Esempio n. 1
     exec("mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2_4/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/");
     //create dir  for ssl too
     exec("mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/");
     exec("mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2_2/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/");
     exec("mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2_4/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/");
     $vhostFileName2_2 = "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2_2/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/cpanel4j-ajp-vhost.conf";
     $vhostFileName2_4 = "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2_4/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/cpanel4j-ajp-vhost.conf";
     $vhostFileName_ssl_2 = "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/cpanel4j-ajp-vhost.conf";
     $vhostFileName_ssl_2_2 = "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2_2/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/cpanel4j-ajp-vhost.conf";
     $vhostFileName_ssl_2_4 = "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2_4/" . $userName . "/" . $domainName . "/cpanel4j-ajp-vhost.conf";
     exec("ln -s " . $vhostFileName . " " . $vhostFileName2_2);
     exec("ln -s " . $vhostFileName . " " . $vhostFileName2_4);
     exec("ln -s " . $vhostFileName . " " . $vhostFileName_ssl_2);
     exec("ln -s " . $vhostFileName . " " . $vhostFileName_ssl_2_2);
     exec("ln -s " . $vhostFileName . " " . $vhostFileName_ssl_2_4);
     $dbWrapper->setCronFlag($row['id'], 1);
     $dbWrapper->setStatus($row['id'], 'start');
     exec("/etc/init.d/httpd restart");
     echo exec("sh service-files/" . $userName . "-" . $domainName . "-tomcat-" . $tomcatVersion . ".sh start");
 } else {
     if ($row['installed'] == 1) {
         //mean instance is installed we need to check wheather user want to start or stop
         if ($row['status'] == "pending_start") {
             echo exec("sh service-files/" . $userName . "-" . $domainName . "-tomcat-" . $tomcatVersion . ".sh start");
             $dbWrapper->setCronFlag($row['id'], 1);
             $dbWrapper->setStatus($row['id'], 'start');
         } else {
             if ($row['status'] == "pending_stop") {
                 echo exec("sh service-files/" . $userName . "-" . $domainName . "-tomcat-" . $tomcatVersion . ".sh stop");