Esempio n. 1
/acao.php" method="post" >
        <input type="hidden" name="acao" value="store" />
        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $id;
" />
        <input type="hidden" name="equipmentCode" value="<?php 
echo $equipmentCode;
" />

        <label>Contador<br />
            <select name="contador_id">
$counterArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
foreach ($counterArray as $counter) {
    $attributes = "";
    if ($counter->id == $reading->codigoContador) {
        $attributes = "selected='selected'";
    echo '<option value=' . $counter->id . ' ' . $attributes . ' >' . $counter->nome . '</option>';

        <div class="left" style="font-weight:bold; margin-right:10px; margin-top:10px;">
        <input type="text" class="datepick" name="data" size="30" value="<?php 
echo empty($reading->data) ? "" : $reading->data;
Esempio n. 2
$nivelAutorizacao = GetAuthorizationLevel($dataConnector->mysqlConnection, $functionalities["gerenciamentoEquipmtPecas"]);
if ($nivelAutorizacao <= 1) {
// Cria os objetos de mapeamento objeto-relacional
$inventoryItemDAO = new InventoryItemDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
$inventoryItemDAO->showErrors = 1;
$counterDAO = new CounterDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
$counterDAO->showErrors = 1;
// Traz os grupos existentes no cadastro de items
$itemGroupArray = $inventoryItemDAO::GetItemGroups($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
// Traz os contadores cadastrados no sistema
$counterArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("id > 0 LIMIT 0, 3");
// exibe apenas os 3 primeiros
$itemCode = "";
$inventoryItem = new InventoryItemDTO();
if (isset($_REQUEST["itemCode"]) && $_REQUEST["itemCode"] != "") {
    $itemCode = urldecode($_REQUEST["itemCode"]);
    $inventoryItem = $inventoryItemDAO->RetrieveRecord($itemCode);
function BuildSerializedContent($content)
    global $counterArray;
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($content);
    foreach ($counterArray as $counter) {
        $aditionalAttributes = '';
        foreach ($xml as $element) {
            if ($counter->id == $element["id"]) {
function BuildReportTable($startColumn, $startRow)
    global $dataConnector;
    global $objPhpExcel;
    global $billingItemArray;
    global $salesPerson;
    global $model;
    global $searchMethod;
    $billingItemDAO = new BillingItemDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $billingItemDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentDAO = new EquipmentDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $equipmentDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentModelDAO = new EquipmentModelDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $equipmentModelDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $manufacturerDAO = new ManufacturerDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $manufacturerDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $counterDAO = new CounterDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $counterDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $salesPersonDAO = new SalesPersonDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $salesPersonDAO->showErrors = 1;
    // Define o titulo da tabela
    $currentRow = $startRow;
    $activeSheet = $objPhpExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $activeSheet->setCellValue($startColumn . $startRow, 'ITENS DE FATURAMENTO');
    $styleArray = array('font' => array('bold' => true, 'size' => 16));
    $activeSheet->getStyle($startColumn . $startRow . ':' . $startColumn . $startRow)->applyFromArray($styleArray);
    // Cria o cabeçalho da tabela
    $colNum = ord($startColumn) - 65;
    // startColumn é uma letra no intervalo A-Z
    $headers = array('Cliente', 'Descrição Equipamento', 'Modelo', 'Fabricante', 'Série Fabricante', 'Nosso Núm. Série', 'Data Instalação', 'Inicio Atendimento', 'Fim Atendimento', 'Medidor', 'Data Leitura', 'Medição Final', 'Medição Inicial', 'Ajuste Medição(Acrésc/Desc)', 'Consumo', 'Franquia', 'Excedente', 'Tarifa sobre exced.', 'Fixo (R$)', 'Variável (R$)', 'Acrésc/Desc (R$)', 'Total (R$)', 'Parcela Atual', 'Vendedor');
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(GetNameFromNumber($colNum + $offset))->setWidth(30);
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $headers, PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW, 30, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    // Busca os fabricantes cadastrados no sistema
    $manufacturerArray = array(0 => "");
    $tempArray = $manufacturerDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($tempArray as $manufacturer) {
        $manufacturerArray[$manufacturer->FirmCode] = $manufacturer->FirmName;
    // Busca os modelos de equipamento cadastrados no sistema
    $modelArray = array(0 => "");
    $equipmentModelArray = $equipmentModelDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $modelArray[$modelDTO->id] = $modelDTO->modelo;
    $associativeList = array(0 => "");
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $associativeList[$modelDTO->id] = $manufacturerArray[$modelDTO->fabricante];
    // Busca os contadores cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    $counterArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $counter) {
        $counterArray[$counter->id] = $counter->nome;
    // Busca os vendedores cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $salesPersonDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    $salesPersonArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $salesPersonDTO) {
        $salesPersonArray[$salesPersonDTO->slpCode] = $salesPersonDTO->slpName;
    // Gera as linhas da tabela
    $grandTotal = 0;
    foreach ($billingItemArray as $billingItem) {
        $equipment = $equipmentDAO->RetrieveRecord($billingItem->codigoCartaoEquipamento);
        $contractCoveragePeriod = ContractDAO::GetContractCoveragePeriod($dataConnector->mysqlConnection, $billingItem->contrato_id);
        $inicioAtendimento = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["inicioAtendimento"] : '';
        $fimAtendimento = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["fimAtendimento"] : '';
        $parcelaAtual = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["parcelaAtual"] : '';
        $receitaTotal = $billingItem->total + $billingItem->acrescimoDesconto;
        if ($salesPerson > 0) {
            if ($equipment->salesPerson != $salesPerson) {
        if ($searchMethod == 1 || $searchMethod == 2) {
            if (!empty($model)) {
                $modelMatched = false;
                if (strpos($equipment->itemName, $model)) {
                    $modelMatched = true;
                if (!$modelMatched) {
        $installationDate = empty($equipment->installationDate) ? '' : $equipment->installationDate->format('d/m/Y');
        $salesPersonCode = $equipment->salesPerson;
        if (empty($salesPersonCode)) {
            $salesPersonCode = -1;
        $salesPersonName = $salesPersonArray[$salesPersonCode];
        $row = array();
        $row[0] = $equipment->custmrName;
        $row[1] = $equipment->itemName;
        $row[2] = $modelArray[$equipment->model];
        $row[3] = $associativeList[$equipment->model];
        // Recupera o fabricante do modelo de equipamento
        $row[4] = $equipment->manufacturerSN;
        $row[5] = $equipment->internalSN;
        $row[6] = $installationDate;
        $row[7] = $inicioAtendimento;
        $row[8] = $fimAtendimento;
        $row[9] = $counterArray[$billingItem->counterId];
        $row[10] = $billingItem->dataLeitura;
        $row[11] = $billingItem->medicaoFinal;
        $row[12] = $billingItem->medicaoInicial;
        $row[13] = $billingItem->ajuste;
        $row[14] = $billingItem->consumo;
        $row[15] = $billingItem->franquia;
        $row[16] = $billingItem->excedente;
        $row[17] = number_format($billingItem->tarifaSobreExcedente, 6, ',', '.');
        $row[18] = number_format($billingItem->fixo, 2, ',', '.');
        $row[19] = number_format($billingItem->variavel, 2, ',', '.');
        $row[20] = number_format($billingItem->acrescimoDesconto, 2, ',', '.');
        $row[21] = number_format($receitaTotal, 2, ',', '.');
        $row[22] = $parcelaAtual;
        $row[23] = $salesPersonName;
        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $row);
        $grandTotal += $receitaTotal;
        // Soma a receita total do equipamento ( fixo mais variável )
    $total = array('Total da Receita: ' . number_format($grandTotal, 2, ',', '.'), '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $total, '80BB80FF', 45, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    $activeSheet->mergeCells(GetNameFromNumber($colNum + 0) . $currentRow . ':' . GetNameFromNumber($colNum + sizeof($headers) - 1) . $currentRow);
function BuildReportTable($startColumn, $startRow)
    global $dataConnector;
    global $objPhpExcel;
    global $serviceCallArray;
    $serviceCallDAO = new ServiceCallDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $serviceCallDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentDAO = new EquipmentDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $equipmentDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentModelDAO = new EquipmentModelDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $equipmentModelDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $manufacturerDAO = new ManufacturerDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $manufacturerDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $readingDAO = new ReadingDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $readingDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $counterDAO = new CounterDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $counterDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $employeeDAO = new EmployeeDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $employeeDAO->showErrors = 1;
    // Define o titulo da tabela
    $currentRow = $startRow;
    $activeSheet = $objPhpExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $activeSheet->setCellValue($startColumn . $startRow, 'CHAMADOS');
    $styleArray = array('font' => array('bold' => true, 'size' => 16));
    $activeSheet->getStyle($startColumn . $startRow . ':' . $startColumn . $startRow)->applyFromArray($styleArray);
    // Cria o cabeçalho da tabela
    $colNum = ord($startColumn);
    $headers = array('Data Abertura', 'Nº do chamado', 'Status', 'Cliente', 'Depto.', 'Modelo', 'Série', 'Fabricante', 'Defeito', 'Data Atendimento', 'Horário/Duração', 'Sintoma', 'Causa', 'Ação', 'Observação Técnica', 'Contadores', 'Aberto Por', 'Técnico');
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + $offset))->setWidth(25);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 3))->setWidth(50);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 4))->setWidth(35);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 8))->setWidth(60);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 11))->setWidth(60);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 12))->setWidth(60);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 13))->setWidth(60);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 14))->setWidth(35);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 16))->setWidth(40);
    $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + 17))->setWidth(40);
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $headers, PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW, 30, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    // Busca os Status de chamado cadastrados no sistema
    $statusArray = ServiceCallDAO::RetrieveServiceCallStatuses($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    // Busca os fabricantes cadastrados no sistema
    $manufacturerArray = array(0 => "");
    $tempArray = $manufacturerDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($tempArray as $manufacturer) {
        $manufacturerArray[$manufacturer->FirmCode] = $manufacturer->FirmName;
    // Busca os modelos de equipamento cadastrados no sistema
    $modelArray = array(0 => "");
    $equipmentModelArray = $equipmentModelDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $modelArray[$modelDTO->id] = $modelDTO->modelo;
    $associativeList = array(0 => "");
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $associativeList[$modelDTO->id] = $manufacturerArray[$modelDTO->fabricante];
    // Busca os contadores cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    $counterArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $counter) {
        $counterArray[$counter->id] = $counter->nome;
    // Busca os funcionários cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $employeeDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("empID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY empID");
    $employeeArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $employee) {
        $employeeArray[$employee->empID] = $employee->firstName . " " . $employee->middleName . " " . $employee->lastName;
    // Cria um array para as estatísticas dos técnicos
    $statsArray = array(0 => "");
    foreach ($employeeArray as $id => $name) {
        // considera todos os funcionários como possíveis técnicos, depois filtra somente os que realizaram atendimentos
        $statsArray[$id] = new Technician($id, $name);
    // Gera as linhas da tabela
    $quantChamados = 0;
    foreach ($serviceCallArray as $serviceCall) {
        $equipment = $equipmentDAO->RetrieveRecord($serviceCall->codigoCartaoEquipamento);
        if (!isset($equipment)) {
            $equipment = new EquipmentDTO();
        // cria objeto vazio em caso de erro
        $readingArray = $readingDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("chamadoServico_id=" . $serviceCall->id);
        $counters = "";
        $LFCR = chr(10) . chr(13);
        foreach ($readingArray as $reading) {
            if (!empty($counters)) {
                $counters = $counters . $LFCR;
            $counters = $counters . $counterArray[$reading->codigoContador] . ' ' . $reading->contagem;
        $modelName = "";
        if (array_key_exists($equipment->model, $modelArray)) {
            $modelName = $modelArray[$equipment->model];
        $manufacturerName = "";
        if (array_key_exists($equipment->model, $modelArray)) {
            $manufacturerName = $associativeList[$equipment->model];
        $creator = " - ";
        if ($serviceCall->abertoPor > 0) {
            $creator = $employeeArray[$serviceCall->abertoPor];
        $technicianName = " - ";
        if ($serviceCall->tecnico > 0) {
            $technicianName = $employeeArray[$serviceCall->tecnico];
        $technicianStats = $statsArray[$serviceCall->tecnico];
        if (!isset($technicianStats->statistics)) {
            $technicianStats->statistics = array();
        if (!array_key_exists($equipment->model, $technicianStats->statistics)) {
            $technicianStats->statistics[$equipment->model] = new EquipmentModelStats($equipment->model, $modelName, $manufacturerName);
        $equipmentModelStat = $technicianStats->statistics[$equipment->model];
        $parts = explode(":", $serviceCall->tempoAtendimento, 2);
        $equipmentModelStat->tempoTotalAtendimento += (int) $parts[0] + (int) $parts[1] / 60;
        $row = array();
        $row[0] = $serviceCall->dataAbertura;
        $row[1] = str_pad($serviceCall->id, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $row[2] = $statusArray[$serviceCall->status];
        $row[3] = $equipment->custmrName;
        $row[4] = $equipment->instLocation;
        $row[5] = $modelName;
        $row[6] = $equipment->manufacturerSN;
        $row[7] = $manufacturerName;
        $row[8] = $serviceCall->defeito;
        $row[9] = $serviceCall->dataAtendimento;
        $row[10] = $serviceCall->horaAtendimento . " (Duração " . $serviceCall->tempoAtendimento . ")";
        $row[11] = $serviceCall->sintoma;
        $row[12] = $serviceCall->causa;
        $row[13] = $serviceCall->acao;
        $row[14] = $serviceCall->observacaoTecnica;
        $row[15] = $counters;
        $row[16] = $creator;
        $row[17] = $technicianName;
        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $row);
        // Faz a contagem dos chamados técnicos
    $footer = array('Quantidade de Chamados: ' . $quantChamados . ' (Depende do filtro escolhido)', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $footer, '80BB80FF', 32, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    $activeSheet->mergeCells(chr($colNum + 0) . $currentRow . ':' . chr($colNum + sizeof($headers) - 1) . $currentRow);
    $currentRow += 3;
    // pula 3 linhas
    // Define o titulo do quadro resumo
    $activeSheet = $objPhpExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $activeSheet->setCellValue($startColumn . $currentRow, 'QUADRO RESUMO');
    $styleArray = array('font' => array('bold' => true, 'size' => 16));
    $activeSheet->getStyle($startColumn . $currentRow . ':' . $startColumn . $currentRow)->applyFromArray($styleArray);
    // Cria o cabeçalho do quadro resumo
    $colNum = ord($startColumn);
    $headers = array('Técnico', 'Modelo', 'Fabricante', 'Quant. Chamados', 'Tempo Médio Atendimento');
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + $offset))->setWidth(25);
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $headers, PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW, 30, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    $callCount = 0;
    $timeSum = 0;
    foreach ($statsArray as $technicianStats) {
        if (!isset($technicianStats->statistics)) {
        $valorPrevio = "";
        $serviceCallCount = 0;
        $tempoTotalAtendimento = 0;
        foreach ($technicianStats->statistics as $equipmentModelStats) {
            if ($equipmentModelStats->serviceCallCount > 0) {
                $valorAtual = $equipmentModelStats->fabricante;
                if ($valorPrevio != $valorAtual) {
                    if (!empty($valorPrevio)) {
                        $subTotal = array('', '', '', $callCount, UnixTime::ConvertToTime($timeSum / $callCount));
                        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $subTotal, '80AAFFFF', 20, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
                        $callCount = 0;
                        $timeSum = 0;
                    $valorPrevio = $valorAtual;
                $row = array();
                $row[0] = $technicianStats->name;
                $row[1] = $equipmentModelStats->model;
                $row[2] = $equipmentModelStats->fabricante;
                $row[3] = $equipmentModelStats->serviceCallCount;
                $row[4] = UnixTime::ConvertToTime($equipmentModelStats->tempoTotalAtendimento / $equipmentModelStats->serviceCallCount);
                InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $row);
                $callCount = $callCount + $equipmentModelStats->serviceCallCount;
                $timeSum = $timeSum + $equipmentModelStats->tempoTotalAtendimento;
                $serviceCallCount = $serviceCallCount + $equipmentModelStats->serviceCallCount;
                $tempoTotalAtendimento = $tempoTotalAtendimento + $equipmentModelStats->tempoTotalAtendimento;
        $subTotal = array('', '', '', $callCount, UnixTime::ConvertToTime($timeSum / $callCount));
        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $subTotal, '80AAFFFF', 20, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
        $callCount = 0;
        $timeSum = 0;
        $subTotal = array($technicianStats->name, '', '', $serviceCallCount, UnixTime::ConvertToTime($tempoTotalAtendimento / $serviceCallCount));
        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $subTotal, 'FFAA2040', 20, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
        $activeSheet->mergeCells(chr($colNum + 0) . $currentRow . ':' . chr($colNum + 2) . $currentRow);
function BuildReportTable($startColumn, $startRow)
    global $root;
    global $dataConnector;
    global $objPhpExcel;
    global $billingItemArray;
    $businessPartnerDAO = new BusinessPartnerDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $businessPartnerDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $industryDAO = new IndustryDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $industryDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentDAO = new EquipmentDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $equipmentDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $equipmentModelDAO = new EquipmentModelDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $equipmentModelDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $manufacturerDAO = new ManufacturerDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $manufacturerDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $contractDAO = new ContractDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $contractDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $inventoryItemDAO = new InventoryItemDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $inventoryItemDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $counterDAO = new CounterDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
    $counterDAO->showErrors = 1;
    $salesPersonDAO = new SalesPersonDAO($dataConnector->sqlserverConnection);
    $salesPersonDAO->showErrors = 1;
    // Busca os segmentos/ramos de atividade cadastrados no sistema
    $industryArray = array(0 => "");
    $tempArray = $industryDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($tempArray as $industry) {
        $industryArray[$industry->id] = $industry->name;
    // Busca os fabricantes cadastrados no sistema
    $manufacturerArray = array(0 => "");
    $tempArray = $manufacturerDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($tempArray as $manufacturer) {
        $manufacturerArray[$manufacturer->FirmCode] = $manufacturer->FirmName;
    // Busca os modelos de equipamento cadastrados no sistema
    $modelArray = array(0 => "");
    $equipmentModelArray = $equipmentModelDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $modelArray[$modelDTO->id] = $modelDTO->modelo;
    // Cria um array para as estatísticas dos equipamentos (por modelo)
    $statsArray = array();
    $equipmentModelArray = $equipmentModelDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("id > 0 ORDER BY fabricante, modelo");
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $modelDTO) {
        $statsArray[$modelDTO->id] = new EquipmentModelStats($modelDTO->id, $modelDTO->modelo, $modelDTO->fabricante);
    // Cria um array para as receitas de cada equipamento
    $equipRevenueArray = array();
    // Cria um array para as receitas provenientes de cada cliente
    $customerRevenueArray = array();
    $associativeList = array(0 => "");
    foreach ($equipmentModelArray as $model) {
        $associativeList[$model->id] = $manufacturerArray[$model->fabricante];
    // Busca os contadores cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    $counterArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $counter) {
        $counterArray[$counter->id] = $counter->nome;
    // Busca os vendedores cadastrados no sistema
    $retrievedArray = $salesPersonDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
    $salesPersonArray = array();
    foreach ($retrievedArray as $salesPersonDTO) {
        $salesPersonArray[$salesPersonDTO->slpCode] = $salesPersonDTO->slpName;
    // Define o titulo da tabela
    $currentRow = $startRow;
    $activeSheet = $objPhpExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $activeSheet->setCellValue($startColumn . $startRow, 'SÍNTESE POR EQUIPAMENTO');
    $styleArray = array('font' => array('bold' => true, 'size' => 16));
    $activeSheet->getStyle($startColumn . $startRow . ':' . $startColumn . $startRow)->applyFromArray($styleArray);
    // Cria o cabeçalho da tabela
    $colNum = ord($startColumn) - 65;
    // startColumn é uma letra no intervalo A-Z
    $headers = array('Cliente', 'Segmento', 'Modelo', 'Fabricante', 'Série Fabricante', 'Nosso Núm. Série', 'Obs. Item', 'Data Instalação', 'Inicio Atendimento', 'Fim Atendimento', 'Parcela Atual', 'Vendedor', 'Medidor', 'Data Leitura', 'Medição Final', 'Medição Inicial', 'Ajuste Medição(Acrésc/Desc)', 'Consumo', 'Franquia', 'Excedente (Págs.)', 'Tarifa sobre exced.', 'Valor Fixo (R$)', 'Valor Variável (R$)', 'Acrésc/Desc (R$)', 'Valor Total (R$)', 'Custo Aquisição', 'Vida Útil', 'Custo Pág. do Equip.', 'Custo Pág. Peças/Mat.', 'Custo Pág. Total', 'Custo/Receita', 'Despesas');
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(GetNameFromNumber($colNum + $offset))->setWidth(30);
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $headers, PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW, 30, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    // Gera as linhas da tabela
    $totalFixo = 0;
    $totalVariavel = 0;
    $totalAcrescDesc = 0;
    $grandTotal = 0;
    foreach ($billingItemArray as $billingItem) {
        $equipment = $equipmentDAO->RetrieveRecord($billingItem->codigoCartaoEquipamento);
        $businessPartner = $businessPartnerDAO->RetrieveRecord($equipment->customer);
        $contractCoveragePeriod = ContractDAO::GetContractCoveragePeriod($dataConnector->mysqlConnection, $billingItem->contrato_id);
        $installationDate = empty($equipment->installationDate) ? '' : $equipment->installationDate->format('d/m/Y');
        $inicioAtendimento = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["inicioAtendimento"] : '';
        $fimAtendimento = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["fimAtendimento"] : '';
        $parcelaAtual = isset($contractCoveragePeriod) ? $contractCoveragePeriod["parcelaAtual"] : '';
        $receitaTotal = $billingItem->total + $billingItem->acrescimoDesconto;
        $inventoryItem = $inventoryItemDAO->RetrieveRecord($equipment->itemCode);
        $obsItem = $inventoryItem->userText;
        $custoAquisicao = $inventoryItem->avgPrice;
        $custoPagPecas = $inventoryItem->expenses;
        $vidaUtil = $inventoryItem->durability;
        if (empty($vidaUtil)) {
            $custoPagEquip = 0;
            $custoTotal = 0;
            $custoSobreReceita = 0;
        } else {
            $custoPagEquip = $custoAquisicao / $vidaUtil * 1.4;
            $custoTotal = ($custoPagEquip + $custoPagPecas) * $billingItem->consumo;
            $custoSobreReceita = 0;
            if ($receitaTotal != 0) {
                $custoSobreReceita = $custoTotal / $receitaTotal;
        // Busca os dados do vendedor
        $salesPersonCode = $equipment->salesPerson;
        if (empty($salesPersonCode)) {
            $salesPersonCode = -1;
        $salesPersonName = $salesPersonArray[$salesPersonCode];
        // Busca os dados do segmento/ramo de atividade
        $industryCode = $businessPartner->industry;
        if (empty($industryCode)) {
            $industryCode = 0;
        $industryName = $industryArray[$industryCode];
        // Busca o modelo e fabricante do equipamento
        $modelName = "";
        if (array_key_exists($equipment->model, $modelArray)) {
            $modelName = $modelArray[$equipment->model];
        $manufacturerName = "";
        if (array_key_exists($equipment->model, $modelArray)) {
            $manufacturerName = $associativeList[$equipment->model];
        if (!array_key_exists($equipment->manufacturerSN, $equipRevenueArray)) {
            $equipRevenueArray[$equipment->manufacturerSN] = new EquipmentRevenue($equipment->manufacturerSN, $equipment->model, $modelName, $manufacturerName, 0);
        $equipRevenue = $equipRevenueArray[$equipment->manufacturerSN];
        $equipRevenue->revenue += $receitaTotal;
        if (!array_key_exists($equipment->customer, $customerRevenueArray)) {
            $customerRevenueArray[$equipment->customer] = new CustomerRevenue($equipment->customer, 0);
        $customerRevenue = $customerRevenueArray[$equipment->customer];
        $customerRevenue->revenue += $receitaTotal;
        $row = array();
        $row[0] = $businessPartner->cardName . ' (' . $businessPartner->cardCode . ')';
        $row[1] = $industryName;
        $row[2] = $modelName;
        $row[3] = $manufacturerName;
        $row[4] = $equipment->manufacturerSN;
        $row[5] = $equipment->internalSN;
        $row[6] = $obsItem;
        $row[7] = $installationDate;
        $row[8] = $inicioAtendimento;
        $row[9] = $fimAtendimento;
        $row[10] = $parcelaAtual;
        $row[11] = $salesPersonName;
        $row[12] = $counterArray[$billingItem->counterId];
        // Recupera o nome do medidor/contador
        $row[13] = $billingItem->dataLeitura;
        $row[14] = $billingItem->medicaoFinal;
        $row[15] = $billingItem->medicaoInicial;
        $row[16] = $billingItem->ajuste;
        $row[17] = $billingItem->consumo;
        $row[18] = $billingItem->franquia;
        $row[19] = $billingItem->excedente;
        $row[20] = formatDecimal($billingItem->tarifaSobreExcedente, null);
        $row[21] = formatBrCurrency($billingItem->fixo, 2);
        $row[22] = formatBrCurrency($billingItem->variavel, 2);
        $row[23] = formatBrCurrency($billingItem->acrescimoDesconto, 2);
        $row[24] = formatBrCurrency($receitaTotal, 2);
        $row[25] = formatBrCurrency($custoAquisicao, 2);
        $row[26] = $vidaUtil;
        $row[27] = formatDecimal($custoPagEquip, 6);
        $row[28] = formatDecimal($custoPagPecas, 6);
        $row[29] = formatBrCurrency($custoTotal, 2);
        $row[30] = formatDecimal($custoSobreReceita, 6);
        $row[31] = 'http://datadb/contratos/AjaxCalls/GetEquipmentExpenses.php?equipmentCode=' . $equipment->insID . '&billingId=' . $billingItem->codigoFaturamento . '&showDetails=true';
        InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $row);
        $totalFixo += $billingItem->fixo;
        // Soma os valores fixos dos equipamentos
        $totalVariavel += $billingItem->variavel;
        // Soma os valores variáveis dos equipamentos
        $totalAcrescDesc += $billingItem->acrescimoDesconto;
        // Soma os acrescimos descontos dos equipamentos
        $grandTotal += $receitaTotal;
        // Soma a receita total dos equipamentos ( fixo mais variável )
    $summary = array('Quant. Clientes: ' . sizeof($customerRevenueArray), '', '', '', 'Quant. Equipamentos: ' . sizeof($equipRevenueArray), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Total Fixo: ' . number_format($totalFixo, 2, ',', '.'), 'Total Variável: ' . number_format($totalVariavel, 2, ',', '.'), 'Total Acrésc/Desc: ' . number_format($totalAcrescDesc, 2, ',', '.'), 'Total Receita: ' . number_format($grandTotal, 2, ',', '.'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $summary, '80BB80FF', 32, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    foreach ($equipRevenueArray as $equipRevenue) {
        if (array_key_exists($equipRevenue->modelId, $statsArray)) {
            $modelStats = $statsArray[$equipRevenue->modelId];
            $modelStats->revenue += $equipRevenue->revenue;
            $modelStats->equipmentCount += 1;
    $currentRow += 3;
    // pula 3 linhas
    $startColumn = 'G';
    // fixa o quadro resumo na setima coluna da planilha
    // Define o titulo do quadro resumo
    $activeSheet = $objPhpExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $activeSheet->setCellValue($startColumn . $currentRow, 'QUADRO RESUMO');
    $styleArray = array('font' => array('bold' => true, 'size' => 16));
    $activeSheet->getStyle($startColumn . $currentRow . ':' . $startColumn . $currentRow)->applyFromArray($styleArray);
    // Cria o cabeçalho do quadro resumo
    $colNum = ord($startColumn);
    $headers = array('Modelo', 'Fabricante', 'Quantidade', 'Receita');
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        $activeSheet->getColumnDimension(chr($colNum + $offset))->setWidth(25);
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $headers, PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW, 30, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
    $valorPrevio = "";
    $equipCount = 0;
    $somaReceita = 0;
    foreach ($statsArray as $equipmentModelStats) {
        if ($equipmentModelStats->equipmentCount > 0) {
            $manufacturerName = $manufacturerArray[$equipmentModelStats->fabricante];
            $valorAtual = $manufacturerName;
            if ($valorPrevio != $valorAtual) {
                if (!empty($valorPrevio)) {
                    $subTotal = array('', '', $equipCount, number_format($somaReceita, 2, ',', '.'));
                    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $subTotal, '80AAFFFF', 20, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
                    $equipCount = 0;
                    $somaReceita = 0;
                $valorPrevio = $valorAtual;
            $row = array();
            $row[0] = $equipmentModelStats->model;
            $row[1] = $manufacturerName;
            $row[2] = $equipmentModelStats->equipmentCount;
            $row[3] = number_format($equipmentModelStats->revenue, 2, ',', '.');
            InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $row);
            $equipCount = $equipCount + $equipmentModelStats->equipmentCount;
            $somaReceita = $somaReceita + $equipmentModelStats->revenue;
    $subTotal = array('', '', $equipCount, number_format($somaReceita, 2, ',', '.'));
    InsereLinhaPlanilha($currentRow, $startColumn, $subTotal, '80AAFFFF', 20, PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
Esempio n. 6
 function BillingEngine($dataConnector, $listaSubContratos, $itemArray, $startDate = null, $endDate = null)
     $this->listaSubContratos = $listaSubContratos;
     $this->arrayItens = $itemArray;
     $this->consumos = array();
     $this->franquias = array();
     // Busca os contadores cadastrados no sistema
     $counterDAO = new CounterDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
     $counterDAO->showErrors = 1;
     $counterArray = $counterDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
     $this->contadores = array();
     foreach ($counterArray as $counter) {
         $this->contadores[$counter->id] = $counter->nome;
     // Busca os tipos de contrato cadastrados no sistema
     $contractTypeDAO = new ContractTypeDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
     $contractTypeDAO->showErrors = 1;
     $contractTypeArray = $contractTypeDAO->RetrieveRecordArray();
     $this->tiposContrato = array();
     foreach ($contractTypeArray as $contractType) {
         $this->tiposContrato[$contractType->id] = $contractType->nome . ' (' . $contractType->sigla . ')';
     // Busca as formas de cobrança cadastradas nos subcontratos
     $contractChargeDAO = new ContractChargeDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
     $contractChargeDAO->showErrors = 1;
     $chargeArray = $contractChargeDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("subContrato_id IN (" . $listaSubContratos . ")");
     $this->formasCobranca = array();
     foreach ($chargeArray as $contractCharge) {
         $key = $contractCharge->codigoSubContrato . '-' . $contractCharge->codigoContador;
         $this->formasCobranca[$key] = new ChargeFormula($contractCharge->modalidadeMedicao, $contractCharge->fixo, $contractCharge->variavel, $contractCharge->franquia, $contractCharge->individual);
         if (!array_key_exists($contractCharge->codigoContador, $this->franquias)) {
             $this->franquias[$contractCharge->codigoContador] = 0;
         $this->franquias[$contractCharge->codigoContador] += $contractCharge->franquia;
     // Busca os preços por faixa de consumo
     $contractBonusDAO = new ContractBonusDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
     $contractBonusDAO->showErrors = 1;
     $bonusArray = $contractBonusDAO->RetrieveRecordArray("subContrato_id IN (" . $listaSubContratos . ")");
     $this->precosFaixaConsumo = array();
     foreach ($bonusArray as $bonus) {
         $this->precosFaixaConsumo[$bonus->id] = new PriceByVolume($bonus->codigoSubContrato, $bonus->codigoContador, $bonus->de, $bonus->ate, $bonus->valor);
     // Busca o consumo para os contadores de cada equipamento
     $readingDAO = new ReadingDAO($dataConnector->mysqlConnection);
     $readingDAO->showErrors = 1;
     foreach ($itemArray as $contractItem) {
         $equipamento_id = $contractItem->codigoCartaoEquipamento;
         $keys = array_keys($this->contadores);
         foreach ($keys as $contador_id) {
             $ajusteReset = 0;
             $readingArray = array();
             $arrLen = 0;
             if ($startDate != null && $endDate != null) {
                 // Recupera as leituras no período, desconsiderando resets de contador como leitura final
                 $query = "codigoCartaoEquipamento=" . $equipamento_id . " AND contador_id=" . $contador_id . " AND data >= '" . $startDate . " 00:00' AND data <= '" . $endDate . " 23:59' AND origemLeitura_id=2 ORDER BY DESC";
                 $tempArray = $readingDAO->RetrieveRecordArray($query);
                 $firstReading = null;
                 $lastReading = null;
                 foreach ($tempArray as $dto) {
                     if ($arrLen == 1 && $dto->reset) {
                         // procura a leitura inicial, depois de ter adicionado a final
                         $firstReading = $dto;
                         array_push($readingArray, $dto);
                     if ($arrLen == 0 && !$dto->reset) {
                         // procura a leitura final
                         $lastReading = $dto;
                         array_push($readingArray, $dto);
                 if ($lastReading != null) {
                     // Completa a faixa de leituras
                     $tempLen = sizeof($tempArray);
                     $firstReadingBeforeReset = $tempArray[$tempLen - 1];
                     if ($firstReading != null && $firstReading->data != $firstReadingBeforeReset->data) {
                         $lastReadingBeforeReset = null;
                         foreach (array_reverse($tempArray) as $dto) {
                             if ($dto->reset) {
                             $lastReadingBeforeReset = $dto;
                         $ajusteReset = $lastReadingBeforeReset->contagem - $firstReadingBeforeReset->contagem;
                     if ($firstReading == null) {
                         array_push($readingArray, $firstReadingBeforeReset);
             } else {
                 // Recupera as duas últimas leituras, desconsiderando resets de contador como leitura final
                 $query = "codigoCartaoEquipamento=" . $equipamento_id . " AND contador_id=" . $contador_id . " AND origemLeitura_id=2 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0, 10";
                 $tempArray = $readingDAO->RetrieveRecordArray($query);
                 foreach ($tempArray as $dto) {
                     if ($arrLen == 1) {
                         // procura a leitura inicial, depois de ter adicionado a final
                         array_push($readingArray, $dto);
                     if ($arrLen == 0 && !$dto->reset) {
                         // procura a leitura final
                         array_push($readingArray, $dto);
             if ($arrLen == 1) {
                 // caso tenha apenas uma leitura
                 $reading = $readingArray[0];
                 $dataLeitura = strtotime($reading->data);
                 $medicaoInicial = 0;
                 $medicaoFinal = $reading->contagem;
                 $key = $equipamento_id . '-' . $contador_id;
                 $this->consumos[$key] = new ConsumptionMeasure($equipamento_id, $contador_id, $dataLeitura, $medicaoInicial, $medicaoFinal);
                 $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteMedicaoInicial = 0;
                 $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteMedicaoFinal = $reading->ajusteContagem;
             if ($arrLen > 1) {
                 // caso tenha mais de uma leitura (ordenação decrescente)
                 $initialReading = $readingArray[$arrLen - 1];
                 $finalReading = $readingArray[0];
                 $dataLeitura = strtotime($finalReading->data);
                 $medicaoInicial = $initialReading->contagem;
                 $medicaoFinal = $finalReading->contagem;
                 $key = $equipamento_id . '-' . $contador_id;
                 $this->consumos[$key] = new ConsumptionMeasure($equipamento_id, $contador_id, $dataLeitura, $medicaoInicial, $medicaoFinal);
                 $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteMedicaoInicial = $initialReading->ajusteContagem;
                 $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteMedicaoFinal = $finalReading->ajusteContagem;
             if ($arrLen > 0) {
                 // adiciona o total (consumo) caso exista alguma leitura
                 $formaCobranca = $this->GetFormaCobranca($contractItem->codigoSubContrato, $contador_id);
                 if ($formaCobranca != null && $formaCobranca->modalidadeMedicao == 2) {
                     // Leitura simples (apenas a final)
                     $this->consumos[$key]->medicaoInicial = 0;
                 // o ajuste na medição inicial foi computado no faturamento anterior
                 $ajuste = $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteMedicaoFinal + $ajusteReset;
                 $this->consumos[$key]->total = $this->consumos[$key]->medicaoFinal + $ajuste - $this->consumos[$key]->medicaoInicial;
                 $this->consumos[$key]->ajusteTotal = $ajuste;
         // foreach de contadores
     // foreach de itens