Esempio n. 1
require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/libs/core/cli/Arguments.php');
require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/libs/core/cli/Argument.php');

$arguments = new \Core\CLI\Arguments([
	'core' => [
		'description' => 'Minify Core resources.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	'component' => [
		'description' => 'Minify a requested component resources.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['c'],
	'theme' => [
		'description' => 'Minify a requested theme resources.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['t'],
    'lang' => [
	    'description' => 'Language to generate the ini',
        'value' => true,
        'required' => false,
    'dry-run' => [
	    'description' => 'Only perform a "dry-run" test of the import, do not change any file but instead output the resulting .ini to stdout.',
        'value' => false,
$arguments->usageHeader = 'This script will generate an i18n ini file for the requested component or theme.' . NL . NL .
	$argv[0] . ' --(core|component=[name]|theme=[name]) --lang=[lang]';
Esempio n. 2
$arguments = new \Core\CLI\Arguments([
	'php' => [
		'description' => 'Compile PHP files into the compiled bootstrap.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$compilePHP,
	'scss' => [
		'description' => 'Compile SASS/SCSS files into corresponding css.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$compileSCSSFull,
	'sass' => [
		'description' => 'Alias of --scss',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
		'assign' => &$compileSCSSFull,
	'scss-dev' => [
		'description' => 'Compile SASS/SCSS files (only development versions).',
	    'value' => false,
		'assign' => &$compileSCSSDev,
	'sass-dev' => [
		'description' => 'Alias of --scss-dev',
		'value' => false,
		'assign' => &$compileSCSSDev,
	'js' => [
		'description' => 'Minify javascript assets',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$compileJS,
	'javascript' => [
		'description' => 'Alias of --js',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
		'assign' => &$compileJS,
	'core' => [
		'description' => 'Minify Core resources.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$onlyCore,
	'component' => [
		'description' => 'Minify a requested component resources.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['c'],
	    'assign' => &$onlyComponent,
	'theme' => [
		'description' => 'Minify a requested theme resources.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['t'],
	    'assign' => &$onlyTheme,
Esempio n. 3
$arguments = new \Core\CLI\Arguments([
	'help' => [
		'description' => 'Display help and exit.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => ['?', 'h'],
	'component' => [
		'description' => 'Operate on a component with the given name.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['c'],
	'list-components' => [
		'description' => '(DEPRECATED) Alias of --list',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	'list-themes' => [
		'description' => '(DEPRECATED) Alias of --list',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	'list' => [
		'description' => 'List all available components and themes, along with their versions and flags',
	    'value' => false,
	    'shorthand' => 'l',
	'repackage' => [
		'description' => 'Simply repackage a given component or theme.  Useful for updating a package while in development.',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => ['r'],
	'theme' => [
		'description' => 'Operate on a theme with the given name.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['t'],
Esempio n. 4
	die("Please run this script from the command line.");

define('ROOT_PDIR', realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/') . '/');
define('BASE_DIR', realpath(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/');

// Include the core bootstrap, this will get the system functional.
require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/bootstrap.php');

$args = new \Core\CLI\Arguments(
		'help' => [
			'description' => 'Display help and exit.',
			'value' => false,
			'shorthand' => ['?', 'h'],



$dir = BASE_DIR . 'exports/bundles';
$bundles = [];
Esempio n. 5
$arguments = new \Core\CLI\Arguments([
	'verbosity' => [
		'description' => "Verbosity level of output.\n\t0: Summary-Only Output\n\t1: (default) Real-Time Output\n\t2: Verbose Real-Time Output",
		'value' => true,
		'default' => 1,
	    'assign' => &$verbosity,
	'assets' => [
		'description' => 'Only process assets',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$assets,
	'core' => [
		'description' => 'Reinstall only Core.  (Overrides --component and --theme)',
		'value' => false,
		'shorthand' => [],
	    'assign' => &$onlyCore,
	'component' => [
		'description' => 'Reinstall only a requested component. (Overrides --theme)',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['c'],
	    'assign' => &$onlyComponent,
	'theme' => [
		'description' => 'Reinstall only a requested theme.',
		'value' => true,
		'shorthand' => ['t'],
	    'assign' => &$onlyTheme,