Esempio n. 1
     * Import users from CSV file. 
     * @author Josep Ferràndiz Farré (
     * **CSV File header** Allowed fields: uname,new_uname,email,password,forcechgpass,activated,firstname,lastname1,lastname2,birthdate,gender,code,in,out
     * Fields "in" and "out" contains group IDs where the user will be added or removed, separated by "|" char
     * Deletions will be made before insertions.
    public function import(){
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWusers::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN));
        // Sincronize tables users & IWUsers 
        ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'sincronize');
        $view = Zikula_View::getInstance($this->name);
        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
            $importFile = $this->request->files->get('importFile', null);
            $delimiter  = $this->request->request->get('delimiter', ';');
            // 1. Validate file: header & structure
            if (is_null($importFile)) {
                LogUtil::registerError($this->__('File error. Probably exceeds max. file size.'));
            } else {
                // Header fields table equivalents
                $headerTrans =array('uname'       => 'uname', 
                                    'new_uname'   => 'new_uname', 
                                    'email'       => 'email',
                                    'code'        => 'code',
                                    'password'    => 'password',
                                    'forcechgpass'=> 'forcechgpass',
                                    'activated'   => 'activated',
                                    'firstname'   => 'nom',
                                    'lastname1'   => 'cognom1',
                                    'lastname2'   => 'cognom2',
                                    'description' => 'description',
                                    'birthdate'   => 'naixement',
                                    'gender'      => 'sex',
                                    'in'          => 'in',
                                    'out'         => 'out'

                $import = new CsvImporter($importFile['tmp_name'],true, $headerTrans, $delimiter);  
                $header  = $import->getHeader();
                $oHeader = $import->getOriHeader();
                $check  = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'checkCsvHeader', $header);
                // Check CSV file header
                if (!$check['correcte']) {
                    // CSV header incorrect
                } else {
                    // Get CSV file content
                    $data = $import->get();
                    // Initialize 
                    $update = array();
                    $insert = array();
                    $optimizeGroups = ((in_array('in', $header)) || (in_array('out', $header)));
                    $forcechgpass   = in_array('forcechgpass', $header);
                    $iErrors = array();
                    // Check file info
                    foreach ($data as &$line) {
                        $uid = UserUtil::getIdFromName($line['uname']);
                        if ($optimizeGroups) {
                            $res = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'optimizeGroups', array('uid' => $uid, 'data'=> $line));
                            $line['in'] = $res['in'];
                            $line['out'] = $res['out'];                            
                        if ($uid){       
                            $line['uid'] = $uid;
                            // Update
                            if (isset($line['activated'])){
                                if ($line['activated']!=""){
                                    $line['activated'] = $line['activated'] == '0' ? 0 : 1;                                    
                                } else {
                                    // Mantain actual value
                                    $line['activated'] = DBUtil::selectField('users', 'activated', 'uid='.$uid);
                            $update[] = $line;                                
                        } else {
                            // Insert new user
                            if ($line['uname'] !=""){
                                if (!isset($line['activated']) || (isset($line['activated']) && $line['activated']!='0')) $line['activated'] = 1;
                                $insert[] = $line;
                            } else {
                                // Error. No username 
                                $line['error'] = $this->__('No username.');
                                $iErrors[] = $line;
                    // Process file information
                    $allChanges = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'applyCsvValues', array('update' => $update, 'insert' =>$insert));               
                    unset($update); $update = array();
                    unset($insert); $insert = array();
                    foreach ($allChanges as $user){                       
                        switch ($user['action']){
                            case 'm':
                                $update[] = $user;
                                $insert[] = $user;
                        if (isset($user['error'])){ 
                            // There are errors
                            $iErrors[] = $user;
                    $view->assign('insert', $insert);
                    $view->assign('update', $update);
                    $view->assign('iErrors', $iErrors);
                    $view->assign('header', $oHeader);
                    $view->assign('hc', count($oHeader));
                    return $view->fetch('IWusers_admin_importResults.tpl');        

                } // File header is correct
            } // exist import file                
        } // Is POST
        // Get zikula groups name and gid
        $g = UserUtil::getGroups('','name');
        foreach ($g as $key => $value) {
            $groupInfo[] = array_slice($value,0,2);
        $view->assign('post_max_size', ini_get('post_max_size'));
        $view->assign('groupInfo', $groupInfo);
        return $view->fetch('IWusers_admin_import.tpl');        