);
     $col_widths = '';
     if (isset($this->_data['col_widths'])) {
         $col_widths = $this->_data['col_widths'];
     $measure_fields = array();
     // get the data
     if (isset($_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['measure_fields'])) {
         $measure_fields = $_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['measure_fields'];
     $aggregate_fields = array();
     if (isset($_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['aggregate_fields'])) {
         $aggregate_fields = $_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['aggregate_fields'];
     if (!empty($measure_fields) || !empty($aggregate_fields)) {
         $field_formatting = array();
         if (isset($_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['field_formatting'])) {
             $field_formatting = $_SESSION['printing'][$this->_data['index_key']]['break']['field_formatting'];
         $default_options = array('normal_field_label' => '', 'normal_display_field' => TRUE, 'normal_break_on' => FALSE, 'normal_method' => 'dont_total', 'normal_total' => 'none', 'normal_enable_formatting' => FALSE, 'normal_decimal_places' => 0, 'normal_red_negative_numbers' => FALSE, 'normal_thousands_seperator' => FALSE);
         foreach ($fields as $field => $title) {
             foreach ($default_options as $option => $value) {
                 if (!isset($field_formatting[$field][$option])) {
                     if ($option == 'normal_break_on' && isset($measure_fields[$field])) {
                         $field_formatting[$field][$option] = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         $field_formatting[$field][$option] = $value;
         $formatting_options = array_merge($default_options, $field_formatting);
         $arr_data = $this->generate_subtotals($collection, $coll_headers, $measure_fields, $aggregate_fields, array_keys($coll_headers), $formatting_options);
         $coll_data = $arr_data['data_arr'];
         $subtotal_keys = $arr_data['sub_total_keys'];
     } else {
         if ($collection instanceof DataObjectCollection || is_array($collection)) {
             foreach ($collection as $detailRow) {
                 $printDetail[] = $this->construct_line($detailRow, $coll_headers);
             $coll_data = $printDetail;
             $formatting_options = array();
             $subtotal_keys = array();
     // build the custom XSL
     // $xsl = $this->build_custom_xsl($collection, 'CustomReport', $report_title, $coll_headers, $col_widths, $formatting_options);
     $xsl = $this->build_custom_xsl($collection, $this->_data['print']['report'], $report_title, $coll_headers, $col_widths, $formatting_options);
     if ($xsl === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     // construct basic XML of data
     $xml = $this->build_custom_xml($coll_data, $coll_headers, $formatting_options, $subtotal_keys);
     return array('xml' => $xml, 'xsl' => $xsl);