 if ($cgccpf == "00000000000" || @pg_result($result, 0, "z01_cgccpf") == "00000000000000" || @pg_result($result, 0, "z01_cgccpf") == "              ") {
     msgbox("Seu cgc/cpf esta zerado, atualize com a prefeitura para criar senha");
 fieldsmemory($result, 0);
 $result = @db_query("select login from db_usuarios where login = '******'");
 include "libs/CBC.php";
 srand((double) microtime() * 32767);
 $rand = rand(1, 32767);
 $rand = pack('i*', $rand);
 $key = "alapuchatche";
 $md = new Crypt_HCEMD5($key, $rand);
 $enc = $md->encodeMimeSelfRand("conf_email=" . $email . "&conf_cgccpf=" . $cgccpf);
 $corpo_email = "\r\n <html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>Solicita&ccedil;&atilde;o de senha</title>\r\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n<!--\r\n.arial {\r\n   font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\r\n}\r\n-->\r\n</style>\r\n</head>\r\n\r\n<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\">\r\n<table width=\"633\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" nowrap><table width=\"79%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\r\n        <tr>\r\n          <td>\r\n          <div align=\"center\">\r\n          <img src=\"imagens/topo_alegrete.gif\">\r\n          </div>\r\n          </td>\r\n        </tr>\r\n      </table></td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" nowrap>&nbsp; </td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td> <img src=\"" . $URL_ABS . "imagens/logo_boleto_extrato.gif\" width=\"365\" height=\"93\">\r\n    </td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td height=\"30\" class=\"arial\" style=\"color:#006633;font-weight: bold;font-size:14px\">&raquo;&raquo; confirma&ccedil;&atilde;o de email</td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td height=\"200\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"arial\" style=\"font-size:12px\"><span style=\"color:#006633\">Caro\r\n      Usu&aacute;rio:</span> <p style=\"font-size:11px\"> Voce esta um passo de\r\n        concluir seu cadastro<br>\r\n        junto ao prefeitura on-line.<br>\r\n        Clique no link abaixo para receber sua senha.<br>\r\n        <br>\r\n      <a href=\"" . $URL_ABS . "criasenha.php?" . $enc . "\">Criar Senha</a>\r\n      </p></td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n</table>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n";
 if (@pg_num_rows($result) == 0) {
     $login = 1;
 if ($login == 1) {
     $oMail = new Smtp();
     $oMail->Send($email, $w13_emailadmin, 'Confirmação de e-mail para recebimento de senha', $corpo_email);
     msgbox("Um e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para: {$email}. Clique no link para confirmar o e-mail e receber sua senha.");
 } else {
     if ($login != 1 && $z01_email == $email) {
         echo "\r\n   <html>\r\n   <script>\r\n   function js_submeter() {\r\n       if(document.form1.senha.value == '') {\r\n       alert('Campo senha não pode ser vazio!');\r\n      document.form1.senha.focus()\r\n      return false;\r\n     }\r\n     if(document.form1.senha_c1.value != document.form1.senha_c2.value) {\r\n       alert('As senhas estão diferentes!');\r\n      document.form1.senha_c1.select();\r\n      return false;\r\n     }\r\n     if(document,form1.senha_c1.value == '') {\r\n       alert('A sua nova senha não pode ser em branco');\r\n      document.form1.senha_c1.select();\r\n      return false;\r\n     }\r\n     return true;\r\n   }\r\n   </script>\r\n   <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" background=\"imagens/azul_ceu_O.jpg\" text=\"#000000\" >\r\n   Email já cadastrado. Informe sua senha e nova senha pra alteração.\r\n   <center>\r\n   <form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return js_submeter()\">\r\n    <table border=0>\r\n     <tr><Td>Senha:</td><td><input type=\"password\" name=\"senha\"></td></tr>\r\n     <tr><td>Nova Senha:</td><td><input type=\"password\" name=\"senha_c1\"></td></tr>\r\n     <tr><Td>Confirma Nova Senha:</td><td><input type=\"password\" name=\"senha_c2\"></td></tr>\r\n     <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cgccpf\" value=\"{$cgccpf}\">\r\n     <tr><td colspan=2><input type=\"submit\" name=\"alt_senha\" value=\"clique aqui para alterar sua senha\"></td></tr>\r\n    </table>\r\n   </form>\r\n   </center>\r\n   </body>\r\n   </html>\r\n   ";
Esempio n. 2
if ($mode != '') {
    if ($mode == 'access' && $password != '' && $username != '' && $dept != '') {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$dbtable} WHERE email='{$username}@{$dept}'";
        if ($ergebnis = $db->Execute($sql)) {
            if ($ergebnis->RecordCount()) {
                $content = $ergebnis->FetchRow();
                if (md5($password) == $content['pw']) {
                     * Init crypt to use 2nd level key and encrypt the sid.
                     * Store to cookie the "$ck_2level_sid.$sid"
                     * There is no need to call another include of the inc_init_crypt.php since it is already included at the start 
                     * of the script that called this script.
                    //include("../include/inc_init_crypt.php"); // initialize crypt
                    $enc_2level = new Crypt_HCEMD5($key_2level, makeRand());
                    $ciphersid = $enc_2level->encodeMimeSelfRand($sid);
                    setcookie(ck_2level_sid . $sid, $ciphersid);
                    setcookie('ck_intra_email_user' . $sid, $content[email]);
                } else {
                    $onError = $LDErrorLogin;
            } else {
                // if last check data not available
                $newuser = 1;
        } else {
            echo "{$LDDbNoRead}<br>{$sql}";