LoadByLocalIp() public static method

public static LoadByLocalIp ( $localIp, $farmId )
 protected function ListScripts()
     $ResponseDOMDocument = $this->CreateResponse();
     $ScriptsDOMNode = $ResponseDOMDocument->createElement("scripts");
     // Get and Validate Event name
     $instance_events = array("hostinit" => "HostInit", "hostup" => "HostUp", "rebootfinish" => "RebootComplete", "newmysqlmaster" => "NewMysqlMasterUp", "ebsvolumeattached" => "EBSVolumeAttached", "blockdeviceattached" => "EBSVolumeAttached", "blockdevicemounted" => "EBSVolumeMounted");
     $Reflect = new ReflectionClass("EVENT_TYPE");
     $scalr_events = $Reflect->getConstants();
     if (!$this->DBServer->IsSupported(0.5)) {
         throw new Exception("ami-scripts roles cannot execute scripts anymore. Please upgrade your roles to scalarizr: http://scalr.net/blog/announcements/ami-scripts/");
     if (!in_array($this->GetArg("event"), $scalr_events)) {
         $event_name = $instance_events[strtolower($this->GetArg("event"))];
     } else {
         $event_name = $this->GetArg("event");
     if (!$event_name && preg_match("/^(Custom|API)Event-[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$/si", $this->GetArg("event"))) {
         $custom_event_name = $this->GetArg("event");
     try {
         if ($this->GetArg("event_id")) {
             if (preg_match("/^FRSID-([0-9]+)\$/", $this->GetArg("event_id"), $matches)) {
                 $scripts = $this->DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM farm_role_scripts WHERE farmid=? AND id=? ORDER BY order_index ASC", array($this->DBServer->farmId, $matches[1]));
             } else {
                 $event_info = $this->DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_id=?", array($this->GetArg("event_id")));
                 if ($event_info) {
                     $Event = unserialize($event_info['event_object']);
                     if ($Event->DBServer) {
                         if ($Event->DBServer->serverId == $this->DBServer->serverId) {
                             $is_target = '1';
                         } else {
                             $is_target = '0';
                         $scripts = $this->DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM farm_role_scripts WHERE farmid=? \r\n\t\t\t\t            \t\tAND event_name=? AND (target = ? OR (target = ? AND 1 = {$is_target} AND farm_roleid=?) OR (target = ? AND farm_roleid=?)) ORDER BY order_index ASC", array($Event->GetFarmID(), $Event->GetName(), SCRIPTING_TARGET::FARM, SCRIPTING_TARGET::INSTANCE, $Event->DBServer->farmRoleId, SCRIPTING_TARGET::ROLE, $Event->DBServer->farmRoleId));
                         $TargetDBFarmRole = $Event->DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject();
                         $target_instance_id = $Event->DBServer->serverId;
                     } else {
                         $scripts = $this->DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM farm_role_scripts WHERE farmid=? \r\n\t\t\t\t            \t\tAND event_name=? AND target = ? ORDER BY order_index ASC", array($Event->GetFarmID(), $Event->GetName(), SCRIPTING_TARGET::FARM));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $ResponseDOMDocument;
     /** Instance from which request has come **/
     try {
         $DBFarmRole = $this->DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $ResponseDOMDocument;
     $DBFarm = $this->DBServer->GetFarmObject();
     if (!$scripts) {
         // Check context and get list of scripts
         if (!$this->GetArg("target_ip")) {
             // Build a list of scripts to be executed on that particular instance
             if ($event_name == EVENT_TYPE::HOST_INIT) {
                 $this->DBServer->remoteIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 $this->DBServer->localIp = $this->GetArg('local_ip');
             $scripts = $this->DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM farm_role_scripts WHERE farmid=? AND farm_roleid=? \r\n\t            \t\tAND event_name=? ORDER BY order_index ASC", array($this->DBServer->farmId, $DBFarmRole->ID, $event_name));
         } else {
             if ($event_name == EVENT_TYPE::HOST_INIT && $this->GetArg("target_ip") == $this->GetArg('local_ip')) {
                 $this->DBServer->remoteIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 $this->DBServer->localIp = $this->GetArg('local_ip');
                 // Build a list of scripts to be executed upon event from another instance.
                 $targetDBServer = $this->DBServer;
             } else {
                 // Build a list of scripts to be executed upon event from another instance.
                 try {
                     $targetDBServer = DBServer::LoadByLocalIp($this->GetArg("target_ip"));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     return $ResponseDOMDocument;
             if ($this->GetArg("target_ip") == $this->GetArg('local_ip')) {
                 $is_target = '1';
             } else {
                 $is_target = '0';
             if (!$targetDBServer) {
             try {
                 $TargetDBFarmRole = $targetDBServer->GetFarmRoleObject();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return $ResponseDOMDocument;
             $scripts = $this->DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM farm_role_scripts WHERE farmid=? \r\n\t            \t\tAND event_name=? AND (target = ? OR (target = ? AND 1 = {$is_target} AND farm_roleid=?) OR (target = ? AND farm_roleid=?)) ORDER BY order_index ASC", array($this->DBServer->farmId, $event_name, SCRIPTING_TARGET::FARM, SCRIPTING_TARGET::INSTANCE, $TargetDBFarmRole->ID, SCRIPTING_TARGET::ROLE, $TargetDBFarmRole->ID));
     // Build XML list of scripts
     if (count($scripts) > 0) {
         foreach ($scripts as $script) {
             if ($script['target'] == SCRIPTING_TARGET::INSTANCE && $targetDBServer) {
                 if ($targetDBServer->serverId != $this->DBServer->serverId) {
             if ($script['target'] == SCRIPTING_TARGET::ROLE && $TargetDBFarmRole) {
                 if ($TargetDBFarmRole->ID != $DBFarmRole->ID) {
             if ($script['version'] == 'latest') {
                 $version = (int) $this->DB->GetOne("SELECT MAX(revision) FROM script_revisions WHERE scriptid=?", array($script['scriptid']));
             } else {
                 $version = (int) $script['version'];
             $template = $this->DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM scripts WHERE id=?", array($script['scriptid']));
             $template['script'] = $this->DB->GetOne("SELECT script FROM script_revisions WHERE scriptid=? AND revision=?", array($template['id'], $version));
             if (!$template['script']) {
                 throw new Exception("Script {$template['name']}:{$version} doesn't exist or inactive. Make sure that is does exist and is approved.");
             if ($template) {
                 $params = array_merge($this->DBServer->GetScriptingVars(), (array) unserialize($script['params']));
                 if ($Event) {
                     foreach ($Event->GetScriptingVars() as $k => $v) {
                         $params[$k] = $Event->{$v};
                 // Prepare keys array and array with values for replacement in script
                 $keys = array_keys($params);
                 $f = create_function('$item', 'return "%".$item."%";');
                 $keys = array_map($f, $keys);
                 $values = array_values($params);
                 // Generate script contents
                 $script_contents = str_replace($keys, $values, $template['script']);
                 $script_contents = str_replace('\\%', "%", $script_contents);
                 $name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "_", $template['name']);
                 $ScriptDOMNode = $ResponseDOMDocument->createElement("script");
                 $ScriptDOMNode->setAttribute("asynchronous", $script['issync'] == 1 ? '0' : '1');
                 $ScriptDOMNode->setAttribute("exec-timeout", $script['timeout']);
                 $ScriptDOMNode->setAttribute("name", $name);
                 $BodyDOMNode = $ResponseDOMDocument->createElement("body");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(_("Script template ID: %s not found."), $script['scriptid']));
     return $ResponseDOMDocument;