/** * this function get the fields that are part of the temporal * dynaform file. * * @name getTemporalFields * @author gustavo cruz * @access public * @param $file - the name of the dynaform file * @return invalidFields string */ function getTemporalFields($file) { try { //$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('pagedtable', 'paged-table', 'dynaforms/fields_List', 'display:none', $Parameters , '', SYS_URI.'dynaforms/dynaforms_PagedTableAjax'); $i = 0; $aFields = array(); $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => 'char', 'TYPE' => 'char', 'UP' => 'char', 'DOWN' => 'char'); $oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '_tmp0.xml', '', '', '', 'myxml')); $oDataset = $oSession->Execute('SELECT * FROM dynaForm WHERE NOT( XMLNODE_NAME = "" ) AND TYPE <> "pmconnection"'); $iMaximun = $oDataset->count(); while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) { $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => $aRow['XMLNODE_NAME'], 'TYPE' => $aRow['TYPE'], 'UP' => $i > 0 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_UP') : '', 'DOWN' => $i < $iMaximun - 1 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_DOWN') : '', 'row__' => $i + 1); $i++; } // print_r($aFields); // die; } catch (Exception $e) { } $invalidFields = validateGridConversion($aFields); if (count($invalidFields) > 0) { return implode(", ", $invalidFields); } else { return "ok"; } }
function createUser($userName, $authSource, $dn, $fullname, $email, $roles) { global $DB_MODULE; // :( G::LoadClassRBAC('user'); $dbc = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_RBAC_NAME); $obj = new RBAC_User(); $obj->SetTo($dbc); //is ProcessMaker? $isPM = false; foreach ($DB_MODULE as $index => $module) { if ($module = 'ProcessMaker') { $isPM = true; } } if ($isPM) { $dbcPM = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); $sesPM = new DBSession($dbcPM); } $res = $obj->UserNameRepetido(0, $userName); if ($res != 0) { $result = "-1"; } else { $aux = explode(' ', $fullname); $last = str_replace($aux[0] . ' ', '', $fullname); $uid = $obj->createUser($last, '', $aux[0], $email); $result = $obj->createUserName($uid, $userName, 'LDAP'); $obj->updateLDAP($uid, $authSource, $dn); $rol = explode(',', $roles); foreach ($rol as $key => $val) { if ($val != 0) { $obj->assignUserRole($uid, $val); } } if ($isPM) { $sql = "insert into USER (UID, USR_USER_NAME, USR_LASTNAME, USR_MIDNAME, USR_FIRSTNAME, USR_EMAIL) VALUES ( " . $uid . ", '" . $userName . "', '" . $last . "','', '" . $aux[0] . "', '" . $email . "' ) "; //$f =fopen ( '/shared/security.log', "a+" );fwrite ( $f, date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . "$isPM $sql \n" ); fclose ($f); $sesPM->Execute($sql); } } header("Content-Type: text/xml"); print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; print '<data>'; print "<value>{$result}</value>"; print '</data>'; }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ $G_MAIN_MENU = "rbac"; $G_SUB_MENU = "rbac.userEdit"; $G_MENU_SELECTED = 0; $uid = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['CURRENT_USER']; $dbc = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_RBAC_NAME); $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $stQry = "SELECT UID, USR_USE_LDAP FROM USERS where UID = {$uid} "; $dset = $ses->Execute($stQry); $row = $dset->Read(); $useLdap = $row['USR_USE_LDAP'] == 'Y'; $access = $RBAC->userCanAccess("RBAC_CREATE_USERS"); G::LoadClassRBAC("user"); $obj = new RBAC_User(); $obj->SetTo($dbc); $obj->Load($uid); $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $G_PUBLISH->SetTo($dbc); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent("xmlform", "xmlform", "rbac/userChangeLdap", "", $obj->Fields, "userChangeLdap2"); G::RenderPage("publish");
TU.USR_UID = U.USR_UID ) WHERE TU.TAS_UID = '" . $_POST['TAS_UID'] . "' AND TU.TU_TYPE = 1 AND TU.TU_RELATION = 1 AND U.USR_STATUS = 1"); */ $sDataBase = 'database_' . strtolower(DB_ADAPTER); if (G::LoadSystemExist($sDataBase)) { G::LoadSystem($sDataBase); $oDataBase = new database(); $sConcat = $oDataBase->concatString("U.USR_LASTNAME", "' '", "U.USR_FIRSTNAME"); } $sSQL = " SELECT\n TU.USR_UID AS USR_UID, " . $sConcat . " AS USR_FULLNAME\n FROM\n TASK_USER AS TU\n LEFT JOIN\n USERS AS U\n ON (\n TU.USR_UID = U.USR_UID\n )\n WHERE\n TU.TAS_UID = '" . $_POST['TAS_UID'] . "' AND\n TU.TU_TYPE = 1 AND\n TU.TU_RELATION = 1 AND\n U.USR_STATUS = 1"; $oDataset = $oSession->Execute($sSQL); while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) { $sAux .= '<option value="' . $aRow['USR_UID'] . '">' . $aRow['USR_FULLNAME'] . '</option>'; } $sAux .= '</select>'; echo $sAux; break; case 'EVALUATE': G::LoadClass('application'); $oApplication = new Application(new DBConnection()); $oApplication->load($_SESSION['APPLICATION']); $sUser = ''; if ($_POST['TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE'] != '') { if (isset($oApplication->Fields['APP_DATA'][str_replace('@@', '', $_POST['TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE'])])) { $sUser = $oApplication->Fields['APP_DATA'][str_replace('@@', '', $_POST['TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE'])]; }
/** * * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @param string $permission * @param string $urlNoAccess * @return void */ public function forceLogin($permission = "", $urlNoAccess = "") { global $RBAC; if (isset($_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']) && $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'] == '') { $sys = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? SYS_SYS : "sys" . SYS_SYS; $lang = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_LANG), URL_KEY) : SYS_LANG; $skin = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_SKIN), URL_KEY) : SYS_SKIN; $login = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode('login'), URL_KEY) : 'login'; $loginhtml = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode('login.html'), URL_KEY) : 'login.html'; $direction = "/{$sys}/{$lang}/{$skin}/{$login}/{$loginhtml}"; die; } $Connection = new DBConnection(); $ses = new DBSession($Connection); $stQry = "SELECT LOG_STATUS FROM LOGIN WHERE LOG_SID = '" . session_id() . "'"; $dset = $ses->Execute($stQry); $row = $dset->read(); $sessionPc = defined('SESSION_PC') ? SESSION_PC : ''; $sessionBrowser = defined('SESSION_BROWSER') ? SESSION_BROWSER : ''; if ($sessionPc == "1" or $sessionBrowser == "1") { if ($row['LOG_STATUS'] == 'X') { $sys = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? SYS_SYS : "sys" . SYS_SYS; $lang = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_LANG), URL_KEY) : SYS_LANG; $skin = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_SKIN), URL_KEY) : SYS_SKIN; $login = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode('login'), URL_KEY) : 'login'; $loginhtml = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode('login.html'), URL_KEY) : 'login.html'; $direction = "/{$sys}/{$lang}/{$skin}/{$login}/{$loginhtml}"; G::SendMessageXml('ID_CLOSE_SESSION', "warning"); header("location: {$direction}"); die; return; } } if (defined('SIN_COMPATIBILIDAD_RBAC') and SIN_COMPATIBILIDAD_RBAC == 1) { return; } if ($permission == "") { return; } if (is_array($permission)) { $aux = $permission; } else { $aux[0] = $permission; } $sw = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aux); $i++) { $res = $RBAC->userCanAccess($aux[$i]); if ($res == 1) { $sw = 1; } } if ($sw == 0 && $urlNoAccess != "") { $aux = explode('/', $urlNoAccess); $sys = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? SYS_SYS : "/sys" . SYS_LANG; $lang = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_LANG), URL_KEY) : SYS_LANG; $skin = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode(SYS_SKIN), URL_KEY) : SYS_SKIN; $login = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode($aux[0]), URL_KEY) : $aux[0]; $loginhtml = ENABLE_ENCRYPT == 'yes' ? G::encrypt(urldecode($aux[1]), URL_KEY) : $aux[1]; //header ("location: /$sys/$lang/$skin/$login/$loginhtml"); header("location: /fluid/mNE/o9A/mNGm1aLiop3V4qU/dtij4J°gmaLPwKDU3qNn2qXanw"); die; } if ($sw == 0) { header("location: /fluid/mNE/o9A/mNGm1aLiop3V4qU/dtij4J°gmaLPwKDU3qNn2qXanw"); die; } }
/** * Prints the DynaformEditor * * @return void */ public function _render() { global $G_PUBLISH; $script = ''; /* Start Block: Load (Create if doesn't exist) the xmlform */ $Parameters = array('SYS_LANG' => SYS_LANG, 'URL' => G::encrypt($this->file, URL_KEY), 'DYN_UID' => $this->dyn_uid, 'PRO_UID' => $this->pro_uid, 'DYNAFORM_NAME' => $this->dyn_title, 'FILE' => $this->file, 'DYN_EDITOR' => $this->dyn_editor); $_SESSION['Current_Dynafom']['Parameters'] = $Parameters; $XmlEditor = array('URL' => G::encrypt($this->file, URL_KEY), 'XML' => ''); $JSEditor = array('URL' => G::encrypt($this->file, URL_KEY)); $A = G::encrypt($this->file, URL_KEY); try { $openDoc = new Xml_Document(); $fileName = $this->home . $this->file . '.xml'; if (file_exists($fileName)) { $openDoc->parseXmlFile($fileName); } else { $this->_createDefaultXmlForm($fileName); $openDoc->parseXmlFile($fileName); } //$form = new Form( $this->file , $this->home, SYS_LANG, true ); $Properties = dynaformEditorAjax::get_properties($A, $this->dyn_uid); /* Start Block: Prepare the XMLDB connection */ define('DB_XMLDB_HOST', PATH_DYNAFORM . $this->file . '.xml'); define('DB_XMLDB_USER', ''); define('DB_XMLDB_PASS', ''); define('DB_XMLDB_NAME', ''); define('DB_XMLDB_TYPE', 'myxml'); /* Start Block: Prepare the dynaformEditor */ $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $sName = 'dynaformEditor'; $G_PUBLISH->publisherId = $sName; $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton(); $oHeadPublisher->setTitle(G::LoadTranslation('ID_DYNAFORM_EDITOR') . ' - ' . $Properties['DYN_TITLE']); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('blank'); $this->panelConf['title'] = ''; $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-init', 'mainPanel', $this->panelConf); if ($Properties['DYN_TYPE'] == 'xmlform') { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'toolbar', 'dynaforms/fields_Toolbar', 'display:none', $Parameters, '', ''); } else { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'toolbar', 'dynaforms/fields_ToolbarGrid', 'display:none', $Parameters, '', ''); } $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'dynaforms/dynaforms_Editor', 'display:none', $Parameters, '', ''); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'dynaforms/dynaforms_XmlEditor', 'display:none', $XmlEditor, '', ''); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('blank'); $i = 0; $aFields = array(); $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => 'char', 'TYPE' => 'char', 'UP' => 'char', 'DOWN' => 'char'); $oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection(PATH_DYNAFORM . $this->file . '.xml', '', '', '', 'myxml')); $oDataset = $oSession->Execute('SELECT * FROM dynaForm WHERE NOT( XMLNODE_NAME = "" ) AND TYPE <> "pmconnection"'); $iMaximun = $oDataset->count(); while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) { $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => $aRow['XMLNODE_NAME'], 'TYPE' => $aRow['TYPE'], 'UP' => $i > 0 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_UP') : '', 'DOWN' => $i < $iMaximun - 1 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_DOWN') : '', 'row__' => $i + 1); $i++; break; } global $_DBArray; $_DBArray['fields'] = $aFields; $_SESSION['_DBArray'] = $_DBArray; G::LoadClass('ArrayPeer'); $oCriteria = new Criteria('dbarray'); $oCriteria->setDBArrayTable('fields'); /** * *@Erik-> this is deprecated,. * (unuseful) $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('propeltable', 'paged-table', 'dynaforms/fields_List', $oCriteria, $Parameters, '', SYS_URI.'dynaforms/dynaforms_PagedTableAjax');** */ $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('blank'); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'dynaforms/dynaforms_JSEditor', 'display:none', $JSEditor, '', ''); } catch (Exception $e) { } $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'dynaforms/dynaforms_Properties', 'display:none', $Properties, '', ''); //for showHide tab option @Neyek $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('blank'); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_PREVIEW"), $sName . '[3]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToPreview', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_XML"), $sName . '[4]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToXmlCode', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); if ($Properties['DYN_TYPE'] != 'grid') { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_HTML"), $sName . '[5]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToHtmlCode', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); } $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_FIELDS_LIST"), $sName . '[6]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToFieldsList', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); if ($Properties["DYN_TYPE"] != "grid") { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_JAVASCRIPTS"), $sName . '[7]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToJavascripts', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); } $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-tab', G::LoadTranslation("ID_PROPERTIES"), $sName . '[8]', 'dynaformEditor.changeToProperties', 'dynaformEditor.saveCurrentView'); //for showHide tab option @Neyek if ($Properties["DYN_TYPE"] != "grid") { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent("panel-tab", G::LoadTranslation("ID_CONDITIONS_EDITOR"), $sName . "[9]", "dynaformEditor.changeToShowHide", "dynaformEditor.saveShowHide"); } $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('panel-close'); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile("/js/maborak/core/maborak.loader.js", 2); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile('/jscore/dynaformEditor/core/dynaformEditor.js'); //$oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile('/js/dveditor/core/dveditor.js'); //$oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile('/codepress/codepress.js',1); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile('/js/codemirrorOld/js/codemirror.js', 1); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptFile('/js/grid/core/grid.js'); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptCode(' var DYNAFORM_URL="' . $Parameters['URL'] . '"; leimnud.event.add(window,"load",function(){ loadEditor(); }); '); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptCode(' var jsMeta;var __usernameLogged__ = "' . (isset($_SESSION['USR_USERNAME']) ? $_SESSION['USR_USERNAME'] : '') . '";var SYS_LANG = "' . SYS_LANG . '";var __DYN_UID__ = "' . $this->dyn_uid . '";'); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptCode('var dynaformEditorParams = \'' . serialize($Parameters) . '\';'); G::RenderPage("publish", 'blank'); }
public function getCurrentDelegationCase($sApplicationUID = '') { $oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection()); $oDataset = $oSession->Execute(' SELECT DEL_INDEX FROM APP_DELEGATION WHERE APP_UID = "' . $sApplicationUID . '" ORDER BY DEL_DELEGATE_DATE DESC '); $aRow = $oDataset->Read(); return $aRow['DEL_INDEX']; }
function walkLevel($level, $label, $parent) { global $collapsed; global $appid; global $dbc; $sql = "SELECT UID, PRM_CODE, PRM_DESCRIPTION from PERMISSION WHERE PRM_APPLICATION = {$appid} AND PRM_PARENT = " . $parent; $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $dset = $ses->Execute($sql); $row = $dset->Read(); $c = 1; while (is_array($row)) { if ($label === "*") { $label = ""; $locLabel = $c; } else { $locLabel = $label . "." . $c; } showLevel($level, $locLabel, $row['PRM_CODE'], $row['PRM_DESCRIPTION'], $row['UID']); walkLevel($level + 1, $locLabel, $row['UID']); $c++; $row = $dset->Read(); } }
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ <?php $frm = $HTTP_POST_VARS; $dbc = new dbconnection(); $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $sql = "update tickets set tipo = ' " . $frm['tipo'] . "', resultado = ' " . $frm['curso'] . "' where ticket = '" . $frm['ticket'] . "' "; $ses->Execute($sql); ?> <script language = "JavaScript"> window.close(); </script>
*/ if (($RBAC_Response = $RBAC->userCanAccess("PM_FACTORY")) != 1) { return $RBAC_Response; } //G::genericForceLogin( 'WF_MYINFO' , 'login/noViewPage', $urlLogin = '******' ); G::LoadClass('dynaFormField'); if (!(isset($_POST['A']) && $_POST['A'] !== '')) { return; } $file = G::decrypt($_POST['A'], URL_KEY); $dbc = new DBConnection(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml', '', '', '', 'myxml'); $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $fields = new DynaFormField($dbc); if (!isset($_POST['XMLNODE_NAME'])) { return; } $fields->Delete($_POST['XMLNODE_NAME']); G::LoadClass('xmlDb'); $i = 0; $aFields = array(); $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => 'char', 'TYPE' => 'char', 'UP' => 'char', 'DOWN' => 'char'); $oSession = new DBSession(new DBConnection(PATH_DYNAFORM . $file . '.xml', '', '', '', 'myxml')); $oDataset = $oSession->Execute('SELECT * FROM dynaForm WHERE NOT( XMLNODE_NAME = "" )'); $iMaximun = $oDataset->count(); while ($aRow = $oDataset->Read()) { $aFields[] = array('XMLNODE_NAME' => $aRow['XMLNODE_NAME'], 'TYPE' => $aRow['TYPE'], 'UP' => $i > 0 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_UP') : '', 'DOWN' => $i < $iMaximun - 1 ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_DOWN') : ''); $i++; } global $_DBArray; $_DBArray['fields'] = $aFields; $_SESSION['_DBArray'] = $_DBArray;
/** * Obtains number of elements of asociated query * * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @return int */ function TotalCount() { global $HTTP_GET_VARS; global $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; $stQry = $this->_source; if ($this->WhereClause != "") { $stQry .= " WHERE " . $this->WhereClause; } if ($this->_ordered == true) { $stOrderBy = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->orderprefix . 'order']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->orderprefix . 'order'] : ''; if ($stOrderBy == "") { if ($this->DefaultOrder != "") { $stQry .= " ORDER BY " . $this->DefaultOrder; } } else { $stQry .= " ORDER BY " . $stOrderBy; } } else { if ($this->DefaultOrder != "") { $stQry .= " ORDER BY " . $this->DefaultOrder; } } $dbses = new DBSession($this->_dbc); $dbses->UseDB(DB_NAME); $dset = $dbses->Execute($stQry); return $dset->Count(); }
global $G_ENVIRONMENTS; if (isset($G_ENVIRONMENTS)) { $dbfile = $G_ENVIRONMENTS[G_TEST_ENV]['dbfile']; if (!file_exists($dbfile)) { printf("%s \n", pakeColor::colorize("dbfile {$dbfile} doesn't exist for environment " . G_ENVIRONMENT, 'ERROR')); exit(200); } else { include $dbfile; } } else { exit(201); } require_once PATH_GULLIVER . 'class.dbconnection.php'; require_once PATH_GULLIVER . 'class.dbsession.php'; require_once PATH_GULLIVER . 'class.dbrecordset.php'; $dbc = new DBConnection(); $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $dset = $ses->Execute("SELECT * from APPLICATION"); $method = array(); $testItems = 0; $methods = get_class_methods('DBRecordSet'); $t = new lime_test(8, new lime_output_color()); $t->diag('class DBRecordset'); $t->is(count($methods), 6, "class G " . count($methods) . " methods."); $t->isa_ok($dset, 'DBRecordSet', 'class DBRecordset created'); $t->can_ok($dset, 'SetTo', 'SetTo()'); $t->can_ok($dset, 'Free', 'Free()'); $t->can_ok($dset, 'Count', 'Count()'); $t->can_ok($dset, 'Read', 'Read()'); $t->can_ok($dset, 'ReadAbsolute', 'ReadAbsolute()'); $t->todo('review all pendings in this class');
/** * loadRoleProp.php * * ProcessMaker Open Source Edition * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008 Colosa Inc.23 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ $_SESSION['CURRENT_ROLE'] = $_GET['ROL_UID']; $dbc = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_RBAC_NAME); $ses = new DBSession(); $ses->SetTo($dbc); $dset = $ses->Execute('SELECT ROL_APPLICATION FROM USER_ROLE LEFT JOIN ROLE ON (ROL_UID = UID) WHERE ROL_UID = ' . $_SESSION['CURRENT_ROLE']); $row = $dset->Read(); $_SESSION['CURRENT_APPLICATION'] = $row['ROL_APPLICATION']; header('location: userRoleProp.htm');
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ G::GenericForceLogin('RBAC_LOGIN', 'login/noViewPage', 'login/login'); $G_MAIN_MENU = 'rbac'; $G_SUB_MENU = 'rbac.userEdit'; $G_MENU_SELECTED = 0; $dbc = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_RBAC_NAME); $ses = new DBSession($dbc); $dset = $ses->Execute('SELECT UID, USR_USE_LDAP FROM USERS where UID = ' . $_SESSION['CURRENT_USER']); $row = $dset->Read(); $useLdap = $row['USR_USE_LDAP'] == 'Y'; $access = $RBAC->userCanAccess('RBAC_CREATE_USERS'); G::LoadClassRBAC('user'); $obj = new RBAC_User(); $obj->SetTo($dbc); $obj->Load($_SESSION['CURRENT_USER']); $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $G_PUBLISH->SetTo($dbc); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'rbac/userEdit', '', $obj->Fields, 'userEdit2'); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'rbac/userChangePwd', '', $obj->Fields, 'userChangePwd2'); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'pagedTable', 'rbac/usersRolesList', '', array('CURRENT_USER' => $_SESSION['CURRENT_USER']), ''); G::RenderPage('publish'); ?> <script language='Javascript'>
function LoadOptions($stQry, $dbc) { $stQry = str_replace("''''", "''", $stQry); //cuando la conexion es normal... se intenta realizar el query $dses = new DBSession(); $dses->SetTo($dbc); $dses->UseDB(DB_NAME); $dset = $dses->Execute($stQry, false, 3); $data = $dset->ReadAbsolute(); while ($data) { $key = $data[0]; $val = $data[1]; $result[$key] = $val; $data = $dset->ReadAbsolute(); } return $result; }
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ $rolid = isset($_GET['ROL_UID']) ? $_GET['ROL_UID'] : ''; if ($rolid != "") { $_SESSION['CURRENT_ROLE'] = $rolid; } $dbc = new DBConnection(DB_HOST, DB_RBAC_USER, DB_RBAC_PASS, DB_RBAC_NAME); $ses = new DBSession(); $ses->SetTo($dbc); $sql = "select ROL_APPLICATION FROM USER_ROLE LEFT JOIN ROLE ON (ROL_UID = UID) WHERE ROL_UID = {$rolid} "; $dset = $ses->Execute($sql); $row = $dset->Read(); if (is_array($row)) { $_SESSION['CURRENT_APPLICATION'] = $row['ROL_APPLICATION']; } header("location: roleProp.htm");