/** * Return the pilot's CCP ID. * When populateList is true, the lookup will return 0 in favour of getting the * external ID from CCP. This helps the kill_detail page load times. * * @param boolean $populateList * @return integer */ public function getExternalID($populateList = false) { if ($this->externalid) { return $this->externalid; } if (!$populateList) { $this->execQuery(); if ($this->externalid) { return $this->externalid; } $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery(); $sql = "SELECT typeID FROM kb3_invtypes, kb3_pilots WHERE typeName = plt_name AND plt_id = ?"; $id = ""; $pqry->prepare($sql); $pqry->bind_param('i', $this->id); $pqry->bind_result($id); if ($pqry->execute()) { if ($pqry->recordCount()) { $pqry->fetch(); $this->setCharacterID($id); return $this->externalid; } } // If getName() != name_ then this is a structure, not a pilot. if ($this->getName() != $this->name) { return 0; } $myID = new API_NametoID(); $myID->setNames($this->getName()); $myID->fetchXML(); $myNames = $myID->getNameData(); if ($this->setCharacterID($myNames[0]['characterID'])) { return $this->externalid; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
function delScout($s_id, $pilotid) { $qry = new DBQuery(true); $qry->execute("delete from kb3_scout where inp_kll_id = " . $this->killID_ . " and scout_id = " . $s_id . " limit 1"); //get pilot order to be deleted $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery(); $pqry->prepare("select ind_order from kb3_inv_detail where ind_kll_id = ? and ind_plt_id = ?"); $pqry->bind_param('ii', $this->killID_, $pilotid); $pqry->bind_result($scoutOrder); if (!$pqry->execute() || !$pqry->recordCount()) { return false; } else { $pqry->fetch(); } //get highest pilot order $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery(); $pqry->prepare("select max(ind_order) from kb3_inv_detail where ind_kll_id = ?"); $pqry->bind_param('i', $this->killID_); $pqry->bind_result($maxScoutOrder); if (!$pqry->execute() || !$pqry->recordCount()) { return false; } else { $pqry->fetch(); } $qry->execute("delete from kb3_inv_detail where ind_kll_id = " . $this->killID_ . " and ind_plt_id = " . $pilotid . " and ind_shp_id = '9999' limit 1"); //reorder remaining scouts for ($i = $scoutOrder + 1; $i <= $maxScoutOrder; $i++) { $qry->execute("update kb3_inv_detail set ind_order = '" . ($i - 1) . "' where ind_kll_id = '" . $this->killID_ . "' and ind_shp_id = '9999' and ind_order = '" . $i . "' limit 1"); } //remove from pilot's stats $qry->execute("SELECT 1 FROM kb3_sum_pilot WHERE psm_plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'"); if ($qry->recordCount() > 0) { $this->kill = new Kill($this->killID_); $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_sum_pilot SET psm_kill_count = psm_kill_count - 1, psm_kill_isk = psm_kill_isk - '" . $this->kill->getISKLoss() . "' WHERE psm_plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "' AND psm_shp_id = '" . $this->kill->getVictimShip()->getClass()->getID() . "'"); $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_pilots SET plt_kpoints = plt_kpoints - '" . $this->kill->getKillPoints() . "' WHERE plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'"); } //make sure involved count is shown correctly (it's generated before this class is loaded) header("Location: ?a=kill_detail&kll_id=" . $this->killID_); exit; }
/** * Look up a Ship by name. * * @param string $name a string containing a ship name. */ static function lookup($name) { static $cache_name = array(); static $pqry = null; static $id = 0; static $shp_name = ""; static $scl_id = 0; static $typeName = ""; if (isset($cache_name[$name])) { return $cache_name[$name]; } if ($name == "Unknown") { $cache_name[$name] = Ship::getByID(0); return $cache_name[$name]; } if ($pqry === null) { $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery(); $pqry->prepare("SELECT typeID, typeName, shp_class" . " FROM kb3_ships RIGHT JOIN kb3_invtypes ON shp_id=typeID" . " WHERE typeName = ?"); } $shp_name = $name = trim(stripslashes($name)); $pqry->bind_param('s', $shp_name); $pqry->bind_result($id, $typeName, $scl_id); if (!$pqry->execute() || !$pqry->recordCount()) { return false; } else { $pqry->fetch(); } if ($scl_id == null && $id) { $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_ships (shp_id, shp_class) values({$id}, 18)"); $scl_id = 18; // "Unknown" } $shipclass = ShipClass::getByID($scl_id); $cache_name[$name] = new Ship($id, null, $typeName, $shipclass); return $cache_name[$name]; }
/** * Search function for the search.php page. * * @param string $searchphrase * @param string $type * @param integer $limit * @return xajaxResponse */ function doAjaxSearch($searchphrase = '', $type = 'pilot', $limit = 10) { $qry = new DBPreparedQuery(); switch ($type) { case "pilot": $sql = "select plt.plt_name as name1, crp.crp_name as name2, plt.plt_id as id\n\t\t\t\t from kb3_pilots plt, kb3_corps crp\n\t\t\t\t where plt.plt_name like ?\n\t\t\t\t and plt.plt_crp_id = crp.crp_id\n\t\t\t\t order by plt.plt_name LIMIT {$limit}"; break; case "corp": $sql = "select crp.crp_name as name1, ali.all_name as name2, crp.crp_id as id\n\t\t\t\t from kb3_corps crp, kb3_alliances ali\n\t\t\t\t where crp.crp_name like ?\n\t\t\t\t and crp.crp_all_id = ali.all_id\n\t\t\t\t order by crp.crp_name LIMIT {$limit}"; break; case "alliance": $sql = "select ali.all_name as name1, '' as name2, ali.all_id as id\n\t\t\t\t from kb3_alliances ali\n\t\t\t\t where ali.all_name like ?\n\t\t\t\t order by ali.all_name LIMIT {$limit}"; break; case "system": $sql = "select sys.sys_name as name1, reg.reg_name as name2, sys.sys_id as id\n\t\t\t\t from kb3_systems sys, kb3_constellations con, kb3_regions reg\n\t\t\t\t where sys.sys_name like ?\n\t\t\t\t\tand con.con_id = sys.sys_con_id and reg.reg_id = con.con_reg_id\n\t\t\t\t order by sys.sys_name LIMIT {$limit}"; break; case "item": $sql = "select typeName as name1, '' as name2, typeID as id\n\t\t\t\tfrom kb3_invtypes where typeName like ? LIMIT {$limit}"; break; default: $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); $objResponse->assign('searchresults', "innerHTML", 'Invalid type'); return $objResponse; } $name1 = 'No result'; $name2 = ''; $id = 0; $qry->prepare($sql); $searchphrase2 = $searchphrase . '%'; $qry->bind_param('s', $searchphrase2); $qry->bind_result($name1, $name2, $id); $result = ''; if (!$qry->execute()) { $result = $qry->getErrorMsg(); } else { if (!$qry->recordCount()) { $result = "No results"; } else { $result = "<table class='kb-table' width='450'><tr class='kb-table-header'>"; switch ($type) { case "pilot": $result .= "<td>Pilot</td><td>Corporation</td></tr>"; break; case "corp": $result .= "<td>Corporation</td><td>Alliance</td></tr>"; break; case "alliance": $result .= "<td>Alliance</td><td></td></tr>"; break; case "system": $result .= "<td>System</td><td>Region</td></tr>"; break; case "item": $result .= "<td>Item</td><td></td></tr>"; break; } while ($qry->fetch()) { $result .= "<tr class='kb-table-row-even'><td><a href='"; switch ($type) { case "pilot": $result .= edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $id, 'plt_id') . "'>"; break; case "corp": $result .= edkURI::page('corp_detail', $id, 'crp_id') . "'>"; break; case "alliance": $result .= edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $id, 'all_id') . "'>"; break; case "system": $result .= edkURI::page('system_detail', $id, 'sys_id') . "'>"; break; case "item": $result .= edkURI::page('invtype', $id) . "'>"; break; } $result .= $name1 . "</a></td><td>" . $name2 . "</td></tr>"; } $result .= "</table>"; } } $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); $objResponse->assign('searchresults', "innerHTML", $result); return $objResponse; }