  * Handle the calendar image upload
  * @param string $id unique form id
  * @return string image path
 function _handleUpload($fieldName, $id)
     $tup = self::getTemporaryUploadPath($fieldName, $id);
     $tmpUploadDir = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $tup[1] . '/' . $tup[2] . '/';
     //all the files uploaded are in here
     $depositionTarget = $this->uploadImgPath;
     //target folder
     $pic = '';
     //move all files
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tmpUploadDir)) {
         throw new \Exception("could not find temporary upload directory '{$tmpUploadDir}'");
     $h = opendir($tmpUploadDir);
     if ($h) {
         while (false !== ($f = readdir($h))) {
             // skip folders and thumbnails
             if ($f == '..' || $f == '.' || preg_match("/(?:\\.(?:thumb_thumbnail|thumb_medium|thumb_large)\\.[^.]+\$)|(?:\\.thumb)\$/i", $f)) {
             //do not overwrite existing files.
             $prefix = '';
             while (file_exists($depositionTarget . $prefix . $f)) {
                 if (empty($prefix)) {
                     $prefix = 0;
             // move file
             try {
                 $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tmpUploadDir . $f);
                 $fileInfo = pathinfo($tmpUploadDir . $f);
                 $objFile->move($depositionTarget . $prefix . $f, false);
                 $imageName = $prefix . $f;
                 if (in_array($fileInfo['extension'], array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) {
                     $objImage = new \ImageManager();
                     $objImage->_createThumb($this->uploadImgPath, $this->uploadImgWebPath, $imageName, 180);
                 $pic = contrexx_input2raw($this->uploadImgWebPath . $imageName);
                 // abort after one file has been fetched, as all event upload
                 // fields do allow a single file only anyway
             } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
     return $pic;
Esempio n. 2
  * Handle uploads
  * @see Contact::_uploadFilesLegacy()
  * @param array $arrFields
  * @param boolean move should the files be moved or
  *                do we just want an array of filenames?
  *                defaults to false. no effect in legacy mode.
  * @return array A list of files that have been stored successfully in the system
 protected function _uploadFiles($arrFields, $move = false)
     /* the field unique_id has been introduced with the new uploader.
      * it helps us to tell whether we're handling an form generated
      * before the new uploader using the classic input fields or
      * if we have to treat the files already uploaded by the uploader.
     if ($this->legacyMode) {
         //legacy function for old uploader
         return $this->_uploadFilesLegacy($arrFields);
     } else {
         //new uploader used
         if (!$this->hasFileField) {
             //nothing to do for us, no files
             return array();
         $arrFiles = array();
         //we'll collect name => path of all files here and return this
         $documentRootPath = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteDocumentRootPath();
         foreach ($arrFields as $fieldId => $arrField) {
             // skip non-upload fields
             if (!in_array($arrField['type'], array('file', 'multi_file'))) {
             $tup = self::getTemporaryUploadPath($this->submissionId, $fieldId);
             $tmpUploadDir = $tup[1] . '/' . $tup[2] . '/';
             //all the files uploaded are in here
             $depositionTarget = "";
             //target folder
             //on the first call, _uploadFiles is called with move=false.
             //this is done in order to get an array of the moved files' names, but
             //the files are left in place.
             //the second call is done with move=true - here we finally move the
             //the target folder is created in the first call, because if we can't
             //create the folder, the target path is left pointing at the path
             //specified by $arrSettings['fileUploadDepositionPath'].
             //to remember the target folder for the second call, it is stored in
             if (!$move) {
                 //first call - create folder
                 //determine where form uploads are stored
                 $arrSettings = $this->getSettings();
                 $depositionTarget = $arrSettings['fileUploadDepositionPath'] . '/';
                 //find an unique folder name for the uploaded files
                 $folderName = date("Ymd") . '_' . $fieldId;
                 $suffix = "";
                 if (file_exists($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $folderName)) {
                     $suffix = 1;
                     while (file_exists($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $folderName . '-' . $suffix)) {
                     $suffix = '-' . $suffix;
                 $folderName .= $suffix;
                 //try to make the folder and change target accordingly on success
                 if (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::make_folder($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $folderName)) {
                     \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::makeWritable($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $folderName);
                     $depositionTarget .= $folderName . '/';
                 $this->depositionTarget[$fieldId] = $depositionTarget;
             } else {
                 $depositionTarget = $this->depositionTarget[$fieldId];
             //move all files
             if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tmpUploadDir)) {
                 throw new \Cx\Core_Modules\Contact\Controller\ContactException("could not find temporary upload directory '{$tmpUploadDir}'");
             $h = opendir(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $tmpUploadDir);
             while (false !== ($f = readdir($h))) {
                 if ($f != '..' && $f != '.') {
                     //do not overwrite existing files.
                     $prefix = '';
                     while (file_exists($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $prefix . $f)) {
                         if (empty($prefix)) {
                             $prefix = 0;
                     if ($move) {
                         // move file
                         try {
                             $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tmpUploadDir . $f);
                             $objFile->move($documentRootPath . $depositionTarget . $prefix . $f, false);
                         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
                     $arrFiles[$fieldId][] = array('name' => $f, 'path' => $depositionTarget . $prefix . $f);
         //TODO: this does not work for certain reloads - add cleanup routine
         return $arrFiles;
Esempio n. 3
  * Process upload form
  * @global     array    $_ARRAYLANG
  * @return     boolean  true if file uplod successfully and false if it failed
 private function processFormUpload()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $objSession = \cmsSession::getInstance();
     $uploaderId = isset($_POST['media_upload_file']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['media_upload_file']) : 0;
     if (empty($uploaderId)) {
         return false;
     $tempPath = $objSession->getTempPath() . '/' . contrexx_input2raw($uploaderId);
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tempPath)) {
         return false;
     $errorMsg = array();
     foreach (glob($tempPath . '/*') as $file) {
         $i = 0;
         $fileName = basename($file);
         $path = $tempPath . '/' . $fileName;
         $file = $this->path . $fileName;
         $arrFile = pathinfo($file);
         while (file_exists($file)) {
             $suffix = '-' . (time() + ++$i);
             $file = $this->path . $arrFile['filename'] . $suffix . '.' . $arrFile['extension'];
         if (!\FWValidator::is_file_ending_harmless($path)) {
             $errorMsg[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIA_FILE_EXTENSION_NOT_ALLOWED'], htmlentities($fileName, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
         try {
             $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($path);
             $objFile->move($file, false);
             $fileObj = new \File();
             $fileObj->setChmod($this->path, $this->webPath, basename($file));
         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
             $errorMsg[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIA_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'], htmlentities($fileName, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
     if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
         $this->_strErrorMessage = explode('<br>', $errorMsg);
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * Upload Finished callback
  * This is called as soon as uploads have finished.
  * takes care of moving them to the right folder
  * @param string $tempPath    Path to the temporary directory containing the files at this moment
  * @param string $tempWebPath Points to the same folder as tempPath, but relative to the webroot
  * @param array  $data        Data given to setData() when creating the uploader
  * @param string $uploadId    unique session id for the current upload
  * @param array  $fileInfos   uploaded file informations
  * @param array  $response    uploaded status
  * @return array path and webpath
 public static function uploadFinished($tempPath, $tempWebPath, $data, $uploadId, $fileInfos, $response)
     $path = $data['path'];
     $webPath = $data['webPath'];
     $objCategory = Category::getCategory($data['category_id']);
     // check for sufficient permissions
     if ($objCategory->getAddFilesAccessId() && !\Permission::checkAccess($objCategory->getAddFilesAccessId(), 'dynamic', true) && $objCategory->getOwnerId() != \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->getId()) {
     //we remember the names of the uploaded files here. they are stored in the session afterwards,
     //so we can later display them highlighted.
     $arrFiles = array();
     $uploadFiles = array();
     //rename files, delete unwanted
     $arrFilesToRename = array();
     //used to remember the files we need to rename
     $h = opendir($tempPath);
     if (!$h) {
         return array($path, $webPath);
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($h))) {
         //skip . and ..
         if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
         try {
             //delete potentially malicious files
             $objTempFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tempPath . '/' . $file);
             if (!\FWValidator::is_file_ending_harmless($file)) {
             $cleanFile = \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::replaceCharacters($file);
             if ($cleanFile != $file) {
                 $objTempFile->rename($tempPath . '/' . $cleanFile, false);
                 $file = $cleanFile;
             $info = pathinfo($file);
             //check if file needs to be renamed
             $newName = '';
             $suffix = '';
             if (file_exists($path . '/' . $file)) {
                 $suffix = '_' . time();
                 $newName = $info['filename'] . $suffix . '.' . $info['extension'];
                 $arrFilesToRename[$file] = $newName;
                 array_push($arrFiles, $newName);
             if (!isset($arrFilesToRename[$file])) {
                 array_push($uploadFiles, $file);
             //rename files where needed
             foreach ($arrFilesToRename as $oldName => $newName) {
                 $objTempFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tempPath . '/' . $oldName);
                 $objTempFile->rename($tempPath . '/' . $newName, false);
                 array_push($uploadFiles, $newName);
             //move file from temp path into target folder
             $objImage = new \ImageManager();
             foreach ($uploadFiles as $fileName) {
                 $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tempPath . '/' . $fileName);
                 $objFile->move($path . '/' . $fileName, false);
                 \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getMediaSourceManager()->getThumbnailGenerator()->createThumbnailFromPath($path . '/' . $fileName);
         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
         $objDownloads = new downloads('');
         $objDownloads->addDownloadFromUpload($info['filename'], $info['extension'], $suffix, $objCategory, $objDownloads, $fileInfos['name']);
     return array($path, $webPath);
Esempio n. 5
 protected function moveModel($sourceFolder, $destinationFolder, $force = false)
     $sourceDirectory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourceFolder);
     $sourceDirectoryIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($sourceDirectory);
     $sourceDirectoryRegexIterator = new \RegexIterator($sourceDirectoryIterator, '/^.+\\.php$/i', \RegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
     $retVal = true;
     // foreach model class
     foreach ($sourceDirectoryRegexIterator as $sourceFile) {
         // move to correct location and add .class ending if necessary
         $sourceFile = current($sourceFile);
         $sourceFile = str_replace('\\', '/', $sourceFile);
         $parts = explode('/Cx/', $sourceFile);
         $destinationFile = $destinationFolder . '/' . end($parts);
         $destinationFile = preg_replace_callback('#(' . $destinationFolder . '/)(Core(?:_Modules)?|Modules)#', function ($matches) {
             return $matches[1] . strtolower($matches[2]);
         }, $destinationFile);
         $destinationFile = preg_replace('/(?!\\.class)\\.php$/', '.class.php', $destinationFile);
         if (!$force && file_exists($destinationFile)) {
             $retVal = false;
         try {
             $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($sourceFile);
             $objFile->move($destinationFile, $force);
         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
             throw $e;
         // if the moved file is an entity class
         if (strpos($destinationFile, '/Model/Entity/')) {
             $contents = file_get_contents($destinationFile);
             // and there is no extends statement yet
             $regex = '/(class\\s*(:?[a-zA-Z0-9_]*))\\s*\\{/m';
             if (!preg_match($regex, $contents)) {
                 return $retVal;
             // add extends statement for base entity
             $contents = preg_replace($regex, '$1 extends \\Cx\\Model\\Base\\EntityBase {', $contents);
             file_put_contents($destinationFile, $contents);
     return $retVal;
Esempio n. 6
  * Move the uploaded image to destination path from the temp path
  * @return mixed $status | false
 public function uploadPicture()
     $status = "";
     $path = "pictures/";
     //check file array
     $uploaderId = isset($_POST['marketUploaderId']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['marketUploaderId']) : 0;
     $fileName = isset($_POST['uploadImage']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['uploadImage']) : 0;
     if (empty($uploaderId) || empty($fileName)) {
         return false;
     //get file info
     $objSession = \cmsSession::getInstance();
     $tmpFile = $objSession->getTempPath() . '/' . $uploaderId . '/' . $fileName;
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tmpFile)) {
         return false;
     if ($fileName != '' && \FWValidator::is_file_ending_harmless($fileName)) {
         //check extension
         $info = pathinfo($fileName);
         $exte = $info['extension'];
         $exte = !empty($exte) ? '.' . $exte : '';
         $part1 = substr($fileName, 0, strlen($fileName) - strlen($exte));
         $rand = rand(10, 99);
         $fileName = md5($rand . $fileName) . $exte;
         //check file
         // TODO: $x is not defined
         $x = 0;
         if (file_exists($this->mediaPath . $path . $fileName)) {
             $fileName = $rand . $part1 . '_' . (time() + $x) . $exte;
             $fileName = md5($fileName) . $exte;
         //Move the uploaded file to the path specified in the variable $this->mediaPath
         try {
             $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tmpFile);
             if ($objFile->move($this->mediaPath . $path . $fileName, false)) {
                 $objFile = new \File();
                 $objFile->setChmod($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, $path . $fileName);
                 $status = $fileName;
             } else {
                 $status = "error";
         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
     } else {
         $status = "error";
     return $status;
Esempio n. 7
  * Upload a file to be associated with a product in the cart
  * @param   string    $fileName             upload file name
  * @return  string                          The file name on success,
  *                                          the empty string otherwise
  * @author    Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
  * @static
 static function uploadFile($fileName)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $uploaderId = isset($_REQUEST['productOptionsUploaderId']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['productOptionsUploaderId']) : '';
     if (empty($uploaderId) || empty($fileName)) {
         return '';
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $objSession = $cx->getComponent('Session')->getSession();
     $tmpFile = $objSession->getTempPath() . '/' . $uploaderId . '/' . $fileName;
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tmpFile)) {
         return '';
     $originalFileName = $fileName;
     $arrMatch = array();
     $filename = '';
     $fileext = '';
     if (preg_match('/(.+)(\\.[^.]+)/', $originalFileName, $arrMatch)) {
         $filename = $arrMatch[1];
         $fileext = $arrMatch[2];
     } else {
         $filename = $originalFileName;
     if ($fileext == '.jpg' || $fileext == '.gif' || $fileext == '.png') {
         $newFileName = $filename . '[' . uniqid() . ']' . $fileext;
         $newFilePath = Order::UPLOAD_FOLDER . $newFileName;
         //Move the uploaded file to the path specified in the variable $newFilePath
         try {
             $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tmpFile);
             if ($objFile->move(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteDocumentRootPath() . '/' . $newFilePath, false)) {
                 return $newFileName;
             } else {
         } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
     } else {
         \Message::error(sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ERROR_WRONG_FILETYPE'], $fileext));
     return '';
Esempio n. 8
function renameCustomizingFile($file)
    global $_CONFIG;
    $cxFilePath = dirname(substr($file, strlen(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT)));
    if ($cxFilePath == '/') {
        $cxFilePath = '';
    $customizingPath = ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/customizing' . $cxFilePath;
    $customizingFile = $customizingPath . '/' . basename($file);
    if (file_exists($customizingFile)) {
        $customizingFile .= "_" . $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'];
        $suffix = '';
        $idx = 0;
        while (file_exists($customizingFile . $suffix)) {
            $suffix = '_' . $idx;
        $customizingFile .= $suffix;
    } else {
        return true;
    try {
        $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($file);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        setUpdateMsg('Error on renaming customizing file:<br />' . $file);
        setUpdateMsg('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        setUpdateMsg('<br />Häufigste Ursache dieses Problems ist, dass zur Ausführung dieses Vorgangs die benötigten Schreibrechte nicht vorhanden sind. Prüfen Sie daher, ob die FTP-Konfiguration in der Datei <strong>config/configuration.php</strong> korrekt eingerichtet ist.');
        return false;
    return true;
  * Upload the media files
  * @param string $fileName   name of the media file
  * @param string $path       folder path
  * @param string $uploaderId uploader id
  * @return string $status name of the uploaded file / error
 function uploadMedia($fileName, $path, $uploaderId)
     if (empty($uploaderId) || empty($fileName)) {
         return 'error';
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $objSession = $cx->getComponent('Session')->getSession();
     $tempPath = $objSession->getTempPath() . '/' . $uploaderId . '/' . $fileName;
     //Check the uploaded file exists in /tmp folder
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tempPath)) {
         //If the file still exists in the mediaPath then return the filename
         if (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($this->mediaPath . $path . $fileName)) {
             return $fileName;
         return 'error';
     $info = pathinfo($fileName);
     $exte = $info['extension'];
     $extension = !empty($exte) ? '.' . $exte : '';
     $file = substr($fileName, 0, strlen($fileName) - strlen($extension));
     $rand = rand(10, 99);
     $arrSettings = $this->getSettings();
     if ($arrSettings['encodeFilename']['value'] == 1) {
         $fileName = md5($rand . $file) . $extension;
     //Rename the file if the filename already exists
     while (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($this->mediaPath . $path . $fileName)) {
         $fileName = $file . '_' . time() . $extension;
     $filePath = $this->mediaPath . $path . $fileName;
     if (!\FWValidator::is_file_ending_harmless($filePath)) {
         return 'error';
     //Move the file from /tmp folder into mediaPath and set the permission
     try {
         $objFile = new \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\File($tempPath);
         if ($objFile->move($filePath, false)) {
             $fileObj = new \File();
             $fileObj->setChmod($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, $path . $fileName);
             $status = $fileName;
     } catch (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystemException $e) {
         $status = 'error';
     //make the thumb
     if (($exte == "gif" || $exte == "jpeg" || $exte == "jpg" || $exte == "png") && $path != "uploads/") {
         $this->createThumb($fileName, $path);
     return $status;