function resetlog($args = array(), $vars = array()) { DHDO::logger('reset'); WP_CLI::success('Debug log wiped'); }
function backup() { DHDO::logger('Begining Backup.'); global $wpdb; if (!is_dir(content_url() . '/upgrade/')) { DHDO::logger('Upgrade folder missing. This will cause serious issues with WP in general, so we will create it for you.'); mkdir(content_url() . '/upgrade/'); } // Pull in data for what to backup $sections = get_option('dh-do-backupsection'); if (!$sections) { $sections = array(); } $file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/upgrade/'; $fileurl = content_url() . '/upgrade/'; // Pre-Cleanup if (file_exists($file)) { @unlink($file); DHDO::logger('Leftover zip file found, deleting ' . $file . ' ...'); } try { $zip = new ZipArchive($file); $zaresult = true; DHDO::logger('ZipArchive found and will be used for backups.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_string = $e->getMessage(); $zip = new PclZip($file); DHDO::logger('ZipArchive not found. Error: ' . $error_string); DHDO::logger('PclZip will be used for backups.'); require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php'; $zaresult = false; } $backups = array(); // All me files! if (in_array('files', $sections)) { DHDO::logger('Calculating backup size...'); $trimdisk = WP_CONTENT_DIR; $diskcmd = sprintf("du -s %s", WP_CONTENT_DIR); $diskusage = exec($diskcmd); $diskusage = trim(str_replace($trimdisk, '', $diskusage)); DHDO::logger(size_format($diskusage * 1024) . ' of diskspace will be processed.'); if ($diskusage < 2000 * 1024) { $backups = array_merge($backups, DHDO::rscandir(WP_CONTENT_DIR)); DHDO::logger(count($backups) . ' files added to backup list.'); } else { DHDO::logger('ERROR! PHP is unable to backup your wp-content folder. Please consider cleaning out unused files (like plugins and themes).'); } if (file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php')) { $backups[] = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; DHDO::logger('wp-config.php added to backup list.'); } } // And me DB! if (in_array('database', $sections)) { set_time_limit(300); $sqlhash = wp_hash(wp_rand()); $sqlfile = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/upgrade/' . $sqlhash . '.sql'; $tables = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $wpdb->prefix . "%'"); $tables_string = implode(' ', $tables); // Pre cleanup if (file_exists($sqlfile)) { @unlink($sqlfile); DHDO::logger('Leftover sql file found, deleting ' . $sqlfile . ' ...'); } $dbcmd = sprintf("mysqldump -h'%s' -u'%s' -p'%s' %s %s --single-transaction 2>&1 >> %s", DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, $tables_string, $sqlfile); exec($dbcmd); $sqlsize = size_format(@filesize($sqlfile)); DHDO::logger('SQL file created: ' . $sqlfile . ' (' . $sqlsize . ').'); $backups[] = $sqlfile; DHDO::logger('SQL added to backup list.'); } if (!empty($backups)) { set_time_limit(300); // Increased timeout to 5 minutes. If the zip takes longer than that, I have a problem. if ($zaresult != 'true') { DHDO::logger('Creating zip file using PclZip.'); DHDO::logger('NOTICE: If the log stops here, PHP failed to create a zip of your wp-content folder. Please consider increasing the server\'s PHP memory, RAM or CPU.'); $zip->create($backups); } else { DHDO::logger('Creating zip file using ZipArchive.'); DHDO::logger('NOTICE: If the log stops here, PHP failed to create a zip of your wp-content folder. Please consider cleaning out unused files (like plugins and themes), or increasing the server\'s PHP memory, RAM or CPU.'); try { $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CREATE); $trimpath = ABSPATH; foreach ($backups as $backupfiles) { if (strpos($backupfiles, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) { $zip->addFile($backupfiles, 'dreamobjects-backup' . str_replace($trimpath, '/', $backupfiles)); //DHDO::logger( $backupfiles ); } } $zip->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_string = $e->getMessage(); DHDO::logger('ZipArchive failed to complete: ' . $error_string); } } if (@file_exists($file)) { DHDO::logger('Calculating zip file size ...'); $zipsize = size_format(@filesize($file)); DHDO::logger('Zip file generated: ' . $file . ' (' . $zipsize . ').'); } else { @unlink($file); DHDO::logger('Zip file failed to generate. Nothing will be backed up.'); } // Delete SQL if (file_exists($sqlfile)) { @unlink($sqlfile); DHDO::logger('Deleting SQL file: ' . $sqlfile . ' ...'); } // Upload if (@file_exists($file)) { $s3 = AwsS3DHDO::factory(array('key' => get_option('dh-do-key'), 'secret' => get_option('dh-do-secretkey'), 'base_url' => get_option('dh-do-endpoint'))); $bucket = get_option('dh-do-bucket'); $parseUrl = parse_url(trim(home_url())); $url = $parseUrl['host']; if (isset($parseUrl['path'])) { $url .= $parseUrl['path']; } // Rename file $newname = $url . '/' . date_i18n('Y-m-d-His', current_time('timestamp')) . '.zip'; DHDO::logger('New filename ' . $newname . '.'); // Uploading set_time_limit(180); DHDO::logger('Beginning upload to Object Store servers.'); // Check the size of the file before we upload, in order to compensate for large files if (@filesize($file) >= 100 * 1024 * 1024) { // Files larger than 100megs go through Multipart DHDO::logger('Filesize is over 100megs, using Multipart uploader.'); // High Level DHDO::logger('Prepare the upload parameters and upload parts in 25M chunks.'); $uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()->setClient($s3)->setSource($file)->setBucket($bucket)->setKey($newname)->setMinPartSize(25 * 1024 * 1024)->setOption('Metadata', array('UploadedBy' => 'DreamObjectsBackupPlugin', 'UploadedDate' => date_i18n('Y-m-d-His', current_time('timestamp'))))->setOption('ACL', 'private')->setConcurrency(3)->build(); // This will be called in the following try $uploader->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('multipart_upload.after_part_upload', function ($event) { DHDO::logger('Part ' . $event["state"]->count() . ' uploaded ...'); }); try { DHDO::logger('Begin upload. This may take a while (5min for every 75 megs or so).'); set_time_limit(180); $uploader->upload(); DHDO::logger('Upload complete'); } catch (MultipartUploadException $e) { $uploader->abort(); DHDO::logger('Upload failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } else { // If it's under 100megs, do it the old way DHDO::logger('Filesize is under 100megs. This will be less spammy.'); set_time_limit(180); // 3 min try { $result = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $newname, 'SourceFile' => $file, 'ContentType' => 'application/zip', 'ACL' => 'private', 'Metadata' => array('UploadedBy' => 'DreamObjectsBackupPlugin', 'UploadedDate' => date_i18n('Y-m-d-His', current_time('timestamp'))))); DHDO::logger('Upload complete'); } catch (S3Exception $e) { DHDO::logger('Upload failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } /* // $s3->getEventDispatcher()->removeSubscriber($logPlugin); */ } else { DHDO::logger('Nothing to upload.'); } // Cleanup if (file_exists($file)) { @unlink($file); DHDO::logger('Deleting zip file: ' . $file . ' ...'); } if (file_exists($sqlfile)) { @unlink($sqlfile); DHDO::logger('Deleting SQL file: ' . $sqlfile . ' ...'); } } // Cleanup Old Backups DHDO::logger('Checking for backups to be deleted.'); if ($backup_result = 'Yes' && get_option('dh-do-retain') && get_option('dh-do-retain') != 'all') { $num_backups = get_option('dh-do-retain'); $s3 = AwsS3DHDO::factory(array('key' => get_option('dh-do-key'), 'secret' => get_option('dh-do-secretkey'), 'base_url' => get_option('dh-do-endpoint'))); $bucket = get_option('dh-do-bucket'); $parseUrl = parse_url(trim(home_url())); $prefixurl = $parseUrl['host']; if (isset($parseUrl['path'])) { $prefixurl .= $parseUrl['path']; } $backups = $s3->getIterator('ListObjects', array('Bucket' => $bucket, "Prefix" => $prefixurl)); if ($backups !== false) { $backups = $backups->toArray(); krsort($backups); $count = 0; foreach ($backups as $object) { if (++$count > $num_backups) { $s3->deleteObject(array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object['Key'])); DHDO::logger('Removed backup ' . $object['Key'] . ' from DreamObjects, per user retention choice.'); } } } } else { DHDO::logger('Per user retention choice, not deleteing a single old backup.'); } DHDO::logger('Backup Complete.'); DHDO::logger(''); }