$props = $xmltree->GetPath('/DAV::sync-collection/DAV::prop/*');
if (!empty($props)) {
    foreach ($props as $k => $v) {
        $proplist[] = $v->GetNSTag();
function display_status($status_code)
    return sprintf('HTTP/1.1 %03d %s', intval($status_code), getStatusMessage($status_code));
$collection = new DAVResource($request->path);
if (!$collection->Exists()) {
$bound_from = $collection->bound_from();
$collection_path = $collection->dav_name();
$request_via_binding = $bound_from != $collection_path;
$params = array(':collection_id' => $collection->GetProperty('collection_id'), ':sync_token' => $sync_token);
$sql = "SELECT new_sync_token( :sync_token, :collection_id)";
$qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params);
if (!$qry->Exec("REPORT", __LINE__, __FILE__) || $qry->rows() <= 0) {
    $request->DoResponse(500, translate("Database error"));
$row = $qry->Fetch();
if (!isset($row->new_sync_token)) {
    /** If we got a null back then they gave us a sync token we know not of, so provide a full sync */
    $sync_token = 0;
    $params[':sync_token'] = $sync_token;
    if (!$qry->QDo($sql, $params) || $qry->rows() <= 0) {
        $request->DoResponse(500, translate("Database error"));
    $components = array();
    $filter_fragment = SqlFilterCardDAV($qry_filters, $components);
    if ($filter_fragment !== false) {
        $where .= ' ' . $filter_fragment['sql'];
        $params = $filter_fragment['params'];
} else {
    dbg_error_log('cardquery', 'No query filters');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM caldav_data INNER JOIN addressbook_resource USING(dav_id)' . $where;
if (isset($c->strict_result_ordering) && $c->strict_result_ordering) {
    $sql .= " ORDER BY dav_id";
$qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params);
if ($qry->Exec("cardquery", __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() > 0) {
    while ($address_object = $qry->Fetch()) {
        if (!$need_post_filter || apply_filter($qry_filters, $address_object)) {
            if ($bound_from != $target_collection->dav_name()) {
                $address_object->dav_name = str_replace($bound_from, $target_collection->dav_name(), $address_object->dav_name);
            if (count($address_data_properties) > 0) {
                $vcard = new VCard($address_object->caldav_data);
                $address_object->caldav_data = $vcard->Render();
            $responses[] = component_to_xml($properties, $address_object);
$multistatus = new XMLElement("multistatus", $responses, $reply->GetXmlNsArray());
$request->XMLResponse(207, $multistatus);
Esempio n. 3
function rollback($response_code = 412)
    global $request;
    $qry = new AwlQuery('ROLLBACK');
    // Just in case
    // And we don't return from that.
$qry = new AwlQuery('BEGIN');
if (!$qry->Exec('move')) {
$src_name = $src->dav_name();
$dst_name = $dest->dav_name();
$src_collection = $src->GetProperty('collection_id');
$dst_collection = $dest->GetProperty('collection_id');
$src_user_no = $src->GetProperty('user_no');
$dst_user_no = $dest->GetProperty('user_no');
if ($src->IsCollection()) {
    if ($dest->Exists()) {
        $qry = new AwlQuery('DELETE FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dst_name', array(':dst_name' => $dst_name));
        if (!$qry->Exec('move')) {
    /** @TODO: Need to confirm this will work correctly if we move this into another user's hierarchy. */
    $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET dav_name = :dst_name ';
    $params = array(':dst_name' => $dst_name);
Esempio n. 4
function rollback($response_code = 412)
    global $request;
    $qry = new AwlQuery('ROLLBACK');
    // Just in case
    // And we don't return from that.
$qry = new AwlQuery('BEGIN');
if (!$qry->Exec('move')) {
$src_name = $src->dav_name();
$dst_name = $dest->IsBinding() ? $dest->bound_from() : $dest->dav_name();
$src_collection = $src->GetProperty('collection_id');
$dst_collection = $dest->GetProperty('collection_id');
$src_user_no = $src->GetProperty('user_no');
$dst_user_no = $dest->GetProperty('user_no');
$cache = getCacheInstance();
$cachekeys = array();
if ($src->IsCollection()) {
    $cachekeys[] = ($src->ContainerType() == 'principal' ? 'principal' : 'collection') . '-' . $src->parent_path();
    $cachekeys[] = ($src->IsPrincipal() == 'principal' ? 'principal' : 'collection') . '-' . $src->dav_name();
    $cachekeys[] = ($src->IsPrincipal() ? 'principal' : 'collection') . '-' . $dest->dav_name();
    if ($dest->Exists()) {
        $qry = new AwlQuery('DELETE FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dst_name', array(':dst_name' => $dst_name));
        if (!$qry->Exec('move')) {
Esempio n. 5
    return $responses;
* Something that we can handle, at least roughly correctly.
$responses = array();
if ($request->IsProxyRequest()) {
    $response = add_proxy_response($request->proxy_type, $request->principal->dav_name());
    if (isset($response)) {
        $responses[] = $response;
} else {
    $resource = new DAVResource($request->path);
    if (!$resource->Exists()) {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(404, 'must-exist', translate('That resource is not present on this server.'));
    if ($resource->IsCollection()) {
        dbg_error_log('PROPFIND', 'Getting collection contents: Depth %d, Path: %s', $request->depth, $resource->dav_name());
        $responses[] = $resource->RenderAsXML($property_list, $reply);
        if ($request->depth > 0) {
            $responses = array_merge($responses, get_collection_contents($request->depth - 1, $resource));
    } elseif ($request->HavePrivilegeTo('DAV::read', false)) {
        $responses[] = $resource->RenderAsXML($property_list, $reply);
$xmldoc = $reply->Render('multistatus', $responses);
$etag = md5($xmldoc);
header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"');
$request->DoResponse(207, $xmldoc, 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"');
                  LEFT JOIN calendar_item USING(dav_id, user_no, dav_name, collection_id)
                  LEFT JOIN addressbook_resource USING(dav_id)
                  LEFT JOIN collection USING(collection_id)';
 * @todo: Add stanzas for missing rows, so we don't just return a blank multistatus but
 * actually return <response> stanzas with a 404 for each absent href.  We could do
 * this relatively easily with an array_flip($params) and remove each matching dav_name
 * as we process it.
if (isset($c->strict_result_ordering) && $c->strict_result_ordering) {
    $where .= " ORDER BY caldav_data.dav_id";
$qry = new AwlQuery($sql . $where, $params);
if ($qry->Exec('REPORT', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() > 0) {
    while ($dav_object = $qry->Fetch()) {
        if ($bound_from != $collection->dav_name()) {
            $dav_object->dav_name = str_replace($bound_from, $collection->dav_name(), $dav_object->dav_name);
        //if ( $need_expansion ) {
        $vResource = new vComponent($dav_object->caldav_data);
        $expanded = expand_event_instances($vResource, $expand_range_start, $expand_range_end);
        //      $event = $expanded->GetComponents("VEVENT")[0];
        //      $attendeeName = "ATTENDEE";
        //      $event->ClearProperties($attendeeName);
        //      $attendeeQry = new AwlQuery("SELECT params, attendee FROM calendar_attendee WHERE dav_id = :dav_id", array(':dav_id' => $dav_object->dav_id));
        //      $attendeeQry->Execute();
Esempio n. 7
if (isset($c->hide_TODO) && $c->hide_TODO && !$target_collection->HavePrivilegeTo('DAV::write-content')) {
    $where .= " AND caldav_data.caldav_type NOT IN ('VTODO') ";
if (isset($c->hide_older_than) && intval($c->hide_older_than > 0)) {
    $where .= " AND calendar_item.dtstart > (now() - interval '" . intval($c->hide_older_than) . " days') ";
$sql = 'SELECT caldav_data.*,calendar_item.*  FROM collection INNER JOIN caldav_data USING(collection_id) INNER JOIN calendar_item USING(dav_id) ' . $where;
if (isset($c->strict_result_ordering) && $c->strict_result_ordering) {
    $sql .= " ORDER BY caldav_data.dav_id";
$qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params);
if ($qry->Exec("calquery", __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() > 0) {
    while ($calendar_object = $qry->Fetch()) {
        if (!$need_post_filter || apply_filter($qry_filters, $calendar_object)) {
            if ($bound_from != $target_collection->dav_name()) {
                $calendar_object->dav_name = str_replace($bound_from, $target_collection->dav_name(), $calendar_object->dav_name);
            if ($need_expansion) {
                $vResource = new vComponent($calendar_object->caldav_data);
                $expanded = expand_event_instances($vResource, $expand_range_start, $expand_range_end);
                if ($expanded->ComponentCount() == 0) {
                $calendar_object->caldav_data = $expanded->Render();
            $responses[] = calendar_to_xml($properties, $calendar_object);
$multistatus = new XMLElement("multistatus", $responses, $reply->GetXmlNsArray());
function export_iCalendar(DAVResource $dav_resource)
    global $session, $c, $request;
    if (!$dav_resource->IsCalendar() && !(isset($c->get_includes_subcollections) && $c->get_includes_subcollections)) {
        /** RFC2616 says we must send an Allow header if we send a 405 */
        $request->DoResponse(405, translate("GET requests on collections are only supported for calendars."));
     * The CalDAV specification does not define GET on a collection, but typically this is
     * used as a .ics download for the whole collection, which is what we do also.
    if (isset($c->get_includes_subcollections) && $c->get_includes_subcollections) {
        $where = 'caldav_data.collection_id IN ';
        $where .= '(SELECT bound_source_id FROM dav_binding WHERE dav_binding.dav_name ~ :path_match ';
        $where .= 'UNION ';
        $where .= 'SELECT collection_id FROM collection WHERE collection.dav_name ~ :path_match) ';
        $params = array(':path_match' => '^' . $dav_resource->dav_name());
        $distinct = 'DISTINCT ON (calendar_item.uid) ';
    } else {
        $where = 'caldav_data.collection_id = :collection_id ';
        $params = array(':collection_id' => $dav_resource->resource_id());
        $distinct = '';
    $sql = 'SELECT ' . $distinct . ' caldav_data, class, caldav_type, calendar_item.user_no, logged_user ';
    $sql .= 'FROM collection INNER JOIN caldav_data USING(collection_id) ';
    $sql .= 'INNER JOIN calendar_item USING ( dav_id ) WHERE ' . $where;
    if (isset($c->strict_result_ordering) && $c->strict_result_ordering) {
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY calendar_item.uid, calendar_item.dav_id';
    $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params);
    if (!$qry->Exec("GET", __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
        $request->DoResponse(500, translate("Database Error"));
     * Here we are constructing a whole calendar response for this collection, including
     * the timezones that are referred to by the events we have selected.
    $vcal = new iCalComponent();
    $displayname = $dav_resource->GetProperty('displayname');
    if (isset($displayname)) {
        $vcal->AddProperty("X-WR-CALNAME", $displayname);
    if (!empty($c->auto_refresh_duration)) {
        $vcal->AddProperty("X-APPLE-AUTO-REFRESH-INTERVAL", $c->auto_refresh_duration);
        $vcal->AddProperty("AUTO-REFRESH", $c->auto_refresh_duration);
        $vcal->AddProperty("X-PUBLISHED-TTL", $c->auto_refresh_duration);
    $need_zones = array();
    $timezones = array();
    while ($event = $qry->Fetch()) {
        $ical = new iCalComponent($event->caldav_data);
        /** Save the timezone component(s) into a minimal set for inclusion later */
        $event_zones = $ical->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE', true);
        foreach ($event_zones as $k => $tz) {
            $tzid = $tz->GetPValue('TZID');
            if (!isset($tzid)) {
            if ($tzid != '' && !isset($timezones[$tzid])) {
                $timezones[$tzid] = $tz;
        /** Work out which ones are actually used here */
        $comps = $ical->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE', false);
        foreach ($comps as $k => $comp) {
            $tzid = $comp->GetPParamValue('DTSTART', 'TZID');
            if (isset($tzid) && !isset($need_zones[$tzid])) {
                $need_zones[$tzid] = 1;
            $tzid = $comp->GetPParamValue('DUE', 'TZID');
            if (isset($tzid) && !isset($need_zones[$tzid])) {
                $need_zones[$tzid] = 1;
            $tzid = $comp->GetPParamValue('DTEND', 'TZID');
            if (isset($tzid) && !isset($need_zones[$tzid])) {
                $need_zones[$tzid] = 1;
            if ($dav_resource->HavePrivilegeTo('all', false) || $session->user_no == $event->user_no || $session->user_no == $event->logged_user || isset($session->email) && $c->allow_get_email_visibility && $comp->IsAttendee($session->email)) {
                 * These people get to see all of the event, and they should always
                 * get any alarms as well.
            /** No visibility even of the existence of these events if they aren't admin/owner/attendee */
            if ($event->class == 'PRIVATE') {
            if (!$dav_resource->HavePrivilegeTo('DAV::read') || $event->class == 'CONFIDENTIAL') {
            } elseif (isset($c->hide_alarm) && $c->hide_alarm) {
                // Otherwise we hide the alarms (if configured to)
            } else {
    /** Put the timezones on there that we need */
    foreach ($need_zones as $tzid => $v) {
        if (isset($timezones[$tzid])) {
    return $vcal->Render();
Esempio n. 9
    require_once 'external-fetch.php';
    $qry = new AwlQuery();
    $qry->QDo('SELECT collection_id FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name ', array(':dav_name' => '/.external/' . md5($href)));
    if ($qry->rows() == 1 && ($row = $qry->Fetch())) {
        $dav_id = $row->collection_id;
    } else {
        create_external('/.external/' . md5($href), true, false);
        $qry->QDo('SELECT collection_id FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name ', array(':dav_name' => '/.external/' . md5($href)));
        if ($qry->rows() != 1 || !($row = $qry->Fetch())) {
            $request->DoResponse(500, translate('Database Error'));
        $dav_id = $row->collection_id;
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO dav_binding ( bound_source_id, access_ticket_id, dav_owner_id, parent_container, dav_name, dav_displayname, external_url, type )
  VALUES( :target_id, :ticket_id, :session_principal, :parent_container, :dav_name, :displayname, :external_url, :external_type )';
    $params = array(':target_id' => $dav_id, ':ticket_id' => null, ':parent_container' => $parent->dav_name(), ':session_principal' => $session->principal_id, ':dav_name' => $destination_path, ':displayname' => $segment, ':external_url' => $href, ':external_type' => 'calendar');
    $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $params);
    if ($qry->Exec('BIND', __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
        $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT bind_id from dav_binding where dav_name = :dav_name', array(':dav_name' => $destination_path));
        if (!$qry->Exec('BIND', __LINE__, __FILE__) || $qry->rows() != 1 || !($row = $qry->Fetch())) {
            $request->DoResponse(500, translate('Database Error'));
        fetch_external($row->bind_id, '');
    } else {
        $request->DoResponse(500, translate('Database Error'));
} else {
    $source = new DAVResource($href);
    if (!$source->Exists()) {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'DAV::bind-source-exists', translate('The BIND Request MUST identify an existing resource.'));
Esempio n. 10
* stuffs the property somewhere we will be able to retrieve it from later.
$qry = new AwlQuery();
$setcalendar = count($xmltree->GetPath('/DAV::propertyupdate/DAV::set/DAV::prop/DAV::resourcetype/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav:calendar'));
foreach ($setprops as $k => $setting) {
    $tag = $setting->GetTag();
    $content = $setting->RenderContent();
    switch ($tag) {
        case 'DAV::displayname':
             * Can't set displayname on resources - only collections or principals
            if ($dav_resource->IsCollection() || $dav_resource->IsPrincipal()) {
                if ($dav_resource->IsBinding()) {
                    $qry->QDo('UPDATE dav_binding SET dav_displayname = :displayname WHERE dav_name = :dav_name', array(':displayname' => $content, ':dav_name' => $dav_resource->dav_name()));
                } else {
                    if ($dav_resource->IsPrincipal()) {
                        $qry->QDo('UPDATE dav_principal SET fullname = :displayname, displayname = :displayname, modified = current_timestamp WHERE user_no = :user_no', array(':displayname' => $content, ':user_no' => $request->user_no));
                    } else {
                        $qry->QDo('UPDATE collection SET dav_displayname = :displayname, modified = current_timestamp WHERE dav_name = :dav_name', array(':displayname' => $content, ':dav_name' => $dav_resource->dav_name()));
                $success[$tag] = 1;
            } else {
                $failure['set-' . $tag] = new XMLElement('propstat', array(new XMLElement('prop', new XMLElement($tag)), new XMLElement('status', 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'), new XMLElement('responsedescription', array(new XMLElement('error', new XMLElement('cannot-modify-protected-property')), translate("The displayname may only be set on collections, principals or bindings.")))));
        case 'DAV::resourcetype':
             * We only allow resourcetype setting on a normal collection, and not on a resource, a principal or a bind.
Esempio n. 11
        @dbg_error_log("DELETE", "DELETE (collection): User: %d, ETag: %s, Path: %s", $session->user_no, $request->etag_if_match, $request->path);
        return true;
    return false;
if (!$dav_resource->Exists()) {
if (!($dav_resource->resource_id() > 0)) {
$qry = new AwlQuery();
if ($dav_resource->IsCollection()) {
    if ($dav_resource->IsBinding()) {
        $params = array(':dav_name' => $dav_resource->dav_name());
        if ($qry->QDo("DELETE FROM dav_binding WHERE dav_name = :dav_name", $params) && $qry->Commit()) {
            @dbg_error_log("DELETE", "DELETE: Binding: %d, ETag: %s, Path: %s", $session->user_no, $request->etag_if_match, $request->path);
    } else {
        if (delete_collection($dav_resource->resource_id()) && $qry->Commit()) {
            // Uncache anything to do with the collection
            $cache = getCacheInstance();
            $cache->delete('collection-' . $dav_resource->dav_name(), null);
} else {
    if (isset($request->etag_if_match) && $request->etag_if_match != $dav_resource->unique_tag()) {
        $request->DoResponse(412, translate("Resource has changed on server - not deleted"));
Esempio n. 12
function process_ace($grantor, $by_principal, $by_collection, $ace)
    global $cache_delete_list, $request;
    $elements = $ace->GetContent();
    $principal_node = $elements[0];
    $grant = $elements[1];
    if ($principal_node->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::principal') {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain a principal, not ' . $principal->GetNSTag());
    $grant_tag = $grant->GetNSTag();
    if ($grant_tag == 'DAV::deny') {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'grant-only');
    if ($grant_tag == 'DAV::invert') {
        $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'no-invert');
    if ($grant->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::grant') {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain a principal for each ACE');
    $privilege_names = array();
    $xml_privs = $grant->GetPath("/DAV::grant/DAV::privilege/*");
    foreach ($xml_privs as $k => $priv) {
        $privilege_names[] = $priv->GetNSTag();
    $privileges = privilege_to_bits($privilege_names);
    $principal_content = $principal_node->GetContent();
    if (count($principal_content) != 1) {
        $request->MalformedRequest('ACL request must contain exactly one principal per ACE');
    $principal_content = $principal_content[0];
    switch ($principal_content->GetNSTag()) {
        case 'DAV::property':
            $principal_property = $principal_content->GetContent();
            if ($principal_property[0]->GetNSTag() != 'DAV::owner') {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal');
            if (privilege_to_bits('all') != $privileges) {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'no-protected-ace-conflict', 'Owner must always have all permissions');
            // and then we ignore it, since it's protected
        case 'DAV::unauthenticated':
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'allowed-principal', 'May not set privileges for unauthenticated users');
        case 'DAV::href':
            $principal_type = 'href';
            $grantee = new DAVResource(DeconstructURL($principal_content->GetContent()));
            $grantee_id = $grantee->getProperty('principal_id');
            if (!$grantee->Exists() || !$grantee->IsPrincipal()) {
                $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal', 'Principal "' + $principal_content->GetContent() + '" not found.');
            $sqlparms = array(':to_principal' => $grantee_id);
            $where = 'WHERE to_principal=:to_principal AND ';
            if (isset($by_principal)) {
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
                $where .= 'by_principal = :by_principal';
            } else {
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
                $where .= 'by_collection = :by_collection';
            $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT privileges FROM grants ' . $where, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1 && ($current = $qry->Fetch())) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE grants SET privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) ' . $where;
            } else {
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO grants (by_principal, by_collection, to_principal, privileges) VALUES(:by_principal, :by_collection, :to_principal, :privileges::INT::BIT(24))';
            $sqlparms[':privileges'] = $privileges;
            $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
                Principal::cacheDelete('dav_name', $grantee->dav_name());
                Principal::cacheFlush('principal_id IN (SELECT member_id FROM group_member WHERE group_id = ?)', array($grantee_id));
        case 'DAV::authenticated':
            $principal_type = 'authenticated';
            if (bindec($grantor->GetProperty('default_privileges')) == $privileges) {
            // There is no change, so skip it
            $sqlparms = array(':privileges' => $privileges);
            if (isset($by_collection)) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET default_privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) WHERE collection_id=:by_collection';
                $sqlparms[':by_collection'] = $by_collection;
            } else {
                $sql = 'UPDATE principal SET default_privileges=:privileges::INT::BIT(24) WHERE principal_id=:by_principal';
                $sqlparms[':by_principal'] = $by_principal;
            $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $sqlparms);
            if ($qry->Exec('ACL', __LINE__, __FILE__)) {
                 *  Basically this has changed everyone's permissions now, so...
        case 'DAV::all':
            //      $principal_type = 'all';
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'allowed-principal', 'May not set privileges for unauthenticated users');
            $request->PreconditionFailed(403, 'recognized-principal');
Esempio n. 13
    if ($qry->QDo("SELECT write_sync_change(collection_id, 404, caldav_data.dav_name) FROM caldav_data WHERE collection_id = :collection_id", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM property WHERE dav_name LIKE (SELECT dav_name FROM collection WHERE collection_id = :collection_id) || '%'", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM locks WHERE dav_name LIKE (SELECT dav_name FROM collection WHERE collection_id = :collection_id) || '%'", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM caldav_data WHERE collection_id = :collection_id", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM collection WHERE collection_id = :collection_id", $params)) {
        @dbg_error_log("DELETE", "DELETE (collection): User: %d, ETag: %s, Path: %s", $session->user_no, $request->etag_if_match, $request->path);
        return true;
    return false;
if (!$dav_resource->Exists()) {
if (!($dav_resource->resource_id() > 0)) {
$qry = new AwlQuery();
if ($dav_resource->IsBinding()) {
    $params = array(':dav_name' => $dav_resource->dav_name());
    if ($qry->QDo("DELETE FROM dav_binding WHERE dav_name = :dav_name", $params) && $qry->Commit()) {
        @dbg_error_log("DELETE", "DELETE: Binding: %d, ETag: %s, Path: %s", $session->user_no, $request->etag_if_match, $request->path);
} else {
    if ($dav_resource->IsCollection()) {
        if (delete_collection($dav_resource->resource_id()) && $qry->Commit()) {
    } else {
        if (isset($request->etag_if_match) && $request->etag_if_match != $dav_resource->unique_tag()) {
            $request->DoResponse(412, translate("Resource has changed on server - not deleted"));
        $params = array(':dav_id' => $dav_resource->resource_id());
        if ($qry->QDo("SELECT write_sync_change(collection_id, 404, caldav_data.dav_name) FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_id = :dav_id", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM property WHERE dav_name = (SELECT dav_name FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_id = :dav_id)", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM locks WHERE dav_name = (SELECT dav_name FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_id = :dav_id)", $params) && $qry->QDo("DELETE FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_id = :dav_id", $params) && $qry->Commit()) {