Esempio n. 1
 *  mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql
$db->PExecute('SET time_zone=?', '+00:00');
$sql = 'SELECT Name, Continent FROM Country WHERE Population > ? AND Code LIKE ? LIMIT ?';
$rs = $db->PGetAll($sql, 10000000, '%P%', 2);
$rs = $db->Execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tests`');
$rs = $db->Execute('CREATE TABLE `tests` (id INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, col1 varchar(255), col2 varchar(255), col3 varchar(255), status iNT(1), PRIMARY KEY (id))');
$rs = $db->AutoExecute('tests', array('col1' => 'ai eu', 'col2' => 2, 'status' => 0));
 * status value is 0 or 1 on table
 * NOTICE the use of ===
$sql = 'SELECT status FROM tests WHERE id=?';
$rs = $db->PgetOne($sql, 3);
if ($rs === false) {
    echo "no result" . $timer->isCli(1);
} elseif ($rs == 0) {
    echo "{$rs} = 0" . $timer->isCli(1);
} else {
    echo "{$rs} > 0" . $timer->isCli(1);
 * passing an array as an argument
 * helpful in cases where searching float values stored on varchar fields
 * $db->PGetAll($sql, array('s' => 99.3, 1));
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id=? AND col1=?';
$rs = $db->PGetAll($sql, array(3, 's' => 'string'));