public function apkisgeneratedAction()
     $appName = $this->getRequest()->getParam('app_name');
     $apk_base_path = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo("var/tmp/applications/android/{$appName}/Siberian/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk");
     $apk_path = Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("var/tmp/applications/android/{$appName}/Siberian/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk");
     $apk_is_generated = false;
     $link = $this->getUrl() . $apk_path;
     $link = str_replace("//", "/", $link);
     if (file_exists($apk_base_path)) {
         if (time() - filemtime($apk_base_path) <= 600) {
             $apk_is_generated = true;
     $user = new Backoffice_Model_User();
     try {
         $user = $user->findAll(null, "user_id ASC", array("limit" => "1"))->current();
         $sender = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("support_email");
         $support_name = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("support_name");
         $layout = $this->getLayout()->loadEmail('application', 'download_source');
         $subject = $this->_('Android APK Generation');
         $content = $layout->render();
         $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
         $mail->setFrom($sender, $support_name);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $logger = Zend_Registry::get("logger");
         $logger->sendException("Fatal Error Sending the APK Generation Email: \n" . print_r($e, true), "apk_generation_");
Esempio n. 2
 public static function getImagePathTo($path = '')
     if (!empty($path) and substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(self::PATH . $path);
 public function uploadAction()
     if ($code = $this->getRequest()->getPost("code")) {
         try {
             if (empty($_FILES) || empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) {
                 throw new Exception("No file has been sent");
             $path = Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(System_Model_Config::IMAGE_PATH);
             $base_path = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo(System_Model_Config::IMAGE_PATH);
             if (!is_dir($base_path)) {
                 mkdir($base_path, 0777, true);
             $adapter = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();
             if ($adapter->receive()) {
                 $file = $adapter->getFileInfo();
                 $config = new System_Model_Config();
                 $config->find($code, "code");
                 $config->setValue($path . DS . $file['file']['name'])->save();
                 $message = sprintf("Your %s has been successfully saved", $code);
                 $this->_sendHtml(array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_($message)));
             } else {
                 $messages = $adapter->getMessages();
                 if (!empty($messages)) {
                     $message = implode("\n", $messages);
                 } else {
                     $message = $this->_("An error occurred during the process. Please try again later.");
                 throw new Exception($message);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage());
Esempio n. 4
 protected function _initHtaccess()
     $old_htaccess = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo('htaccess.txt');
     $new_htaccess = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo('.htaccess');
     if (!file_exists($new_htaccess) and is_readable($old_htaccess) and is_writable(Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo())) {
         $content = file_get_contents($old_htaccess);
         $content = str_replace('# ${RewriteBase}', 'RewriteBase ' . Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(), $content);
         $htaccess = fopen($new_htaccess, 'w');
         fputs($htaccess, $content);
Esempio n. 5
 public static function getImagePathTo($path = '', $app_id = null)
     if (!empty($path) and substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     if (!is_null($app_id)) {
         $path = sprintf(self::APPLICATION_PATH . $path, $app_id);
     } else {
         $path = self::PATH . $path;
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo($path);
Esempio n. 6
 public function getBackgroundImageTablet($base = false)
     return $base ? Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo(self::PATH_IMAGE . $this->getData('background_image_tablet')) : Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo($this->getData('background_image_tablet'));
Esempio n. 7
 public function getImagePath()
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(self::IMAGE_PATH);
Esempio n. 8
 public function getUrl($base = false)
     return $base ? $this->getImagePath() : Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(str_replace(Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo(), '', $this->getImagePath()));
Esempio n. 9
 public static function getImagePath()
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(self::PATH_IMAGE);
Esempio n. 10

$this->query("\n    ALTER TABLE `application_layout_homepage`\n        ADD `use_horizontal_scroll` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `use_more_button`,\n        ADD `order` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `position`,\n        ADD `is_active` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `order`\n    ;\n");
$layout = new Application_Model_Layout_Homepage();
$layouts = $layout->findAll();
$position = 0;
$positions = array();
foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
    $position += 10;
    $positions[$layout->getCode()] = $position;
    if ($layout->getCode() == "layout_8" and !file_exists(Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("app/design/mobile/angular/template/home/l8/view.phtml"))) {
$layouts = array(array('name' => 'Layout 3 - Horizontal', 'visibility' => Application_Model_Layout_Homepage::VISIBILITY_HOMEPAGE, 'code' => 'layout_3_h', 'preview' => '/customization/layout/homepage/layout_3-h.png', 'use_more_button' => 0, 'use_horizontal_scroll' => 1, "number_of_displayed_icons" => 6, 'position' => "bottom", "order" => $positions["layout_3"] + 5, "is_active" => 1), array('name' => 'Layout 4 - Horizontal', 'visibility' => Application_Model_Layout_Homepage::VISIBILITY_HOMEPAGE, 'code' => 'layout_4_h', 'preview' => '/customization/layout/homepage/layout_4-h.png', 'use_more_button' => 0, 'use_horizontal_scroll' => 1, "number_of_displayed_icons" => 6, 'position' => "bottom", "order" => $positions["layout_4"] + 5, "is_active" => 1), array('name' => 'Layout 5 - Horizontal', 'visibility' => Application_Model_Layout_Homepage::VISIBILITY_HOMEPAGE, 'code' => 'layout_5_h', 'preview' => '/customization/layout/homepage/layout_5-h.png', 'use_more_button' => 0, 'use_horizontal_scroll' => 1, "number_of_displayed_icons" => 4, 'position' => "bottom", "order" => $positions["layout_5"] + 5, "is_active" => 1));
foreach ($layouts as $data) {
    $layout = new Application_Model_Layout_Homepage();
Esempio n. 11
 public function getNoImage()
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("images/application/placeholder/no-image-wordpress.png");
Esempio n. 12
 public static function getLogoPathTo($path = '')
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(self::LOGO_PATH . $path);
Esempio n. 13
 public static function getTemplatePath()
     return Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo(self::PATH_TEMPLATES);
Esempio n. 14
 public function uploadcertificateAction()
     if ($app_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam("app_id")) {
         try {
             if (empty($_FILES) || empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) {
                 throw new Exception("No file has been sent");
             $application = new Application_Model_Application();
             $base_path = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo("var/apps/iphone/");
             $path = Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("var/apps/iphone/");
             $adapter = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();
             if ($adapter->receive()) {
                 $file = $adapter->getFileInfo();
                 $certificat = new Push_Model_Certificate();
                 $certificat->find(array('type' => 'ios', 'app_id' => $app_id));
                 if (!$certificat->getId()) {
                 $new_name = uniqid("cert_") . ".pem";
                 if (!rename($file["file"]["tmp_name"], $base_path . $new_name)) {
                     throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving. Please try again later."));
                 $certificat->setPath($path . $new_name)->save();
                 $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("The file has been successfully uploaded"));
             } else {
                 $messages = $adapter->getMessages();
                 if (!empty($messages)) {
                     $message = implode("\n", $messages);
                 } else {
                     $message = $this->_("An error occurred during the process. Please try again later.");
                 throw new Exception($message);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage());
Esempio n. 15
 public function saveAction()
     if ($data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody())) {
         try {
             $previews = $data["previews"];
             $option_id = !empty($data["option_id"]) ? $data["option_id"] : null;
             $preview_id = !empty($data["preview_id"]) ? $data["preview_id"] : null;
             if (empty($previews)) {
                 throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving your previews. Please try again later."));
             $preview = new Preview_Model_Preview();
             if (!empty($option_id) and empty($preview_id)) {
                 //No preview for this option yet, we create one if it doesn't exists.
                 $preview->find($option_id, "option_id");
                 if ($preview->getId()) {
                     throw new Exception($this->_("Sorry, but an existing preview for this feature has been found. Please edit existing one."));
                 $preview->setData("option_id", $option_id);
             } else {
                 //Existing preview
                 if (!empty($preview_id)) {
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving your previews. Please try again later."));
             $previews_language_data = array();
             foreach ($previews as $language_code => $data) {
                 $option = new Application_Model_Option();
                 if ($preview->getId()) {
                     $library_id = $preview->findLibraryIdByLanguageCode($language_code);
                 } else {
                     $library_id = null;
                 if (!$library_id) {
                     $library = new Media_Model_Library();
                     $library->setName('preview_' . $language_code . '_' . $option->getCode())->save();
                     $data["library_id"] = $library->getId();
                 } else {
                     $data["library_id"] = $library_id;
                 foreach ($data["images"] as $key => $image) {
                     $library_image = new Media_Model_Library_Image();
                     //We only copy new files
                     if ($image["new"] == 1) {
                         $old_path = Core_Model_Directory::getTmpDirectory(true);
                         $new_path = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo("images/previews/" . $language_code . "/" . $option->getCode());
                         $new_path_base = Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("images/previews/" . $language_code . "/" . $option->getCode());
                         if (!is_dir($new_path)) {
                             if (!@mkdir($new_path, 0777, true)) {
                                 throw new Exception($this->_("Unable to create the directory."));
                         if (!@rename($old_path . "/" . $image["filename"], $new_path . "/" . $image["filename"])) {
                             throw new Exception($this->_("Unable to copy the file."));
                         $data_image = array("library_id" => $data["library_id"], "link" => $new_path_base . "/" . $image["filename"], "can_be_colorized" => 0, "position" => $key);
                     } else {
                         //For existing images, we save position
                         if ($library_image->getImageId()) {
                     //We delete images to delete
                     if ($image["to_delete"] == 1 and $image["new"] == 0) {
                         if (!@unlink(Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo($image["link"]))) {
                             throw new Exception($this->_("Unable to delete the file."));
                         $library_image = new Media_Model_Library_Image();
                 $data['language_code'] = $language_code;
                 $data['preview_id'] = $preview->getId();
                 $previews_language_data[] = $data;
             $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("Preview successfully saved"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage());