Esempio n. 1
  * Fetch and parse results as though they were a json string.
  * @param String $url    API URL
  * @param Array  $params Array of parameters for the API request
  * @return Array $parts Array of return values
 protected function get_json_results($url, $params = [])
     $this->curl->set_option('CURLOPT_FAILONERROR', FALSE);
     $response = $this->curl->get_request($url . '?' . http_build_query($params));
     $result = json_decode($response->get_result(), TRUE);
     if ($response->http_code !== 200) {
         $context = ['message' => $result['message'], 'request' => $url, 'id' => $result['sys']['id']];
         $this->logger->warning('Contentful API Request ({request}) failed with id "{id}": {message}', $context);
         $result['total'] = 0;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 2
  * Fetch and parse results as though they were a query string.
  * @param String $url    API URL
  * @param Array  $params Array of parameters for the API request
  * @param String $method Request method to use, either 'get' or 'post'
  * @return Array $result Array of return values
 protected function get_json_results($url, $params = [], $method = 'get')
     if (strtolower($method) === 'get') {
         $response = $this->curl->get_request($url . '?' . http_build_query($params));
     } else {
         $response = $this->curl->post_request($url, $params);
     $result = json_decode($response->get_result(), TRUE);
     if ($response->http_code !== 200) {
         $error = $result['errors'][0];
         $context = ['message' => $error['message'], 'code' => $error['code'], 'request' => $url];
         $this->logger->error('Twitter API Request ({request}) failed, ({code}): {message}', $context);
         $result = '';
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
  * Fetch and parse results as though they were a query string.
  * @param String $url    API URL
  * @param Array  $params Array of parameters for the API request
  * @param String $method Request method to use, either 'get' or 'post'
  * @return Array $parts Array of return values
 protected function get_json_results($url, $params = [], $method = 'get')
     $this->curl->set_option('CURLOPT_FAILONERROR', FALSE);
     if (strtolower($method) === 'get') {
         $response = $this->curl->get_request($url . '?' . http_build_query($params));
     } else {
         $response = $this->curl->post_request($url, $params);
     $result = json_decode($response->get_result(), TRUE);
     if ($response->http_code !== 200) {
         $error = $result['error'];
         $result = [];
         $context = ['message' => $error['message'], 'code' => $error['code'], 'type' => $error['type'], 'request' => $url];
         $this->logger->error('Facebook API Request ({request}) failed, {type} ({code}): {message}', $context);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 4
# limitations under the License.
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/classes/Requires.php";
//Get settings
$result = MySQLQueries::get_settings();
$row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result);
$instance_key = null;
if (isset($row->data)) {
    $row->data = json_decode($row->data);
    if (isset($row->data->instance_key) && !empty($row->data->instance_key)) {
        $instance_key = $row->data->instance_key;
    } else {
        $instance_key = Functions::generate_random(9) . uniqid() . Functions::generate_random(8);
        $data = array("instance_key" => $instance_key, "default_ssh_username" => $row->data->default_ssh_username, "default_ssh_port" => $row->data->default_ssh_port, "default_interpreter" => $row->data->default_interpreter, "timezone_offset" => $row->data->timezone_offset, "timezone_daylight_savings" => $row->data->timezone_daylight_savings);
        MySQLQueries::edit_settings(json_encode((object) $data));
} else {
    $instance_key = Functions::generate_random(9) . uniqid() . Functions::generate_random(8);
    $data = array("instance_key" => $instance_key);
    MySQLQueries::edit_settings(json_encode((object) $data));
$servers = array();
$result = MySQLQueries::get_servers();
while ($row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result)) {
    $servers[] = $row;
$payload = '{"event":"' . $instance_key . '","properties":{"token":"678f0669ff58d890eeb50633c91a633d","distinct_id":"' . $instance_key . '","ip":"' . Functions::get_remote_ip() . '","servers":"' . count($servers) . '","version":"' . Version::app . '","ip-address":"' . Functions::get_remote_ip() . '","mp_name_tag":"' . $instance_key . '","time":"' . time() . '"}}';
$curl = new Curl();
$curl->get_request("" . base64_encode($payload));
echo '{"instance_key":"' . $instance_key . '"}';