Esempio n. 1
 function ingest($db, $r, $fetch_enclosures = false)
     $user = $r->getUser();
     $coll_ascii_id = $this->getAsciiId();
     $count = $this->getItemCount();
     $collection_name = $this->getTitle();
     $ascii_id = $this->getAsciiId();
     $c = new Dase_DBO_Collection($db);
     $c->collection_name = $collection_name;
     if (Dase_DBO_Collection::get($db, $ascii_id) || $c->findOne()) {
         //$r->renderError(409,'collection already exists');
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'collection exists ' . $c->collection_name);
     $c->ascii_id = $ascii_id;
     $c->is_public = 0;
     $c->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
     $c->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
     if ($c->insert()) {
         $cache = $r->getCache();
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'created collection ' . $c->collection_name);
         $coll_media_dir = MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $ascii_id;
         if (file_exists($coll_media_dir)) {
             //$r->renderError(409,'collection media archive exists');
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'collection media archive exists');
         } else {
             if (mkdir("{$coll_media_dir}")) {
                 chmod("{$coll_media_dir}", 0775);
                 foreach (Dase_Media::$sizes as $size => $access_level) {
                     Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'created directory ' . $coll_media_dir . '/' . $size);
                     chmod("{$coll_media_dir}/{$size}", 0775);
                 //todo: compat only!
                 symlink($coll_media_dir, $coll_media_dir . '_collection');
         foreach ($this->getEntries() as $entry) {
             if ('item' == $entry->getEntryType()) {
                 $r->set('collection_ascii_id', $c->ascii_id);
                 $entry->insert($db, $r, $fetch_enclosures);
Esempio n. 2
 public function getHandlerObject()
     $classname = $this->initModule($this->config);
     if (!$classname) {
         $classname = 'Dase_Handler_' . Dase_Util::camelize($this->handler);
     if (class_exists($classname, true)) {
         return new $classname($this->db, $this->config);
     } else {
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'no such handler class ' . $classname . ' redirecting');
Esempio n. 3
 public function expunge()
     if (!$this->id || !$this->ascii_id) {
         throw new Exception('cannot delete unspecified type');
     $ait = new Dase_DBO_AttributeItemType($this->db);
     $ait->item_type_id = $this->id;
     foreach ($ait->find() as $doomed) {
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'deleted attribute_item_type ' . $doomed->id);
Esempio n. 4
 public function redirect($path = '', $params = null, $code = 303)
     //SHOULD use 303 (redirect after put,post,delete)
     //OR 307 -- no go -- look here
     //NOTE that this redirect may be innapropriate when
     //client expect something OTHER than html (e.g., json,text,xml)
     //format should be passed in params
     $query_array = array();
     if (isset($params) && is_array($params)) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
             $query_array[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val);
     $app_root = $this->request->app_root;
     if ('http' != substr($path, 0, 4)) {
         $redirect_path = trim($app_root, '/') . "/" . trim($path, '/');
     } else {
         $redirect_path = $path;
     if (count($query_array)) {
         //since path is allowed to have some query params already
         if (false !== strpos($path, '?')) {
             $redirect_path .= '&' . join("&", $query_array);
         } else {
             $redirect_path .= '?' . join("&", $query_array);
     Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'redirecting to ' . $redirect_path);
     header("Location:" . $redirect_path, TRUE, $code);
Esempio n. 5
    public function getResultsAsAtom()
        $app_root = $this->request->app_root;
        //use XMLReader for speed
        $total = 0;
        $coll_tallies = array();
        $ids = array();
        $reader = new XMLReader();
        if (false === $reader->XML($this->_getSearchResults())) {
            Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'SOLR ERROR : error reading search engine xml');
        while ($reader->read()) {
            //get total number found
            if ($reader->localName == "result" && $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                $total = $reader->getAttribute('numFound');
            //get entries
            if ($reader->localName == "str" && $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                if ('_id' == $reader->getAttribute('name')) {
                    $ids[] = $reader->value;
            //get collection tallies
            if ($reader->localName == "lst" && $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                if ('c' == $reader->getAttribute('name')) {
                    while ($reader->read()) {
                        if ($reader->localName == "int" && $reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                            $tally['coll'] = $reader->getAttribute('name');
                            @($tally['collection_name'] = $GLOBALS['app_data']['collections'][$tally['coll']]);
                            //advance reader
                            $tally['count'] = $reader->value;
                            if ($tally['count']) {
                                $coll_tallies[] = $tally;
                            $tally = array();
        $url = $this->_cleanUpUrl($this->request->getUrl());
        $grid_url = $url . '&start=' . $this->start . '&max=' . $this->max . '&display=grid&sort=' . $this->sort;
        $list_url = $url . '&start=' . $this->start . '&max=' . $this->max . '&display=list&sort=' . $this->sort;
        $id = $app_root . '/search/' . md5($url);
        $updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
        //todo: probably the q param
        //note: bug -- this chops off last part of query
        //echo if it contains an ampersand
        //$query = '';
        preg_match('/(\\?|&|&)q=([^&]+)/i', urldecode($this->solr_search_url), $matches);
        if (isset($matches[2])) {
            $query = htmlspecialchars(urlencode($matches[2]));
        if (!$total) {
            Dase_Log::info(FAILED_SEARCH_LOG, $query);
        $feed = <<<EOD
<feed xmlns=""
\t  xmlns:thr="">
\t<name>DASe (Digital Archive Services)</name>
  <title>DASe Search Result</title>
  <link rel="alternate" title="Search Result" href="{$url}" type="text/html"/>
  <link rel="related" title="grid" href="{$grid_url}" type="text/html"/>
  <link rel="related" title="list" href="{$list_url}" type="text/html"/>
  <category term="search" scheme=""/>
  <totalResults xmlns="">{$total}</totalResults>
  <startIndex xmlns="">{$this->start}</startIndex>
  <itemsPerPage xmlns="">{$this->max}</itemsPerPage>
  <Query xmlns="" role="request" searchTerms="{$query}"/>
        //next link
        $next = $this->start + $this->max;
        if ($next <= $total) {
            $next_url = $url . '&amp;start=' . $next . '&amp;max=' . $this->max . '&amp;sort=' . $this->sort;
            $feed .= "\n  <link rel=\"next\" href=\"{$next_url}\"/>";
        //previous link
        $previous = $this->start - $this->max;
        if ($previous >= 0) {
            $previous_url = $url . '&amp;start=' . $previous . '&amp;max=' . $this->max . '&amp;sort=' . $this->sort;
            $feed .= "\n  <link rel=\"previous\" href=\"{$previous_url}\"/>";
        //collection fq
        //this will allow us to create search filters on page forms
        foreach ($this->coll_filters as $c) {
            $feed .= "\n  <category term=\"{$c}\" scheme=\"\"/>\n";
        $tallied = array();
        foreach ($coll_tallies as $tally) {
            $count = $tally['count'];
            $cname = $tally['collection_name'];
            $cname_specialchars = htmlspecialchars($cname);
            $coll = $tally['coll'];
            $encoded_query = $query . '&amp;c=' . $coll;
            $feed .= "  <link rel=\"\" title=\"{$cname_specialchars}\" thr:count=\"{$count}\" href=\"q={$encoded_query}\"/>\n";
        if (1 == count($coll_tallies)) {
            $feed .= "  <link rel=\"\" title=\"{$cname_specialchars}\" thr:count=\"{$count}\" href=\"{$app_root}/collection/{$coll}\"/>\n";
            $feed .= "  <link rel=\"\" title=\"{$cname_specialchars} attributes\" href=\"{$app_root}/collection/{$coll}/attributes.json\"/>\n";
        //this prevents a 'search/item' becoming 'search/item/item':
        $item_request_url = str_replace('search/item', 'search', $this->request->url);
        $item_request_url = preg_replace('/search/', 'search/item', $item_request_url, 1);
        //omit format param
        $item_request_url = preg_replace('/(\\?|&|&amp;)format=\\w*/i', '', $item_request_url);
        $item_request_url = htmlspecialchars($item_request_url);
        $num = 0;
        //foreach ($entries as $entry_txt) {
        foreach ($ids as $unique_id) {
            $doc = new Dase_DBO_ItemAtom($this->db);
            $doc->unique_id = $unique_id;
            $setnum = $num + $this->start;
            //$entry = Dase_Util::unhtmlspecialchars($entry_txt);
            $entry = $doc->doc;
            $added = <<<EOD
<category term="{$setnum}" scheme=""/>
  <link rel="" href="{$item_request_url}&amp;num={$setnum}&amp;uid={$unique_id}"/>
            $entry = str_replace('<author>', $added . "\n  <author>", $entry);
            $feed .= $entry;
        $feed .= "</feed>";
        $feed = str_replace('{APP_ROOT}', $app_root, $feed);
        return $feed;
Esempio n. 6
 function createNewItem($serial_number = null, $eid = null)
     if (!$eid) {
         $eid = '_dase';
     $item = new Dase_DBO_Item($this->db);
     $item->collection_id = $this->id;
     if ($serial_number) {
         $item->serial_number = $serial_number;
         if ($item->findOne()) {
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, "duplicate serial number: " . $serial_number);
             throw new Dase_Exception('duplicate serial number!');
         $item->status = 'public';
         $item->item_type_id = 0;
         $item->item_type_ascii_id = 'default';
         $item->item_type_name = 'default';
         $item->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
         $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
         $item->created_by_eid = $eid;
         $item->p_collection_ascii_id = $this->ascii_id;
         $item->p_remote_media_host = $this->remote_media_host;
         $item->collection_name = $this->collection_name;
         return $item;
     } else {
         $item->status = 'public';
         $item->item_type_id = 0;
         $item->item_type_ascii_id = 'default';
         $item->item_type_name = 'default';
         $item->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
         $item->created_by_eid = $eid;
         $item->p_collection_ascii_id = $this->ascii_id;
         $item->p_remote_media_host = $this->remote_media_host;
         $item->collection_name = $this->collection_name;
         //after move to mysql to avoid collisions w/ old sernums
         //replace first '0' w/ '1'
         //todo: better way to generate unique sernum.
         // (do NOT forget to enforce uniqueness in DB)
         //$item->serial_number = sprintf("%09d",$item->id);
         $item->serial_number = '1' . sprintf("%08d", $item->id);
         $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
         return $item;
Esempio n. 7
 /** will be invoked by subclass */
 function makeViewitem($item, $path_to_media)
     $size = $this->size;
     $collection = $item->getCollection();
     $target = $path_to_media . '/' . $collection->ascii_id . '/viewitem/' . $size . '.jpg';
     if (!file_exists($target)) {
         copy($this->base_path . '/www/images/thumb_icons/' . $size . '.jpg', $target);
     $media_file = new Dase_DBO_MediaFile($this->db);
     $media_file->item_id = $item->id;
     $media_file->filename = $size . '.jpg';
     $media_file->width = 80;
     $media_file->height = 80;
     $media_file->mime_type = 'image/jpeg';
     $media_file->size = 'viewitem';
     $media_file->file_size = filesize($target);
     $media_file->p_collection_ascii_id = $collection->ascii_id;
     $media_file->p_serial_number = $item->serial_number;
     Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, "created {$media_file->size} {$media_file->filename}");
Esempio n. 8
 function makeSizes($item, $path_to_media, $rotate)
     $collection = $item->getCollection();
     $image_properties = array('small' => array('geometry' => '640x480', 'max_height' => '480', 'size_tag' => '_640'), 'medium' => array('geometry' => '800x600', 'max_height' => '600', 'size_tag' => '_800'), 'large' => array('geometry' => '1024x768', 'max_height' => '768', 'size_tag' => '_1024'), 'full' => array('geometry' => '3600x2700', 'max_height' => '2700', 'size_tag' => '_3600'));
     $last_width = '';
     $last_height = '';
     $subdir = Dase_Util::getSubdir($item->serial_number);
     foreach ($image_properties as $size => $size_info) {
         $newimage = $path_to_media . '/' . $collection->ascii_id . '/' . $size . '/' . $subdir . '/' . $item->serial_number . $size_info['size_tag'] . '.jpg';
         $subdir_path = $path_to_media . '/' . $collection->ascii_id . '/' . $size . '/' . $subdir;
         if (!file_exists($subdir_path)) {
         $command = CONVERT . " \"{$this->filepath}\" -format jpeg -rotate {$rotate} -resize '{$size_info['geometry']} >' -colorspace RGB {$newimage}";
         $exec_output = array();
         $results = exec($command, $exec_output);
         if (!file_exists($newimage)) {
             Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, "failed to write {$size} image");
             Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, "UNSUCCESSFUL: {$command}");
         $file_info = getimagesize($newimage);
         //create the media_file entry
         $media_file = new Dase_DBO_MediaFile($this->db);
         $media_file->item_id = $item->id;
         $media_file->filename = $item->serial_number . $size_info['size_tag'] . ".jpg";
         if ($file_info) {
             $media_file->width = $file_info[0];
             $media_file->height = $file_info[1];
         if ($media_file->width <= $last_width && $media_file->height <= $last_height) {
         $last_width = $media_file->width;
         $last_height = $media_file->height;
         $media_file->mime_type = 'image/jpeg';
         $media_file->size = $size;
         $media_file->md5 = md5_file($newimage);
         $media_file->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
         $media_file->file_size = filesize($newimage);
         $media_file->p_collection_ascii_id = $collection->ascii_id;
         $media_file->p_serial_number = $item->serial_number;
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, "created {$media_file->size} {$media_file->filename}");
Esempio n. 9
 public function postToUploader($r)
     //form can use any 'name' it wishes
     $filecount = 0;
     foreach ($r->_files as $k => $v) {
         $input_name = $k;
         if ($input_name && is_file($r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'])) {
             $name = $r->_files[$input_name]['name'];
             $path = $r->_files[$input_name]['tmp_name'];
             $type = $r->_files[$input_name]['type'];
             if (!Dase_Media::isAcceptable($type)) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, $type . ' is not a supported media type');
                 //$r->renderError(415,'unsupported media type: '.$type);
             if (!is_uploaded_file($path)) {
                 //$r->renderError(400,'no go upload');
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'uploading file ' . $name . ' type: ' . $type);
             try {
                 //this'll create thumbnail, viewitem, and any derivatives
                 $file = Dase_File::newFile($this->db, $path, $type, $name, BASE_PATH);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'add to collection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
             $item = $this->collection->createNewItem(null, $this->user->eid);
             if ($r->has('title')) {
                 $item->setValue('title', $r->get('title'));
             } else {
                 $item->setValue('title', $name);
             try {
                 $media_file = $file->addToCollection($item, true, MEDIA_DIR);
                 //true means tets for dups
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'add to collection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
             //here's where we map admin_att to real att
             //delay search building??
     $r->renderResponse('uploaded ' . $filecount . ' files');
Esempio n. 10
 function testLogWritesToLogFile()
     Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'test');
     $val = substr(Dase_Log::readLastLine(LOG_FILE), -4);
     $this->assertTrue('test' === $val);
Esempio n. 11
 function asAtom($app_root, $authorized_links = false)
     $this->user || $this->getUser();
     $feed = new Dase_Atom_Feed();
     if ($this->description) {
     $feed->setId($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id);
     $feed->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '.atom', 'self');
     $feed->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id, 'alternate');
     $feed->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '/list', 'alternate', 'text/html', '', 'list');
     $feed->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '/grid', 'alternate', 'text/html', '', 'grid');
     $feed->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '.json', 'alternate', 'application/json', '', 'slideshow');
     $feed->addCategory($this->type, "", $this->type);
     if ($this->is_public) {
         $pub = "public";
     } else {
         $pub = "private";
     $feed->addCategory($pub, "");
     $feed->addCategory($this->background, "");
     /*  TO DO categories: admin_coll_id, updated, created, master_item, etc */
     $setnum = 0;
     $collections_array = array();
     foreach ($this->getTagItems() as $tag_item) {
         $item_unique = $tag_item->p_collection_ascii_id . '/' . $tag_item->p_serial_number;
         //lets us determine if tag includes items in only one collection
         $collections_array[$tag_item->p_collection_ascii_id] = 1;
         if ($authorized_links) {
             //fresh, not from cache
             $item = $tag_item->getItem();
             $entry = $feed->addEntry();
             $entry = $item->injectAtomEntryData($entry, $app_root, true);
         } else {
             $entry = $feed->addItemEntryByItemUnique($this->db, $item_unique, $app_root);
         if ($entry) {
             $entry->addCategory($setnum, '');
             $entry->addCategory($tag_item->id, '');
             $entry->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '/' . $tag_item->id, "");
             $entry->addLink($app_root . '/tag/' . $this->user->eid . '/' . $this->ascii_id . '/' . $tag_item->id . '/annotation', "");
             if ($tag_item->annotation) {
         } else {
             //remove tag_item
             $log_text = "SMOKING GUN Ann Johns mystery: tried removing {$item_unique} from set {$this->eid}/{$this->ascii_id}";
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, $log_text);
     if (1 == count($collections_array)) {
         $coll = array_pop(array_keys($collections_array));
         $feed->addCategory($coll, "");
     return $feed->asXml();
Esempio n. 12
 function create($db, $r)
     $atom_author = $this->getAuthorName();
     $user = $r->getUser('http');
     $collection_name = $this->getTitle();
     if (!$collection_name) {
         $r->renderError(400, 'no title');
     $c = new Dase_DBO_Collection($db);
     $c->collection_name = $collection_name;
     if ($r->has('ascii_id')) {
         $ascii_id = $r->get('ascii_id');
         //set in handler based on Slug
     } else {
         $ascii_id = $this->getAsciiId();
     if (!$ascii_id) {
         $ascii_id = $c->createAscii();
     if (Dase_DBO_Collection::get($db, $ascii_id) || $c->findOne()) {
         $r->renderError(409, 'collection already exists');
     $c->ascii_id = $ascii_id;
     $coll_media_dir = MEDIA_DIR . '/' . $ascii_id;
     if (file_exists($coll_media_dir)) {
         //todo: think about this...
         //$r->renderError(409,'collection media archive exists');
     $c->is_public = 0;
     $c->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
     $c->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
     $content = $this->getContent();
     if ($content) {
         $c->description = $content;
     $summary = $this->getSummary();
     if ($summary) {
         $c->admin_notes = $summary;
     if ($c->insert()) {
         $cache = $r->getCache();
         Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'created collection ' . $c->collection_name);
         if (mkdir("{$coll_media_dir}")) {
             chmod("{$coll_media_dir}", 0775);
             foreach (Dase_Media::$sizes as $size => $access_level) {
                 Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'created directory ' . $coll_media_dir . '/' . $size);
                 chmod("{$coll_media_dir}/{$size}", 0775);
             symlink($coll_media_dir, $coll_media_dir . '_collection');
         foreach (array('title', 'description', 'keyword', 'rights') as $att) {
             $a = new Dase_DBO_Attribute($db);
             $a->ascii_id = $att;
             $a->attribute_name = ucfirst($att);
             $a->collection_id = $c->id;
             $a->in_basic_search = true;
             $a->is_on_list_display = true;
             $a->is_public = true;
             $a->html_input_type = 'text';
             if ('description' == $att) {
                 $a->html_input_type = 'textarea';
             $a->updated = date(DATE_ATOM);
             if ($a->insert()) {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'created att ' . $att);
             } else {
                 Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'problem creating ' . $att);
         $cm = new Dase_DBO_CollectionManager($db);
         $cm->collection_ascii_id = $ascii_id;
         $cm->dase_user_eid = $user->eid;
         $cm->auth_level = 'admin';
         $cm->created = date(DATE_ATOM);
         $cm->created_by_eid = $user->eid;
         if ($cm->insert()) {
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'created admin user ' . $ascii_id . '::' . $user->eid);
         } else {
             Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, 'could not create admin user');
         return $ascii_id;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 13
 public function deleteTagItems($r)
     //move some of this into model
     $tag = $this->tag;
     $u = $r->getUser();
     Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE, "{$u->eid} ({$u->name}) is fixing to delete a bunch of items from {$tag->ascii_id}");
     if (!$u->can('write', $tag)) {
         $r->renderError(401, 'user does not have write privileges');
     $item_uniques_array = explode(',', $r->get('uniques'));
     $num = count($item_uniques_array);
     foreach ($item_uniques_array as $item_unique) {
     $r->response_mime_type = 'text/plain';
     $r->renderResponse("removed {$num} items from {$tag->name}");