  * Input:    name     = (required  name of the select box
  *           id       = (optional) id of SELECT element.
  *           values   = (optional) values to display the values captions will be
  *                        html_escaped, not the ids
  *           selected = (optional) id of the selected element
  *           assign   = (optional) name of the template variable we'll assign
  *                      the output to instead of displaying it directly
  *           emptyValues = id / value for the empty selection
  *           emptyShow   = [true] / false - wether to show or not the "emptyString"
  *           objectMap   = (optional) if given idProperty;captionProperty
  *           extra = (optional) if given, will be added directly in the select tag
 public function process($pParams, $pContent = null)
     //input check
     if (empty($name)) {
         throw new CopixTemplateTagException("[plugin copixselect] parameter 'name' cannot be empty");
     if (!empty($objectMap)) {
         $tab = explode(';', $objectMap);
         if (count($tab) != 2) {
             throw new CopixTemplateTagException("[plugin copixselect] parameter 'objectMap' must looks like idProp;captionProp");
         $idProp = $tab[0];
         $captionProp = $tab[1];
         $shortCaptionProp = $captionProp;
         if (isset($tab[2])) {
             $shortCaptionProp = $tab[2];
     if (empty($extra)) {
         $extra = '';
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = $name;
     if (empty($values)) {
         $values = array();
     if (!is_array($values) && !$values instanceof Iterator) {
         $values = (array) $values;
     if (empty($zIndex)) {
         $zIndex = '1000';
     if (empty($heightDiv)) {
         $heightDiv = 'auto';
     } else {
         $heightDiv = intval($heightDiv) . 'px';
     if (empty($widthDiv)) {
         $widthDiv = 'auto';
     } else {
         $widthDiv = intval($widthDiv) . 'px';
     if (empty($width)) {
         $width = 'auto';
     } else {
         $width = intval($width) . 'px';
     if (!isset($img)) {
         $img = 'img/tools/multiple.gif';
     if (!isset($selected)) {
         $selected = '';
     if (!isset($selectedIsIdentical)) {
         $selectedIsIdentical = false;
     if (!isset($class)) {
         $class = 'copixselect';
     $js = new CopixJSWidget();
     $toReturn = "\n        <span id='clicker_{$id}'>\n            <input id='caption{$id}' name='caption{$name}' type='text' readonly='readonly' class='{$class}' style='width:{$width};cursor:default;text-align:left;padding-left:3px;height:13px;' value ='' /><img src=" . CopixUrl::getResource('img/tools/multiple.gif') . " align='absbottom' vspace='1' alt='' />\n            <input id='{$id}' name='{$name}' type='hidden' class='{$class}' value ='{$selected}' />\n        </span>\n        <div class='{$class}' style='position:absolute;z-index:{$zIndex};display:none;width:{$widthDiv};height:{$heightDiv}' id='div{$id}'>\n            <table class='{$class}' style='width:{$widthDiv};'>";
     //each of the values.s
     $arValues = array();
     $toReturnValue = '';
     $event = "onmouseover = \"\$(this).setStyle('cursor','pointer');\$(this).setStyle ('background-color','#AAAAAA');\" onmouseout = \"\$(this).setStyle('background-color','white');\" onclick =\" \$('{$id}').value = \$(this).getProperty('rel');\$('caption{$id}').value = \$(this).innerHTML;\$('caption{$id}').fireEvent ('mouseleavezone');\" ";
     if (empty($objectMap)) {
         $arValues = $values;
         $compteur = 0;
         foreach ($values as $key => $caption) {
             if ($selectedIsIdentical && $selected === $key || !$selectedIsIdentical && $selected == $key) {
                 $js->_("caption" . $id)->value = $caption;
             $toReturn .= "<tr>\n                                <td class='{$id}' rel='{$key}' " . $event . " >{$values}</td>\n                            </tr>";
     } else {
         //if given an object mapping request.
         $compteur = 0;
         foreach ($values as $object) {
             if ($selectedIsIdentical && $selected === $object->{$idProp} || !$selectedIsIdentical && $selected == $object->{$idProp}) {
                 $js->_("caption" . $id)->value = $object->{$shortCaptionProp};
             $arValues[$object->{$idProp}] = $object->{$captionProp};
             $toReturn .= "<tr>\n                                <td class='{$id}' rel='" . $object->{$idProp} . "' " . $event . " >" . $arValues[$object->{$idProp}] . "</td>\n                            </tr>";
     $toReturn .= "</table>\n        </div>";
     _tag('mootools', array('plugin' => array('zone', 'overlayfix')));
     CopixHTMLHeader::addCSSLink(_resource('styles/taglib/copixselect.css'), array('id' => 'taglib_copix_select_css'));
     return $toReturn;