Esempio n. 1
  * Configure settings and controls for the theme customizer
  * @since  1.0.0.
  * @param  object $wp_customize The global customizer object.
  * @return void
 function customizer_library_register($wp_customize)
     $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
     $options = $customizer_library->get_options();
     // Bail early if we don't have any options.
     if (empty($options)) {
     // Add the sections
     if (isset($options['sections'])) {
         customizer_library_add_sections($options['sections'], $wp_customize);
     // Sets the priority for each control added
     $loop = 0;
     // Loops through each of the options
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if (isset($option['type'])) {
             // Apply a default sanitization if one isn't set
             if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                 $option['sanitize_callback'] = customizer_library_get_sanitization($option['type']);
             // Add the setting
             customizer_library_add_setting($option, $wp_customize);
             // Priority for control
             if (!isset($option['priority'])) {
                 $option['priority'] = $loop;
             // Adds control based on control type
             switch ($option['type']) {
                 case 'text':
                 case 'select':
                 case 'radio':
                 case 'checkbox':
                     $wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option);
                 case 'upsell':
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new Customizer_Library_Upsell($wp_customize, $option['id'], $option));
                 case 'color':
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], $option));
                 case 'image':
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], array('label' => $option['label'], 'section' => $option['section'], 'sanitize_callback' => $option['sanitize_callback'], 'priority' => $option['priority'])));
                 case 'upload':
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Upload_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], array('label' => $option['label'], 'section' => $option['section'], 'sanitize_callback' => $option['sanitize_callback'], 'priority' => $option['priority'])));
                 case 'textarea':
                     // Custom control required before WordPress 4.0
                     if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.9.2', '<=')) {
                         $wp_customize->add_control(new Customizer_Library_Textarea($wp_customize, $option['id'], $option));
                     } else {
                         $wp_customize->add_control('setting_id', array($wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option)));
  * Instantiate or return the one Customizer_Library instance.
  * @since  1.0.0.
  * @return Customizer_Library
 public static function instance()
     if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
Esempio n. 3
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_kaira_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#6f9d9f';
    $secondary_color = '#c54513';
    $body_font_color = '#7b7d80';
    $heading_font_color = '#5a5a5a';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Logo
    $section = 'kra-favicon';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Favicon', 'levii'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Add a favicon to your website', 'levii'));
    $options['kra-header-favicon'] = array('id' => 'kra-header-favicon', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    // Header Settings
    $section = 'kra-header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header Options', 'levii'), 'priority' => '30');
    $options['kra-header-profile-img'] = array('id' => 'kra-header-profile-img', 'label' => __('Profile Image', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'description' => __('Upload a small square image, this image size is set to 104px by 104px', 'levii'), 'default' => '');
    $options['kra-header-search'] = array('id' => 'kra-header-search', 'label' => __('Show Search', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Enable to a slogan for your site. This uses the site Tagline', 'levii'), 'default' => 1);
    // Upsell Button One
    $options['kra-upsell-one'] = array('id' => 'kra-upsell-one', 'label' => __('Enable header social icons', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Colors
    $section = 'kra-styling';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Styling Options', 'levii'), 'priority' => '40');
    $options['kra-main-color'] = array('id' => 'kra-main-color', 'label' => __('Main Color', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['kra-main-color-hover'] = array('id' => 'kra-main-color-hover', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['kra-body-font'] = array('id' => 'kra-body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans');
    $options['kra-body-font-color'] = array('id' => 'kra-body-font-color', 'label' => __('Body Font Color', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color);
    $options['kra-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'kra-heading-font', 'label' => __('Headings Font', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Roboto');
    $options['kra-heading-font-color'] = array('id' => 'kra-heading-font-color', 'label' => __('Heading Font Color', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $heading_font_color);
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'kra-blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog Options', 'levii'), 'priority' => '160');
    // Upsell Button Two
    $options['kra-upsell-two'] = array('id' => 'kra-upsell-two', 'label' => __('Blog Post Layout', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['kra-blog-cats'] = array('id' => 'kra-blog-cats', 'label' => __('Exclude Blog Categories', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you\'d like to EXCLUDE from the Blog, enter only the ID\'s with a minus sign (-) before them, separated by a comma (,)<br />Eg: "-13, -17, -19"<br />If you enter the ID\'s without the minus then it\'ll show ONLY posts in those categories.', 'levii'));
    // Social Settings
    $section = 'kra-social';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'levii'), 'priority' => '160');
    // Upsell Button Three
    $options['kra-upsell-three'] = array('id' => 'kra-upsell-three', 'label' => __('Enable Social Icons', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Site Text Settings
    $section = 'kra-website';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Website Text', 'levii'), 'priority' => '160');
    // Upsell Button Four
    $options['kra-upsell-four'] = array('id' => 'kra-upsell-four', 'label' => __('Site Copy Text', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['kra-website-error-head'] = array('id' => 'kra-website-error-head', 'label' => __('404 Error Page Heading', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Oops! That page can\'t be found.', 'levii'), 'description' => __('Enter the heading for the 404 Error page', 'levii'));
    $options['kra-website-error-msg'] = array('id' => 'kra-website-error-msg', 'label' => __('Error 404 Message', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('The page you are looking for can\'t be found. Please select one of the options below.', 'levii'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text on the 404 error page (Page not found)', 'levii'));
    $options['kra-website-nosearch-msg'] = array('id' => 'kra-website-nosearch-msg', 'label' => __('No Search Results', 'levii'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords or return to home.', 'levii'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for when no search results are found', 'levii'));
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_demo_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#5bc08c';
    $secondary_color = '#666';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Logo
    $section = 'logo';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Image Example', 'demo'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Example section description.', 'demo'));
    $options['logo'] = array('id' => 'logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    // File Upload
    $section = 'upload';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('File Upload Example', 'demo'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Example section description.', 'demo'));
    $options['upload'] = array('id' => 'upload', 'label' => __('upload', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '');
    // Colors
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'demo'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['primary-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['secondary-color'] = array('id' => 'secondary-color', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['border'] = array('id' => 'border', 'label' => __('Border Color', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    // Typography
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'demo'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['primary-font'] = array('id' => 'primary-font', 'label' => __('Primary Font', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Monoton');
    $options['secondary-font'] = array('id' => 'secondary-font', 'label' => __('Secondary Font', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Merriweather');
    // More Examples
    $section = 'examples';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('More Examples', 'demo'), 'priority' => '90');
    $options['example-text'] = array('id' => 'example-text', 'label' => __('Example Text Input', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text');
    $options['example-url'] = array('id' => 'example-url', 'label' => __('Example URL Input', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['example-checkbox'] = array('id' => 'example-checkbox', 'label' => __('Example Checkbox', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $choices = array('choice-1' => 'Choice One', 'choice-2' => 'Choice Two', 'choice-3' => 'Choice Three');
    $options['example-select'] = array('id' => 'example-select', 'label' => __('Example Select', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'choice-1');
    $options['example-radio'] = array('id' => 'example-radio', 'label' => __('Example Radio', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'choice-1');
    $options['example-textarea'] = array('id' => 'example-textarea', 'label' => __('Example Textarea', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Example textarea text.', 'demo'));
    $options['example-range'] = array('id' => 'example-range', 'label' => __('Example Range Input', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 10, 'step' => 1, 'style' => 'color: #0a0'));
    // Panel Example
    $panel = 'panel';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Panel Examples', 'demo'), 'priority' => '100');
    $section = 'panel-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Panel Section', 'demo'), 'priority' => '10', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['example-panel-text'] = array('id' => 'example-panel-text', 'label' => __('Example Text Input', 'demo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Portfolio Theme Customizer
 * @package Portfolio Press
function portfoliopress_options()
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Logo section
    $section = 'logo';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Logo Image', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '20');
    $options['portfoliopress[logo]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[logo]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Logo', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    $options['portfoliopress[custom_favicon]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[custom_favicon]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '', 'description' => __('File must be <strong>.png</strong> format. Optimal dimensions: <strong>32px x 32px</strong>.', 'portfolio-press'));
    $options['portfoliopress[logo_apple_touch]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[logo_apple_touch]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Apple Touch Icon', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '', 'description' => __('File must be <strong>.png</strong> format. Optimal dimensions: <strong>152px x 152px</strong>.', 'portfolio-press'));
    // Layout
    $section = 'layout';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '70');
    $choices = array('layout-2cr' => __('Sidebar Right', 'portfolio-press'), 'layout-2cl' => __('Sidebar Left', 'portfolio-press'), 'layout-1col' => __('Single Column', 'portfolio-press'));
    $options['portfoliopress[layout]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[layout]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Standard Layout', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'layout-2cr');
    // Colors
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['portfoliopress[header_color]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[header_color]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Header Color', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#000000');
    // Navigation
    $section = 'nav';
    $choices = array('right' => __('Right of Logo', 'portfolio-press'), 'clear' => __('Underneath Logo', 'portfolio-press'));
    $options['portfoliopress[menu_position]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[menu_position]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Menu Position', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'right', 'priority' => 100);
    // Portfolio Settings
    $section = 'general';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('General', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '80');
    // Portfolio Post Type Plugin
    if (class_exists('Portfolio_Post_Type')) {
        $options['portfoliopress[portfolio_featured_images]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[portfolio_images]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Display Featured Images', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Display featured images on portfolio posts.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    } else {
        $options['portfoliopress[post_featured_images]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[portfolio_images]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Display Featured Images', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Display featured images on posts.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    $options['portfoliopress[postnav]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[postnav]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Display post navigation', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Previous/next links on posts.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '0');
    // Archive Settings
    $section = 'archive';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Archive', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '90');
    // Portfolio Post Type Plugin
    if (class_exists('Portfolio_Post_Type')) {
        $options['portfoliopress[portfolio_archives_fullwidth]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[portfolio_sidebar]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Full Width Archives', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Display portfolio archives full width.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    } else {
        $options['portfoliopress[post_archives_fullwidth]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[portfolio_sidebar]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Full Width Archives', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Display image/gallery archives full width.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    $options['portfoliopress[display_image_gallery_post_formats]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[display_image_gallery_post_formats]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Display Image and Gallery Formats on Posts Page', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    $options['portfoliopress[archive_titles]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[archive_titles]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Archive Titles', 'portfolio-press'), 'description' => __('Display archive titles and descriptions.', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => '1');
    // Footer Settings
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'portfolio-press'), 'priority' => '100');
    $options['portfoliopress[footer_text]'] = array('id' => 'portfoliopress[footer_text]', 'option_type' => 'option', 'label' => __('Footer Text', 'portfolio-press'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => '');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
Esempio n. 6
 * Helper function to remove custom theme mods
 * @since  1.0.0
 * @param string
 * @return mixed $default
function customizer_library_remove_theme_mods()
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    $options = $customizer_library->get_options();
    if ($options) {
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            if (isset($option['id'])) {
function bfg_customizer_options()
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Logo
    $section = 'logo';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Logo', 'bfg'), 'priority' => '25');
    $options['logo'] = array('id' => 'logo', 'label' => __('Upload logo', 'bfg'), 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => $section, 'default' => '');
    // Navigation Extras
    $section = 'navextra';
    $choices = array('date' => __('Date', 'bfg'), 'search' => __('Search Form', 'bfg'));
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Navigation Extras', 'bfg'), 'priority' => '30');
    $options['navextra'] = array('id' => 'navextra', 'label' => __('Display navigation extras', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => false);
    $options['select'] = array('id' => 'select', 'label' => __('Select Navigation Extra', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'search');
    // Typography
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'bfg'), 'priority' => '30');
    $options['custom-font'] = array('id' => 'custom-font', 'label' => __('Enable custom font', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => false);
    $options['heading-font'] = array('id' => 'heading-font', 'label' => __('Heading Font', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Raleway');
    $options['body-font'] = array('id' => 'body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Roboto');
    // Footer
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'bfg'), 'priority' => '35', 'description' => __('', 'bfg'));
    $options['footer'] = array('id' => 'creds', 'label' => __('Copyright', 'bfg'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer_Library
function customizer_library_rescue_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#e8554e';
    $secondary_color = '#666';
    $top_header = '#2c3135';
    $primary_green = '#1fa67a';
    $primary_green_hover = '#198562';
    $donation_bg = '#f1c40f';
    $donation_border = '#e2b709';
    $home_top_widgets_bg = '#34495e';
    $home_top_widgets_hover = '#a2da08';
    $social_icon = '#aaaaaa';
    $white = '#ffffff';
    $top_nav_link_color = '#888888';
    // Categories
    $categories = get_categories();
    $cats = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        if ($i == 0) {
            $default = $category->slug;
        $cats[$category->slug] = $category->name;
    // Animations
    $animate = array('none' => __('none', 'rescue'), 'bounce' => __('bounce', 'rescue'), 'flash' => __('flash', 'rescue'), 'pulse' => __('pulse', 'rescue'), 'shake' => __('shake', 'rescue'), 'wobble' => __('wobble', 'rescue'), 'bounceIn' => __('bounceIn', 'rescue'), 'bounceInDown' => __('bounceInDown', 'rescue'), 'bounceInLeft' => __('bounceInLeft', 'rescue'), 'bounceInRight' => __('bounceInRight', 'rescue'), 'bounceInUp' => __('bounceInUp', 'rescue'), 'fadeIn' => __('fadeIn', 'rescue'), 'fadeInDown' => __('fadeInDown', 'rescue'), 'fadeInDownBig' => __('fadeInDownBig', 'rescue'), 'fadeInLeft' => __('fadeInLeft', 'rescue'), 'fadeInLeftBig' => __('fadeInLeftBig', 'rescue'), 'fadeInRight' => __('fadeInRight', 'rescue'), 'fadeInRightBig' => __('fadeInRightBig', 'rescue'), 'fadeInUp' => __('fadeInUp', 'rescue'), 'fadeInUpBig' => __('fadeInUpBig', 'rescue'), 'lightSpeedIn' => __('lightSpeedIn', 'rescue'), 'lightSpeedOut' => __('lightSpeedOut', 'rescue'), 'rotateIn' => __('rotateIn', 'rescue'), 'rotateInDownLeft' => __('rotateInDownLeft', 'rescue'), 'rotateInDownRight' => __('rotateInDownRight', 'rescue'), 'rotateInUpLeft' => __('rotateInUpLeft', 'rescue'), 'rotateInUpRight' => __('rotateInUpRight', 'rescue'), 'zoomIn' => __('zoomIn', 'rescue'), 'zoomInDown' => __('zoomInDown', 'rescue'), 'zoomInLeft' => __('zoomInLeft', 'rescue'), 'zoomInRight' => __('zoomInRight', 'rescue'), 'zoomInUp' => __('zoomInUp', 'rescue'));
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Image path defaults=
    $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/';
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Header
    $section = 'header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Header area options', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['header_logo'] = array('id' => 'header_logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '');
    $options['header_top_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'header_top_bg_color', 'label' => __('Top header background color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $top_header, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header_top_nav_link_color'] = array('id' => 'header_top_nav_link_color', 'label' => __('Top header Navigation Link Color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $top_nav_link_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header_top_nav_link_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'header_top_nav_link_color_hover', 'label' => __('Top header Navigation Link Hover Color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $white);
    $options['header_bottom_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_bg_color', 'label' => __('Bottom header background color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_green, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header_bottom_nav_link_color'] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_nav_link_color', 'label' => __('Bottom Header Navigation Link Color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $white, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header_bottom_nav_dropdown_indicator'] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_nav_dropdown_indicator', 'label' => __('Check to remove the dropdown indicator circle', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['donation_button_show'] = array('id' => 'donation_button_show', 'label' => __('Display donation button', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['donate_button_text'] = array('id' => 'donate_button_text', 'label' => __('Text for donation button', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Donate Now', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['donation_button_link'] = array('id' => 'donation_button_link', 'label' => __('Link for donation button', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text');
    $options['donation_button_target'] = array('id' => 'donation_button_target', 'label' => __('Select to open link in new window.', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['donate_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'donate_bg_color', 'label' => __('Select the donation button color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $donation_bg, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['donate_border_color'] = array('id' => 'donate_border_color', 'label' => __('Select the donation button bottom border color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $donation_border, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['donate_bg_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'donate_bg_color_hover', 'label' => __('Select the donation button hover color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $donation_border);
    $options['donate_border_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'donate_border_color_hover', 'label' => __('Select the donation button bottom border hover color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $donation_border);
    $options['donate_button_animate'] = array('id' => 'donate_button_animate', 'label' => __('Donation button animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'fadeInRight');
    // Home Top Widgets
    $section = 'home-top-widgets';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home Top Widgets', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '40', 'description' => __('This section will display on the home page once widgets are added to it in the widgets section.', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['home_top_widgets_bg'] = array('id' => 'home_top_widgets_bg', 'label' => __('Select the home top widgets background color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $home_top_widgets_bg, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_top_widgets_hover'] = array('id' => 'home_top_widgets_hover', 'label' => __('Select the home top widgets text hover color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $home_top_widgets_hover);
    $options['home_top_widgets_animation'] = array('id' => 'home_top_widgets_animation', 'label' => __('Home top widget section animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'none');
    // Home Events
    $section = 'home-events';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home Events', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '40', 'description' => __('Home events section options', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['home_events_animation'] = array('id' => 'home_events_animation', 'label' => __('Home events section animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'none');
    $options['home_events_img_border'] = array('id' => 'home_events_img_border', 'label' => __('Select to display event images as square.', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    // Home News
    $section = 'home-news';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home News', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '40', 'description' => __('Home blog posts options', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['home_news_show'] = array('id' => 'home_news_show', 'label' => __('Display home news section', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['home_news_title'] = array('id' => 'home_news_title', 'label' => __('Title of the home page news section', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Latest News Releases', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_blog_category'] = array('id' => 'home_blog_category', 'label' => __('Category for your home blog posts', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $cats);
    $options['home_blog_num'] = array('id' => 'home_blog_num', 'label' => __('Number of posts to display', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '1');
    $options['home_news_link'] = array('id' => 'home_news_link', 'label' => __('Link to blog page', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['home_news_button_text'] = array('id' => 'home_news_button_text', 'label' => __('Blog page button text', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'View all news', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_news_animation'] = array('id' => 'home_news_animation', 'label' => __('Home news section animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'none');
    // Home Gallery
    $section = 'home-gallery';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home Gallery', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => __('Activate the Rescue Portfolio plugin and add portfolio posts to display gallery images on the home page', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['home_gallery_show'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_show', 'label' => __('Display home gallery section', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['home_gallery_title'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_title', 'label' => __('Title of the home page image gallery section', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Latest Gallery Images', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_gallery_qty'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_qty', 'label' => __('Number of gallery images to display on home page', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '3');
    $options['home_gallery_link'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_link', 'label' => __('Enter the link to your gallery page', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['home_gallery_button_text'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_button_text', 'label' => __('Enter the text for your gallery button', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'View All Images', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_gallery_animation'] = array('id' => 'home_gallery_animation', 'label' => __('Home gallery section animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'none');
    // Typography
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '60', 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['primary-font'] = array('id' => 'primary-font', 'label' => __('Header Font', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['primary-font-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-font-color', 'label' => __('Header Font Color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $home_top_widgets_bg, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['secondary-font'] = array('id' => 'secondary-font', 'label' => __('Paragraph Font', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['link_hover_color'] = array('id' => 'link_hover_color', 'label' => __('Post/Page Content link hover color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_green);
    $options['button_color'] = array('id' => 'button_color', 'label' => __('Sitewide buttons color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_green, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['main_button_hover'] = array('id' => 'main_button_hover', 'label' => __('Sitewide button hover color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_green_hover);
    // Footer
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '70', 'description' => __('Footer area options', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['footer_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'footer_bg_color', 'label' => __('Footer background color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $top_header, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer_social_animation'] = array('id' => 'footer_social_animation', 'label' => __('Home social icons animation effect', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $animate, 'default' => 'none');
    $options['footer_social_color'] = array('id' => 'footer_social_color', 'label' => __('Social Icons Color', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $social_icon, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer_social_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'footer_social_color_hover', 'label' => __('Social Icons Color Hover', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $white);
    $options['twitter_link'] = array('id' => 'twitter_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Twitter link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['facebook_link'] = array('id' => 'facebook_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Facebook link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['google_link'] = array('id' => 'google_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Google link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['instagram_link'] = array('id' => 'instagram_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Instagram link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['vimeo_link'] = array('id' => 'vimeo_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Vimeo link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['youtube_link'] = array('id' => 'youtube_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Youtube link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['pinterest_link'] = array('id' => 'pinterest_link', 'label' => __('Enter a Pinterest link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['linkedin_link'] = array('id' => 'linkedin_link', 'label' => __('Enter a LinkedIn link', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
    $options['footer_copyright'] = array('id' => 'footer_copyright', 'label' => __('Enter footer copyright text.', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => '&#169; Copyright');
    // Custom CSS
    $section = 'Custom-css';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Custom CSS', 'rescue'), 'priority' => '80', 'description' => __('Enter custom CSS styles', 'rescue'), 'panel' => 'theme_options');
    $options['custom_css_textarea'] = array('id' => 'custom_css_textarea', 'label' => __('Custom CSS', 'rescue'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => '');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer_Library
function customizer_library_gateway_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#e8554e';
    $primary_hover_color = '#db251d';
    // Get Categories
    $options_cats = array();
    $options_cats_obj = get_categories('type=post');
    $options_cats[''] = 'Select a Category:';
    foreach ($options_cats_obj as $cat) {
        $options_cats[$cat->term_id] = $cat->cat_name;
    // Background Image Behavior Options
    $bg_attachment = array('fixed' => 'Fixed', 'scroll' => 'Scroll');
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Image path defaults=
    $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/';
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Theme Options Panel
    $panel = 'theme-options';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Theme Options', 'demo'), 'priority' => '10');
    // Header
    $section = 'header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Image will display in the header.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['header_logo'] = array('id' => 'header_logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'logo.png');
    $options['header_bg'] = array('id' => 'header_bg', 'label' => __('Inner pages header background', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'hero-bg.jpg');
    $options['header_color'] = array('id' => 'header_color', 'label' => __('Inner pages header background color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Home
    $section = 'home';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '20', 'description' => __('Home Page Options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home_hero_bg'] = array('id' => 'home_hero_bg', 'label' => __('Home Background Image', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'hero-bg.jpg', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    $options['bg_attachement'] = array('id' => 'bg_attachement', 'label' => __('Select the behavior of the background image.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $bg_attachment, 'default' => 'fixed', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    $options['home_hero_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'home_hero_bg_color', 'label' => __('Home Hero background color if no image is being used.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_title'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_title', 'label' => __('Enter the home featured posts section title', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Featured Posts', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_subtitle', 'label' => __('Enter the home featured posts section subtitle', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Occaecati curabitur autem mollit! Vestibulum veritatis. Aliquam orci cumque curabitur.', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_cat'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_cat', 'label' => __('Home Posts Category', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $options_cats, 'default' => '', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    // Blog
    $section = 'blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Blog Page Options', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['blog_title'] = array('id' => 'blog_title', 'label' => __('Enter the blog page title', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog Page', 'active_callback' => 'is_home', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['blog_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'blog_subtitle', 'label' => __('Enter the blog page subtitle', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Occaecati curabitur autem mollit. Vestibulum veritatis orci.', 'active_callback' => 'is_home', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Footer
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '40', 'description' => __('Footer options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['footer_copyright'] = array('id' => 'footer_copyright', 'label' => __('Footer copyright text.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Copyright 2014 <a href="#">Rescue Themes</a>. All Rights Reserved.', 'rescue'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Styles
    $section = 'style';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Style', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => __('Site wide style options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['main_color'] = array('id' => 'main_color', 'label' => __('Main sitewide accent color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['main_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'main_color_hover', 'label' => __('Main sitewide accent hover color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_hover_color);
    $upgrade_link = "";
     * Gateway Plus Upgrade Options
    // Plus: Sidebar
    $section = 'plus-sidebar';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => '', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['layout-plus'] = array('id' => 'layout-plus', 'label' => __('Sidebar Layout', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'input_attrs' => array('content' => __('<p>Adjust the inner sidebar position to display on the right or left side of your content.</p>', 'gateway')), 'description' => sprintf(__('<a target="_blank" href="%1$s">Get access to the sidebar layout option</a>', 'gateway'), esc_url($upgrade_link)));
    // Plus: Typography
    $section = 'plus-typography';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => '', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['typography-plus'] = array('id' => 'typography-plus', 'label' => __('Advanced Typography Settings', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'input_attrs' => array('content' => __('<p>You\'ll have access to 500+ Google Fonts along with font size, weight, style, transform, line height, and spacing settings for every section:</p><ul><li>Headers and Content</li><li>Navigation</li><li>Sidebar</li><li>Footer</li><li>Copyright</li><li>and more!</li></ul>', 'gateway')), 'description' => sprintf(__('<a target="_blank" href="%1$s">Get access to typography settings</a>', 'gateway'), esc_url($upgrade_link)));
    // Plus: Colors
    $section = 'plus-colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '55', 'description' => '', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['colors-plus'] = array('id' => 'colors-plus', 'label' => __('Advanced Color Settings', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'input_attrs' => array('content' => __('<p>Fine tune your site design with an unlimited number of color options for each section of the site:</p><ul><li>Backgrounds</li><li>Navigation</li><li>Links and Fonts</li><li>Footer</li><li>and more!</li></ul>', 'gateway')), 'description' => sprintf(__('<a target="_blank" href="%1$s">Get access to more color settings</a>', 'gateway'), esc_url($upgrade_link)));
    // Plus: Home Slider
    $section = 'plus-home-slider';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home Slider', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '60', 'description' => '', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home-slider-plus'] = array('id' => 'home-slider-plus', 'label' => __('Home Hero Section Slider', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'input_attrs' => array('content' => __('<p>Transform your home hero section from a static background image to a smooth image slider with options to change the slider speed, duration, overlay color, and overlay opacity.</p>', 'gateway')), 'description' => sprintf(__('<a target="_blank" href="%1$s">Get access to the home slider</a>', 'gateway'), esc_url($upgrade_link)));
    // Plus: WooCommerce
    $section = 'plus-woocommerce';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('eCommerce Shop', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '65', 'description' => '', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['woocommerce-plus'] = array('id' => 'woocommerce-plus', 'label' => __('WooCommerce', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'input_attrs' => array('content' => __('<p>Gateway Plus provides compatibility with the world\'s most popular ecommerce system, WooCommerce. Whether it\'s physical products, music files, or your time, it\'s all possible.</p>', 'gateway')), 'description' => sprintf(__('<a target="_blank" href="%1$s">Get access to ecommerce support</a>', 'gateway'), esc_url($upgrade_link)));
    // Adds the sections panels to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
Esempio n. 10
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library smtm
function customizer_library_smtm_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#5bc08c';
    $secondary_color = '#666';
    $header_color = '#FF6347';
    $footer_color = '#319475';
    $background_color = '#f9f9f9';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // // Logo
    // $section = 'logo';
    // $sections[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $section,
    // 	'title' => __( 'Image Example', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '30',
    // 	'description' => __( 'Example section description.', 'smtm' )
    // );
    // $options['logo'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'logo',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Logo', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'image',
    // 	'default' => ''
    // );
    // // File Upload
    // $section = 'upload';
    // $sections[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $section,
    // 	'title' => __( 'File Upload Example', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '30',
    // 	'description' => __( 'Example section description.', 'smtm' )
    // );
    // $options['upload'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'upload',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'upload', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'upload',
    // 	'default' => '',
    // );
    // // Colors
    // $section = 'colors';
    // $sections[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $section,
    // 	'title' => __( 'Colors', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '80'
    // );
    // $options['primary-color'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'primary-color',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Primary Color', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'color',
    // 	'default' => $primary_color,
    // );
    // $options['secondary-color'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'secondary-color',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Secondary Color', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'color',
    // 	'default' => $secondary_color,
    // );
    // $options['border'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'border',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Border Color', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'color',
    // 	'default' => $primary_color,
    // );
    // Typography
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'smtm'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['primary-font'] = array('id' => 'primary-font', 'label' => __('Primary Font', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Varela');
    $options['secondary-font'] = array('id' => 'secondary-font', 'label' => __('Secondary Font', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Varela');
    $options['tertiary-font'] = array('id' => 'tertiary-font', 'label' => __('tertiary Font', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Varela');
    //Site colors
    $section = 'site-colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Site Colors', 'smtm'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['primary-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['secondary-color'] = array('id' => 'secondary-color', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['header-color'] = array('id' => 'header-color', 'label' => __('Header background Color', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $header_color);
    $options['footer-color'] = array('id' => 'footer-color', 'label' => __('Footer background Color', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $footer_color);
    $options['background-color'] = array('id' => 'background-color', 'label' => __('Background Color', 'smtm'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $background_color);
    // // More Examples
    // $section = 'examples';
    // $sections[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $section,
    // 	'title' => __( 'More Examples', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '90'
    // );
    // $options['example-text'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-text',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Text Input', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'text',
    // );
    // $options['example-url'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-url',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example URL Input', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'url',
    // );
    // $options['example-checkbox'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-checkbox',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Checkbox', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'checkbox',
    // 	'default' => 0,
    // );
    // $choices = array(
    // 	'choice-1' => 'Choice One',
    // 	'choice-2' => 'Choice Two',
    // 	'choice-3' => 'Choice Three'
    // );
    // $options['example-select'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-select',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Select', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'select',
    // 	'choices' => $choices,
    // 	'default' => 'choice-1'
    // );
    // $options['example-radio'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-radio',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Radio', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'radio',
    // 	'choices' => $choices,
    // 	'default' => 'choice-1'
    // );
    // $options['example-textarea'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-textarea',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Textarea', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'textarea',
    // 	'default' => __( 'Example textarea text.', 'smtm'),
    // );
    // $options['example-range'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-range',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Range Input', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'range',
    // 	'input_attrs' => array(
    //         'min'   => 0,
    //         'max'   => 10,
    //         'step'  => 1,
    //         'style' => 'color: #0a0',
    // 	)
    // );
    // // Panel Example
    // $panel = 'panel';
    // $panels[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $panel,
    // 	'title' => __( 'Panel Examples', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '100'
    // );
    // $section = 'panel-section';
    // $sections[] = array(
    // 	'id' => $section,
    // 	'title' => __( 'Panel Section', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'priority' => '10',
    // 	'panel' => $panel
    // );
    // $options['example-panel-text'] = array(
    // 	'id' => 'example-panel-text',
    // 	'label'   => __( 'Example Text Input', 'smtm' ),
    // 	'section' => $section,
    // 	'type'    => 'text',
    // );
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_demo_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#5bc08c';
    $secondary_color = '#666';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Colors
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'mk'), 'priority' => '40');
    $options['primary-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-color', 'label' => __('Link Primary Color', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['secondary-color'] = array('id' => 'secondary-color', 'label' => __('Links Hover Color', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array(
    	'id' => $section,
    	'title' => __( 'Typography', 'mk' ),
    	'priority' => '35'
    $options['primary-font'] = array(
    	'id' => 'primary-font',
    	'label'   => __( 'Primary Font', 'mk' ),
    	'section' => $section,
    	'type'    => 'select',
    	'choices' => $font_choices,
    	'default' => 'Monoton'
    $options['secondary-font'] = array(
    	'id' => 'secondary-font',
    	'label'   => __( 'Secondary Font', 'mk' ),
    	'section' => $section,
    	'type'    => 'select',
    	'choices' => $font_choices,
    	'default' => 'Merriweather'
    $section = 'general';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('General Settings', 'mk'), 'priority' => '25');
    $options['mk_site_logo'] = array('id' => 'mk_site_logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '');
    $options['mk_site_favicon'] = array('id' => 'mk_site_favicon', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '');
    $ly = array('classic' => 'Classic', 'grid' => 'Grid');
    $options['mk_blog_layout'] = array('id' => 'mk_blog_layout', 'label' => __('Blog Index Layout', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $ly, 'default' => 'classic');
    $options['mk_show_header_search'] = array('id' => 'mk_show_header_search', 'label' => __('Header Search', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    $options['mk_show_custom_header_image'] = array('id' => 'mk_show_custom_header_image', 'label' => __('Custom Header Image Section', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    // Social Links
    $slider = 'slider';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $slider, 'title' => __('Homepage Slider', 'mk'), 'priority' => '30');
    $section = 'slider-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Homepage Slider', 'mk'), 'priority' => '10', 'panel' => $slider);
    /* option group */
    $options['mk_show_default_slider'] = array('id' => 'mk_show_default_slider', 'label' => __('Show Default Homepage Slider ', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    $options['mk_slide_1_image'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide_1_image', 'label' => __('Slide1 Image', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/slides/slide1.jpg');
    $options['mk_slide1_caption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide1_caption', 'label' => __('Slide1 Main Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('We are MK Theme', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide1_subcaption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide1_subcaption', 'label' => __('Slide1 Sub Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('We make beautiful things happen', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide1_url'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide1_url', 'label' => __('Slide1 Btn URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_slide1_btntext'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide1_btntext', 'label' => __('Slide1 Btn Text', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Learn More', 'mk'));
    /* option group */
    $options['mk_slide_2_image'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide_2_image', 'label' => __('Slide2 Image', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/slides/slide2.jpg');
    $options['mk_slide2_caption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide2_caption', 'label' => __('Slide2 Main Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Stylish free Wordpress Theme', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide2_subcaption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide2_subcaption', 'label' => __('Slide2 Sub Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Optimized for mobile devices, clean w3C validated markup', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide2_url'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide2_url', 'label' => __('Slide2 Btn URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_slide2_btntext'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide2_btntext', 'label' => __('Slide2 Btn Text', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Learn More', 'mk'));
    /* option group */
    $options['mk_slide_3_image'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide_3_image', 'label' => __('Slide3 Image', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/slides/slide3.jpg');
    $options['mk_slide3_caption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide3_caption', 'label' => __('Slide3 Main Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Get more with MK <br/>proffessional Version', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide3_subcaption'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide3_subcaption', 'label' => __('Slide3 Sub Caption', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Premium sliders, page composer, unlimited layouts...', 'mk'));
    $options['mk_slide3_url'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide3_url', 'label' => __('Slide3 Btn URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_slide3_btntext'] = array('id' => 'mk_slide3_btntext', 'label' => __('Slide3 Btn Text', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Learn More', 'mk'));
    /* option group */
    // Social Links
    $panel = 'panel';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'mk'), 'priority' => '30');
    $section = 'panel-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'mk'), 'priority' => '10', 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['mk_sl_facebook'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_facebook', 'label' => __('Facebook URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_sl_twitter'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_twitter', 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_sl_gplus'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_gplus', 'label' => __('Google Plus URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_sl_pinterest'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_pinterest', 'label' => __('Pinterest URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_sl_instagram'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_instagram', 'label' => __('Instagram URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    $options['mk_sl_dribble'] = array('id' => 'mk_sl_dribble', 'label' => __('Dribble URL', 'mk'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'url');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_oceanic_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#01B6AD';
    $secondary_color = '#019289';
    $body_font_color = '#4F4F4F';
    $heading_font_color = '#5E5E5E';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Favicon
    $section = 'oceanic-favicon';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Favicon', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '10');
    $options['oceanic-favicon'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-favicon', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    // Layout Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-layout';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '30');
    // Upsell Button One
    $options['oceanic-upsell-one'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-one', 'label' => __('Site Layout', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Header Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '35');
    $choices = array('oceanic-header-layout-standard' => 'Standard', 'oceanic-header-layout-centered' => 'Centered');
    $options['oceanic-header-layout'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-header-layout', 'label' => __('Layout', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'oceanic-header-layout-standard');
    // Upsell Button Two
    $options['oceanic-upsell-two'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-two', 'label' => __('Sticky Header', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['oceanic-header-info-text'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-header-info-text', 'label' => __('Info Text', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('<em>CALL US</em>: 555-OCEANIC', 'oceanic'));
    $options['oceanic-header-shop-links'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-header-shop-links', 'label' => __('Shop Links', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1, 'description' => __('Display the My Account and Checkout links when WooCommerce is active.', 'oceanic'));
    // Slider Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-slider';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Slider', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '35');
    $choices = array('oceanic-slider-default' => 'Default Slider', 'oceanic-meta-slider' => 'Meta Slider', 'oceanic-no-slider' => 'None');
    $options['oceanic-slider-type'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-slider-type', 'label' => __('Choose a Slider', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'oceanic-slider-default');
    $options['oceanic-slider-cats'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-slider-cats', 'label' => __('Slider Categories', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the names of the Post categories you want to display in the slider e.g. "Slider". Multiple categories must be separated with a comma.', 'oceanic'));
    $options['oceanic-slider-transition-speed'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-slider-transition-speed', 'label' => __('Slide Transition Speed', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 450, 'description' => __('The speed it takes to transition between slides in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds equals 1 second.', 'oceanic'));
    // Upsell Button Six
    $options['oceanic-upsell-six'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-six', 'label' => __('Slideshow', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Upsell Button Seven
    $options['oceanic-upsell-seven'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-seven', 'label' => __('Slideshow Speed', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['oceanic-meta-slider-shortcode'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-meta-slider-shortcode', 'label' => __('Meta Slider Shortcode', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the shortcode given by Meta Slider.', 'oceanic'));
    // Styling
    $section = 'oceanic-styling';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Styling', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '38');
    $options['oceanic-main-color'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-main-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['oceanic-main-color-hover'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-main-color-hover', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['oceanic-body-font'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans');
    $options['oceanic-body-font-color'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-body-font-color', 'label' => __('Body Font Color', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color);
    $options['oceanic-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-heading-font', 'label' => __('Heading Font', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Raleway');
    $options['oceanic-heading-font-color'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-heading-font-color', 'label' => __('Heading Font Color', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $heading_font_color);
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Three
    $options['oceanic-upsell-three'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-three', 'label' => __('Blog Post Layout', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['oceanic-blog-title'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-blog-title', 'label' => __('Blog Page Title', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog');
    // Upsell Button Eight
    $options['oceanic-upsell-eight'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-eight', 'label' => __('Single Blog Post Featured Image', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Social Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-social';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '80');
    // Upsell Button Four
    $options['oceanic-upsell-four'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-four', 'label' => __('Social Links', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Site Text Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-website';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Website Text', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '50');
    $options['oceanic-website-error-head'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-website-error-head', 'label' => __('404 Page Heading', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Oops! <span>404</span>', 'oceanic'), 'description' => __('Enter the heading for the 404 error page', 'oceanic'));
    $options['oceanic-website-error-msg'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-website-error-msg', 'label' => __('404 Page Message', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('It looks like that page does not exist. <br />Return home or try a search', 'oceanic'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for the 404 error page (Page not found)', 'oceanic'));
    $options['oceanic-website-nosearch-msg'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-website-nosearch-msg', 'label' => __('No Search Results', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'oceanic'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for when no search results are found', 'oceanic'));
    // Footer Settings
    $section = 'oceanic-footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'oceanic'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Five
    $options['oceanic-upsell-five'] = array('id' => 'oceanic-upsell-five', 'label' => __('Copyright Text', 'oceanic'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
Esempio n. 13
 * Defines customizer options
function politics_customizer_library_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#5bc08c';
    $secondary_color = '#666';
    $white = '#fff';
    $primary_color_drkblue = '#465a63';
    $site_link = "";
    $upgrade_link = "";
    $upgrade_text = __('Upgrade to Politics Plus', 'politics');
    // Image path default
    $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/';
    // Get Categories
    $options_cats = array();
    $options_cats_obj = get_categories('type=post');
    $options_cats[''] = __('Select a Category', 'politics');
    foreach ($options_cats_obj as $cat) {
        $options_cats[$cat->term_id] = $cat->cat_name;
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    1.0 Header
    2.0 Home
    	2.1 Home posts
    	2.2 Secondary Content
    	2.3 Paralax
    	2.4 Slider
    3.0 Footer
    4.0 Blog
    5.0 Colors Sitewide
    6.0 Plus Upgrade Options
    1.0 Header
    // Header Panel
    $panel = 'header-panel';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Header', 'politics'), 'priority' => '6');
    $section = 'general';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('General', 'politics'), 'priority' => '5', 'description' => __('General header settings', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['politics-sticky-header'] = array('id' => 'politics-sticky-header', 'label' => __('Sticky Header', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $section = 'logo';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Logo', 'politics'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Upload the logo image', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['politics-logo'] = array('id' => 'politics-logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'logo.png');
    $options['politics-logo-height'] = array('id' => 'politics-logo-height', 'label' => __('Logo Height (px or em)', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text');
    $options['politics-logo-width'] = array('id' => 'politics-logo-width', 'label' => __('Logo Width (px or em)', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '225px');
    $section = 'contact';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Contact Details', 'politics'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Contact details displayed in the top header', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['politics-header-phone'] = array('id' => 'politics-header-phone', 'label' => __('Phone Number', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('800 555 1234', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['politics-header-address'] = array('id' => 'politics-header-address', 'label' => __('Location', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('5046 S Greenwood, Chicago USA', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    2.0 Home
    // Home Panel
    $panel = 'home-panel';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Home', 'politics'), 'priority' => '10');
    2.1 Home Posts
    $section = 'home-featured-posts';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Featured Posts', 'politics'), 'priority' => '15', 'description' => __('Settings for the featured posts section', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home_posts_section_title'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_section_title', 'label' => __('Section Title', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Latest News', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_section_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_section_subtitle', 'label' => __('Section Subtitle', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Change this text in the theme customizer', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_cat'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_cat', 'label' => __('Home Posts Category', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $options_cats);
    2.2 Secondary Content
    $section = 'home-secondary-content';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Secondary Content', 'politics'), 'priority' => '25', 'description' => __('Settings for the secondary content section on the home page', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home_secondary_content_page'] = array('id' => 'home_secondary_content_page', 'label' => __('Secondary Content Page', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'dropdown-pages', 'default' => '');
    $options['home_secondary_content_title'] = array('id' => 'home_secondary_content_title', 'label' => __('Section Title', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Community', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_secondary_content_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'home_secondary_content_subtitle', 'label' => __('Section Subtitle', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Change this text in the theme customizer', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    2.3 Parallax Content
    $section = 'home-paralax-content';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Paralax Content', 'politics'), 'priority' => '20', 'description' => __('Settings for the paralax content section on the home page', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home_paralax_content_page'] = array('id' => 'home_paralax_content_page', 'label' => __('Paralax Content Page', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'dropdown-pages', 'default' => '');
    $options['home_paralax_bg'] = array('id' => 'home_paralax_bg', 'label' => __('Background Image', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'home-paralax.jpg');
    $options['home_paralax_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'home_paralax_bg_color', 'label' => __('Background color if no image is being used', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color_drkblue);
    2.4 Slider
     * Section named 'header_image' so that
     * add_theme_support( 'custom-header' ) will display in
     * this section.
     * @see politics_backstretch_setup()
    $section = 'header_image';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Hero Slider', 'politics'), 'priority' => '5', 'description' => __('Settings for the home slider.', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home-slider-content-help'] = array('id' => 'home-slider-content-help', 'section' => $section, 'label' => 'Content', 'type' => 'content', 'description' => __('The content area is widgetized. To add content (text, buttons, etc.), add a widget at Widgets > Home Hero', 'politics'));
    $options['home_duration'] = array('id' => 'home_duration', 'label' => __('Images Duration', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'range', 'description' => __('Duration time for each background image.', 'politics'), 'default' => 4000, 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 100, 'max' => 10000, 'step' => 100));
    $options['home_fade'] = array('id' => 'home_fade', 'label' => __('Image Fade In', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'range', 'description' => __('Fade in duration for each background image.', 'politics'), 'default' => 1000, 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 100, 'max' => 3000, 'step' => 100));
    $options['home_overlay_color'] = array('id' => 'home_overlay_color', 'label' => __('Overlay Color', 'politics'), 'description' => __('Color overlayed on the home page images.', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color_drkblue);
    $options['home_opacity'] = array('id' => 'home_opacity', 'label' => __('Opacity level', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'range', 'description' => __('Adjust the opacity for the overlay color.', 'politics'), 'default' => '0.6', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 1, 'step' => 0.1));
    3.0 Footer
    $section = 'footer-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Copyright', 'politics'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Settings for the copyright area', 'politics'));
    $options['footer_copyright'] = array('id' => 'footer_copyright', 'label' => __('Copyright Text', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => sprintf(__('Copyright 2015 <a href="%1s">Rescue Themes</a>. All Rights Reserved. Paid for by the campaign.', 'politics'), esc_url($site_link)), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    4.0 Blog
    // Blog Panel
    $panel = 'blog-panel';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Blog', 'politics'), 'priority' => '20');
    $section = 'blog-layout-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'politics'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Settings for the blog page layout', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $choices = array('masonry' => 'Masonry', 'traditional' => 'Traditional');
    $options['politics_blog_style'] = array('id' => 'politics_blog_style', 'label' => __('Blog Page Style', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'masonry');
    $section = 'blog-title-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header', 'politics'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Settings for the blog page header', 'politics'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['politics_blog_title'] = array('id' => 'politics_blog_title', 'label' => __('Page Title', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Latest Posts', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['politics_blog_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'politics_blog_subtitle', 'label' => __('Page Subtitle', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Change this text in the customizer', 'politics'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    5.0 Colors Sitewide
    $body_font_color = '#78909c';
    $header_font_color = '#465a63';
    $accent_color = '#ef5350';
    $accent_color_dark = '#38474d';
    $white = '#FFFFFF';
    $section = 'basic-colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Basic Colors', 'politics'), 'priority' => '5', 'description' => __('These are the default sitewide colors.', 'politics'));
    $options['color-headers'] = array('id' => 'color-headers', 'label' => __('Text Headers', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $header_font_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['color-content'] = array('id' => 'color-content', 'label' => __('Standard Text', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['color-content-link'] = array('id' => 'color-content-link', 'label' => __('Links', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $header_font_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['color-content-link-hover'] = array('id' => 'color-content-link-hover', 'label' => __('Link Hover', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $accent_color);
    $options['color-content-top-bar'] = array('id' => 'color-content-top-bar', 'label' => __('Top Bar Background', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $accent_color_dark, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['color-content-body-bg'] = array('id' => 'color-content-body-bg', 'label' => __('Sitewide Background', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $white, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['advanced-colors'] = array('id' => 'advanced-colors', 'label' => __('Advanced Colors', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => __('<p>Fine tune your site design with an unlimited number of color options for each section of the site:</p><ul><li>Backgrounds</li><li>Navigation</li><li>Links and Fonts</li><li>Footer</li><li>and more!</li></ul>', 'politics'), 'description' => sprintf('<a class="upgrade-link" target="_blank" href="%1s">%2s &rarr;</a>', esc_url($upgrade_link), esc_attr($upgrade_text)));
    6.0 Plus Upgrade Options
    // Plus: Home Control
    $section = 'plus-home-control';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Upgrade Available', 'politics'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => '');
    $options['home-controls-plus'] = array('id' => 'home-controls-plus', 'label' => __('Home Sections', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => sprintf(__('<p>Take control of your home page content sections with the abilitiy to re-order and toggle sections on/off.</p><img src="%s">', 'politics'), $imagepath . 'home-controls.png'));
    $options['typography-plus'] = array('id' => 'typography-plus', 'label' => __('Advanced Typography Settings', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => __('<p>You\'ll have access to 500+ Google Fonts along with font size, weight, style, transform, line height, and spacing settings for every part of your site!</p><ul><li>Headers and Content</li><li>Navigation</li><li>Sidebar</li><li>Footer</li><li>Copyright</li><li>and more!</li></ul>', 'politics'));
    $options['colors-plus'] = array('id' => 'colors-plus', 'label' => __('Advanced Color Settings', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => __('<p>Fine tune your site design with an unlimited number of color options for each section of the site:</p><ul><li>Backgrounds</li><li>Navigation</li><li>Links and Fonts</li><li>Footer</li><li>and more!</li></ul>', 'politics'));
    $options['plus-sidebar-notice'] = array('id' => 'plus-sidebar-notice', 'label' => __('Sidebar Layout', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => sprintf(__('<p>Adjust the inner sidebar position to display on the right or left side of your content.</p>', 'politics')));
    $options['plus-woocommerce-notice'] = array('id' => 'plus-woocommerce-notice', 'label' => __('WooCommerce', 'politics'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'content', 'content' => __('<p>Politics Plus includes compatibility with the world\'s most popular ecommerce system, WooCommerce. Sell physical products, music files, or even your time when you upgrade!</p>', 'politics'), 'description' => sprintf('<a class="upgrade-link" target="_blank" href="%1s">%2s &rarr;</a>', esc_url($upgrade_link), esc_attr($upgrade_text)));
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
Esempio n. 14
function customizer_library_options()
    global $default_options;
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    /* --- header options --- */
    $panels[] = array('id' => "panel-header", 'title' => __('Header', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80');
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-header-style", 'title' => __('Style', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-header");
    $options['header-show-header'] = array('id' => 'header-show-header', 'label' => __('Show Header', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-style", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-show-header']);
    $options['header-style'] = array('id' => 'header-style', 'label' => __('Header Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-style", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("style-1" => __("Style 1", 'cumulo'), "style-2" => __("Style 2 ( Image Background )", 'cumulo'), "style-3" => __("Style 3", 'cumulo'), "style-4" => __("Style 4", 'cumulo'), "style-5" => __("Style 5", 'cumulo'), "style-6" => __("Style 6", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['header-style']);
    $options['header-background-image'] = array('id' => 'header-background-image', 'label' => __('Header Background Image', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-style", 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $default_options['header-background-image'], 'description' => __('This option works with header style 2 only.', 'cumulo'), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('header-style', 'style-2'));
    $options['header-background-repeat'] = array('id' => 'header-background-repeat', 'label' => __('Header Background Repeat', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-style", 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array('cover' => __('Cover', 'cumulo'), 'repeat' => __('Tile', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-x' => __('Tile Horizontally', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-y' => __('Tile Vertically', 'cumulo'), 'no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['header-background-repeat'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('header-style', 'style-2'));
    $options['header-transparent-header'] = array('id' => 'header-transparent-header', 'label' => __('Enable Transparent Header', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-style", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-transparent-header']);
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-header-logo", 'title' => __('Logo', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-header");
    $options['header-logo'] = array('id' => 'header-logo', 'label' => __('Header Logo', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-logo", 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $default_options['header-logo']);
    $options['header-logo-margin-top'] = array('id' => 'header-logo-margin-top', 'label' => __('Logo Top Margin', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-logo", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['header-logo-margin-top'], 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-transparent-header-logo'] = array('id' => 'header-transparent-header-logo', 'label' => __('Logo on Transparent Header', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-logo", 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $default_options['header-transparent-header-logo'], 'description' => __('Leave it empty for default logo', 'cumulo'));
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-header-infobar", 'title' => __('Information Bar', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-header");
    $options['header-infobar-visible'] = array('id' => 'header-infobar-visible', 'label' => __('Show Infomation Bar', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-infobar-visible']);
    $options['header-infobar-phone'] = array('id' => 'header-infobar-phone', 'label' => __('Phone NO', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['header-infobar-phone'], 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-infobar-email'] = array('id' => 'header-infobar-email', 'label' => __('Email', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['header-infobar-email'], 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-twitter'] = array('id' => 'header-social-twitter', 'label' => __('Twitter', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-linkedin'] = array('id' => 'header-social-linkedin', 'label' => __('LinkedIn', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-facebook'] = array('id' => 'header-social-facebook', 'label' => __('Facebook', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-skype'] = array('id' => 'header-social-skype', 'label' => __('Skype', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-google-plus'] = array('id' => 'header-social-google-plus', 'label' => __('Google+', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-dribbble'] = array('id' => 'header-social-dribbble', 'label' => __('Dribbble', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-pinterest'] = array('id' => 'header-social-pinterest', 'label' => __('Pinterest', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-apple'] = array('id' => 'header-social-apple', 'label' => __('Apple', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-instagram'] = array('id' => 'header-social-instagram', 'label' => __('Instagram', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-youtube'] = array('id' => 'header-social-youtube', 'label' => __('Youtube', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-vimeo-square'] = array('id' => 'header-social-vimeo-square', 'label' => __('Vimeo', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['header-social-rss'] = array('id' => 'header-social-rss', 'label' => __('RSS', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-infobar", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-header-menu", 'title' => __('Menu', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-header");
    $options['header-show-menu'] = array('id' => 'header-show-menu', 'label' => __('Show Menu', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-menu", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-show-menu']);
    $options['header-menu-sticky'] = array('id' => 'header-menu-sticky', 'label' => __('Enable Sticky Menu', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-menu", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-menu-sticky']);
    $options['header-menu-show-cart'] = array('id' => 'header-menu-show-cart', 'label' => __('Show WooCommerce Cart Icon on Header', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-menu", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-menu-show-cart'], 'description' => __("Cart icon may not be visible in header style 4", 'cumulo'));
    $options['header-menu-show-search'] = array('id' => 'header-menu-show-search', 'label' => __('Show Search Icon', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-menu", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-menu-show-search'], 'description' => __("Search icon may not be visible in header style 4", 'cumulo'));
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'title' => __('Breadcrumb', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-header");
    $options['header-breadcrumb-show'] = array('id' => 'header-breadcrumb-show', 'label' => __('Show Breadcrumb', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['header-breadcrumb-show'], 'description' => __('Breadcrumb is not visible on homepage by default', 'cumulo'));
    $options['breadcrumb-background-image-enable'] = array('id' => 'breadcrumb-background-image-enable', 'label' => __('Breadcrumb Background Image', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['breadcrumb-background-image-enable'], 'description' => __('Check this to use background image for breadcrumb.', 'cumulo'));
    $options['header-breadcrumb-image'] = array('id' => 'header-breadcrumb-image', 'label' => __('Select Breadcrumb Background Image', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '', 'description' => __('Default Image will be used if not set.', 'cumulo'), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('breadcrumb-background-image-enable', 1));
    $options['breadcrumb-background-repeat'] = array('id' => 'breadcrumb-background-repeat', 'label' => __('Breadcrumb Background Repeat', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array('cover' => __('Cover', 'cumulo'), 'repeat' => __('Tile', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-x' => __('Tile Horizontally', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-y' => __('Tile Vertically', 'cumulo'), 'no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['breadcrumb-background-repeat'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('breadcrumb-background-image-enable', 1));
    $options['breadcrumb-background-overlay'] = array('id' => 'breadcrumb-background-overlay', 'label' => __('Enable Breadcrumb Background Overlay', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-header-breadcrumb", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['breadcrumb-background-overlay'], 'description' => __('Check this to use background overlay for breadcrumb.', 'cumulo'));
    /* --- end of header options --- */
    /* --- footer options --- */
    $panels[] = array('id' => "panel-footer", 'title' => __('Footer', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '81');
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-footer-style", 'title' => __('Style', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-footer");
    $options['footer-style'] = array('id' => 'footer-style', 'label' => __('Footer Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-style", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("style-1" => "Style 1", "style-2" => "Style 2", "style-3" => "Style 3", "style-4" => "Style 4"), 'default' => $default_options['footer-style']);
    $options['footer-show-footer'] = array('id' => 'footer-show-footer', 'label' => __('Show Footer', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-style", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['footer-show-footer']);
    $options['footer-show-copyright'] = array('id' => 'footer-show-copyright', 'label' => __('Show Footer Copyright Bar', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-style", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['footer-show-footer']);
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-footer-logo", 'title' => __('Logo', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-footer");
    $options['footer-logo'] = array('id' => 'footer-logo', 'label' => __('Footer Logo', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-logo", 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $default_options['footer-logo'], 'description' => __('Footer Logo works with shortcode [cmo_footer_logo]. Default is same with Header Logo', 'cumulo'));
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-footer-social", 'title' => __('Social Links', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-footer", 'description' => __('Footer Social works with [cmo_footer_social] shortcode', 'cumulo'));
    $options['footer-social-twitter'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-twitter', 'label' => __('Twitter', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-linkedin-square'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-linkedin-square', 'label' => __('LinkedIn', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-facebook-square'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-facebook-square', 'label' => __('Facebook', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-skype'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-skype', 'label' => __('Skype', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-google-plus'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-google-plus', 'label' => __('Google+', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-dribbble'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-dribbble', 'label' => __('Dribbble', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-pinterest'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-pinterest', 'label' => __('Pinterest', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-apple'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-apple', 'label' => __('Apple', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-instagram'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-instagram', 'label' => __('Instagram', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-youtube'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-youtube', 'label' => __('Youtube', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-vimeo-square'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-vimeo-square', 'label' => __('Vimeo', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-social-rss'] = array('id' => 'footer-social-rss', 'label' => __('RSS', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-social", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-footer-extra-info", 'title' => __('Extra Information', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-footer", 'description' => __('Phone Numbers, Email, Address will be used in footer style 3, 4 by default, For use in other places, use shortcode [cmo_contact_info type="phone|email|address" icon="Override Icon"]Override Information[/cmo_contact_info] in text widget', 'cumulo'));
    $options['footer-copyright-text'] = array('id' => 'footer-copyright-text', 'label' => __('Copyright', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-extra-info", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['footer-copyright-text'], 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['footer-extra-phone'] = array('id' => 'footer-extra-phone', 'label' => __('Phone Numbers', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-extra-info", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['footer-extra-phone'], 'description' => __('For multiple numbers, separate with | sign', 'cumulo'));
    $options['footer-extra-email'] = array('id' => 'footer-extra-email', 'label' => __('Email Addresses', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-extra-info", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['footer-extra-email'], 'description' => __('For multiple email, separate with | sign', 'cumulo'));
    $options['footer-extra-address'] = array('id' => 'footer-extra-address', 'label' => __('Address', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-extra-info", 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['footer-extra-address'], 'description' => __('For line break, use | sign', 'cumulo'));
    $sections[] = array('id' => "section-footer-widgets", 'title' => __('Footer Widgets', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '80', 'panel' => "panel-footer");
    $options['footer-widget-1'] = array('id' => 'footer-widget-1', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar for Footer Column 1', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-widgets", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__("None", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['footer-widget-1'], 'description' => __('Following 4 options works with Footer Style 1 and 2', 'cumulo'));
    $options['footer-widget-2'] = array('id' => 'footer-widget-2', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar for Footer Column 2', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-widgets", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__("None", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['footer-widget-2']);
    $options['footer-widget-3'] = array('id' => 'footer-widget-3', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar for Footer Column 3', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-widgets", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__("None", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['footer-widget-3']);
    $options['footer-widget-4'] = array('id' => 'footer-widget-4', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar for Footer Column 4', 'cumulo'), 'section' => "section-footer-widgets", 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__("None", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['footer-widget-4']);
    /* --- end of footer options --- */
    /* Color options */
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __('Change overall color settings here. These settings will be applied to all elements, but specific color settings such as shortcode color options will have higher priority.', 'cumulo'));
    $options['primary-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['primary-color']);
    $options['text-color'] = array('id' => 'text-color', 'label' => __('Text Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['text-color']);
    $options['heading-color'] = array('id' => 'heading-color', 'label' => __('Heading Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['heading-color']);
    $options['bg-color'] = array('id' => 'bg-color', 'label' => __('Primary Background Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['bg-color']);
    $options['bg-color2'] = array('id' => 'bg-color2', 'label' => __('Secondary Background Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['bg-color2']);
    $options['dark-bg-color'] = array('id' => 'dark-bg-color', 'label' => __('Dark Background Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['dark-bg-color'], 'description' => __('Dark Background Color will be used as overlay or background color on hover', 'cumulo'));
    $options['menu-color'] = array('id' => 'menu-color', 'label' => __('Menu Item Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['menu-color']);
    $options['header-bg-color'] = array('id' => 'header-bg-color', 'label' => __('Header Background Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['header-bg-color']);
    $options['breadcrumb-bg-color'] = array('id' => 'breadcrumb-bg-color', 'label' => __('Breadcrumb Background Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['breadcrumb-bg-color']);
    $options['border-color'] = array('id' => 'border-color', 'label' => __('Border Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['border-color']);
    $options['transparent-header-nav-alt-color'] = array('id' => 'transparent-header-nav-alt-color', 'label' => __('Enable Alternative Main Navigation Color', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['transparent-header-nav-alt-color'], 'description' => __("Enable Alternative Color for Transparent Header", 'cumulo'));
    $options['transparent-header-main-nav-color'] = array('id' => 'transparent-header-main-nav-color', 'label' => __('Color for Transparent Header', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['transparent-header-main-nav-color'], 'description' => __('Main Navigation Color on Transparent Header. It work with transparent header enabled', 'cumulo'), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('transparent-header-nav-alt-color', '1'));
    /* End of Color options */
    /* Typography */
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __('Change global font options. If you select google fonts from the list, they will be automatically loaded from Google Fonts.', 'cumulo'));
    $options['heading-font'] = array('id' => 'heading-font', 'label' => __('Heading Font', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => $default_options['heading-font']);
    $options['heading-font-weight'] = array('id' => 'heading-font-weight', 'label' => __('Heading Font Weight', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_font_weights(true), 'default' => $default_options['heading-font-weight']);
    $options['sub-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'sub-heading-font', 'label' => __('Sub Heading Font', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => $default_options['heading-font']);
    $options['sub-heading-font-weight'] = array('id' => 'sub-heading-font-weight', 'label' => __('Sub Heading Font Weight', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_font_weights(true), 'default' => $default_options['heading-font-weight']);
    $options['h1-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h1-font-size', 'label' => __('H1 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h1-font-size']);
    $options['h2-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h2-font-size', 'label' => __('H2 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h2-font-size']);
    $options['h3-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h3-font-size', 'label' => __('H3 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h3-font-size']);
    $options['h4-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h4-font-size', 'label' => __('H4 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h4-font-size']);
    $options['h5-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h5-font-size', 'label' => __('H5 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h5-font-size']);
    $options['h6-font-size'] = array('id' => 'h6-font-size', 'label' => __('H6 Tag Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['h6-font-size']);
    $options['text-font'] = array('id' => 'text-font', 'label' => __('Text Font', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => $default_options['text-font']);
    $options['text-font-weight'] = array('id' => 'text-font-weight', 'label' => __('Text Font Weight', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_font_weights(), 'default' => $default_options['text-font-weight']);
    $options['text-font-size'] = array('id' => 'text-font-size', 'label' => __('Text Font Size', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['text-font-size']);
    $options['menu-font'] = array('id' => 'menu-font', 'label' => __('Menu Font', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => $default_options['menu-font']);
    $options['menu-font-weight'] = array('id' => 'menu-font-weight', 'label' => __('Menu Font Weight', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_font_weights(), 'default' => $default_options['menu-font-weight']);
    /* background image */
    $section = 'content-layout';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90');
    $options['content-preloader'] = array('id' => 'content-preloader', 'label' => __('Preloader', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('enable' => __('Enable', 'cumulo'), 'disable' => __('Disable', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['content-preloader']);
    $options['content-layout'] = array('id' => 'content-layout', 'label' => __('Content Layout', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('wide' => __('Wide', 'cumulo'), 'boxed' => __('Boxed', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['content-layout']);
    $options['content-boxed-width'] = array('id' => 'content-boxed-width', 'label' => __('Boxed Width', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'slider', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 1200, 'max' => 1400, 'step' => 10), 'default' => $default_options['content-boxed-width'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-layout', 'boxed'));
    $options['content-boxed-margin-top-bottom'] = array('id' => 'content-boxed-margin-top-bottom', 'label' => __('Margin Top Bottom', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['content-boxed-margin-top-bottom'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-layout', 'boxed'));
    $options['content-background-color'] = array('id' => 'content-background-color', 'label' => __('Background Color in Boxed Layout', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $default_options['content-background-color'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-layout', 'boxed'));
    $options['content-background-image'] = array('id' => 'content-background-image', 'label' => __('Background Image', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $default_options['content-background-image']);
    $options['content-background-repeat'] = array('id' => 'content-background-repeat', 'label' => __('Background Repeat', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array('repeat' => __('Tile', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-x' => __('Tile Horizontally', 'cumulo'), 'repeat-y' => __('Tile Vertically', 'cumulo'), 'no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['content-background-repeat'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-background-image', '', '!='));
    $options['content-background-position'] = array('id' => 'content-background-position', 'label' => __('Background Position', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array('left' => __('Left', 'cumulo'), 'center' => __('Center', 'cumulo'), 'right' => __('Right', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['content-background-position'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-background-image', '', '!='));
    $options['content-background-attachment'] = array('id' => 'content-background-attachment', 'label' => __('Background Attachment', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'radio', 'choices' => array('scroll' => __('Scroll', 'cumulo'), 'fixed' => __('Fixed', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['content-background-attachment'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('content-background-image', '', '!='));
    /* Side bar Options */
    $section = 'sidebar';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Sidebar', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __("Select Default sidebar for blogs, portfolios and woocommerce. Sidebar for page needs be specifically set through page option. Sidebar for each posts and portfolios can be overriden through post/portfolio options.", 'cumulo'));
    $options['sidebar-width'] = array('id' => 'sidebar-width', 'label' => __('Sidebar Width', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => "slider", 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 25, 'max' => 50, 'step' => 1), 'default' => $default_options['sidebar-width'], 'description' => __("In Percent ( Min: 25%, Max: 50% ). Default is 25%", 'cumulo'));
    $options['sidebar-sidebar'] = array('id' => 'sidebar-sidebar', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__('No Sidebar', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['sidebar-sidebar']);
    $options['sidebar-position'] = array('id' => 'sidebar-position', 'label' => __('Sidebar Position', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("left" => __("Left", 'cumulo'), "right" => __("Right", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['sidebar-position'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('sidebar-sidebar', '0', '!='));
    $options['woocommerce-select-sidebar'] = array('id' => 'woocommerce-select-sidebar', 'label' => __('Select Sidebar for Woocommerce', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => cmo_get_all_sidebars(__('No Sidebar', 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['woocommerce-select-sidebar']);
    $options['woocommerce-sidebar-position'] = array('id' => 'woocommerce-sidebar-position', 'label' => __('Woocommerce Sidebar Position', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('left' => __('Left', 'cumulo'), 'right' => __('Right', 'cumulo')), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('woocommerce-select-sidebar', '0', '!='));
    /* ------------- */
    /* --- Blog Style --- */
    $section = 'blog-list';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __("Change blog archive page options here. These options will be applied to only archive pages, not pages built with shortcodes.", 'cumulo'));
    $options['blog-list-style'] = array('id' => 'blog-list-style', 'label' => __('Default Blog List Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("onecolumn" => __("One Column", 'cumulo'), "masonry" => __("Masonry", 'cumulo'), "modern" => __("Modern", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['blog-list-style']);
    $options['blog-list-masonry-columns'] = array('id' => 'blog-list-masonry-columns', 'label' => __('Masonry Columns', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("2" => __("2 Columns", 'cumulo'), "3" => __("3 Columns", 'cumulo'), "4" => __("4 Columns", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['blog-list-masonry-columns'], 'description' => __('This option will work only with masonry blog list style', 'cumulo'), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('blog-list-style', 'masonry'));
    $options['blog-list-modern-full'] = array('id' => 'blog-list-modern-full', 'label' => __('Full width for modern style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $default_options['blog-list-modern-full'], 'description' => __('This option will work only with modern blog list style', 'cumulo'), 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('blog-list-style', 'modern'));
    $options['blog-list-pagination'] = array('id' => 'blog-list-pagination', 'label' => __('Default Blog List Pagination', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("classic" => __("Classic", 'cumulo'), "load-more" => __("Load More Button", 'cumulo'), "infinite-scroll" => __("Load On Scroll", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['blog-list-pagination']);
    /* --- Blog Style --- */
    /* --- Portfolio Options --- */
    $section = 'portfolio';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Portfolio', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __("Change portfolio archive/category page options here. These options will be applied to only archive pages, not pages built with shortcodes.", 'cumulo'));
    $options['portfolio-list-style'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-style', 'label' => __('Default Portfolio List Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("grid" => __("Grid", 'cumulo'), "masonry" => __("Masonry", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-style']);
    $options['portfolio-list-full'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-full', 'label' => __('Full Width', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("yes" => __("Yes", 'cumulo'), "no" => __("No", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-full'], 'description' => __("Sidebar will not work on full page", 'cumulo'));
    $options['portfolio-list-columns-grid'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-columns-grid', 'label' => __('Columns (Grid Style)', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4'), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-columns-grid'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('portfolio-list-style', 'grid'));
    $options['portfolio-list-columns-masonry'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-columns-masonry', 'label' => __('Columns (Masonry Style)', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4'), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-columns-masonry'], 'active_callback' => cmo_handle_customizer_dependancy('portfolio-list-style', 'masonry'));
    $options['portfolio-list-margin'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-margin', 'label' => __('Margin Between List Items', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-margin']);
    $options['portfolio-list-pagination'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-list-pagination', 'label' => __('Default Portfolio List Pagination', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("classic" => __("Classic", 'cumulo'), "load-more" => __("Load More Button", 'cumulo'), "infinite-scroll" => __("Load On Scroll", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-list-pagination']);
    $options['portfolio-single-style'] = array('id' => 'portfolio-single-style', 'label' => __('Default Portfolio Single Item Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("style-1" => __("Style 1", 'cumulo'), "style-2" => __("Style 2", 'cumulo'), "style-3" => __("Style 3", 'cumulo'), "style-4" => __("Style 4", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['portfolio-single-style']);
    /* --- Portfolio Options --- */
    $section = 'woocommerce';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Woocommerce', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => __("Select Woocommerce Product List Style", 'cumulo'));
    $options['woo-list-style'] = array('id' => 'woo-list-style', 'label' => __('Default Woocommerce Product List Style', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array("style-1" => __("Style - 1", 'cumulo'), "style-2" => __("Style - 2", 'cumulo'), "style-3" => __("Style - 3", 'cumulo')), 'default' => $default_options['woo-list-style']);
    /* --- End of Portfolio Options --- */
    /* Custom Code options */
    $section = 'custom-code';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Custom Code', 'cumulo'), 'priority' => '90', 'description' => esc_html(__("Enter your custom CSS and JS code here. You can use custom codes to quickly make small changes or put analytics js code. Do not place any <script> or <style> tags as they're already added.", 'cumulo')));
    $options['custom-css'] = array('id' => 'custom-css', 'label' => __('Custom CSS', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => $default_options['custom-css']);
    $options['custom-js'] = array('id' => 'custom-js', 'label' => __('Custom JS', 'cumulo'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => $default_options['custom-js']);
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
Esempio n. 15
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_topshop_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#29a6e5';
    $secondary_color = '#266ee4';
    $body_font_color = '#4F4F4F';
    $heading_font_color = '#5E5E5E';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Logo
    $section = 'topshop-favicon';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Favicon', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Add a favicon to your website', 'topshop'));
    $options['topshop-header-favicon'] = array('id' => 'topshop-header-favicon', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    // Layout Settings
    $section = 'topshop-layout';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout Options', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '30');
    // Upsell Button One
    $options['topshop-upsell-one'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-one', 'label' => __('Site Layout', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Upsell Button Two
    $options['topshop-upsell-two'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-two', 'label' => __('Header Layout', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['topshop-header-search'] = array('id' => 'topshop-header-search', 'label' => __('Show Search', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Enable to a slogan for your site. This uses the site Tagline', 'topshop'), 'default' => 1);
    $options['topshop-sticky-header'] = array('id' => 'topshop-sticky-header', 'label' => __('Sticky Header', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Select this box to make the main navigation sticky', 'topshop'), 'default' => 0);
    $options['topshop-show-header-top-bar'] = array('id' => 'topshop-show-header-top-bar', 'label' => __('Show Top Bar', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('This will show/hide the top bar in the header<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Not working? See here</a><br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank">TopShop Premium has hooks</a> integrated for developers to hook on to.', 'topshop'), 'default' => 1);
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'topshop-slider';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Slider Options', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '35');
    $choices = array('topshop-slider-default' => 'Default Slider', 'topshop-meta-slider' => 'Meta Slider', 'topshop-no-slider' => 'None');
    $options['topshop-slider-type'] = array('id' => 'topshop-slider-type', 'label' => __('Choose a Slider', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'topshop-slider-default');
    $options['topshop-slider-cats'] = array('id' => 'topshop-slider-cats', 'label' => __('Slider Categories', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you want to display in the slider. Eg: "13,17,19" (no spaces and only comma\'s)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Follow instructions here</b></a>', 'topshop'));
    $options['topshop-meta-slider-shortcode'] = array('id' => 'topshop-meta-slider-shortcode', 'label' => __('Slider Shortcode', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the shortcode give by meta slider.', 'topshop'));
    // Upsell Button Slider
    $options['topshop-upsell-two-one'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-two-one', 'label' => __('Extra Slider Settings', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Colors
    $section = 'topshop-styling';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Styling Options', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '38');
    $options['topshop-main-color'] = array('id' => 'topshop-main-color', 'label' => __('Main Color', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['topshop-main-color-hover'] = array('id' => 'topshop-main-color-hover', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['topshop-body-font'] = array('id' => 'topshop-body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans');
    $options['topshop-body-font-color'] = array('id' => 'topshop-body-font-color', 'label' => __('Body Font Color', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color);
    $options['topshop-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'topshop-heading-font', 'label' => __('Headings Font', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Raleway');
    $options['topshop-heading-font-color'] = array('id' => 'topshop-heading-font-color', 'label' => __('Heading Font Color', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $heading_font_color);
    // Upsell Button Styling
    $options['topshop-upsell-two-two'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-two-two', 'label' => __('Extra Styling options', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['topshop-custom-css'] = array('id' => 'topshop-custom-css', 'label' => __('Custom CSS', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('', 'topshop'), 'description' => __('Add custom CSS to your theme', 'topshop'));
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'topshop-blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog Options', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Three
    $options['topshop-upsell-three'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-three', 'label' => __('Blog Post Layout', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['topshop-blog-title'] = array('id' => 'topshop-blog-title', 'label' => __('Blog Page Title', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog');
    $options['topshop-blog-cats'] = array('id' => 'topshop-blog-cats', 'label' => __('Exclude Blog Categories', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you\'d like to EXCLUDE from the Blog, enter only the ID\'s with a minus sign (-) before them, separated by a comma (,)<br />Eg: "-13, -17, -19"<br />If you enter the ID\'s without the minus then it\'ll show ONLY posts in those categories.', 'topshop'));
    $choices = array('blog-use-images-loop' => 'Post Images Carousel', 'blog-use-featured-image' => 'Use only the featured image');
    $options['topshop-blog-list-image-type'] = array('id' => 'topshop-blog-list-image-type', 'label' => __('Blog List Image', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'blog-use-featured-image');
    // Social Settings
    $section = 'topshop-social';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '80');
    // Upsell Button Four
    $options['topshop-upsell-four'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-four', 'label' => __('Add Social Links', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Site Text Settings
    $section = 'topshop-website';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Website Text', 'topshop'), 'priority' => '50');
    $options['topshop-header-info-text'] = array('id' => 'topshop-header-info-text', 'label' => __('Header Info Text', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Call Us: 082 444 BOOM', 'topshop'), 'description' => __('This is the text in the header', 'topshop'));
    // Upsell Button Five
    $options['topshop-upsell-five'] = array('id' => 'topshop-upsell-five', 'label' => __('Site Copy Text', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['topshop-website-error-head'] = array('id' => 'topshop-website-error-head', 'label' => __('404 Error Page Heading', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Oops! <span>404</span>', 'topshop'), 'description' => __('Enter the heading for the 404 Error page', 'topshop'));
    $options['topshop-website-error-msg'] = array('id' => 'topshop-website-error-msg', 'label' => __('Error 404 Message', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('It looks like that page does not exist. <br />Return home or try a search', 'topshop'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text on the 404 error page (Page not found)', 'topshop'));
    $options['topshop-website-nosearch-msg'] = array('id' => 'topshop-website-nosearch-msg', 'label' => __('No Search Results', 'topshop'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'topshop'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for when no search results are found', 'topshop'));
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
Esempio n. 16
 * Gather Options
 * @since  1.0.0
 * @return array $options
function gather_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#5bc08c';
    $secondary_color = '#f99868';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Header section
    $section = 'title_tagline';
    $options['logo'] = array('id' => 'logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '', 'priority' => 10);
    $options['center-branding'] = array('id' => 'center-branding', 'label' => __('Center Header Text/Logo', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'priority' => 20);
    $options['header-background-color'] = array('id' => 'header-background-color', 'label' => __('Header Background Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#ffffff', 'priority' => 30);
    $options['header-background-image'] = array('id' => 'header-background-image', 'label' => __('Header Background Image', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upload', 'default' => '', 'priority' => 40);
    $choices = array('image-scale' => 'Image Scale', 'image-repeat' => 'Image Repeat');
    $options['header-background-image-style'] = array('id' => 'header-background-image-style', 'label' => __('Background Image Style', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'image-scale', 'priority' => 50);
    // Navigation Styles
    $section = 'navigation-styles';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Navigation Styles', 'gather'), 'priority' => '30');
    $menus = array('primary', 'secondary');
    foreach ($menus as $menu) {
        if (!has_nav_menu($menu)) {
        if ($menu == 'primary') {
            $label = __('Primary Menu');
        if ($menu == 'secondary') {
            $label = __('Secondary Menu');
        $options[$menu . '-menu-background'] = array('id' => $menu . '-menu-background', 'label' => __(sprintf('Background (%s)', $label), 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
        $mod = get_theme_mod($menu . '-menu-background', $primary_color);
        $color = sanitize_hex_color($mod);
        // 5% lighter
        $color_obj = new Jetpack_Color($color);
        $lighten5 = $color_obj->lighten(5)->toHex();
        // 20% lighter
        $color_obj = new Jetpack_Color($color);
        $lighten20 = $color_obj->lighten(20)->toHex();
        // Contrasting text
        $color_obj = new Jetpack_Color($color);
        $contrast = $color_obj->getGrayscaleContrastingColor()->lighten(40)->toHex();
        $options[$menu . '-menu-background-hover'] = array('id' => $menu . '-menu-background-hover', 'label' => __(sprintf('Background Hover (%s)', $label), 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $lighten5);
        $options[$menu . '-menu-color'] = array('id' => $menu . '-menu-color', 'label' => __(sprintf('Text (%s)', $label), 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $contrast);
        $options[$menu . '-menu-border'] = array('id' => $menu . '-menu-border', 'label' => __(sprintf('Border (%s)', $label), 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $lighten20);
        $options[$menu . '-menu-search'] = array('id' => $menu . '-menu-search', 'label' => __(sprintf('Search Box (%s)', $label), 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    // Colors
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'gather'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['primary-color'] = array('id' => 'primary-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['secondary-color'] = array('id' => 'secondary-color', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['site-title-color'] = array('id' => 'site-title-color', 'label' => __('Site Title Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['site-title-hover-color'] = array('id' => 'site-title-hover-color', 'label' => __('Site Title Hover Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['site-tagline-color'] = array('id' => 'site-tagline-color', 'label' => __('Site Tagline Color', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    // Layout
    $section = 'layout';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout', 'gather'), 'priority' => '70');
    $choices = array('sidebar-right' => 'Sidebar Right', 'sidebar-left' => 'Sidebar Left');
    $options['standard-layout'] = array('id' => 'standard-layout', 'label' => __('Standard Layout', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'sidebar-right');
    $choices = array('standard' => 'Standard Layout', 'column-masonry-2' => '2 Column Masonry', 'column-masonry-3' => '3 Column Masonry', 'column-masonry-4' => '4 Column Masonry');
    $options['archive-layout'] = array('id' => 'archive-layout', 'label' => __('Archive Layout', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'column-masonry-3');
    $options['archive-sidebar'] = array('id' => 'archive-sidebar', 'label' => __('Display Sidebar on Archives', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    // Typography
    $section = 'typography';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'gather'), 'priority' => '75');
    $options['site-title-font'] = array('id' => 'site-title-font', 'label' => __('Site Title Font', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => customizer_library_get_font_choices(), 'default' => 'Monoton');
    $options['primary-font'] = array('id' => 'primary-font', 'label' => __('Primary Font', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => customizer_library_get_font_choices(), 'default' => 'Roboto');
    $options['secondary-font'] = array('id' => 'secondary-font', 'label' => __('Secondary Font', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => customizer_library_get_font_choices(), 'default' => 'Merriweather');
    // Archive Settings
    $section = 'archive';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Archive', 'gather'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['archive-excerpts'] = array('id' => 'archive-excerpts', 'label' => __('Display Excerpts', 'gather'), 'description' => __('Display excerpts instead of full content.', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['archive-featured-images'] = array('id' => 'archive-featured-images', 'label' => __('Display Featured Images', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    // Post Settings
    $section = 'post';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Post', 'gather'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['display-post-dates'] = array('id' => 'display-post-dates', 'label' => __('Display Post Dates', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    $options['post-featured-images'] = array('id' => 'post-featured-images', 'label' => __('Display Featured Images', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 1);
    // Footer Settings
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'gather'), 'priority' => '100');
    $options['footer-text'] = array('id' => 'footer-text', 'label' => __('Footer Text', 'gather'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => gather_get_default_footer_text());
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library Demo
function customizer_library_xcel_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#0c3768';
    $secondary_color = '#0d4a87';
    $title_color = '#2B598E';
    $title_font_color = '#FFFFFF';
    $body_font_color = '#4F4F4F';
    $heading_font_color = '#5E5E5E';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Layout Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-layout';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Site Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '30');
    // Upsell Button One
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-one'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-one', 'label' => __('Full Width / Boxed Layout', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['xcel-setting-main-color'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-main-color', 'label' => __('Main Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['xcel-setting-main-color-hover'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-main-color-hover', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['xcel-setting-body-font'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans');
    $options['xcel-setting-body-font-color'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-body-font-color', 'label' => __('Body Font Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color);
    $options['xcel-setting-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-heading-font', 'label' => __('Headings Font', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Raleway');
    $options['xcel-setting-heading-font-color'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-heading-font-color', 'label' => __('Heading Font Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $heading_font_color);
    // Header Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '30');
    // Upsell Button Two
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-two'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-two', 'label' => __('Header Standard / Right Layout', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['xcel-setting-header-search'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-header-search', 'label' => __('Show Search', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Enable a search box on your site', 'xcel'), 'default' => 0);
    // Upsell Button Two-one
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-two-one'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-two-one', 'label' => __('Header Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Title Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-title';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Page Title Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '30');
    // Upsell Button Three
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-three'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-three', 'label' => __('Extra Title Bar Settings', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['xcel-setting-title-color'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-title-color', 'label' => __('Title Bar Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $title_color);
    $options['xcel-setting-title-font-color'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-title-font-color', 'label' => __('Title Bar Font Color', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $title_font_color);
    $choices = array('xcel-setting-title-bgimg-top' => 'Align Top', 'xcel-setting-title-bgimg-middle' => 'Align Centered', 'xcel-setting-title-bgimg-bottom' => 'Align Bottom');
    $options['xcel-setting-title-bgimg'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-title-bgimg', 'label' => __('Background Image Position', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'description' => __('To set the image for the post/page you need to set a "Featured Image" on each post/page.', 'xcel'), 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'xcel-setting-title-bgimg-middle');
    // Slider Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-slider';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Slider Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '35');
    $choices = array('xcel-setting-slider-default' => 'Default Slider', 'xcel-setting-meta-slider' => 'Meta Slider', 'xcel-setting-no-slider' => 'None');
    $options['xcel-setting-slider-type'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-slider-type', 'label' => __('Choose a Slider', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'xcel-setting-slider-default');
    $options['xcel-setting-slider-cats'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-slider-cats', 'label' => __('Slider Categories', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you want to display in the slider. Eg: "13,17,19" (no spaces and only comma\'s)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Follow instructions here</b></a>', 'xcel'));
    $choices = array('xcel-setting-slider-size-small' => 'Small Slider', 'xcel-setting-slider-size-medium' => 'Medium Slider', 'xcel-setting-slider-size-large' => 'Large Slider');
    // Upsell Button Four
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-four'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-four', 'label' => __('Extra Slider Settings', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['xcel-setting-meta-slider-shortcode'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-meta-slider-shortcode', 'label' => __('Slider Shortcode', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the shortcode give by meta slider.', 'xcel'));
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '50');
    $options['xcel-setting-blog-title'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-blog-title', 'label' => __('Blog Page Title', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog');
    $options['xcel-setting-blog-cats'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-blog-cats', 'label' => __('Exclude Blog Categories', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you\'d like to EXCLUDE from the Blog, enter only the ID\'s with a minus sign (-) before them, separated by a comma (,)<br />Eg: "-13, -17, -19"<br />If you enter the ID\'s without the minus then it\'ll show ONLY posts in those categories.', 'xcel'));
    // Upsell Button Five
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-five'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-five', 'label' => __('Extra Blog Settings', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Layout Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer Layout Options', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '85');
    // Upsell Button Six
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-six'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-six', 'label' => __('Select from 5 footer layouts', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $choices = array('xcel-setting-footer-layout-standard' => 'Standard Layout', 'xcel-setting-footer-layout-none' => 'None');
    $options['xcel-setting-footer-layout'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-footer-layout', 'label' => __('Footer Layout', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'xcel-setting-footer-layout-standard');
    // Upsell Button Seven
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-seven'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-seven', 'label' => __('Remove Footer Bottom Bar', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Social Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-social';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '80');
    // Upsell Button Eight
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-eight'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-eight', 'label' => __('Add Social Links', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Site Text Settings
    $section = 'xcel-setting-website';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Website Text', 'xcel'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Nine
    $options['xcel-setting-upsell-nine'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-upsell-nine', 'label' => __('Edit Footer Copyright Text', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['xcel-setting-website-error-head'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-website-error-head', 'label' => __('404 Error Page Heading', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Oops! <span>404</span>', 'xcel'), 'description' => __('Enter the heading for the 404 Error page', 'xcel'));
    $options['xcel-setting-website-error-msg'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-website-error-msg', 'label' => __('Error 404 Message', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('It looks like that page does not exist. <br />Return home or try a search', 'xcel'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text on the 404 error page (Page not found)', 'xcel'));
    $options['xcel-setting-website-nosearch-msg'] = array('id' => 'xcel-setting-website-nosearch-msg', 'label' => __('No Search Results', 'xcel'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'xcel'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for when no search results are found', 'xcel'));
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
Esempio n. 18
  * Configure settings and controls for the theme customizer
  * @since  1.0.0.
  * @param  object $wp_customize The global customizer object.
  * @return void
 function customizer_library_register($wp_customize)
     $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
     $options = $customizer_library->get_options();
     //* Bail early if we don't have any options.
     if (empty($options)) {
     $sections = $options['sections'];
     if (isset($sections)) {
         foreach ($sections as $section) {
             if (!isset($section['description'])) {
                 $section['description'] = false;
             $wp_customize->add_section($section['id'], $section);
     $loop = 0;
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if (isset($option['type'])) {
             // Default for setting
             if (isset($option['default'])) {
                 $default = array('default' => $option['default']);
             // Priority for control
             if (!isset($option['priority'])) {
                 $option['priority'] = $loop;
             $wp_customize->add_setting($option['id'], $default);
             switch ($option['type']) {
                 case 'select':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_choices';
                     $wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option);
                      * @todo combine with 'select'
                  * @todo combine with 'select'
                 case 'radio':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_choices';
                     $wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option);
                 case 'checkbox':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_checkbox';
                     $wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option);
                 case 'color':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'sanitize_hex_color';
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], $option));
                 case 'image':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_file_url';
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], array('label' => $option['label'], 'section' => $option['section'], 'sanitize_callback' => $option['sanitize_callback'], 'priority' => $option['priority'])));
                 case 'upload':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_file_url';
                     $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Upload_Control($wp_customize, $option['id'], array('label' => $option['label'], 'section' => $option['section'], 'sanitize_callback' => $option['sanitize_callback'], 'priority' => $option['priority'])));
                 case 'textarea':
                     if (!isset($option['sanitize_callback'])) {
                         $option['sanitize_callback'] = 'customizer_library_sanitize_text';
                     // Custom control required before WordPress 4.0
                     if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.9.2', '<=')) {
                         $wp_customize->add_control(new Customizer_Library_Textarea($wp_customize, $option['id'], $option));
                     } else {
                         $wp_customize->add_control('setting_id', array($wp_customize->add_control($option['id'], $option)));
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library squarely
function customizer_library_squarely_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $brand_primary = '#02c0a7';
    $brand_success = '#FF4A4F';
    $brand_secondary = '#f1c40f';
    $brand_info = '#B5BC18';
    $c_gray = '#404040';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    $panels = array();
    // Stores all the controls to be added
    $control = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    	/* Sections & Section Panels
    $panel = 'header-navbar';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Home Hero & Navbar', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'colors_type';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Theme Colors', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'typography';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Typography', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'layout_design';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout & Design', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'social';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    $section = 'contact_info';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Contact Information', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '0');
    	/* Options - Contact Info
    $options['telephone'] = array('id' => 'telephone', 'label' => __('Telephone Number', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'contact_info', 'type' => 'text');
    $options['e-mail'] = array('id' => 'e-mail', 'label' => __('E-Mail', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'contact_info', 'type' => 'text');
    $options['address'] = array('id' => 'address', 'label' => __('Address', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'contact_info', 'type' => 'text');
    	/* Options - Social
    $options['c-facebook'] = array('id' => 'c-facebook', 'label' => __('Include Facebook Profile', 'textdomain'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['c-twitter'] = array('id' => 'c-twitter', 'label' => __('Include Twitter Profile', 'textdomain'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['c-google'] = array('id' => 'c-google', 'label' => __('Include Google+ Profile', 'textdomain'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['f-facebook'] = array('id' => 'f-facebook', 'label' => __('Facebook URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your Facebook URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['f-twitter'] = array('id' => 'f-twitter', 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your Twitter URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['f-google'] = array('id' => 'f-google', 'label' => __('Google Plus URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your Plus URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['f-linkedin'] = array('id' => 'f-linkedin', 'label' => __('LinkedIn URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your LinkedIn URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['f-youtube'] = array('id' => 'f-youtube', 'label' => __('YouTube URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your YouTube Channel URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['f-rss'] = array('id' => 'f-rss', 'label' => __('RSS URL', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Your RSS URL starting with "http://"...', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'social', 'type' => 'url');
    	/* Options - Footer
    $options['f-copyright'] = array('id' => 'f-copyright', 'label' => __('Copyright Line', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('The Footer Copyright Line', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'footer', 'type' => 'text');
    	/* Header & Navbar Sub Sections
    $section = 'logo';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Navbar Logo & Color', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Control your header\'s logo, colors, and link colors', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '30', 'panel' => 'header-navbar');
    $section = 'header-options';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Hero Text & Background', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '40', 'panel' => 'header-navbar');
    $section = 'header-buttons';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Hero Buttons', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '50', 'panel' => 'header-navbar');
    $section = 'header-scripts';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Additional Scripts', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Analytics Scripts & Custom Scripts', 'squarely'), 'priority' => '60', 'panel' => 'header-navbar');
    	/* Options Header & Navbar
    $options['logo'] = array('id' => 'logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'logo', 'type' => 'image', 'default' => '');
    $options['nav-background'] = array('id' => 'nav-background', 'label' => __('Navbar Color', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Choose the background color of your site wide navigation bar', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'logo', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#fffff');
    $options['scripts-google'] = array('id' => 'scripts-google', 'label' => __('Google Analytics ID', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-scripts', 'type' => 'text');
    $options['add-scripts'] = array('id' => 'add-scripts', 'label' => __('Custom Scripts for Header', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-scripts', 'type' => 'textarea');
    $options['editor'] = array('id' => 'editor', 'label' => __('Custom Scripts for Header', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-scripts', 'type' => 'editor');
    $options['header-hero'] = array('id' => 'header-hero', 'label' => __('Header Hero Image', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-options', 'type' => 'image');
    $options['header-subtitle'] = array('id' => 'header-subtitle', 'label' => __('Hero Small Subtitle', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-options', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'THANKS FOR SAYING HELLO TO');
    $options['header-h1'] = array('id' => 'header-h1', 'label' => __('Hero Header H1 Title', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-options', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Squarely Wordpress Theme');
    $options['header-h2'] = array('id' => 'header-h2', 'label' => __('Hero Header Secondary H2 Title', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-options', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Tailored-Made Development, Creative, Strategy & Management');
    $options['btn-l-label'] = array('id' => 'btn-l-label', 'label' => __('Hero Left Button Label', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-buttons', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'LEARN MORE');
    $options['btn-l-url'] = array('id' => 'btn-l-url', 'label' => __('Hero Left Button URL Input', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-buttons', 'type' => 'url');
    $options['btn-r-label'] = array('id' => 'btn-r-label', 'label' => __('Hero Right Button Label', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-buttons', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'OUR SERVICES');
    $options['btn-r-url'] = array('id' => 'btn-r-url', 'label' => __('Hero Right Button URL Input', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'header-buttons', 'type' => 'url');
    	/* Options Colors & Typography
    $options['primary-font'] = array('id' => 'primary-font', 'label' => __('Primary Font', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Monoton');
    $options['secondary-font'] = array('id' => 'secondary-font', 'label' => __('Script, Decorative Font using the .script class', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Merriweather');
    $options['body_font_color'] = array('id' => 'body_font_color', 'label' => __('Base Font Color', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'typography', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $c_gray);
    $options['body_background'] = array('id' => 'body_background', 'label' => __('Base Background Color', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'colors_type', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#fffff');
    $options['brand-primary'] = array('id' => 'brand-primary', 'label' => __('Brand Primary', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Filled Buttons, Icons, and elements using the ".primary-bg or .brand-primary" class', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'colors_type', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $brand_primary);
    $options['brand-secondary'] = array('id' => 'brand-secondary', 'label' => __('Brand Secondary', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Filled Buttons, Icons, and elements using the ".secondary-bg or .brand-secondary" class', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'colors_type', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $brand_secondary);
    $options['brand-success'] = array('id' => 'brand-success', 'label' => __('Brand Success', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Filled Buttons, Icons, and elements using the ".success-bg or .brand-success" class', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'colors_type', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $brand_success);
    $options['brand-info'] = array('id' => 'brand-info', 'label' => __('Brand Info', 'squarely'), 'description' => __('Filled Buttons, Icons, and elements using the ".info-bg or .brand-info" class', 'squarely'), 'section' => 'colors_type', 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $brand_info);
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer Library myStore
function customizer_library_mystore_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $header_bg_color = '#EEEEEE';
    $primary_color = '#29a6e5';
    $secondary_color = '#2886e5';
    $body_font_color = '#404040';
    $heading_font_color = '#5E5E5E';
    $site_border_color = '#666';
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Stores all the panels to be added
    $panels = array();
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Favicon
    $section = 'mystore-favicon-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Favicon', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('', 'mystore'));
    $options['mystore-favicon'] = array('id' => 'mystore-favicon', 'label' => __('Uplod a favicon', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'description' => __('Favicon size is 16 X 16 pixels.', 'mystore'), 'default' => '');
    // Site Layout Options
    $section = 'mystore-site-layout-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Layout Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('', 'mystore'));
    // Upsell Button One
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-one'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-one', 'label' => __('Page Styling - Flat / Blocks', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['mystore-site-remove-border'] = array('id' => 'mystore-site-remove-border', 'label' => __('Remove the Site Border', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    // Upsell Button Two
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-two'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-two', 'label' => __('Extra WooCommerce Layout', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Header Layout Options
    $section = 'mystore-header-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('', 'mystore'));
    $choices = array('mystore-header-layout-centered' => 'Centered Layout Style', 'mystore-header-layout-standard' => 'Standard Layout Style');
    $options['mystore-header-layout'] = array('id' => 'mystore-header-layout', 'label' => __('Header Layout', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'mystore-header-layout-centered');
    $options['mystore-header-bg-color'] = array('id' => 'mystore-header-bg-color', 'label' => __('Header Background Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $header_bg_color);
    $options['mystore-header-remove-topbar'] = array('id' => 'mystore-header-remove-topbar', 'label' => __('Remove the Top Bar', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0);
    $options['mystore-header-menu-text'] = array('id' => 'mystore-header-menu-text', 'label' => __('Menu Button Text', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'menu', 'description' => __('This is the text for the menu button', 'mystore'));
    $options['mystore-header-search'] = array('id' => 'mystore-header-search', 'label' => __('Show Search', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Enable a search box on your site', 'mystore'), 'default' => 0);
    // Slider Settings
    $section = 'mystore-slider-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Slider Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '35');
    $choices = array('mystore-slider-default' => 'Default Slider', 'mystore-meta-slider' => 'Meta Slider', 'mystore-no-slider' => 'None');
    $options['mystore-slider-type'] = array('id' => 'mystore-slider-type', 'label' => __('Choose a Slider', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $choices, 'default' => 'mystore-slider-default');
    $options['mystore-slider-cats'] = array('id' => 'mystore-slider-cats', 'label' => __('Slider Categories', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you want to display in the slider. Eg: "13,17,19" (no spaces and only comma\'s)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Follow instructions here</b></a>', 'mystore'));
    $options['mystore-meta-slider-shortcode'] = array('id' => 'mystore-meta-slider-shortcode', 'label' => __('Slider Shortcode', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the shortcode give by meta slider.', 'mystore'));
    // Upsell Button Three
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-three'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-three', 'label' => __('Extra Slider Settings', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Colors
    $section = 'colors';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Colors', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['mystore-primary-color'] = array('id' => 'mystore-primary-color', 'label' => __('Primary Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color);
    $options['mystore-secondary-color'] = array('id' => 'mystore-secondary-color', 'label' => __('Secondary Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $secondary_color);
    $options['mystore-site-border'] = array('id' => 'mystore-site-border', 'label' => __('Site Border Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $site_border_color);
    // Font Options
    $section = 'mystore-typography-section';
    $font_choices = customizer_library_get_font_choices();
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Font Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '80');
    $options['mystore-body-font'] = array('id' => 'mystore-body-font', 'label' => __('Body Font', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Open Sans');
    $options['mystore-body-font-color'] = array('id' => 'mystore-body-font-color', 'label' => __('Body Font Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $body_font_color);
    $options['mystore-heading-font'] = array('id' => 'mystore-heading-font', 'label' => __('Heading Font', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $font_choices, 'default' => 'Droid Serif');
    $options['mystore-heading-font-color'] = array('id' => 'mystore-heading-font-color', 'label' => __('Heading Font Color', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $heading_font_color);
    // Blog Settings
    $section = 'mystore-blog-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Four
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-four'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-four', 'label' => __('Blog Layout & full width option', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['mystore-blog-title'] = array('id' => 'mystore-blog-title', 'label' => __('Blog Page Title', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog');
    $options['mystore-blog-cats'] = array('id' => 'mystore-blog-cats', 'label' => __('Exclude Blog Categories', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Enter the ID\'s of the post categories you\'d like to EXCLUDE from the Blog, enter only the ID\'s with a minus sign (-) before them, separated by a comma (,)<br />Eg: "-13, -17, -19"<br />If you enter the ID\'s without the minus then it\'ll show ONLY posts in those categories.', 'mystore'));
    // Footer Settings
    $section = 'mystore-footer-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer Layout Options', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '85');
    // Upsell Button Five
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-five'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-five', 'label' => __('Different Footer Layouts & remove bottom bar', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Site Text Settings
    $section = 'mystore-website-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Website Text', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '50');
    // Upsell Button Six
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-six'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-six', 'label' => __('Change CopyRight Text', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    $options['mystore-website-error-head'] = array('id' => 'mystore-website-error-head', 'label' => __('404 Error Page Heading', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => __('Oops! <span>404</span>', 'mystore'), 'description' => __('Enter the heading for the 404 Error page', 'mystore'));
    $options['mystore-website-error-msg'] = array('id' => 'mystore-website-error-msg', 'label' => __('Error 404 Message', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('It looks like that page does not exist. <br />Return home or try a search', 'mystore'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text on the 404 error page (Page not found)', 'mystore'));
    $options['mystore-website-nosearch-msg'] = array('id' => 'mystore-website-nosearch-msg', 'label' => __('No Search Results', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'mystore'), 'description' => __('Enter the default text for when no search results are found', 'mystore'));
    // Social Settings
    $section = 'mystore-social-section';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Social Links', 'mystore'), 'priority' => '80');
    // Upsell Button Seven
    $options['mystore-setting-upsell-seven'] = array('id' => 'mystore-setting-upsell-seven', 'label' => __('Add Social Links', 'mystore'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'upsell');
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Adds the panels to the $options array
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();
 * Defines customizer options
 * @package Customizer_Library
function customizer_library_gateway_options()
    // Theme defaults
    $primary_color = '#e8554e';
    $primary_hover_color = '#db251d';
    // Get Categories
    $options_cats = array();
    $options_cats_obj = get_categories('type=post');
    $options_cats[''] = 'Select a Category:';
    foreach ($options_cats_obj as $cat) {
        $options_cats[$cat->term_id] = $cat->cat_name;
    // Background Image Behavior Options
    $bg_attachment = array('fixed' => 'Fixed', 'scroll' => 'Scroll');
    // Stores all the controls that will be added
    $options = array();
    // Stores all the sections to be added
    $sections = array();
    // Image path defaults=
    $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/';
    // Adds the sections to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    // Theme Options Panel
    $panel = 'theme-options';
    $panels[] = array('id' => $panel, 'title' => __('Theme Options', 'demo'), 'priority' => '10');
    // Header
    $section = 'header';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Header', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '10', 'description' => __('Image will display in the header.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['header_logo'] = array('id' => 'header_logo', 'label' => __('Logo', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'logo.png');
    $options['header_bg'] = array('id' => 'header_bg', 'label' => __('Inner pages header background', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'hero-bg.jpg');
    $options['header_color'] = array('id' => 'header_color', 'label' => __('Inner pages header background color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Home
    $section = 'home';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Home', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '20', 'description' => __('Home Page Options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['home_hero_bg'] = array('id' => 'home_hero_bg', 'label' => __('Home Background Image', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'image', 'default' => $imagepath . 'hero-bg.jpg', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    $options['bg_attachement'] = array('id' => 'bg_attachement', 'label' => __('Select the behavior of the background image.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $bg_attachment, 'default' => 'fixed', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    $options['home_hero_bg_color'] = array('id' => 'home_hero_bg_color', 'label' => __('Home Hero background color if no image is being used.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_title'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_title', 'label' => __('Enter the home featured posts section title', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Featured Posts', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_subtitle', 'label' => __('Enter the home featured posts section subtitle', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Occaecati curabitur autem mollit! Vestibulum veritatis. Aliquam orci cumque curabitur.', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['home_posts_cat'] = array('id' => 'home_posts_cat', 'label' => __('Home Posts Category', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $options_cats, 'default' => '', 'active_callback' => 'is_front_page');
    // Blog
    $section = 'blog';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Blog', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '30', 'description' => __('Blog Page Options', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['blog_title'] = array('id' => 'blog_title', 'label' => __('Enter the blog page title', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Blog Page', 'active_callback' => 'is_home', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['blog_subtitle'] = array('id' => 'blog_subtitle', 'label' => __('Enter the blog page subtitle', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Occaecati curabitur autem mollit. Vestibulum veritatis orci.', 'active_callback' => 'is_home', 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Footer
    $section = 'footer';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Footer', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '40', 'description' => __('Footer options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['footer_copyright'] = array('id' => 'footer_copyright', 'label' => __('Footer copyright text.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'textarea', 'default' => __('Copyright 2014 <a href="#">Rescue Themes</a>. All Rights Reserved.', 'rescue'), 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    // Styles
    $section = 'style';
    $sections[] = array('id' => $section, 'title' => __('Style', 'gateway'), 'priority' => '50', 'description' => __('Site wide style options.', 'gateway'), 'panel' => $panel);
    $options['main_color'] = array('id' => 'main_color', 'label' => __('Main sitewide accent color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_color, 'transport' => 'postMessage');
    $options['main_color_hover'] = array('id' => 'main_color_hover', 'label' => __('Main sitewide accent hover color.', 'gateway'), 'section' => $section, 'type' => 'color', 'default' => $primary_hover_color);
    // Adds the sections panels to the $options array
    $options['sections'] = $sections;
    $options['panels'] = $panels;
    $customizer_library = Customizer_Library::Instance();
    // To delete custom mods use: customizer_library_remove_theme_mods();