public function log($msg, $level) { $log = new DBLog(); $log->setAuthor($this->author); $log->setPriority($level); $log->setMessage($msg); $this->em->persist($log); $this->em->flush(); }
/** * standard constructor * @param string Role, a user must have to access the page. Note that Administrators * can access just any page and that a page wirh no permissions set may be accessed * by every user of the CMS. A page can be accessible by several user-roles, just * use '&' to combine roles. * @param boolean Flag, that says if the user must be in systemgroup (when true.) */ function auth($permission = "ANY", $sys = false) { global $c, $db; $this->sys = $sys; // collect data if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != "") { $this->remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if (value("passwd") != "0" && value("login") != "0") { //try to login user if ($this->checkLogin(value("login"), value("passwd"))) { $this->createSession($this->userId); } else { $log1 = new DBLog("AUTH"); $log1->log("Login failed for user " . value("login") . " with IP " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $db->close(); header("Location: " . $c["docroot"] . "api/auth/loginform.php?status=failed"); exit; } } else { if (value("sid", "NOSPACES") != "0") { $this->session = value("sid", "NOSPACES"); //$GLOBALS["sid"]; } } // verify data if (!$this->validateSession()) { $db->close(); header("Location: " . $c["docroot"] . "api/auth/loginform.php"); exit; } else { $this->loggedIn = true; } if (!$this->loggedIn) { // forward to login page $db->close(); header("Location: " . $c["docroot"] . "api/auth/loginform.php"); exit; } if ($this->loggedIn) { $sql = "SELECT LANGID, USE_JAVASCRIPT, USE_AGENT FROM users WHERE USER_ID = " . $this->userId; $query = new query($db, $sql); $query->getrow(); $this->lang = $query->field("LANGID"); $this->isJS = $query->field("USE_JAVASCRIPT"); if (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE') { $this->useAgent = $query->field("USE_AGENT"); } if ($this->lang != "") { global $c, $lang; $lang->language = $this->lang; } //get list of roles this user has // preselect system group, if system flag is not deselected. $additum = ""; if ($this->sys) { $additum = " AND (p.GROUP_ID = {$this->group} OR p.GROUP_ID=1)"; } // get all roleIDs the user has $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT r.ROLE_NAME, p.ROLE_ID FROM roles r, user_permissions p WHERE p.ROLE_ID = r.ROLE_ID AND p.USER_ID = {$this->userId}" . $additum; $query = new query($db, $sql); while ($query->getrow()) { $this->roles[$query->field("ROLE_ID")] = strtoupper($query->field("ROLE_NAME")); } $query->free(); //get list of functions allowed for this user $rolesString = ""; $tmpRoleIDs = array_keys($this->roles); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmpRoleIDs); $i++) { $rolesString .= "," . $tmpRoleIDs[$i]; } $rolesString = substr($rolesString, 1); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rsf.FUNCTION_ID FROM role_sys_functions as rsf WHERE rsf.ROLE_ID in ( " . $rolesString . " )"; $query = new query($db, $sql); $counter = 0; while ($query->getrow()) { $this->allowedFunctions[$counter] = $query->field("FUNCTION_ID"); $counter++; } $query->free(); if (($permission != "ANY" || !$this->checkAccessToFunction("ALLOW_CMS_LOGIN")) && $this->userName != "Administrator") { // check permission. if (!$this->checkPermission($permission, false) || !$this->checkAccessToFunction("ALLOW_CMS_LOGIN")) { // no permission $db->close(); header("Location: " . $c["docroot"] . "api/auth/login.php"); exit; } } } }
/** * Help function of nxDelete. Deletes a file destination * @param string $destPath Destination-Location where delete shall be performed. * @param string $destFile Destination-File to delete. * @param string $mode file or ftp transfer. * @param object FTP-Connection-Object if needed. */ function _executeDelete($destPath, $destFile, $mode, $conn=null) { if ($mode == "file") { if (file_exists($destPath.$destFile)) { @unlink($destPath.$destFile); return true; } else { $log = new DBLog("LAUNCH"); $log->log($destPath.$destFile." could not be deleted."); unset($log); return false; } } else if ($mode == "ftp") { $conn->ftp_chdir($destPath); if ($conn->ftp_file_exists($destFile)) { $conn->ftp_delete($destFile); } } return true; }
/** * Returns the value of a variable sent with post or get * returns "", if variable not found. * @param string $variable_name Name of the variable to get value of * @param string $validate Validate the input variable. Allowed are NUMERIC, NOSPACES * @param string $default Value that is set if value is not found. */ function value($variable_name, $validate = "", $default = "0") { $result = $default; if (isset($_GET[$variable_name])) $result = $_GET[$variable_name]; else if (isset($_POST[$variable_name])) $result = $_POST[$variable_name]; // doing the validation check $validate = strtoupper($validate); if ($validate == "NUMERIC") { if ((!is_numeric($result)) && $result != "" && $result != 0) { $log = new DBLog("INTRUSION"); $log->log("There seems to be a variable modification on variable " . $variable_name . " on page " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . ". The request was blocked. IP:" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); echo "The provided data is not of correct type."; exit(); $result = $default; } } else if ($validate == "NOSPACES") { if (strstr($result, " ") != false) { global $auth; $log = new DBLog("INTRUSION"); $log->log("There seems to be a variable modification on variable " . $variable_name . " on page " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . " The request was blocked. IP:" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); echo "Type mismatch! Exiting...."; exit(); $result = $default; } } if ($result == "") $result = $default; return $result; }
/** * standard constructor * @param string Role, a user must have to access the page. Note that Administrators * can access just any page and that a page wirh no permissions set may be accessed * by every user of the CMS. A page can be accessible by several user-roles, just * use '&' to combine roles. * @param boolean Flag, that says if the user must be in systemgroup (when true.) * @param boolean Flag, that says if the user must be logged in in any case */ function authSMA($permission = "ANY", $sys = true, $forceLogin = true) { global $c, $db, $sid; global $passwd, $login; $v = value("v"); $page = value("page", "NUMERIC"); $this->sys = $sys; // collect data if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != "") { $this->remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if (value("passwd") != "0" && value("login") != "0") { //try to login user if ($this->checkLogin(value("login"), value("passwd"))) { $this->createSession($this->userId); } else { $log1 = new DBLog("AUTH"); $log1->log("Login failed for user " . value("login") . " with IP" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); header("Location: " . $this->forwardToOnAuthFail() . "&status=failed"); exit; } } else { if ($_COOKIE[$this->myCookie] != "") { $this->session = $_COOKIE[$this->myCookie]; } else { if (value("sid") != "0") { $this->session = value("sid"); } } } // verify data if (!$this->validateSession()) { if ($forceLogin) { header("Location: " . $this->forwardToOnAuthFail()); exit; } } else { $this->loggedIn = true; } if (!$this->loggedIn) { // forward to login page if ($forceLogin) { header("Location: " . $this->forwardToOnAuthFail()); exit; } } if ($this->loggedIn) { $sql = "SELECT LANGID, USE_JAVASCRIPT FROM users WHERE USER_ID = " . $this->userId; $query = new query($db, $sql); $query->getrow(); $this->lang = $query->field("LANGID"); $this->isJS = $query->field("USE_JAVASCRIPT"); if ($this->lang != "") { global $c, $lang; $lang->language = $this->lang; } //get list of roles this user has // preselect system group, if system flag is not deselected. $additum = ""; if ($this->sys) { $additum = " AND (p.GROUP_ID = {$this->group} OR p.GROUP_ID=1)"; } // get all roleIDs the user has $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT r.ROLE_NAME, p.ROLE_ID FROM roles r, user_permissions p WHERE p.ROLE_ID = r.ROLE_ID AND p.USER_ID = {$this->userId}" . $additum; $query = new query($db, $sql); while ($query->getrow()) { $this->roles[$query->field("ROLE_ID")] = strtoupper($query->field("ROLE_NAME")); } $query->free(); //get list of functions allowed for this user $rolesString = ""; $tmpRoleIDs = array_keys($this->roles); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmpRoleIDs); $i++) { $rolesString .= "," . $tmpRoleIDs[$i]; } $rolesString = substr($rolesString, 1); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rsf.FUNCTION_ID FROM role_sys_functions as rsf WHERE rsf.ROLE_ID in ( " . $rolesString . " )"; $query = new query($db, $sql); $counter = 0; while ($query->getrow()) { $this->allowedFunctions[$counter] = $query->field("FUNCTION_ID"); $counter++; } $query->free(); if ($permission != "ANY") { // check permission. if (!$this->checkPermission($permission, false)) { // no permission if ($forceLogin) { header("Location: " . $this->forwardToOnAuthFail()); exit; } } } } // set the cookie now setcookie($this->myCookie, $this->session, time() + 60 * 60, '/'); }
/********************************************************************** * N/X - Web Content Management System * Copyright 2004 Sven Weih * * This file is part of N/X. * * N/X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * N/X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with N/X; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA **********************************************************************/ require_once "../../"; $auth = new auth("ANY"); $page = new page("Access Violation"); $form = new MessageForm($lang->get("access_violation", "Access violation"), $lang->get("access_v_text", "You have not rights to access this object!"), $c["docroot"]."api/userinterface/page/blank_page.php"); $log = new DBLog("Access Violation"); $log->log("User ".$auth->userName." tried to access resource with guid ".value("guid", "NUMERIC")); $page->add($form); $page->draw(); $db->close(); ?>